Legend has it that in Orleans, France in the Middle Ages, during a celebration, Jussano, a village girl dressed as the Virgin Mary, met a young man dressed as a unicorn, and the two fell in love, but they met many times. After that, the young man still refused to take off the mask. At this time, Jussano, who was afraid that the other party was the incarnation of the devil, had to go to the church to ask God for instructions. Suddenly, there was an instruction from the sky asking her to dig a hole in the topaz, thread it with a gold thread and put it on her left wrist. The poor young man who had been cursed into a unicorn finally regained his human appearance.

Even in the American continent, New Orleans is also known as the "Hometown of Witchcraft", the base camp of supernatural phenomena. It is said that there is also a ferry, similar to Orleans in France.

Rather than believe that the poor Muggle youth was cursed by the devil, Georgiana believed that he was transfigured by some wizard who did not abide by international secrecy.

The organizational structure of the French Ministry of Magic partly refers to the British Ministry of Magic, but there is a special archives department here to store the genealogy of pure-blood families.

There is no doubt that purebloods make up the backbone of the French Ministry of Magic, with Muggleborn and half-blood wizards on the fringes of magical society.

Easter is the Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, that is to say, the night of the full moon is before Easter. During this period, werewolves may come out to bite people. In addition, Napoleon is going to clean up bandits and famine in the countryside. The countryside will be chaotic in 1802, and the National Guard is about to start preparing again.

When Napoleon was suffering on the front line in Egypt, Josephine and her little lover lived a life of luxury in the rear. It is not without reason that the "general" would hate the quartermaster.

In Napoleon’s constitution, property rights were placed before equality and freedom. The sanctity of private property comes from the Declaration of Human Rights, which is in line with Protestant ethics, and Catholicism is proud of keeping the poor. Both Napoleon and Severus felt that the "trophies" they had risked could not be given to others free of charge, and this kind of private ownership of property had been soaked into their bones.

Men are not always able to make wise and sober choices. The wizarding world has already experienced a round of bloodbath due to the fall of the king. Georgiana will not let these survivors be purged by Muggle political storms like last time. Can ride.

Mrs. Destal has a good saying. First of all, the property must be independent. Dragon blood, dragon heart, dragon claw, and dragon skin can be sold as trade goods for the daily expenses of the French Ministry of Magic. I also know how to use concealment spells.

How Muggles are in dire straits is dealt with by the Muggle government. The pure-bloods believe that they should not care about the life and death of Muggles. She is still worried about those young wizards. They should not be silently parasitized in this chaotic situation. Became obscurant.

She gave these ministers who came in a hurry, smelling of alcohol and perfume, three tasks. One was to clean up all wizards and magical creatures in the jurisdiction that did not abide by the International Law of Secrecy, and the second was to find and protect little wizards. Send them to the Bray Barton School of Magic in the Pyrenees, and the third is to rebuild the Quidditch team, establish diplomatic relations with the Ministry of Magic of other countries as soon as possible, and notify other Ministry of Magic that foreign wizards will need France to travel to France in the future. The Ministry of Magic was granted access.

After giving the instructions, she let them discuss freely. She only needs to solve the problem, and doesn't need to participate in the process.

The day passed quickly like this, and she didn't keep the ministers to work overtime, telling them that they could go home at 5:00 pm, and then she went to the forest to practice magic for a while, and now she can use fire magic, which happened to be Caroline To be her sparring partner.

She didn't plan to go back to that "cold palace" after dark. She went to the house bought by Sophie and Godan Poitvin, asked Caroline to fill the bathtub with clear water like a spring, and she herself used the fire magic It heated up, but she didn't control her strength well, the cold water turned into boiling water, and the whole bathroom was filled with steam. Carolan poured a little more cold water into it, the temperature of the water in the bathtub can only be used for people to take a bath.

She regretted not bringing some rose petals so she could sprinkle them in the bathtub, and Coraline offered to find them, so Georgiana undressed and lay down in the bathtub.

She felt a kind of relaxation all over her body, she couldn't help closing her eyes, and vaguely felt that someone was rubbing her back, which reminded her of Severus taking care of herself when St. Mungo was hospitalized.

At the beginning, many people think that power is intoxicating, like a rose in full bloom, but they will not know until they really touch it, that the rose is full of thorns.

Napoleoni is a commoner, his blood is warm, so he doesn't know how cold-blooded those people with political interests are flowing in their veins.

Property is sacred. Others such as humanity, freedom, equality, tolerance, sharing, chastity, and loyalty have become past tense and are no longer sacred. Generally speaking, the winner in the game wins the bet, so the winner is revered Yes, the loser will be despised.

"I just don't want you to be a stag's head on someone's wall, Leon," she said with her eyes closed.

"I'm not Napoleon," said Louvre Truman. "You said at the Ministry of Magic that we were at war. Did you really mean that?"

"Who stole the information from St. Luke's Palace?"

"The invisibility cloak is not a rare thing. How do you know that the British stole it, not the Russians and Germans?" Louvre Truman said.

Because the cloak of death is in the Potter's house in England, Henry Potter once volunteered to participate in the First World War. With the Potter family's troublesome and "joking" character, this "adventurer" is likely to do so .

"How did you rub my cologne?" Georgiana asked.

"That way Napoleon won't notice me. His nose is smarter than a dog's."

"How many secrets have you overheard?"

"Don't worry, I know when to disappear automatically." Truman said coldly, "You are now a big shot in France."

Georgiana laughed, "How could you take the dream seriously."

"You thought you were dreaming?"

"I think I'm a lucid sleepwalker," Georgiana said slowly.

"You're crazy!" Truman turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Georgiana asked frivolously.

"Do I even have to tell you where I'm going, ma'am?" Truman said sarcastically.

"I thought your job was to protect me."

"You still need my protection, and you can still cast such gorgeous fire magic while wearing the magic ring. You can calm down many people at that time."

"I really didn't expect that."

"Can I go?" Truman said impatiently.

"You go." Georgiana said helplessly, so Louvre Truman left with heavy footsteps.

Georgiana lay back in the bathtub and closed her eyes.

It wasn't long before she heard heavy footsteps again.

"What did you forget?" she asked casually.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Georgiana opened her eyes and looked back at the man standing at the door of the bathroom. It was Napoleoni in civilian clothes.

"Can I join you?" he asked casually, as if asking if we could play poker.

"Whatever." She lay down again and would go.

There was the rustling sound of clothes behind her, and soon he was standing beside her.

"Go over."

She moved aside to make room for him, and he stepped into the bathtub.

He seemed very tired, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh after lying in the water.

"How does it feel?" she asked.

Napoleon looked at her with gray-blue eyes.

"This bath water was placed by magic."

He laughed.

"Look." She snapped her fingers, and a small flame appeared in the air, turning into a horse and galloping in front of them.

"Is this an illusion?" He leaned on the bathtub with one hand and stared at the fire.

Georgiana let the horse fall on top of the clothes he had just taken off, which immediately caught fire.

"Severus is a half-blood wizard." Georgiana said comfortably, playing with water, "His father is a Muggle, and his mother is a wizard. There is a superstitious saying that a Muggle who falls in love with a wizard will be loyal to her or him. In fact, But it's the other way around, Tobia didn't hit her, but used words to hurt her, I swear I won't be Irene..."

"You want to kill me?" He shifted his gaze from the fire to her. "Use your fire magic."

"You don't believe in magic?"

"Sounds like crazy talk from a crazy woman." He smiled charmingly. "How did you know about the battle in Santo Domingo?"

"Someone told me."

"I asked Michelle, she didn't say it." He said in a calm tone, "Who is it?"

"Master of young William Pitt, Earl of Malmesbury."

Napoleon snorted coldly, "This is really unexpected."

Then he skillfully scooped up water to wash his arms and chest.

Georgiana noticed that the ringworm on his chest had enlarged, but the water was still clean and hadn't turned black.

"Do you believe in curses?" she said, looking at his chest.

"You believe that?" he asked in a strange tone.

"My principal died of the curse." Georgiana looked into his eyes. "When did Marat's skin disease appear?"

"You want to say that because more people hate me, I also have skin diseases?" He asked calmly.

"You are so cute, how could anyone hate you?" She sarcastically smiled.

As if he couldn't bear it any longer, he put his arms around her and kissed her.

This kiss does not have the smell of oranges, but has a strong bitterness, which cannot be diluted by adding more sugar.

"I know you're right." After the kiss, he said helplessly, "but I need the support of the people. They support me because I abolished the 11th tax."

"Then just wait, they are confident that the price of food will rise." Georgiana said angrily, "You can't import enough food for the whole of France."

"You're wrong again. Rural people will keep their own rations, and they don't refuse to eat black bread and potatoes. What I need to worry about are urban residents." He let her lean into his arms, avoiding the skin disease "There are also refugees and beggars."

"You're too optimistic." She pursed her lips.

"I want to build a canal from Paris to Dijon," he said complacently. "You build that railway from Lyon to Dijon."


"I'll talk about it later." His hands began to move irregularly. "You miss me?"

She wants to say no.

"I've met a lot of people like this, no matter how good you are to them, they still think about the person who was not good to them in the past, just like in fairy tales, siblings who were abandoned by their parents, they met in the forest Maybe the witch just wanted to treat them well, but instead they killed her and robbed her and gave them to parents who abandoned her." He whispered in her ear "Lily abandoned him and he treated her Never forgetting, do you want to be that witch who kindly saved him but was killed?"

"Please stop talking." She said painfully.

"Stay with me, dear." Pluto said softly, "Stop thinking about that person who doesn't know what to do."

"How do you know I'm thinking about him?"

Leon still smiled, "I understand your feelings, because I also love a woman who doesn't know what to do, and she also has other men in her heart."

She didn't know how to answer.

"Let me help you forget him." He raised his hand to her eyes as if by magic. "Close your eyes, princess."

She obediently obeyed, and then she was gently placed in the bathtub.

"You can take me for him," Leon whispered in her ear.

"It's not fair to you," Georgiana whispered.

"I don't care, please heal me."

She seemed to see a beast caught in a trap.

It lay alone in the ice and snow, and its blood was everywhere on the snow.

It has golden eyes.

"What color are your eyes?" she said, looking into Napoleon's blue eyes.

"You told me in court that day that those soldiers couldn't hold on after several days of fierce fighting, and were eager to return to Paris to rest, so that they left the team without obeying the orders of their superiors. If it was me, how would I judge it?" Leon smiled bitterly, "Did you expect such a day?"

"What if I say no?"

"Then this is the arrangement of fate." He kissed her lips once. "I want to rest, sister Dina Sad, you can tell me a story later."

"Are you going to disband them on the spot?"

He didn't answer her question.

The smell of burnt clothes filled the bathroom. It smelled terrible, but she didn't want to cover it with perfume.

Because they are not old aristocrats, they don't take a shower all the year round and they smell bad, and they have to cover it up with perfume.

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