Quesnay naively believed that as long as the free trade of grains was implemented, farmers' enthusiasm for growing food would be stimulated, and the increase in grain would make farmers rich, and then the French economy would become prosperous.

But in fact, farmers in news and traffic-blocked areas have no idea what the price of food in the city is. Most farmers prefer to trade in nearby markets. After earning a little money, they buy some wine to reward themselves, and then buy some What the family needs, then go home. There are still a few people who have dreams and have the courage to leave their hometowns and go to big cities.

When Georgiana was in a monastery in the country, she heard the women in the village say that the city only costs 2 francs a month. Maybe they heard it wrong, or maybe their knowledge is just that. The main core of life in the quiet countryside is the church, even the monastery It was not affected by the Great Revolution at all, the clock on the clock tower was still hanging in place, and no one was going to ring it.

Before Turgot's reform, the bread monopoly was in the hands of nobles and guilds, no matter how the price of bread increased, the money would not fall into the hands of farmers.

Orleans is the domain of the Duke of Orleans. He once planned to build a large grain market near Bondi, hoping to earn market taxes in this grain market through the privileges of the nobility. As a result, Turgot abolished the market tax and made the Duke of Orleans lose money.

In 1775, the wheat harvest in France was poor. Many merchants hoarded wheat and waited for the price to rise. In April, the price of bread in Paris rose to 13 sous. In May, there was a bread riot. Turgot, who believed that the poor should be "respected", ordered the suppression of the bread riot and robbery. Anyone who eats food will be executed, and merchants who sell wheat will be encouraged, and wheat imported from Germany will be subsidized.

In 1776, Turgot was dismissed by Louis XVI and the grain free trade law was abolished. The nobles rejoiced, but Turgot already had a premonition that the storm of the Great Revolution was coming.

Now that the aristocrats are gone, the people who monopolize the grain market have changed. Napoleon’s high tariffs made the merchants in Rouen happy. As one of the important transit points, they let them give up some of their benefits and persuade them not to hoard grain. feasible.

The aristocrats who had experienced the Great Revolution were frightened by the guillotine during the reign of terror. Only then did Leon Kuhl figure out that he would rather disperse his family wealth and borrow money from the bakery so that they can continue to operate. But Leon himself said that they are unwilling to let some people sacrifice their own interests. They don’t care if they lose the country’s money. Napoleon bought a million quintals of grain and lost more than 10 million. Ten thousand quintals of grain reduced Spain's war compensation, and Britain used cruisers to transport four shipments of silver from Spain's American colonies to India.

William Pitt Jr. is the prime minister in opposition, and Addington is the current prime minister. Nelson is the spiritual leader of the navy. He and William Pitt Jr. are allies. Addington is the prime minister in charge of making peace with France, so the navy is dispatched Who gave the order?

Every country has internal strife, even the United States of America, even in the Americas, there are Indians, smallpox is fatal to them, the early colonists also fought with the Indians, and then smallpox helped The Spaniards occupied this "virgin land".

If Jefferson was really that great, as he said in his speech that he wanted to become a nation with the "red men", would he be willing to promote vaccination in the United States like Napoleon?

It is impossible to transport such a large amount of grain by European shipping companies alone, and American shipping companies will inevitably participate. Although Gabriel Ufral controls the shipping of the entire America for his own selfish desire, he It also indirectly solved the problem of transportation capacity. Shannon Shipping Company used to be attached to Leclerc. Compared with Moro, Leclerc, the "king's brother-in-law", is more reliable. Now he is in Santo Domingo, and his son Delmid is beside Georgiana, Shannon Shipping Company It is normal to want to see.

But Georgiana is afraid to see people now. After Napoleon received her letter, he read it alone in the study for half an hour, then asked Matilda to go in, and replied to her that "women should stay at home." , then ignore it.

Georgiana felt the urgency of the knife on her neck again, and whenever her life was threatened, she would think of getting the pox, which was almost her stress response. He agreed to simply take care of the widow, but it was not Georgiana who presided over the matter, but Josephine, who moved from Malmaison to the Palace of St. Luke, and was led by the Countess Secu, the vice-president of the Women's Association. Assisted her in distributing rolls and collecting bread.

This time neither men nor women could cross the Pont de Sevres. He set the place to receive the bread at several street intersections with heavy traffic, such as Saint-Kenness Street and Saint-Martin Street where the assassination took place. This Saint-Martin Street has nothing to do with the Saint-Martin Canal, but is located in the Marais district. One of the streets, the National Polytechnic Institute, the Subiz House, and the City Hall are all in this area. The top of the Women's Association are often the wives of the new rich and famous, and they don't go to St. Cannes Street, or even the more chaotic Golden Water Drops to give relief. They wear snow-white aprons, and they do not bake bread themselves, but are responsible for comforting widows and their children who come to receive bread, listening to their needs, and perhaps donating money and goods when they are kind.

600 francs is not much money for them, but it is not a small amount for women at the bottom. Generally speaking, women will not hold up their aprons to make trouble like men, like Mrs. de Starr. Those who are interested in politics are still a minority.

Matilda, who was inquisitive, told Georgiana that Mrs. de Stahl was very competitive, and she and Napoleon, who was also competitive, would always have arguments. Napoleon would deal with her at first, but he couldn't deal with women, and De Stahl would chase after a certain topic to win or lose.

If a girl is too smart, she will be hated by men, and even a "love saint" who wishes to be the lover of all women will not be able to stand her.

The most difficult part of a widow's life is not the long nights of sleepless nights, but when the children are noisy. Fortunately, Georgiana is used to the "warm, cheerful, angelic laughter" of the children at school.

But if even the voices of the children are gone, it is really silent. Delmid will join the children of the "royal family" for a family gathering on Sunday, and not only that, but he will also participate in the April 18th at Notre Dame de Paris. Letizia will take him to Easter Mass.

During this period, he had to learn etiquette, and temporarily did not live with the "savage Scotch woman". As for when he would be sent back, no one said, as if she had been abandoned.

A normal woman might be saddened by this, but Georgiana felt that she finally had a chance to deal with the affairs of the Ministry of Magic. After all, she had donated 3 million francs and had so much furniture, so she couldn't see nothing.

The new Ministry of Magic is in the Saint-Germain district of Paris. The French are indeed much more tasteful than the British. The entrance is a fountain, which also functions like an elevator, rather than a red telephone box.

However, when she showed up at the Ministry of Magic, she didn't see the busy scene she imagined, but instead saw wizards using the venue as a club for socializing.

She was so angry that she lost her mind, the fire opal ring released a burst of dragon breath, she turned the flame into a phoenix, and let it circle around the atrium of the Ministry of Magic, all the witches and wizards who were having fun You have to look at her.

Only then did she realize that she was a half-blood Veela, the target of these pure-blood wizards, but she couldn't back down now.

"We're still at war." Georgiana looked around. "The Muggle borders are open, but ours can't. Don't forget that wizards stole confidential documents on February 17th."

"You want to restrict the entry of British people?" someone said in the crowd. "Including you?"

"Who's talking to me?" Georgiana asked.

This time no one answered.

"Where is Rabastan?" asked Georgiana.

"Dragon hunting at your command." Caroline Lestrange sneered behind her. "The staff is having a party without the Director."

Until now, the new Minister of Magic has not been elected. Although the default candidate of all is Rabastan Lestrange, he has vacated that position and acted as a director of the Law Enforcement Department, intervening in the management of the Department of Fantastic Beasts affairs.

"The purpose of our establishment of the Ministry of Magic is to enforce the International Statute of Secrecy." Georgiana said to everyone, "The British Ministry of Magic also hopes to contact us about the Quidditch World Cup. Where is our Quidditch team?"

Still no one answered.

"There will be a meeting in half an hour." Georgiana gritted her teeth, looked at the garbage everywhere and said, "And clean up this place. I remember that the one for you is a new house."

"There are no house-elves here," said another from the crowd.

"Next time I have to talk, tell me your name." Georgiana threatened. "Each of your families has a house elf. Who is the director of the logistics department?"

"Yes...it's me." A middle-aged man raised his hand.

"Fix this mess!" she said furiously. "The next time I see this mess, I'll exile you to Santo Domingo."

She was looking forward to someone asking "who gave you such power", and then giving the other party a lesson worth remembering, but no one dared to mention it.

"Remember what I said, there will be a meeting of the ministers of all departments in half an hour." She finished speaking and glanced at the top of her head. Scamander said that the ceiling of the French Ministry of Magic is made of glass, and there are reliefs of magical animals on it. Now it is ordinary roof.

Did he remember wrongly or has history changed?

Without thinking about it, she turned and left, followed by Caroline Lestrange, who looked like a peacock spreading its tail.

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