Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1439 Cooling Flames

Napoleon once told her that Tsar Alexander had bad hearing in one ear, which was said to have been beaten by Queen Catherine.

At that time, the queen was angry for some reason, and in a fit of anger, she waved her hand and slapped him across the face. Since then, the side of his ear that was slapped cannot hear very clearly.

Georgiana had never been to Tsarist Russia, and she wanted to see what was going on there.

With this ring, she no longer needs to be afraid of robbers, and she has nothing to take away, except the emerald laurel crown that Talleyrand gave her, the gems on it were plucked, and the gold was melted Can be worth a lot of money.

This is considered to be her compensation for Napoleon.

This ring cannot use the Flying Charm, nor can it be used to stun and forget, but only to release terrible flames. It's a pity that her hair didn't turn red like a flame. According to legend, after Marie Antoinette was captured, her hair turned gray, just like Pomona's hair is the same color at the moment.

That woman refused to live under the yoke of a constitutional monarchy, and Georgiana would never have followed her path.

Although it feels weird to threaten a constitutional monarchy with death.

She left without alarming anyone.

"Ma'am!" Just as she was about to leave the small courtyard, she heard Michelle's voice from the door, "Where are you going!"

"It has nothing to do with you." Georgiana said coldly, then turned and left.

"Mom!" Delmid yelled.

"I'm not your mother." Georgiana said indifferently, "Your mother is Pauline Bonaparte."

Delmid burst into tears and Michelle looked bewildered and didn't know what to do.

Georgiana was impatient and went back again.

"Boys are not allowed to cry," she said.

"We are not sculptures, so of course we can cry." Delmid cried.

She didn't bother to explain this, wiped away her tears with her hands, and wanted to leave again.

"I didn't stab that sword, but you did." Lucien walked up the hillside. "Is it because women are so ruthless, or is it because you are British?"

"Can you please leave me alone?"

Lucien stood in front of Georgiana, arms crossed, blocking her way.

"I used to think that it was because of his brain that he didn't want Bei Yi's horse for a ring. Now I know what his purpose is." Lucian smiled. Favor."

"What do you want to say?"

"Tell that kid, is the relationship between him and his cousin good? If good is the opportunity brought by her, and bad is the curse brought by her, do you think you are the opportunity or the curse brought by this ring?"

"Step aside!"

"You can use that ring against me, just like we use bayonets to threaten those congressmen, see if I will hide." Lucien sneered, "If I hide, I will be an illegitimate child!"

"You don't want inheritance right, why do you mind this?"

"King Arthur broke the Sword in the Stone, and Merlin also found the Sword in the Lake for him, shouldn't you give him a second chance?"

"Some mistakes can't be made once."

"He forgave Josephine. How many people have you met who are so magnanimous?"

She really had nothing to say, and planned to bypass Lucian and leave.

"Are you jealous of her and think that Napoleon listens to her in everything?" Lucien asked.

"I'm not jealous of her."

"You're just annoyed by the way she controls everything." Lucien continued, "I, Joseph, and Talleyrand all feel that way. The Amiens Peace Treaty requires us to withdraw our troops from the Netherlands. They will not lend us credit like they do now. The 75 million We must pay it back."

"But you can't sell Louisiana," Georgiana said.

"In addition to looking for Josephine, they also looked for Barbey. He once lived in the United States and married an American wife."

"You suspect they are traitorous?"

"The Americans only want to buy New Orleans. It was Nemur's wishful thinking to expand this land purchase plan to the entire Louisiana. Jefferson didn't like this plan. The U.S. Constitution does not give the president the power to negotiate such issues. This transaction will let expansion of executive power."

"What good does it do him?"

Lucian sighed, "The nobles of the old system transferred their hereditary territories, and the common people had to pay an extra fee, just like you and I can drink water, but because I am inferior to you, I have to pay for drinking water, but you don't. Same, does this law exist in England?"

Georgiana shook her head, "Never heard of it."

"The larger the transfer of land, the greater the additional payment. Do you think Louisiana belongs to Bourbon or Bonaparte?"

"It's because of Ceylon," said Georgiana, "if compensation has been paid to the Duke of Orange."

"Even if Napoleon sold Louisiana, he would have to pay part of the compensation to Louis XVIII. This is a conspiracy of the royalist party. Josephine is still in contact with the royalist party. She thought they were not with Cadu To attack like Dahl is to surrender."

"They used to be friends." Georgiana sneered. "For the sake of friends, I'm just doing a little favor."

"Fortunately, you found it immediately. How did you find it?"

"Julian Ufral, you have to be careful with this man, he is very dangerous, but this man is very capable."

"I know him. He's like Napoleon without a sword." Lucien looked at her feet. "You still need to wear it?"

"You have the key?"

"I don't, but he does. Can you meet him?"

"I want to get out of here."

"Then you have to untie the shackles and fully recover your strength."

"Are you here to be a lobbyist?"

"He didn't see you, so you left a suicide note. Do you think it's okay if you don't give him an explanation?" Lucian said with a smile, "Why do I think a woman like you who doesn't cry or make trouble is more terrifying."

"You think I'm being unreasonable?"

"You did what Talleyrand and I both wanted to do, and publicly opposed him." Lucien said slowly, "If you are making trouble for no reason, what are we doing?"

"How many people know about this?"

"A few people, Siers himself knows that there is a problem with this mercenary senate, but these people are all veterans left after the Brumaire coup, and there is no one who understands the law like them."

"Which generals did he recruit?"

"Leave this to Napoleon, you go back and think about it first."

"I stayed in France not to support another king and let him enjoy the privileges of the past. I know that he will use privileges to rule those celebrities and big men. It is impossible for a person to live without any desire, but he cannot be lost in this big Babylon Self, if he wants to go home, he can’t come to me secretly, I think they’re going back to their old ways soon, it’s my bad luck, I will be a widowed woman in the future, who told me to be confused for a while.”

"If you don't knock down that wall, he will order someone to destroy it." Lucian said, "Don't you feel hungry if you don't eat or drink for three days?"

She doesn't think there is any problem.

"You and Napoleon are both monsters. He can go without sleep for several days, and you can go without food and water for several days. No wonder you get along so happily."

"I'm tired."

"Then go back and rest."

Georgiana glared at Brutus who was in the way.

"If he doesn't know how to love, it may be better to be a cold-blooded person all the time. Do you know that Caesar is not only the god of war, but also the priest of the god of love?"

Georgiana turned and went back to the little villa.

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