Soldiers do not know where they are going until they arrive at their destination.

Napoleon went to Egypt from the port of Marseilles. At that time, the port was full of people and it seemed very lively. But no one except the senior officers knew exactly where they were going by ship.

It was not until Napoleon announced that it was time to board the ship. The soldiers and scholars were all cheering. They were full of curiosity about Egypt and the East at that time, and they were very happy to follow Napoleon on board.

Although the last expedition turned out to be a disaster, there was still something to remember, and Santo Domingo was a different story.

In the afternoon, Lucien "deceived" King Louis I of Etruria to the Sevres ceramic factory, and even coaxed him to buy a lot of porcelain back home.

The Spanish princess used to use gold and silverware as tableware, but now the French "court" is popular with porcelain, and Louis I quickly placed an order to buy it.

There she asked Lucian if he knew about selling Louisiana to pay off the debt. She asked straightforwardly, but Lucian was more surprised than she was, and then he returned to the city.

The result of the investigation was that his wife told Georgiana that this matter has been discussed since last year. Jefferson first sent a man named Robert Livington to Paris to discuss this matter, but the French They didn't accept it, and then they found a man named Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours to help the United States assist in the negotiations.

After the outbreak of the Great Revolution, Dupont and the Duke of Orleans fled to the United States together. He had a very close relationship with Jefferson and had rich political connections in France. For short, he knew Josephine, and they were friends of the old royal party. Lucien intends to pay back the money, but he does not intend to pay back the money earned from selling the land left by his ancestors like the old nobles, although the real successor of this "ancestor" Louis XIV is Louis XVI.

Maybe Napoleon could recognize the flattery of other people, but he couldn't stop women, especially Josephine from flattering him. The inquisitive Matilda learned from Napoleon's secretary that Josephine sent a four-piece song to him. Give him the lines, the last line of which is la bonne partsera la notre. It means good luck has been with us, which is the same as the French pronunciation of Napoleon's name, and it is placed on his fish-shaped table. What Georgiana gave Napoleon was an excerpt from Cicero's "On the Republic". After reading it, he was very unhappy, so even though Georgiana asked him out that night, he still returned to Malmaison.

Josephine once said that she would not intervene in politics, and the facts proved that she would still intervene. As Reynorman said, the fate of France was in her hands.

Georgiana's cat, Lublanc, was named after an officer who intended to assassinate Napoleon. At that time, he may have avenged himself in the name of "for the Republic", but if he succeeded at that time, maybe the system of the French Republic could really be preserved, but it It's hard to say whether it will stand the test or not.

According to Roman law, the creditor can take part of the debtor's body as compensation for the inability to collect the debt.

France owed so much money to foreigners and sold its land to repay the debt. Just like Burgundy, which was once tyrannical, Britain gave Malta to the Bourbon royal family, and it was a kind of kindness for them to be their leaders.

Can a dismembered person be put back together? Not everyone is Osiris.

Georgiana was so cold-hearted, she was actually deceived by Napoleon's majestic appearance, was he as obedient when he listened to Letizia as he was when he listened to Josephine?

In the last phase of the French Revolution, English theories were neglected by the French, and the French adopted American theories, not by emphasizing the laws of the country and adapting them to the national temperament, nor by enhancing the progressive virtues of the Enlightenment, but by You should arrange your life according to your own inner vision.

France and the United States are different. The United States is a virgin land, and they start all over again, just like newly married virgin brides, while in Europe, married women have to get rid of the traces left by their predecessors and start all over again. Impossible.

Some people love to dream, Captain Cooper warned the French officers who were about to leave Boston: "Do not let the victory on this virgin land of ours inspire your own hopes, but if you try to transplant this feeling to you You will corrupt several On the soil of the century, your obstacles are more difficult to overcome than ours. We have won freedom with blood, and you must not wash it with torrents."

Why did she intervene in this couple's aristocratic dream, and ruined her own marriage, abandoning such a good man, so many women like Severus.

Don't they always feel that good luck will follow them? Pomona didn't give in.

She left a suicide note, and then, like those vista virgins who did not keep their virginity, she planned to find a closed room to imprison herself until she died.

This kind of place is hard to find, but there is a room for drying pottery in the Sevres Ceramics Factory. She used the clay for making pottery to seal the windows and doors. Even if this room is not a basement, it is enough for her to slowly suffocate.

This kind of death is much more dignified than death in prison, no one sentenced her, it was her own death sentence.

Lighting an oil lamp in a closed room will speed up the consumption of oxygen, so that she can die faster, but she has not yet reached the point where she can look at the dark without fear at all.

So when she entered that room, she took with her the draft constitution written by Siyes, which was discarded by Napoleon during the Brumaire coup.

In this constitution, Napoleon can get an annual salary of 6 million and an army of 3,000 people. Maybe his annual salary when he was exiled in the Elba Islands was that much.

He can live in the Palace of Versailles and, like the British royal family, can represent the entire republic to the outside world. However, the actual government has two rulers, one in wartime and the other in peacetime, but they did not give the first ruler who was offered up by them When will you be in power.

No man of talent or honor would agree.

Not every descendant of Napoleon is as talented as him, just like Louis XIV and Louis XVI, when Napoleon's descendants are as useless as Louis XVI, taking out this constitution can save his life , He still has an annual salary of at least 6 million, which is much better than those poor people who have no inheritance at all.

Although Siers borrowed American law for this coup, he was an original scholar. In addition to the constitution, he also created a new national institution, which was divided into three levels: commune, province, and country, and each level set up a judicial system. institutions and administration. Both special courts and military courts can only be used in extraordinary times, such as famine, banditry caused by war, or when the world is initially settled, France will eventually restore peace and stability.

Maybe she just died, opened her eyes and saw Severus.

Albus knew that his death was approaching, and he planned to use his life to do something for Harry and the future. He asked Severus to kill himself, and regained Severus' trust in Voldemort. What she has to do now.

She wanted to keep Siers alive, keep him in the Senate, and keep those two bastard couples from selling out Louisiana.

Maybe it's useless for her to be so bright, but she is fearless. There are many things that are more terrifying than death. She envies Lily so much that she can die when her soul is still pure. She can compromise for many issues, but she will never do it for slavishness. Ease and desire choose to continue to degenerate.

She misses Scotland, the magic school in the snow, and the mirror-like black lake.

In a piece of school history, Salazar Slytherin's father brought a dragon and raised it in the basement. A group of Muggle children who didn't know him urged him to wake up the dragon, but the dragon's breath after the dragon woke up Burned them all to ashes.

Just when Slytherin was about to die in the sea of ​​fire, his mother rescued him, and she became a victim of the fire. The dragon broke free from the chain, but instead of flying away, it got into the black lake.

Slytherin killed it while it was asleep, maybe the Black Lake turned into a blood lake at that time, and the lake was full of dragon blood.

She saw a little light at the bottom of the black lake, which looked like a golden ring, but after looking carefully for a long time, she realized that it was not.

It spewed out from the bottom of the lake with a large amount of liquid like magma from a submarine volcano, but the color looked a bit like a blessing elixir, and it carried a lot of heat, rushing towards her.

The flames at the stake can't kill a wizard, but the dragon's breath can.

She slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the "purification" to come.

Firing pottery requires high temperatures, and the pottery that has been dried in the shade is quickly glazed under the temperature of the dragon's breath, turning into fired porcelain.

Perhaps that's why Lenorman named her Ms. Sevres.

The fragile paper, like silk, was burned to ashes in the fire, just like those ancient civilizations, only stone inscriptions can leave traces of their existence.

Both the Rosetta Stone and the Hammurabi Stone record text. If Napoleon was lucky enough to really want to be "immortal", he could get a similar stele.

She didn't expect this. There are many people like her who have lived their lives in obscurity. After thousands of years, no one will remember them. She won't be like an old fool who can't see through fame and power.

She is a woman, and what she longs for is love, but it is a pity that human men cannot give her.

If you can't get her, look elsewhere. She's had enough of Paris.

"Come out," Siyes said outside the hole pierced by flames.

"Your business has nothing to do with me from now on, and you don't want to use the power of wizards to win the war." Georgiana looked at the short "lucky guy" and said, "I believe that good luck will follow you after I leave of."

"Are you going to become Merlin who abandoned King Arthur?" Napoleon asked sullenly.

"I'm dreaming too. I actually dream of being Merlin." Georgiana smirked. "Goodbye, Leon, you devil."

He didn't order the soldiers with guns to point their guns at her.

Maybe they wouldn't shoot until she turned her back.

She looked at the ring in her hand and thought it was like her own wand, and then she made the flames turn into red clothes and put them on her body, so that the lead bullets would turn into molten iron and could not hurt her at all.

"You continue to dream." She said indifferently, and then she turned and left the house where she planned to end her life.

She is free at last.

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