Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1440 Spiritual Compensation

Although Georgiana hated Talleyrand very much, he had a good saying that the old nobleman remembered everything but learned nothing.

They have no concept of the legal system, and even when they arrived in the United States, they didn't change much. Instead, they led the President of the United States astray.

People's greed is endless, and they want more after they have a lot. The purpose of the law is to remind greedy people that this thing cannot be done, instead of thinking that the law is an obstacle that hinders them. desire to change it around.

In the past, in order to reform the tax system, Louis XV expelled all the judges of the Paris High Court and asked Maupe to carry out reforms. This means that the administrative power violated the judicial power. If the reforms are done well, there will naturally be nothing to say, but if the reforms are not done well, then there will be people's grievances. After the death of Louis XV, Louis XVI vented public anger by killing Maupe, thinking that doing so would win the love of the people.

Even though he acquired almost half of the land in the United States today, Jefferson still felt unhappy. This was because DuPont used the land as a bait to make him violate the U.S. Constitution. The Americans in the early days of the founding of the country were indeed very idealistic. Said that the diplomats of the Directory turned around and left when they asked for bribes.

Before Georgiana divided the power of a dictator into a state of war and peace, she understood it herself. At that time, she had not read Siyers' useless constitution.

This constitution was also a gift from Julien Ufral. No matter what his purpose was, she could see that Napoleon was not the kind of person who sought comfort and pleasure. He hoped that his talents could be used in the government. This is much better than those old aristocrats who spent money like water in Paris after selling their family property or extracting the wealth of the people.

Josephine is older than Napoleon, but she is still younger than an "old woman" like Georgiana. She still retains many old aristocratic habits, and her squandering is a small problem in comparison.

Bonaparte, whose previous job had been to integrate factions, now turned his attention to the domestic prosperity and organization of the republic, with formerly privileged nobles and clergy entering the government. Louis XVI sold a lot of noble titles. These fake nobles had to be distinguished from the real hereditary nobles. He used hunting rituals to distinguish them. Even if the people were revolutionizing, the noble class still surrounded him closely. Loyalty is a knight. creed.

Privilege cannot be completely eliminated, but it cannot form a privileged class, it can become a means of domination. In addition to representing Lily, the white lily is also a symbol of the Bourbon royal family. Now she is bored when she sees this plant. When cleaning up the silk from the warehouse, she chooses all the silk dyed with this pattern, and then plans to send it to Bleach and re-dyed Berthollet.

Lilies look beautiful, but they are actually poisonous, especially to cats, and she will tell Phyllis later that no lilies are allowed in all the occasions where she appears.

On March 25, the "Treaty of Amiens" was finally signed. Everyone celebrated in the city, but Georgiana did not go, although it was the peace she had been looking forward to for a long time.

On March 18th, there was still a coup, but this coup was in line with the constitution. Cambacérez cleared the Tribune with a paper of the Senate, and exempted the so-called "ideologue" Benjamin Gon Sten, Chenier, Donau and others held positions. Lucien Bonaparte became a member of the Tribune, and Carnot really stayed. Generally speaking, the parliament that Napoleon hoped could pass the church-state agreement has been formed. The next targets are the Legislative Yuan and the military.

Spain ceded Louisiana to France through the Treaty of San Ildefonso. After France and Austria signed the Treaty of Luneville, France ceded Tuscany of the Habsburgs to Parma of the Bourbon family. Don Luis, heir of the duke and son-in-law of King Carlos IV of Spain, Louisiana returned to France. Since it is a secret agreement, not many people will know about it, but the Americans and DuPont in the United States all know it. This is still a "secret agreement".

The credit rating is not how honest the person is, but his ability to repay the debt. In 1799, the British planned to invade the Netherlands, but gave up because of insufficient troops. The French occupied that place, and after driving away the Duke of Orange, the Netherlands became a republic. In a sense, the Netherlands is very similar to France. If the negotiations in Berlin did not go well, the Bourbons would be compensated as much as the Duke of Orange when the sale of Louisiana became inevitable. Bandits who lived on rebellion were not like nobles, they would not work without gold coins. After the Great Revolution, many old systems were abolished, including the sale of hereditary territories to civilians, who had to pay extra.

Britain doesn't have this law, let alone the United States, even though Louisiana is named after "Louis".

The stubbornness of the nobles is sometimes really unbearable, and Georgiana is one of the victims.

She can feel that the republicans are declining a little bit, and the monarchy is recovering, but in this situation where the outside world is still chasing and blocking, if it continues to be scattered, it will be broken sooner or later. She can only keep a few key republicans. They understand that the "state of war" has not been lifted, even though it appears that peace has arrived.

After the signing of the peace treaty, Britain and France did not abide by the provisions of the peace treaty, and the withdrawal of troops was completely a verbal commitment on paper.

The French soldiers are one of the few armies in Europe that can fight on an empty stomach. They crossed the Alps with nothing.

But when they had money, they squandered it recklessly. In Austria, a soldier rented a carriage. He asked the emperor how much it cost to rent a carriage. The coachman said 3 francs, and then the soldier gave the coachman 6 francs, saying that he was teaching the emperor a lesson. In the future, the emperor should remember to tell him when he passes by.

After all, men still have illusions about pure princesses. They are not only noble, but also have less history and past like the virgin land of the United States, which is relatively easier to deal with.

During the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress did not have the power to levy taxes, so it had to issue banknotes first, allowing the government to recycle them in the future. This kind of paper money gradually depreciated like French paper notes, and by the end of the war it had become waste paper.

Both land and credit are not as reliable as real gold and silver. The gold and silver in each gold and silver coin may have been mined thousands of years ago, and it has been smelted and recast many times before it looks like it is now.

Europe is like a rich widow, she subconsciously compares her present with her ex, she did it herself, she sent him the wrong message that she would really be like a sultan's harem Like the woman who came to his own palace to fight for him, he fought openly and secretly with Josephine.

Isn't he tired of running back and forth between Malmaison and St. Luke so diligently? No matter how much Severus thought about Lily, at least he hadn't made a mistake in this regard, and she just hoped that she wouldn't feel sorry for being soft-hearted today.

"Ma'am." Michelle hurried over, and the footsteps echoed in the warehouse.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

Michelle handed over a newspaper.

The title was the same as always: All the world, the hero of France, he is the god of war, he is the angel of peace.

"Pacifier" is a new title after "Little Corporal Commander" and "King Killer". Unfortunately, the Amiens Peace Treaty is only an armistice agreement, and even a profitable peace will not last long.

She opened the newspaper wide open, and a scene more terrifying than the headline appeared, a polychrome engraving of a bust of Napoleon in a bay leaf in female form.

"I'm sorry to make you angry. The anger is over, and there is nothing left. I hope you don't have a trace of resentment towards me."

Beneath the colored engraving is the handwritten lettering of Monsieur Bonaparte.

"Why do men like women's clothing?" Georgiana muttered dissatisfied, and the Prince of Wales also wore women's clothing in the comics.

"Are you going to write him back?" said Michel, suppressing a smile.

Georgiana was going to ignore it, but she went to find a pen and paper.

When everyone is celebrating, it is better for her to be more gregarious. He just needs to remember why he seized power, not to mention that Michelle also needs his help to deliver the letter. This can be regarded as compensation for her previous actions.

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