The church-state agreement also stipulated that the former church property acquired by the buyer would belong to him "in perpetuity", and the land ownership transferred during the revolution would be consolidated.

This also applies to exiles. After their ancestral property is bought by new celebrities, the ownership is no longer theirs, and the new rich are already very worried that these old nobles will take it from them when they return to France. walk the land. Napoleon took 300 acres of Axie Boulevard from the upstarts on the outskirts of Saint-Germain to house them, which of course made the owners' fears come true.

Who will live in the haunted house? As for why celebrities suddenly approached Napoleon Georgiana, I don’t know. Maybe it was because they were afraid of being cursed and hoped to be blessed by the Church, or maybe it was because of the privileges he released.

A carriage is a luxury. In addition to the money needed to buy it, a tax has to be paid every year. If the life of a carriage is calculated for ten years, it is almost used when it is scrapped and can no longer be used. The tax paid has already been purchased. A new car has arrived.

In order to attend the Easter Mass, the celebrities of all sizes in Paris scrambled to make an appearance, but they soon discovered that the original carriage manufacturing workshop had been destroyed during the Great Revolution. Luxury is hated by the people, and it is also expressed by Rousseau's thoughts. After ten years of great revolution, it finally returned to the original place. What did those who died in the war die for?

In Montesquieu's book, it is written about luxury trade. Before the Great Revolution, the pillar industry in France was luxury goods. Montesquieu had a famous saying that was very harsh-the rich do not have luxury, and the poor will starve to death.

Georgiana wants to start a woolen business. This thing is not as expensive as silk, and ordinary people can afford it. However, after the French merchants took the wool from the herdsmen, they did not sell it directly to the workshop to earn the handwork money, but directly changed hands. Resell and earn the commission and price difference.

In some places, there are still conflicts between the countryside and the city. For example, places like Lille refuse to accept starched rough cloth sent from the countryside, and businessmen and officials in the city collude to seek the state's recognition of the city's monopoly.

Whether in industry or agriculture, France lags behind England. The civilians continue to monitor the rich and prevent them from spending money. If the pillar industries do not start, they will be unemployed like the workers in Lyon, and they will not be able to afford bread.

Going to rob the palace by hand cannot solve the fundamental problem. The robbers who robbed in the past have become well-dressed nobles today.

The pleasure of being rich lies mainly in showing off the rich.

Not long after the reception began, Sir Merry introduced another person to Georgiana. He gave Georgiana a landscape painting. It was a Shropshire landscape with a cast iron bridge over a clear stream. , it was designed by the "pioneer" Abraham Darby, and his great-grandson was built and constructed by Abraham Darby III. The entire structure used 385 tons of iron, and all of them were provided by Darby alone.

The person who sent her the painting was John Wilkinson, nicknamed "Iron Crazy". His New Wiley Iron Works, also in Shropshire, was about to close down, but he had the skills to produce rails, cast iron in solid On piercings, and some auxiliary structures for bridges, he hoped to receive orders from the French to rescue his ailing factory.

Monopoly and anti-monopoly depend on who has the monopoly power. The tobacco tax in the UK is only three times the original price. After Napoleon established the tobacco company, the tobacco tax was 15 times the original price. Men still love to smoke.

It was easy for her to think before, sending British grain to Lisbon, and then overland to France, and then almost killed Mr. Gaston Martin with laughter.

The 2 million quintals of grain shipped from Spain to France were transported by sea to the west coast of France. It is not realistic to build a railway from Portugal and Spain to France, not to mention that the British can directly transport grain to Dunkirk, Normandy, how close is the distance, why bother to look far away?

She still felt unwilling to give up, and desperately searched for a solution in the book, and later discovered the land rent of precious metal veins.

According to Adam Smith, Portugal and Spain were impoverished by silver from America.

Cokeworth, where Severus lived before, was an industrialized city with a very bad environment. She didn't want France to become like that because of industrialization. Portugal can serve as a steel factory in France, processing iron ore and silver ore from the New World on site, and then export steel to France.

The idea was still very immature, and she wanted to discuss it with Napoleon, but he had to go back to Malmaison every night, so she never had a chance to mention it.

Many people think that the symbol of the industrial revolution is the textile industry. In fact, steel is also an important part of the industrial revolution, and unlike the textile industry, which can be privately owned, it can be monopolized by the state.

Compared with investing in securities, taking huge risks to speculate, isn't it more secure to make money from the industry?

Because the rich love wheat, wheat has been given such supremacy that the French never even thought of eating potatoes.

The aristocrats lead the trend, and the common people are responsible for following the trend. If the rich start to eat potatoes, it will be much easier to promote them further down.

Farmers like to use shovels better than plows, so they buy ironware from the UK. The UK also likes French Bordeaux red wine, but because France did not open the red wine market before, they had to go to Porto, Portugal to buy substitutes.

As for the issue of how the two countries set up tariffs, she could not solve the problem. She discussed other issues with Sir Merry in private.

Such as machinery, especially machinery related to the textile industry, cannot be exported. The threshing machine sold by the Scotsman Mikel is not a prohibited product for export, and he also sold the machine to the American George Washington. At that time, the relationship between Britain and the United States Not as hostile as it was during the Revolutionary War.

Georgiana found it easier to bring people from Scotland to France than to try to get a machine shipped to France.

She was going to talk about visas and passports with Sir Merry, but Sir Merry chatted with her about the "Pitt Act" promulgated by William Pitt Jr. in India, or the "India Act", which was enacted after the independence of the United States , which is intended to effectively curb the violent expansion of the East India Company in India and deal with the corruption of the company's employees in India.

Adam Smith believed that the colonies could also have their own Parliament to collect taxes, as well as the British Parliament to collect taxes. The most important thing in this bill is to set up the Parliamentary Supervision Bureau to supervise, guide and control all the governments involved in India and All the civil and military affairs that occupied the East India Company weakened the power of the East India Company in India in one fell swoop.

Violence without supervision is very hurtful. William Pitt, Jr., also heard about the constitutional amendment movement initiated by Siers in the Senate. He believed that this was the cornerstone of a civilized country, and Georgiana should persuade Napoleon to accept it.

If Georgiana hadn't heard that Sies had made the Senate hereditary, she might have approved of it. Unlike Marie Antoinette, she has the Austrian army to rely on, and the British navy will not be France's opponent when it lands, unless General Wellington is born at this time.

Now that France is not completely out of crisis, Condorcet believes that if religion is only reserved for people, then it will not be handed down, and society will be abandoned to a world without a foundation of moral system and without a "certainty" Here, just like the late Roman period, human beings were deprived of beliefs and even opinions, and at the mercy of opportunities, human spirits would be immersed in an ocean of uncertainty and doubts, so that prophecy and divination were needed to guide the direction.

Opposite wills coexist with opposite interests, unequal forces coexist with asymmetric desires, presenting a state of dire confusion.

Under the extreme confusion of such illogical thinking, people will imagine that money is omnipotent, and all relationships between people are reversed.

At this moment, there was a sudden warm applause from the crowd. Georgiana looked over there and found that Napoleon was coming. The crowd surrounding him separated layer by layer, and everyone wanted to get close to him and talk to him. .

Behind him was his secretary and Ortans. Joseph was chatting with Cornwallis, and seeing him coming, he didn't move closer.

Cornwalli's failure to pass may be because he had delivered an unpleasant message to George III before, and Joseph's failure to pass was probably because Otense held Delmid in his arms.

Louis also came, but he was a little far away from the "focused figure", with an unhappy face, as if he didn't want to come.

"What are you talking about, so energetic?"

Georgiana patted her chest, she was scared to death.

She turned her head to look at the person who jumped out suddenly, it was Lucien Bonaparte, the "Regent" of Spain.

"How did you come back?" Georgiana asked.

"We're talking about the Indian Act." Sir Merry said to Lucien with a smile.

Lucien suddenly realized, "Prime Minister Pete has done a good job. Those corrupt elements need to be severely punished. By the way, how is the Mir-Alem Dam going?"

The smile on Ser Merry's face stiffened.

"You must want to ask what it is." Lucian looked at Georgiana and continued to smile and said, "It is the legacy of the French engineer Raymond. After repairing it, it can save drinking water for Hydram in south-central India. Later, we lost India. The British took over the control, and it was given to Mir Alem as a reward in the fourth battle of tip speed."

"Don't you already know?" said Sir Merry with a icy smile.

"When you sent the dam to India, it was indeed completed, wasn't it a semi-finished product? Or did the dam collapse after being used?" Lucien said casually, taking a sip of the wine.

Sir Merry did not fight back, bowed to Lucien, and then walked towards Napoleon.

"You asked me why I came back just now? What do you plan to do with the person I introduced to you?" Lucian asked after Sir Merry left.


"Sies is looking for generals again." Lucian smacked the red wine on his mouth, "He really doesn't change his mind."

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