Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1433 Brotherhood

For the Easter ceremony on April 18, not only celebrities in Paris, but even Augereau, who was stationed in the Netherlands, had to come back, although he himself had submitted an application and said that he could not come.

When Napoleon launched the Brumaire coup last time, Siers had no choice but to choose him. This time with so many generals gathered together, he may feel that he has another chance.

The "Socio-Church Agreement" is very popular in France, especially in the old-fashioned rural areas, where people support the return of the church. But the army, the Senate and the tribunes were very repulsive, many of whom were former revolutionaries. The fruits of the revolution have been picked, and a hero is needed to save them. Who knows which general who is not clear-headed will be bewitched by Siyes, and he also wants to experience the feeling of being the first ruler.

Among the people Georgiana invited were many new celebrities, and their willingness to buy high-priced porcelain was their support in disguise. Inviting people from the British business community to attend, and relaxing various privileges means that the government led by Napoleon is not a military government, and he is not Cromwell. As for whether he is Caesar, it depends on personal opinion.

The Earl of Aberdeen's "India Act" gave Georgiana a little bit of confidence in Britain. The English are not mercenary to the point of being hopeless. When she looked at Napoleon from a completely calm and objective perspective, he had The magic that dazzled her was gone.

In fact, she is also like those who surround the king. The soldiers hope that he is a warlike king, because then he can fight, and the common people hope that he is a kind and approachable king, so that he will listen to his demands.

"What did Merry say to you just now?" said Lucien Bonaparte, looking at Napoleon who was talking loudly.

"You heard what he said."

"Is there anything else?" Lucian asked again.

Georgiana hesitated for a moment, "You will kill your brother now because he destroyed France's freedom?"

"Are you going to kill Napoleon because he invaded Britain's interests?" Lucian asked back.

"I don't know." She replied after a long silence.

"Many people think you are Cleopatra, but I think you are Prince Eugen, unless you are the Queen of England, so you can't be in politics in England, right?" Lucian said with a smile, "France has been There are precedents for a woman in politics, whether she is a descendant of a high-ranking royal family or an illegitimate daughter."

"I just want to do something right," she said sternly. "I don't want to see chaos anymore."

"Tell me what Meri said just now." Lucien asked.

"William Pitt, Jr. wants me to persuade Leon to accept the legislative oversight system proposed by Siyers."

Lucien turned his gaze to her.

"Will you persuade him?" Lucian asked with a smile.

"Not now." Georgiana said indifferently, "The crisis in France has not yet been resolved."

"Do you really think so or is it in the interests of Britain?"

She felt that talking to Lucian was really strenuous.

"Do you know why Napoleon is so partial to Lyon?" Lucien said.

"Because his 'first time' was in that place." Georgiana said with a smile.

"Ah, great and noble man, I wish you a long life and make the whole country happy, because the endless glory will depend on you." Lucien said suddenly, "What do you think of this poem?"

"Not bad."

"This was written by Washington. Many people think that he is a great man because he insisted on federalism and did not choose a monarchy. Napoleon felt that his real greatness was to restore national finances and reliable policies for the nascent central government. Moreover, he I hope to use my prestige to let the federal government go through the most vulnerable stage until this emerging country can exist as a single nation rather than a national union. Unfortunately, his successors do not understand this. There was also federalism. Lyon and the south were the centers of the federalist riots. Although the scope of the riots was wide at the beginning, they were not deep. The rebellion was mainly caused by the county or county government composed of wealthy people. The reason why people in the south will fail It was because they failed to improve the lives of the poor, and the bottom people would not sacrifice for them, but the royal party in Lyon sent people to Switzerland to seek help from the Bernese and Sardinian people. They did not elect Louis XVII as the The king, however, expanded the riots. Napoleon implemented the federal system in Switzerland just to pay back. I think you understand his character. If he hates someone, he will hate that person no matter how talented he is. If he likes a People, no matter what people around you say is bad about that person, he won't listen to it. Instead of doing the right thing, you should now think that you should try to make him like you. He hopes that you can use your energy in other areas instead of Meddling in the conspiracy is a condition of his freedom, not of placing you in the cabinet."

"Talleyrand is also a member of the cabinet." Georgiana curled her lips and looked at the crippled dog wandering around the field triumphantly. She didn't think of inviting him, but Madame Jeanlis still sent him an invitation letter.

"Which Sultan princess did you see appearing in social situations?" Lucian sneered, "He told me that he really wanted to lock you in a high tower, and only he could enter that tower."

"Isn't that Nurmengard and Gryffindor Tower?"


"Never mind." She took a sip of the champagne, which was cold and not as warm as butterbeer.

"You should thank me. If it weren't for me, you should be translating English materials now instead of drinking and chatting here. When will you be able to raise the 75 million francs I sent you last time?"

"That's not a small fortune."

"You have nothing to do?" Lucian asked back.

She endured it for a long time, and finally told him about Portugal and the iron ore business.

"If the UK obtains Tobago through the Amiens Peace Treaty, they can go to South America, transport the ore to Lisbon, process it locally and ship it to the UK, local employment and taxation in Portugal will be improved, and the King of Portugal will prefer their "Georgianna said dryly and coldly, "I think this is the reason why George III went crazy and demanded that the head of Knight John of Malta be a member of the Bourbon royal family."

"We also have colonies in South America." Lucian said provocatively.

"I know, it was negotiated by Talleyrand." Georgiana said impatiently, "If the French navy cannot guarantee the interests of merchant ships, the American colonies will be a carrot hanging in front of a donkey."

"We can also make Portugal pay war compensation like Spain." Lucian said with a smile, "although I prefer another statement."


"Tribute, Godoy was worried that Napoleon would turn Western Europe into an Eastern world, and he insulted Napoleon just like insulting Attila and Temujin."

"Attila and Temujin fought in Spain?"

"You heard what he said just now. He has no taboo about mentioning the Arabs." Lucian pointed at Napoleon. "Do you know who ruled Spain?"

"The Abbasid Empire?"

"Godoy doesn't have the confidence to lead a Spanish recovery movement. He is a prime minister supported by a woman's pannier. Try not to mention Arabia in Spain. You can call them Moors."

"Why would Godoy think he would..."

"Fear, but you dare to kick his statue down and twist his nose in front of so many people, you are such a daring little man." Lucien said with a smile, revealing a mouthful of Bonaparte family heritage. "Why don't you hit him now?"

Georgiana was eager to try and wanted to slap Napoleon.

"He used to belittle me." Georgiana said seriously, "This kind of person should be taught a lesson!"

"What he's doing now is much more serious than a kiss." Lucian said sternly.

"Do you want to get slapped too?"

"You can't spoil him. If he doesn't like that sculpture, you can destroy it. He feels very happy, but that's not the case in the eyes of others." Lucien still smiled and said, "He is a prominent figure in France. Thought you understood that."

Georgiana woke up a little.

What she destroyed that day was not a statue, but an icon.

"He will neglect you for a while, but you have to know, it's not his fault, it's your fault, but he likes your company very much, what do you think?"

"He wants to meet with me privately?"

"He wants to dig a tunnel to your current residence."

"He can dig a secret path to escape, but he can't dig a secret path to meet a woman." She gritted her teeth and said, "You said that I can't continue to spoil him."

"I'm only responsible for passing on the message. Also, remember to return the 75 million." Lucien pinched Georgiana's face, and returned to the crowd under her shocked gaze.

"You not only paid yourself to him, but also owed so much debt, are you an idiot!" Georgiana muttered angrily and left the reception.

Sies couldn't just quit politics, he'd have to ding Bonaparte now and then like a bully, annoying but not lethal.

As for how to protect a guy who is asking for death, she has no idea, after all, she can't protect herself now.

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