On Easter Sunday, April 18, 1802, Napoleon was going to attend Mass at Notre Dame de Paris, and Josephine would attend it at that time. What to wear on that occasion was a very troublesome matter.

If it is too luxurious, it will damage Napoleon's reputation of simplicity; if it is too simple, it is not suitable for that kind of solemn occasion.

Napoleon wanted the church to hold a mass for the French soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, while Caprara asked the priests of the constitutional government to repent. After a period of stalemate, the two parties finally compromised, and the reconciliation began with the Easter sacrament. Then Georgiana would not go when her stomach hurt. If she didn't go, of course she didn't have to think about what to wear, so she "relieved" Josephine.

Before the signing of the official church-state agreement, the two sides drew up at least ten versions of the draft, and the renegotiation of the peace treaty is not a big deal at all.

Lily said she didn't believe in Santa Claus when she was in elementary school.

The queen cannot dissolve parliament, but she can dissolve the cabinet and replace the prime minister, who has the power to dissolve parliament if he has a majority of the parties.

Napoleon threatened to dissolve the parliament by force. For many educated people, returning to the embrace of God is unacceptable, but now Napoleon wants to pass laws related to the church-state agreement. For this matter, the Senate and the people The Senate, the Senate, and the Legislative Yuan all opposed him.

It will be convenient to replace those who oppose him and replace them with those who support him.

Although Bronniard is also flattering, he has professional knowledge, which will be useful in the future, and he cannot be the factory director of Sevres just because he has become a councilor.

Politicians and corruption have basically ruined their careers. Josephine was also involved in the past. Her little lover Hippolyte Charles has a very close relationship with the Bodin Company, such as Ballas, People like Talleyrand who are involved in economic scandals will hardly have much reaction from the public, but it will be different if they are "national heroes".

What Napoleon did was similar to when Qin Shihuang first established the world. The first thing he did was to confiscate weapons. When he met Josephine, it was because he confiscated Beauharne's saber. The next thing he has to do is to "burn books and bury scholars".

During the Warring States Period, the State of Qin practiced legalism, and people in law, medicine, science, and military affairs were all useful to Napoleon, but he didn’t need those who were partial to the humanities. Brunnier is very likely to become a member of parliament, provided that he finds the right direction. If he opposes the church and the church-state agreement like those "retired" members of parliament, then no matter how hard he tries to please him, he will not be able to become a member of parliament. of.

Georgiana had pointed out the method and direction to Bronniard, and whether he could accept it was his own problem.

Compared with building three 40-horsepower water pumps, Napoleon chose to use the method of height difference to supply water to Paris, so that the cost will not be borne by the people of the city, which is wise. Parisians who have learned to pay for drinking water will definitely feel happy when they get free water, and it will be difficult to find them to charge for it in the future.

The water meter is used to control water consumption, not to collect fees, and it does not need to be particularly accurate. Georgiana asked Brunnier to introduce someone.

Perhaps because her twittering had knocked Brunnier into his head, or perhaps he was deeply moved, Brunnier moved closer and told Georgiana a secret in a voice only two of them could hear.

It has been rumored since March that as long as a certain bribe is given, the relatives of the First Consul may agree to appease the furious Bonaparte, and as long as Talleyrand also benefits, he will also help.

Georgiana remembered the last time Napoleon got angry at her, and suddenly understood what was going on.

She asked Mrs. Genlis to take him out, and then lay on the Recamier chaise longue, staring at the orangery outside the window in a daze.

"Are you free?" She was quiet for a moment before Louvre Truman said.

"What do you want to do?"

"The Minister of Magic wants to meet with you and talk about cooperation with the Quidditch World Cup." Louvre said, taking off the cloak of invisibility.

"The French Ministry of Magic has other things to do now. They need to solve financial problems first." Georgiana said calmly.

"She hopes that Muggle warfare will not be introduced into the wizarding world." Louvre added.

"Who was the one who went to St. Luke's to steal information last time?"

"I don't know that."

"I see that you are at ease." Georgiana said weakly, "There is someone from my hometown protecting me, but you have to be careful, the people around are not friendly."

"Why did you choose Napoleon? Isn't it good to stay in England and serve the royal family?" Louvre said again.

"You may not have noticed that the royal family of Hanover is German, and now the Germans are ruling Great Britain." Georgiana said calmly, "The European royal families in 1802 were not normal, George III of England, King Christian VII of Denmark, Portugal Queen Maria is a confirmed mental patient, Tsar Alexander is still normal, but he has lived a double life under the shadow of Queen Ekaterina for so many years, it is hard to say whether he will have any mental problems, so in comparison Saying that Napoleon's destructive desire is still in the category of normal people."

"Where is that lunatic who disrupted the European order normal?"

"What is the difference between a lunatic and a genius? Few Muggles can make me feel inferior. He is so much younger than me, and I can't help but use honorifics when talking to him." Georgiana sighed infinitely." For another man, I would definitely not betray my husband, or even endure being his mistress, I want to break free from his control, but I think it may be difficult to do."


"This is privacy." She said coldly.

"Then what if I ask?" Napoleoni's loud voice came from outside the door.

"You have dog ears? You can hear it so far." Georgiana sarcastically.

Bonaparte, in the uniform of a colonel of the Chasseurs, sprang to the door with the air of an actor.

"Which do you prefer, the Trojan Horse or Da Vinci's Bronze Horse?"

"One brought ruin to Troy, and the other to the French, what do you think?" She watched him go and sit on her chaise longue like a little Italian rascal.

"You kicked down my sculpture, aren't you afraid of being punished?"

"I thought you were going to fight me for that sad artist."

"How long are you going to stand here?" Bonaparte looked at Louvre with a different face.

Louvre left directly.

He looked at her back and shook his head, then moved closer to Georgiana and put his big head on her stomach.

"Next time another statue of this kind comes, can you kick it for me?"

"Then others will say I'm barbaric and uneducated."

"Aren't you a Scotch woman?"

"There are civilized people in Scotland, too. I want to order some threshers, or send for the engineer who invented them. I hear he's not doing well."

"How much do you want?"

"You find someone to talk about, I'm only in charge of introducing."

"I want something so that others will remember that I made it, not Trajan or Da Vinci." He played with the tassels on the recliner, and said somewhat desolately, "It's not that ugly statue either."

"Your skin glows like porcelain," Georgiana teased. "Or try bronze next time."

He sat up straight again and grabbed her ears with his hands, but she quickly covered them to prevent him from grabbing them.

After a while, he calmed down again, and then said calmly, "When will your reception be held?"

"In two days."

"I'll be there for half an hour, and you've called Joseph. You can't do without him on this occasion."

"Isn't he in Amiens?"

"Cang Huali is in Paris, what is he doing alone in Amiens?" He suddenly turned his head and smiled maliciously at her, "The land soaked in blood will become more fertile and bear more wheat ears in the coming year, St. I originally planned to return the forest on the outskirts of Germania to those exiles, but the family that originally occupied the woodland alienated me because of this, and now they have come to fawn on me again."


"They believe that black magic has been used in that forest and it has been cursed." Napoleon smiled strangely. "Should I ask someone to sprinkle some holy water?"

"You tell them that there is no magic in this world." Georgiana said with a wicked smile, "They are superstitious."

He was silent for a while, and then said, "The last time Hortans and Louis got married, Josephine wanted to hold a religious ceremony with me, and I didn't promise her..."

"I don't think it's right to have a wedding at Easter," said Georgiana drily.

"You don't want me to hold a ceremony with her?"

"It's just that the timing didn't come." She said hard-heartedly, "You said you wanted her to be happy."

The smile on Napoleoni's face disappeared.

He stood up in a huff, and walked out with quick steps.

"Severus saved my life, and I can't be too sorry for him." She looked at the empty doorway and said, "I'm sorry, Leon."

Then she lay back on the couch, looking half dead.

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