Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1419 The Singing Frog

The reason why Napoleon wanted to go to Milan was very simple. Italy was a foreign country, and although it was only separated by the Alps, he did not have to be subject to any restrictions there.

First of all, Josephine's parents may have gone to Paris in the name of visiting their daughter. If Napoleon went to Milan, if he didn't take Josephine with him, what reason would they have to go with him?

Secondly, his style of life in Italy is very arrogant, the eight-horse carriage is the power of the living monarch, and no newspaper in Italy dares to criticize him.

After returning to France, he had to pretend to be modest. Georgiana’s fellow Englishman had seen him return home. The Directory held a grand celebration at the Luxembourg Palace, and the palace specially set up a circular venue. , the governors left him the throne. At that time, the most noble and outstanding people in Paris came. When he entered, everyone stood up and saluted. The gentlemen took off their hats, and the ladies paid attention to him.

But the atmosphere in the venue was as cold as ice. The governors in robes praised him coldly, but the crowd on the street was full of cheers and applause like the tide.

That scene is really like Caesar Kai and the senators of the Senate.

Georgiana believed in curses. She had seen the death of David's Marat, also a Jacobin "Kingslayer." Marat had a serious skin disease and needed to take a bath every day.

Napoleon himself couldn't explain how he got his skin disease, anyway, he didn't have it before the Battle of Toulon. Several times Georgiana saw him soaking in the bathtub, in the black water, but he couldn't see it himself, maybe because he was a Muggle and couldn't see the soul like a wizard. Blame this monster.

Rather than worrying about whether the private family doctor hired by Josephine would poison her unfaithful husband, Georgiana was more worried about other things. Fire magic can't dispel the dementors. How many of these pure-blooded nobles can call God Guard?

Even if she loosened her shackles now, Georgiana didn't have the confidence to use that magic anymore. Her soul was no longer as pure as before. Otherwise, how could she come up with such a vicious idea of ​​"in situ Fa-rectification".

Former Secretary of War, Major General Lara, ceded command to General Rainier.

Georgiana didn't know much about this man's deeds. She only knew that Rainier had attacked the Turkish Abdalah barracks at night when he was in Egypt, and defeated the Turkish monarch at the cost of three deaths.

Rainier seemed to be an excellent front-line commander, and he was good at fighting at night. He also came after he found the hole. He looked very educated, and he was very polite to Georgiana, without showing the slightest arrogance because of a superior record.

In the past, Georgiana felt that Napoleon's arrogance was his external expression. How could he ignore Siers at all?

The entrance of the cave is in the forest inside the taxpayer’s city wall, almost covered by snow, but it should have been opened recently, and the snow on it is only a thin layer, which is different from the surrounding area, and it looks like it came from outside the city wall. dug in.

This is the entrance, and the exit is somewhere else, it may be a monastery, or it may be the garden of some residential house, unless you go in and see it all.

Generally speaking, it takes a while to dig a tunnel. Unless the person who carried out the operation knew about the celebration party, he would not have dug a tunnel to cross the guard post.

But Napoleon liked big scenes, and the Lunéville peace treaty was Napoleon's favorite work. Giuseppina Grassini had already arrived in December, and ballerinas were also present at the meeting. It is not surprising that news leaked.

In order to gain the support of the United Kingdom, the French exiles gave all the French colonies to the United Kingdom, but the Peace of Amiens returned all the colonies to France, and the United Kingdom no longer supported the Shu'an elements. The Anti-French Alliance has now reconciled with Napoleon, which may make the Shu'an elements also hold grudges, and they will be resolved together with other Anti-French Alliance diplomats. Like on Fireworks Day in England, the rebels were going to use gunpowder to blow up everyone in the Houses of Parliament.

Sometimes Georgiana really annoys the little bastard, can he just keep his head down, like he used to do back in the Directory?

"Send someone in?" asked General Rainier.

"After half of the people get in, seal the tunnel, and the remaining half will be settled in the forest."

"But we don't know where the exit is," said General Rainier.

"I'm just telling you my plan." She said blankly, and walked around the hole.

Crete is also an island, but there are many beautiful buildings on the island. It is the crown of the Aegean Sea and the birthplace of Western civilization.

If Napoleon ever went to Elba as a prisoner, she would turn the island's capital, Cosimopolis, into a true metropolis.

Although there are no resources on the island to develop, she can turn it into a casino. The British Army would definitely guard that place, they were ready-made bodyguards, and they were the kind paid for by the British government. It takes a lot of money to build a modern kingdom. That island will become Las Vegas, where all the landmark buildings in the world will gather. If he doesn’t like it, he can find an architect to design it. Maybe Elba Island will become the first Two Venices.

Is gambling a good habit, but lottery tickets are legal, and he holds a large amount of debt. When he returns to Paris again, he will not be just a "Hundred Days Dynasty".

She wanted to use the crown of thorns to restore his prestige after defeat like St. Louis, but now it seems that she can only go another way. He may not be the perfect national hero in the eyes of the French people, but at least he will not let Medou The tragedy of Shark's Raft and the construction of the Suez Canal was repeated.

Napoleon was very kind to the Egyptians when he was repairing the fortifications in Egypt, and the workers who dug the Canal Saint-Martin had a bathhouse to bathe in. He was not perfect, but at least he was a good king, like Queen Catherine, who killed many Turks but was loved by the people in Russia.

It is also impossible for her to become a sage like Merlin, although she hopes that she can have a good reputation praised by others.

Justinian's empress Theodora was considered corrupt by most people, but she was a saint and protector of women.

It's just that Georgiana estimated that her body could not be buried in a magnificent church. Even the stars would die and decompose. Why can't a mere body decompose and become a part of nature again?

She will not pursue immortality like Voldemort.

"It was a good time when I returned to China. At that time, the government was hopeless, and I became the head of the country. Everything that followed was logical. This is my story in summary." He leaned on the head of the bed and put his head on the On top of her head, put her hands on her shoulders, and patted her gently "The way to change the world is never to win high-ranking officials and dignitaries, but to inspire the masses. It can change the face of the world, do you know why that tapestry was not given away?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"It's not that it took too much time for the workers to weave it, but that no one made the pilgrimage to Mecca that year." Napoleon whispered to her in a voice only heard by two people. something happened."

Georgiana didn't know if this was another story he made up to deceive her, but she only knew that these Mamluks seemed to be alive in the Middle Ages, with javelins, hatchets, machetes, bows and arrows.

The penetrating power of bows and arrows may not be as powerful as muskets, but people in the 18th century did not wear heavy armor like they did in the Middle Ages. Using arrows to deal with intruders can shoot continuously, and they need to be loaded in the dark like muskets. .

"Please don't come." Georgiana prayed in a low voice. She hoped that those people would not attack tomorrow.

"That's impossible." Caroline said behind her back. "The execution of Louis XVI is still a festive festival."

"Is it still a day off?" Georgiana asked.

"Don't let it go, it's a past festival, Parisians are very forgetful." Caroline said coldly, "So don't worry about these people's lives."

"I was born like this." Georgiana also said indifferently.

"Fool," Coraline cursed.

Georgiana didn't bother to pay attention to this pure-blood nobleman.

"You can put on your evening dress and go to the ball without qualms," said Caroline.

"Then my conscience will be even more disturbed." Georgiana stared at the ring on her hand, "I will definitely attend tomorrow."

"That depends on whether Bonaparte agrees or not." Caroline sneered, "Would he be willing to stain such a pure swan with blood?"

"I'd rather see blood than see those young girls doing ballet in revealing clothes." Georgiana spat. "That's art shit."

"That's the path they chose." Caroline smiled. "They, like you, live for their dreams."

Georgiana had nothing to say.

She regretted that she had gone to the rehearsal at the opera house out of curiosity.

"I won't go to that kind of public place anymore." Georgiana said calmly, "Maybe it's because I'm really not good at dealing with humans."

Caroline smiled and shook her head, walking past Georgiana.

"You are really a fool." She whispered, her boots creaking on the snow, leaving a series of shallow footprints.

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