Everyone needs rest, especially when he is old and his energy is not as good as before, and he wants to live a peaceful life.

The advantage of hereditary is that a certain kind of dictatorship can be inherited from generation to generation until the dynasty changes or the family occupying this dictatorship loses in the political struggle.

Siers himself is not married, and he has no offspring who can inherit his position as the chairman of the Senate. He made the seats of the Senate hereditary in order to win over other members of the Senate, but how many of these elders will have the hereditary right? Will you continue to listen to him?

The Senate originally had 500 seats. After the coup d'etat, the constitution stipulated that the number of seats in the Senate was reduced to 80. First, 60 people were elected, and 2 people were added each year. Forty-six votes to thirteen votes, combined only 59 votes. Siers himself raised the issue, so he did not participate in the vote, which means that the members of the Senate did not increase by 2 people every year as stipulated in the Constitution.

There is only one piece of cake, of course, the fewer people share, the more you can eat in your own mouth. Some of the veterans who resigned from the House of 500 went to the Legislative Yuan, and some went to the Tribunal, 300 and 100 respectively. The Tribune had coupons to discuss draft laws but had no right to vote. The Legislative Yuan had the right to vote. But they have no right to discuss it. The Tribunal can inform the Legislative Yuan of their opinions. In comparison, the Tribunal is the weakest. For example, Napoleon now wants to pass some laws related to the special educational agreement. He can directly let the Legislative Yuan pass it without asking the opinions of the Tribunal. He can arrange for an exiled nobleman like Chateaubriand to enter the Legislative Yuan. Hands through to agree on it.

After the establishment of the French Republic, there are ten days in a week, and one of the ten days is a rest day. Of course, the factory owners will try their best to let the workers go to work, so that there will be 7 days in a week after the reunification of the church, which is calculated as 30 days in a month. , The 10-day rotation can only rest for 3 days, and the 7-day rotation can only rest for 4 days. Does the working class agree with that kind of law?

These people accounted for the majority of the population, not to mention there were a large number of believers in the countryside. The public opinion was in favor of Napoleon, so he didn't panic at all. Just like when he returned to Paris during the Brumaire coup, the people of the city welcomed him as a hero. With the support of public opinion, he, a general who left Egypt without authorization and should have been sent to be shot by a court-martial, had the confidence to launch a coup.

The French Academy uniform that Napoleon is now wearing was made in 1797, and it seems to be a little smaller now, which may be because he has gained weight.

He has psoriasis and has recently been living in Malmaison under the care of Dr. Corvisa, the family physician of Josephine's father, Josephine de Tachere, who had only recently been taken care of by Josephine's parents. Brought from home to Paris.

Beauharnay’s surname belonged to Josephine’s first husband. All in all, when Napoleon’s parents-in-law were “guests” in Paris, he would no longer be as blatant as in the past, and would only meet Georgiana secretly.

Georgiana was still wondering why he kept insinuating her to ask how he was doing, and that was the case.

According to her real age, she should have been a peer of Letizia and the Delchers, but now she has become a tool in the game between the parents of this marriage. Letizia probably supports Georgiana, although she also agrees with the appointment Sephine was also unable to bear children.

Both are scandals, Josephine is dishonoring Letizia's son, and Georgiana is dishonoring men other than her son.

This is the reason why you should not agree to "unfeeling love" with a married man in a muddle. Why does she appear in public when she is disgraced? Anyone can criticize her from the moral high ground.

Others dream about light and beautiful things, but she dreams about these things, which is really ridiculous.

But it made her feel a strange sense of comfort and solidity.

There are so many people who helped Severus scold her, he should feel very vented, he can readjust after the anger subsides, find a noble human woman like Lana, and start a new life Life.

Many pure-blood nobles were forced to perish due to extinction, including the Black family. She hoped that the Prince family could continue. Besides, after getting married, they would be much more stable, especially after having children. Leigh has become a lot more stable, only Sirius is still like a child.

Napoleon wanted to be a father, but his attitude towards Delmid was wary, not at all like his godfather, not even the kind of subordination that Severus and Draco had, let alone Sirius and Harry's. It's kind of a kiss.

Delmid looked very obedient in front of Napoleon, keeping his head down, and turned into a monkey as soon as he left, clamoring for her to take him out for skating.

Now that the weather showed no sign of warming up, she expected that the ice would not crack so easily, so she took him out. Because the forest is blocked, there are almost no outsiders except a few wealthy people who live in the Boulogne Forest. They are well-dressed and well-behaved, making people look like they are in a civilized world.

If she has raised Delmid to think that this "shadow" is real, then she can jump into the frozen lake now, but she really needs to sit on a chair by the lake under the pretense of watching the child , to be alone for a while.

The "little prince" was guarded by two Mamluks. Napoleon was very relieved of them, and he was not at all worried that they would do bad things.

They called Napoleon the sultan, and Georgiana the princess. For these orientals, it was normal for the sultan to have several wives. When they met Josephine, they would also call her the princess.

She is not proud of the title she has won. Napoleon Bonaparte has hated Britain for a long time, but because of the existence of the strait to block his army, he did not buy wood from Russia just to build the "railway" of.

He is still preparing for war, and Antwerp is only one of the military ports, but he is worried about letting outsiders handle this matter, because the Tory Party has started to make trouble again because of the problem of the naval shipyard in the UK.

They believed that peace would give France a respite before launching another attack on Britain, so they called for a fight to the end, like the Whigs a hundred years ago.

The opposition controlled some newspapers, and a French exile named Pelletier helped them curse the French Revolution and the Bonapartist dictatorship.

There are also some brochures. Georgiana will translate these English materials together with Mr. Amedé Jobert and Mr. Lerony Deidvi. They are all members of the cabinet. Amedé is mainly responsible for the translation of oriental languages. Djedwil was in charge of sorting through news in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, as well as interrogating prisoners of war, translating what they said into French.

If Josephine was going to learn court etiquette, Georgiana's freedom was restricted in another way.

Unless she, like that Polish woman, loves him to the point of losing her mind, she will let him do what he wants!

Napoleon never cared that Britain was called Britain, but England. The play "Edward of Scotland" has obvious intentions. Although the armed war is over, Britain and France have not really achieved comprehensive peace. They are so close to the 20th century. The point of passing through an undersea tunnel.

"Ma'am." Georgiana looked back at the person who was talking to her. He was not a Mamluk, but a member of the French Ministry of Magic.

"The entrance to the cave has been found," the man went on.

After gaining titles and official positions, those former pure-blood nobles soon stabilized. Anti-smuggling police Dubois intercepted a message that someone was digging a tunnel near the Bois de Boulogne.

This area was already close to the 18th-century taxpayer's city wall. Dubois thought it was a new smuggling channel. After combining Georgiana's intelligence, the opponent's attack plan had a rough outline.

Because he was afraid that there would be someone as good at illusion as Callostro, Napoleon ordered the Ministry of Magic and the anti-smuggling police to search the entrance together. He has always been a person who is good at giving orders. For example, when he wanted to repair a water alarm clock, he directly issued orders to those artists. He did not give others a chance to imagine that the water tower could be built into other things.

With such an autocracy, it is no wonder that he said that he is a Frenchman. The glory of the Italian Renaissance has not spread to him at all, and all he thinks about is "Rome".

"Take me to see." She said angrily, and then called Delmid.

He wobbled over on his skates, unlike his uncle, who didn't dare to let go of Georgiana's hand for the first time skating. He was afraid that he would make a fool of himself by falling on the ice.

That's actually more ridiculous, and Napoleon didn't learn to skate in the end.

"Don't change your shoes, just carry him away." Georgiana said to the Mamluks, and one of the male soldiers picked up Delmid.

She was glad that Delmid was not the kind of kid who was "playing for five minutes", but she couldn't tell whether this kid was really obedient or just pretending to be obedient.

Napoleon is a typical Leo. In a sense, he is easy to understand, but this kid is a Gemini. He is very good at acting. Last time he dressed up as Napoleon and gave Georgiana a bunch of violets. He said, " Lines" can go smoothly.

This kid is very scheming.

This was Georgiana's conclusion, but she felt that she was ridiculous. She really thought too much about what kind of scheming a three-year-old child could have.

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