Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1420 Torch Bearer

The festive atmosphere in the city did not reach the Grand Trianon.

Early in the morning, Bronniard Alexandre, the director of the Sevres ceramic factory, was waiting for her in the anteroom.

She had met this thin man once, and at first Georgiana thought that Bronniard was a manager. After he introduced himself, she realized that he was a French mineralogist, geologist and naturalist, and Napoleon is also a French academician. When Bronya came to pick up Georgiana, he wore a dark blue French academician uniform with olive and gold branches.

He made a full schedule for Georgiana on February 17. Instead of participating in the "big scene", she could visit the French Academy, the National Ecole Polytechnique, and even the Sevres ceramic factory.

Georgiana didn't resist much and left with Bronnier. After all, she still had Dermide with her. The innocent childhood of human beings is short, and she is not like Dermide's childhood and pure soul. Contaminated, after all he is only 3 years old.

Men are always like this, keeping some things out from the family. In the past, Severus and Albus also hid many things from her. Only when their strength could not stop the woman would know what happened. At that time, it was too late to recover.

Home is the harbor where those "sailors" moor, where they can rest, find tranquility, and the tenderness of women. No matter how much mental preparation she has made, Georgiana is not confident to become the kind of person who can kill, but she can't enjoy herself when others take risks. She wants to find something for herself, so she asks Bron Mr. Niall took her to the National Higher Polytechnic School to see how far the French industry is.

Today's weather is fine, not as warm as in New April, but sunny, and the National Higher Polytechnic School, formerly a monastery, is now full of young students who are curious and interested in various tools.

These "male" students are like those who have never seen a woman, and seeing Bronnier appearing with Georgiana actually caused quite a commotion.

This scene is very interesting, reminding Georgiana of the crazy boys when Fleur came to Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament. They were so keen to watch her that they forgot to receive her. Fortunately, Bronnier often Coming here, he took Georgiana around the college, even including the laboratory that was not on display.

The French's concept of machines is completely different from that of the British. Like the scientists of the Renaissance, they incorporated art into it and designed some conceptual but impractical machines, such as aircraft that could not fly.

In addition, there are also those who improve textile machines, steam engines, clocks and watches. Brunnier became the director of the Sevres ceramic factory because of his improved glazing technology. The Faculty of Ceramic Technology also has the largest number of people, besides which he also studies geology and minerals. He also heard about Napoleon's plan to build a water tower, and he and his students were working on ancient Roman concrete. The volcanic ash that is essential for this kind of concrete has to be transported from Naples, and the cost of shipping is not small. Perhaps the cost of quarrying nearby is cheaper than concrete.

It would be nice to find a replacement in or near the Paris Basin.

Georgiana and Bronniard chatted while walking, in fact, the main reason was that he spent more time talking. When Louis XIV built Versailles, he did not survey the foundations. Now the construction of water towers and aqueducts requires geological surveys. It seems that Napoleon is real. intend to do this.

Not long after, Georgiana passed by a laboratory and found a young man in it who was concentrating on research, and what he was studying seemed to be glass.

At first she thought he was studying the transparency of glass, but after she watched the door for a while, she found that he was doing an optical experiment.

"What are you doing?" Georgiana asked curiously.

The young man gave her an impatient look, as if he thought she was interfering with his experiment.

"Augustin Fresnel!" shouted Brunnier.

The young man straightened up in fright, and put down the experiment in his hand.

"Ms. Sevres asks you, what are you doing?" Bronniard said solemnly.

Fresnel was still in a daze, staring blankly at Georgiana.

Georgiana watched the young man, and she waited patiently for him to speak.

"I'm studying the reflector of the lighthouse." Fresnel said bluntly, with an unintelligent look.

"Lighthouse?" Georgiana repeated the word.

"That's right."

She suddenly became interested in this gadget.

"Can you explain to me?"

When it comes to professional knowledge, Fresnel is quite talkative. At the end of the 18th century, lighthouses were illuminated by burning pyres or multiple candles, but the visible distance of this kind of light was very limited, especially on stormy seas.

Swiss physicist and chemist Amy Argon and his British partner Matthew Bolton team lighthouse lights have been modified to make it brighter and more stable. They started with frosted glass, then added a suspension over the flames to get a brighter and more consistent light.

But Fresnel felt that the Argon-Bolton lamp could continue to be improved. Instead of relying on a single lens, he designed a brass frame to divide a whole convex lens into many thin slices, which was based on Count Condorcet's theory to experiment.

The Count of Condorcet had proposed that a thinner and lighter lens be ground from a single piece of glass and mounted on a frame, so that there would be no need for oversized convex lenses.

The Count of Condorcet was a contact representative of the French Enlightenment, and he was known as the "torch bearer" of the French Revolution.

Georgiana only knew that he was a mathematician and a philosopher, but she didn't know that he was actually a physicist. If his theory could be realized, it would indeed be a great invention.

"Did you make it?" she asked Fresnel.

"No, the transparency of glass cannot be achieved."

"Galileo was troubled by not being able to find glass with sufficient transparency to make a telescope before. Maybe we can help this young man realize his dream." Georgiana said looking at Brunnier.

"What about your professional courses?" Brunnier said sternly.

"Let him try it, anyway, you only need some sand to burn glass." Georgiana said nonchalantly.

"It's impractical stuff," Bronnier said.

"The Royal Academy of Sciences also said that cowpox is impractical. Now?" Georgiana asked back. "There will be candles on the water tower. If the experiment is successful, I want to use it to illuminate the light farther."

Fresnel looked at Brunnier expectantly.

"What's your major?" Georgiana asked.

"In the School of Road and Bridge, I majored in civil engineering." Fresnel said.

"Why do you want to study this major?"

"My family are all architects."

"Then you can try it in your spare time. Where does your experimental money come from?" Georgiana asked.

Fresnel opened his mouth.

"I can fund you." Georgiana looked at the glass on the metal shelf. "If you succeed, you can save many lives."

"You can't do that," said Brunnier, frowning.

"Why not?" Georgiana looked at the fire opal-like dragon's breath ring on her hand. It only had the unique iridescence phenomenon of opal when the light was particularly bright, and it was usually transparent and bright red. The quality is not very good, but the larger the size, the more valuable it is, just like the larger the convex lens is, the more complicated and time-consuming it is to process.

"Porcelain factories can also burn glass, you should open up a new path." Georgiana put down her hand.

"You hardly know me," said Fresnel excitedly.

"You just think I'm squandering, anyway, I don't like gems." Georgiana said with a smug smile, "Let me see what other interesting treasures are here."

"I know a broker, or call him?" Bronniard said with a smile.

"What broker?"

"He is specialized in introducing scientists and investors. He served George Washington before. He heard that you are very interested in agricultural machinery and is looking for someone to introduce you."

Georgiana froze for a moment, "Is he American?"

"No, it was invented by a Scot, and he didn't apply for a patent," said Blonniard in a low voice.

"Call him here," said Georgiana generously. "What machine is he selling?"

"Thresher, it is said that the working principle of the thresher is different from that used in the north..."

"Are you serious about what you said just now?" Just as Georgiana and Brunnier were about to leave the laboratory, Fresnel shouted hastily.

"Of course." She said strangely.

"There's nothing to say..." Fresnel said embarrassingly.

"If you are successful, you can exhibit at the second industrial exhibition." Georgiana said to Fresnel, "You go to the Grand Trianon Palace tomorrow..."

"I'll have the factory accountant pay for his research." Bronniard interrupted her. "Come on, ma'am, let's look elsewhere."

Georgiana glanced at Fresnel, then took Delmid and followed Brunnier away.

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