Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1414 madam Sèvres

A very simple question, if Georgiana looks like Maria, will Napoleon give her 6 million francs in compensation for breaking up?

The answer is no, of course, but he was not so stingy that he didn't take a penny away. During his stay in Lyon, he restored the Saint-Bernard Asylum, donated 22,000 francs to the Asylum, and ordered the redemption of everything that was originally sold. . According to Shaputal, he also announced his plan to build a road network to the senior officials who followed him on the inspection.

Lily was very beautiful, and she felt that the world was unfair when she heard Severus say a word about Mudblood, so what if she was called ugly?

Lily was only a teenager at the time, how could a little girl think so much, not to mention that she later used her own life to make up for the decision at that time.

Lily has always been a smart girl. She wisely chose James Potter, who is rich and willing to change for her. It's just a bad word for her, she doesn't know what it's like to be hunted.

Pomona now resented Severus' stubbornness more than she resented the jealous redhead Lily.

Jealousy made her irritable and manic, almost to the point of losing her mind, but the kind of cold-bloodedness that kept her head rational at critical moments kept her calm. Now her situation is not much better than Maria, she has "fallen out of favor" in the eyes of everyone, and she lost Napoleon's protection, and soon the purgers will come to her.

The profession of a fortuneteller is not like other wizards, they need fame, and the more people who are famous enough to come to them for fortunetelling, Sybill Trelawney will be miserable if she is not supported by Albus.

Compared with her inability, Georgiana believed that Maria did not dare to divination to Napoleon.

Cicero once said in "On Divination" that when people lose their rationality and consciousness and are dominated by free and unrestrained impulses, the human brain will be inspired in two ways, one is frenzy, The other is dreams. Frantic divination is mainly included in the prediction collections of female prophets. Sybil’s accurate predictions are like that every time. It looks very scary.

The divination about dreams is easier to explain. Everyone dreams, and sometimes they feel that the dreams they have are the same as what happened in the future. There are even books dedicated to interpreting dreams.

Maria has no bad intentions. She is not an ambitious person like Grindelwald who relies on prophecy to control the world. She just wants to use divination, a natural ability, to earn some money and spend it.

Seeing how she was devouring food, Georgiana couldn't bear to get angry with her, and when she got angry to a certain extent, she became lifeless.

Napoleon had just cut her living expenses, and here was another mouth waiting for her to raise. In the past, at Hogwarts, she only had to be responsible for farming, and she rarely participated in accounting. Although Maria was embarrassed, the material of her clothes was good. It was a mysterious robe and a long cloak with a hood, which could often scare some people.

Sometimes you can see through a person without the power of prophecy. When she was full, Georgiana immediately asked her to divination for herself. The jug was filled with water, and Georgiana was asked to put a drop of blood in it.

"What's the principle?" Georgiana asked before bleeding.

"There is iron in blood, iron is the wreckage of stars, and our fate can be predicted by astrology."

"Who taught you that?" asked Georgiana.

Maria stopped talking.

Georgiana felt that this might have something to do with the group of death believers in Palodo, but she didn't say much. She cut her finger with a kitchen knife and dropped a drop of her own blood into the water.

The red blood soon turned green after dripping into the water, turned into a dandelion, then turned into a mountain lotus leaf, but finally did not turn into a lilac crown.

It's a boat-shaped saucer made of bear's paw flowers.

Bearfoot reminds Georgiana of a bearskin hat. It originally belonged to the French, but was worn by the British after the French were defeated. Xiao Zhou can also understand that the French lost in the navy, but why the sauce? Couldn't it be something cooler like a sword, a shield, a triumphal arch?

"What's your last name?" Maria asked suddenly.

"Smith," said Georgiana insincerely.

"The surnames of many nobles are named according to the fiefs and fiefdoms." Maria said, "I came to you after hearing about what you did in Sevres."

Only then did Georgiana remember the grave-digging event that took place last year.

"How are the townspeople of Sevres getting on with the English townspeople?" asked Georgiana.

"I want to live in a military camp." Maria said quickly, "I just need a safe place to hide."

"I think the Purifiers will follow the clues to find you." Georgiana said impatiently, "What about the information you just mentioned?"

"There are still more than 100,000 fugitives who fled to foreign countries, but the first governor only gave 1,000 places. There are many old nobles who are dissatisfied, including some wizards." Maria whispered, "They plan to go on the 17th Assault on the Foreign Office."

It is easy to understand that the "losers" who had nothing before took away everything from the old aristocracy, such as houses, property, children, horses, land, etc., and countries such as Britain, Germany, etc. that promised to help them take revenge finally Choosing to make peace with Napoleon, even Georgiana herself would want revenge.

Wizards were also sent to the guillotine by Muggles, their families were ruined, their wives and children were separated, no matter what the international law of secrecy was, at this time it must be a desperate fight regardless of the consequences.

Napoleon was not afraid of political struggle, he was afraid of riots by people who had nothing, and these people were desperadoes who had no consideration.

"How do you know?" Georgiana asked wearily.

"I saw a person who was resurrected from the dead." Maria said with a smile pretending to be mysterious.

Georgiana slammed the table hard, startling her.

"What time is it, you're still playing with me!" Georgiana yelled sternly, "Who did you see?"

"A former acquaintance," said Maria wincingly. "He was staying in the same hotel as me."

"Not the opera house?"

"Not Nicolome, am I that old?" Maria muttered unhappily.

Georgiana's mind was full of Severus' angry face, would he break her neck?

"If you really believe me, use the surname Sevres as your family name, don't care about how others persuade, tempt and threaten you, and don't use other surnames." Maria said again, "You should know, my Prophecies are often accurate."

"Are you a Naming Prophet?" Georgiana asked.

"Even if you show up, the fate of France is still in the hands of Josephine. On the contrary, you, the teapot of mediation, may be smashed at any time." Maria pretended to be mysterious and said, "Don't think that you live a very happy life." Strong, you are as fragile as porcelain."

"Then I have no choice but to become the Countess of Aberdeen." Georgiana said with a sneer, "who will say that I am weak when I turn into granite."

"Including that name is not enough, you look into my eyes."

Georgiana looked into Maria's black eyes, which reflected her face like a mirror.

Not long after that, she noticed something strange appeared in the "mirror". A woman appeared behind her, followed by a green light.

"Wow!" Georgiana heard the dog barking, and a black dog chased the woman away.

Then Georgiana woke up, and Maria, who was sitting across from her just now, was gone, replaced by a note with a line of words written in beautiful fonts:

Thank you, Ms. Sevres.

Georgiana could not remember anything she had done for Maria to be grateful for, except that Maria had said to hide among the English so that she could find her there later.

"You have a seal and a surname. You are truly a character." Georgiana sneered. She was about to burn the note when she suddenly remembered something.

That day in the dining room of the Grand Trianon Palace, Lucien smashed a ceramic boat-shaped saucer in front of William Pitt Jr. and Sir Merry. Could the boat-shaped saucer made of bear's paw flowers be a sign of this?

Bear's paw flower represents prosperity and maternal love, and like the purity and humility represented by lilac, it has a beautiful meaning.

She hoped it wasn't as bad as the lilac crown in the end.

So she put down the note and began to pray devoutly.

She must be the weirdest witch. If other witches see her, they don't know how to laugh at her.

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