Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1415 The Head of the Boa Constrictor

Once, when she was dying, Georgiana dreamed that her body had turned into a dandelion.

The flower language of this flower represents unstoppable love, which is a very unlucky flower for those who want to be stable.

At the same time, this kind of flower also represents peace with the situation, its seeds will take root with the wind, no matter how far the place is from the mother.

She originally thought that her favorite was mint, crab claw or something, but she didn't expect that there were mountain lotus leaves, flowers that represent family affection.

When a person is bound to a certain piece of land, he will lose his freedom like a rooted grass. The feeling of wandering for a long time is actually not good.

The competition of 100,000 people for 1,000 places is much more intense than nobles scrambling to pick up a handkerchief for Louis XV, especially when the person in power is still a foreigner in the eyes of the French aristocracy.

In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "On the Origin of Human Inequality", he wrote that in the original state, the strong oppressed the weak, some used violence to suppress others, occupied the caves that others used to live, and took other people's prey and animals. Fruit, whoever disturbs my peace, I will definitely let him into endless troubles, and this kind of troubles are more than what he wanted to avoid and impose on me, and he always relaxes his vigilance. It takes twenty quick paces to disappear into the forest, and my bondage is released, and he will never see me again.

Georgiana was looking at the dark forest from the window. Should she disappear into the forest at this moment?

Now she is in the villa of the Paris Agricultural Association, which she intends to use as a temporary headquarters.

The reason why Napoleon abolished mercenaries and switched to conscription was written in the Theory of the Monarch: Mercenaries have no love, and there is no reason to let them go to the battlefield, except for the little military pay, which is not enough to make them willing to die for you.

A country has more mercenaries or "reinforcements" than its own army, which is dangerous. Marie Antoinette went to Austria to find "reinforcements", and as a result, all the powerful countries in Europe were brought in, with the intention of carve up Burgundy The first is to carve up France.

The purgers from the United States are not very interested in military pay. What they want is the joy of freely hunting down wizards, while pure-blood wizards like Caroline, who have benefited from the king and served Napoleon, can be understood as receiving military pay. Soldiers, it would be best if the pure-blood wizards who came to make trouble can die down after acquiring the previous property.

At the meeting of the Peasant Association just now, Berrant, the engineer commander, also came. Napoleon finally agreed to dispatch the engineers to shovel the snow to clear the way for livestock passing through the Alps in April.

According to consistent experience, if the forage prepared by the herdsmen is only half consumed by February 23, then this winter will pass safely. In addition to the barn, the roofs of farmers and herdsmen's homes are also paved with thatch. In an emergency, the straw can be used to feed the animals. However, there are bandits in the Alps. They are called "firemen" by the locals. These people will not only kidnap and blackmail In the past, merchants would throw torches on the straw roofs of farmers and herdsmen's houses, and a few of them were particularly vicious and even tortured their victims with fire.

Civil turmoil and external wars have collapsed the rural police, and it is more difficult to bring the thieves to trial than to catch them. Because both the witnesses and the jury know that as long as these "stokers" are not sentenced to death, they will retaliate after they are released, so most people will choose to remain silent.

In Huayue last year, Bernadotte led three columns with military courts to sweep the west, using the "simple and direct" suppression method used in the old days, in other words "barbaric and dark" The kind of military suppression used in the Middle Ages. Bernadotte did a good job, and the west was quickly pacified. Except for a very small number of diehards, only the dregs of society who depend on it for a living are still serving Kadudar.

The remnants of the Shuan fled everywhere, and some were said to have taken refuge in the Pyrenees and the Alps.

The harsh weather and rumors of bandit suppression revived the silent mountains and forests, and bandits also appeared in rich places like Bosi and Nuoer. Nothing can restore prestige to a country more than the restoration of law and order, as Henry IV and Louis XIV did in those days.

Georgiana made the worst plan, maybe there will be robbers from the Alps in this attack, if she still has magic power, then the forest is her main battlefield, even if a giant appears Georgiana is not afraid. It is best to catch all those who come to make trouble with the devil's net, so that she can slowly persuade those pure-blood nobles to turn their spearheads and target the purgers from the United States.

But this is very unrealistic. Some things cannot be solved by money. Pure-blooded nobles who have lost all their family members and do not take care of them will not listen to persuasion. The order of this foreign woman, if they also defected or died like the Swiss mercenaries guarding the Tuileries Palace, the only force that could protect Georgiana would be gone.

Now their biggest advantage is that the other party doesn't know that they know about the attack on February 17th. She wants to pretend to be ignorant and set up a trap for them to drill.

The first thing she thought of was the Egyptian trap that can make people lose their magic power. A wizard who lost his magic power lost his threat. But a wizard who has lost her magic power is almost like a literati on a chaotic battlefield. On February 17, 1802, it was a crescent moon, and there would be a firework show in the middle of it. The sound of the fireworks could cover up the gunshots. disaster".

While other girls were busy going to the prom, she was busy with another "prom".

She has legally gained the right to wear men's clothing, but she is farther and farther away from camellias and evening dresses.

She turned away from the window and went to the table to start writing. The Mamluks could be handed over to the former Minister of War, Major General Lara, in the hope that he would have some experience in jungle warfare.

Georgiana went back to her old job, laying out fortifications in the Bois de Boulogne.

Wizards generally use wands to fight. This is easy to identify. There is no need to show mercy when dealing with Muggles, and they will all be punished on the spot.

Georgiana didn't feel that Muggles were like ants, nor did she see Muggles as a threat like some pure-blood nobles did. But she couldn't think of a more careful plan, and captured everyone alive, and then persuaded and educated them one by one to make them all correct their evil ways.

The first and most dissatisfied are those farmers and herdsmen who are happy to be locked up when those "firemen" who commit crimes are released.

Compared with food and accommodation, farmers pay more attention to security issues. Whenever winter comes, farmers live with their livestock and rely on the heat generated by the livestock to resist the severe cold. They will spend the whole winter in an airtight house where the air is humid and stuffy, making people dizzy.

Such a life sucks, but that's the life of a farmer. Once the "stoker" set the fire, they could no longer stay in the stable, and could only venture out into the cold and ravaging outdoors.

Some of these people will die, some will leave their hometowns and become vagrants and beggars, and some will return to wildness in the cold wind, turning from grazing sheep to wolves.

Some of them will join the army to avenge their families, while others will become "stokers" or smugglers known as babels, becoming outlaws in the eyes of others.

Napoleon said that only those who think they are safe will quit the game when they know they are not.

Georgiana didn't want to be a victim, she was not afraid of death, what she was afraid of was being tortured before death.

So she could never be a mother like Lily Potter.

Napoleon made a soldier's choice. Even if millions of people died, he himself had to live on himself. Even though he would leave a stigma for shooting civilians, he still did it.

Georgiana was terribly jealous, and maybe this dark emotion had penetrated into her bone marrow long ago, so she didn't protect Harry Potter like Lily's "old friend", and chose Neville Longbottom's pure-blood "failure". By".

The holy Aphrodite said to Helen: "Cruel-hearted woman, don't provoke me, lest I get angry, abandon you, and hate you as much as I love you now."

Georgiana abandoned him and hated him because she loved him.

At the same time she was beginning to understand why Albus didn't like Severus, but believed in him.

Why would he just refuse to give up the dark arts? Why would he just refuse to give up his love for Lily?

As long as he changes, he is a very good person.

When there was a knock at the door, she held back her tears. Neither the patriarch of the pure-blood family nor the Mamluks would listen to a weeping woman.

"Come in," she said in a quiet voice.

Then the door opened, and a tall and slender middle-aged man in a black tuxedo walked in.

He might have been just past fifty, with broad shoulders, a raven-feather black hair brushed back submissively, and his youthful handsome face was now only hard as a rock. Behind him, the perverse and willful girl is now extremely docile, she looks like an obedient junior.

His eyes were green, and he looked Georgiana up and down mockingly.

"Good evening." The man bowed to Georgiana with the courtesy he would have given to a lady at a ball.

"Are you thinking, this is the half-breed Veela?" Georgiana said with a smile, "It took God seven days to create the world, and I have less than two days left. I don't have time to be polite to you, Rabastan Mr Lestrange."

"How do you know I'm Rabastan Lestrange?" said the middle-aged man.

"do not you?"

The man didn't refute.

"Do you still miss living in exile? I've heard some people think that time is like traveling. It's very interesting."

"I have many hobbies that are different from ordinary people." Labastan said with an elegant smile, "For example, I am not like a young man who is interested in talking to you."

"I don't need you to like me." Georgiana smirked and said, "Don't look at my appearance so young, I might be the same age as you. Do you like 50-year-old human women with wrinkled faces?"

"You seem to like young people too." Labastan said with a smile, "I heard that the French First Consul is much younger than your husband."

"Young men's souls are delicious." Georgiana recalled. "They know how to take risks and have passion, but it's not suitable to do business with them."

"You want to make a deal with me?"

"I want you to go to war, will you fight for France?"

Labastine laughed. "I think you're looking for some other reason, Madame Bonaparte..."

"Madame de Sèvres," Georgiana interrupted Rabasta, "please sit down, sir, we need to talk, is the French Ministry of Magic still there after the Revolution?"

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