King Louis I of Etruria was appointed to come to Paris this time. Originally, Queen Maria Luisa of Spain would also come, but she shied away on the grounds that she had just given birth and travel was inconvenient.

Mrs. de Stahl, who was far away in Switzerland, said humorously, "Napoleon Bonaparte's descendants of the royal family are doing experiments, and now even the king has to come to see him."

After Napoleon received the descendant of the Bourbon royal family to participate in the welcome ceremony, Talleyrand took over the reception. At that time, there was a line in the opera "Oedipus": I have the supreme kingship, but it is not what I want.

After hearing this sentence, there was thunderous applause in the auditorium.

There are so many operas staged in Paris every day, but few of them can be remembered. Godin Poitvin has been remembered because "he is a good man, but a bad king", not to mention that he himself is different. plan.

Napoleoni found a new maid for Georgiana. Her name was Stefani Felicite Ducret de Saint-Aubin. Before the Revolution, she was called the Countess of Genlis and she was An advisor to the Orleans party, good at writing novels, and even published two, she can act as secretary for Georgiana just like Sophie.

As for her housekeeper, he didn't arrange it, or he didn't mention it at all.

The water tower will definitely become a new landmark in Paris in the future. In Napoleon's words, he finally found an artist's use.

He asked her what she wanted to build that tower into?

At first she thought of Dante, and the well of the Pope in Orvieto, which reminded her of the labyrinth she had encountered in the Alps before, and a group of Frenchmen wrote "the devil is dead" on the wall .

Then she remembered the manuscript of Leonardo da Vinci, whom she had last seen in the Louvre, a man of his time who held a show in Milan on the Feast of St. Planetary Ball" celebration.

Leonardo da Vinci described very little about the grand ceremony, but Bernardo Bellincione gave a detailed description of the scene, which was found for her by scholars from the Louvre Museum among thousands of tons of manuscripts and materials. of.

The ball began with a song and dance, and then a procession of masked people entered, and the Turks rode, and the green dome covered the ceiling of the hall, and when the midnight bells struck, the Moors in oriental costumes, The music was ordered to stop, and the curtain opened to reveal a hemisphere that symbolized the vast sky. It looked like a half egg, and the inside was all painted in gold.

Many candles are placed in it to symbolize the starlight, and there are alcoves containing seven stars arranged in orbits, and there are also signs of the zodiac, each house has an actor pretending to be a star god.

The soft and melodious music covered the hum of the machine, and whenever a star god turned to the table of Duke Sforza's family, the star god would jump off the pedestal and read praises on the stage.

This water alarm clock was designed by Leonardo da Vinci, but his design drawings may have been scattered in the hands of joiners, painters and costumers, and it was not left at that time. It is one of the many short-lived works of the inventor Leonardo da Vinci one.

Then they chatted about Venice, and the bell tower with the Zodiac constellation on St. Mark's Square, and the Moors rang the bell on it. He regretted that he was not a painter like David, and he could paint the pictures he imagined. Draw it down.

So she began urging Napoleon to learn to paint, and she made fun of how funny he would look, dressed as a medieval man, with his drawing-board.

Who would have thought that Napoleon, the god of war, was not only a poet, but also a painter, but his painting method was not recorded with a brush like a real painter, but recorded in his heart with his eyes.

Most people cannot accurately perceive the time of two hours, but this is one of Napoleon's "superpowers", he is as punctual as an alarm clock.

He got out of bed without hesitation and began to dress, and every time Georgiana wished he would throw her two gold coins, so that she would not feel so lost.

He obviously regards Godin's house as his own, and there are still his own clothes in the closet. He changed out of civilian attire and put on a blue colonel's uniform, and he looks like "King's Landing" again up.

When he stood in front of Georgiana, well-dressed, he didn't ask her to fix his bow tie or anything, but he hesitated and brought up the matter of cutting her living expenses.

Georgiana had no problem with this, anyway, she planned to use the 6 million francs he gave her to start a business, and he had only spent 1 million francs when he rebuilt the Tuileries before.

He was visibly relieved when she agreed, and then he mentioned a "little matter".

In the 19th century, diplomats using inside information to trade was almost a recognized job benefit, and they were rarely subject to legal charges and moral condemnation. The "Lüneville Peace Treaty" stipulated that the Austrian government bonds issued in Belgium would be cashed at par. Talleyrand took advantage of this opportunity , bought Austrian bonds in large quantities from the many creditors who held them and thought they would be worthless, and made a fortune.

Because she was worried that Jager and his son would falsely report the price of sandalwood, Georgiana paid attention to the news of wood. Of course, it was also related to her desire to take advantage of the time when France and Russia were good friends to start a large wood business, but she did not expect the busy man Bona Your Excellency Ba actually pays attention to this trivial matter.

Just when she was about to ask, he had already put on the three-cornered hat, opened the door and left the bedroom.

This person does not have the habit of slamming doors like the other person. Even though the door was open, the cold wind from outside poured in. It didn't take long for her to hear the sound of horseshoes and carriages driving away outside the house. It was silent.

For people two hundred years later, it is not a problem for the British and the French to marry and fall in love, because both Britain and France are members of the European Union, and an undersea tunnel has been dug between the two countries.

But in this era, Georgiana faced almost the same situation as Horace's sister. This wrong love affair should have ended after the peace treaty was handed over. The First Consul still had new problems and troubles to deal with. As Josephine expected, marriage without children is unrealistic, and Georgiana is more impractical than Josephine. At least she has a marriage certificate registered by the city hall. Georgiana has nothing. Isn’t she like this? stupid?

Just when she was lost in thought, she suddenly heard someone smashing her window with a small stone.

She got up furiously, wrapped herself in a sheet, and then put on her dressing gown, intending to teach that person a lesson, but when she came to the window, she found a person standing outside.

It was an ugly woman, her shoulders were raised on one side and lowered on the other, her eyes were staring in the middle, her face was thin and pale, and Georgiana suddenly thought of Merope.

"Help me," the woman said in a low voice. "The Scavengers are after me!"

Georgiana woke up suddenly.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Maria Adelaida Lenormand, and I once read Josephine," said the ugly woman. "Please take me in, please."

Georgiana was unmoved, and she still remembered what happened to her rashly helping Peter Pedilou.

"I have important information." Maria said, "Do you still want to be a mediator?"

"What do they want?" Georgiana sneered.

"I want to live a long life." Maria said seriously, and took out a tarot card from her pocket, which was the hermit. "My current strength cannot support divination for His Majesty the Emperor. I need to be more diligent."

"Is he still going to be king?"

"You can also feel that his fate is beyond our control." Maria put down the cards. "I just wanted to earn a little money to live a comfortable life. I didn't want to risk my life."

"Maybe it's part of fate." Georgiana said with a smile. "Come to the front door and I'll open it for you."

Then she moved away from the window.

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