In years of famine, soldiers missed the lucrative adventures of war, and Italy was so rich that the delegates who remained in Lyon could be forgiven for suspecting Napoleon and wanting to send troops to plunder.

When he left for Egypt, the Directory refused to give him military expenses, and Napoleon asked Berthier, Joubert, and Brune to extort "donations" in Rome, the Netherlands, and Switzerland respectively. Napoleon himself estimated that it would cost 8 million, but only the people he sent know how much he actually extorted.

Napoleon's feelings towards Italy were complicated. When he heard that an Italian killed an Austrian woman for revenge, he didn't feel threatened at all. Instead, he felt happy and felt that it was his own that the Italians had become like this. credit.

After the Renaissance, Italy no longer had the temperament of the ancient Roman Empire. In addition to the ancient Roman army, the law was also a bloody and glorious part of Rome.

According to the provisions of Roman law, heirs can be divided into testamentary succession and intestate succession, and heirs can be divided into self-heirs and non-family heirs.

The hereditary system is inherited according to the blood family. Joseph Bonaparte is the elder brother of Napoleon and the eldest son of the Bonaparte family. The primogeniture system is indeed conducive to unification, but Joseph has no sons, and restoring the hereditary system is not "democratic". ", not "republican".

Only by restoring the monarchy can the hereditary system be legalized, but in this way the French just overthrew one king and raised another. For the vast majority of French people who have not yet been enlightened, especially farmers, there is no problem with Napoleon being king, but for the "enlightened" French, this is a kind of regression.

Eugene could have been Napoleon's heir, and Eugene had no blood relationship with Napoleon, but he lost the right of inheritance because of his mother, and the son-in-law of the Eastern Roman Empire had the same right of inheritance. This kind of adoption and marriage ceremony can be regarded as an act of "acceptance", making outsiders who have no blood relationship into a "family" and eligible for inheritance.

Now that the church and Napoleon still have common interests, Caprara will help her, but he also tried to manipulate her, but it just didn't work, and now she probably knows what he left behind. The Thackley Code stipulates that the French crown is passed on from male to female, and the adopted son born or adopted by Georgiana, who is the "second lady", may become Napoleon's heir. Napoleon and Josephine only need to divorce and then marry Georgiana. Georgiana’s adopted son can also be Napoleon’s adopted son. The church will declare this marriage and adoption relationship "legal", not to mention that Delmid is Napoleon’s nephew and has a blood relationship. .

However, the Salic law is a Germanic barbarian law, which has been abolished and used, and Georgiana used it again. Napoleon arranged marriages for his subordinates with his consent, which is also the old king's rule. If Napoleon ascended the throne, Georgiana would Mining land can at least become his vassal. But in this way, it will involve similar issues with the three fathers and sons of Pepin. In order to obtain the crown, Pepin donated a piece of territory to the Pope, and the Pope established the Papal States with this land. The two used each other to create the "divine right of kings" that has shrouded Europe for nearly a thousand years.

The prime task of the palace minister is to manage the royal family's finances. In addition, he also assists other officials in managing land acquisitions. This is a job similar to that of a housekeeper. Georgiana's "land mining" is currently managed by people from the church, building a hospital or something, but last time she saw a military doctor named Lalei in the greenhouse, she knew what the men were doing behind her back.

The palace minister does not want official positions and land to be transferable and replaceable. This tradition was preserved in France until the French Revolution. Many official positions can be hereditary, but land can be bought and sold. Nobles without land are like duckweed without roots. If the land is sold, the income on it will not go to the nobles. For example, a piece of land can be sold for 400 francs, and the annual income is 40 francs. If you sell it, you can get 10 years of income, but what will happen after ten years?

That's not what the aristocrat who sold his family property and spent his days and nights in Paris considered. The Gaunt family used to be very rich, but by Voldemort's generation, they had become poor. Merope was so poor that he sold a locket, and the priceless locket only sold for 10 Galleons. If it wasn't for Voldemort's fate, The Gaunt family was extinct.

It is easier to understand the hereditary official position. It is inherited from father to son. Shaputal's uncle is a doctor. He hopes that Shaputal can also be a doctor. Some people will be obedient, and some people will be like Shaputal. Not wanting to pursue that profession for various reasons, Shapthal became a chemist.

Lucian didn't want the right of inheritance, but it didn't mean he didn't want to hold power. The people he introduced to Georgiana were all republicans, and he might want to be a "regent" who can use power without wearing a crown.

The people he introduced are all practical, much better than those flattering people around Napoleon. The two brothers have completely different styles and talents, but Lucien will not be soft-hearted towards women like Napoleon, and will treat the little girl Now that Dermide is on the "throne", her use value is gone, and where this "British woman" goes is entirely up to the "Regent".

Napoleon may have been prepared to let her go to Italy when things went wrong in the future. The Directorate had asked him to annex the Papal State. He didn't do that, but he also left a way out for himself. He could at least arrange his family in the Papal State and live in the Italian Royal Palace, instead of being confiscated like those old nobles. Living in a foreign country, even the head fell to the ground.

This is his consistent style, always making up plans, he went to Corsica for independence and did not quit the army.

If Napoleon established a republic in Italy, he only took the interests of Italy and ignored the demands of the local people, then the Italian republic that he conquered twice after crossing the Alps would also be lost. Last year's Turin Fort incident was already unpopular, and this representative's visit is just a chance to save them.

Many people like artworks. Even people who don’t understand art will feel very unconvinced when they know that artworks have been lost overseas. It also happens that Georgiana is short of money, so she wants to return these “state assets” of the Louvre. Those Italians.

Last time the Corsican taught her that the things he "earned" hard can't be given away for free, so she should be right to sell those things now. Anyway, if France is occupied by other countries, the things in the Louvre will be divided up by other countries. "Before" the Germans emptied the Louvre.

It doesn't matter if those Italian representatives come to Paris, she can just take this opportunity to sell some of the oil paintings that have no place to put them. It is better to exchange those paintings for some steel rice noodles, real gold and silver, and the kindness of people's hearts.

If you want to keep your treasures from being snatched away, you have to become stronger.

A unified country needs the allocation of resources, and the flow of money to places where it is more needed is the same as transferring food from provinces with abundant harvests to provinces with food shortages.

The wisdom of the people is the guarantee of national security. If a woman takes to the streets at this time in order to gain the right to wear pants "equally" with men, the end will definitely not be good.

Before Lafayette came with the National Guard, women who wanted cheap bread surrounded Versailles, but they did not come by themselves, but were led to Versailles by a man.

The queen on the chessboard is a very powerful chess piece, but no matter how powerful the chess piece is, it is just a chess piece, and it will be eaten like Marie Antoinette.

Perhaps part of the 75 million francs was actually used for disaster relief to buy high-priced food, and the other part was embezzled and embezzled. Anyway, Marie Antoinette was responsible for the final crime alone, and the national debt has not yet been paid. Also.

Georgiana didn't want to bear the mistakes of others, let alone be a chess piece used by others.

There are many oriental plants in the greenhouse, and she is currently repotting a pot of tiger lilies.

It doesn't look as pure as a white lily, and it's covered with black spots that look like freckles, or traces of smallpox.

She felt that this was her way of life.

She wouldn't be manipulating Delmid the way Albus was manipulating Harry.

Albus gave Harry happiness, but didn't tell him the truth, until the end, through Severus, let Harry understand his "destiny".

He was cursed at that time, and he wanted to die, and his brain was not sound at all.

What was even more annoying was that Severus also lost his ability to think because of the confusion, he must still be thinking about the red-haired lily.

Oh, if Lily had pimples and freckles, what boy would be so fond of her.

Georgiana thought viciously.

Both Lily and Josephine married well, and have lived a life of no worries since then. She really wanted to see if they could play the harp with a huge debt of 1.3 billion.

"I'm so mad!" she yelled suddenly.

What did it matter to her that Napoleon himself did not attend the inauguration? Caprara made it sound like it was all her fault.

At this time, two days had passed since the agreed time, and she had not received any news.

The peace advocated by Addington is a peace that is beneficial to Britain. Napoleon will not sacrifice the interests of France for Georgiana, like Anthony.

Neither William Pitt Jr. nor his allies would swallow their breath and evade provocation in order to preserve the tie, and she really couldn't figure out how to untangle this deadlock.

"Who is mad at you?"

Suddenly, a man spoke in strange French from the door of the greenhouse.

She looked up at the dwarf, who was still wearing the gray coat.

"Tell me who it is, and I'll help you teach him a lesson."

What is the normal reaction of a normal woman at this time? Should I pounce on him for a hug?

"I sent Delmid to your mother," she said dryly. "I don't believe Josephine can take care of the baby."

Napoleoni sighed in disappointment, "That's what you want to tell me?"

"I can't think of anything else clever," she said despondently. "Do you want a bath? I'll get you the bath water."

"Look at this." He took a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to her.

"How can I see it so far away?"

"Come and see."

She obediently passed by and took the pictorial from him.

A thin French soldier is kissing a fat woman in a tutu.

"Does that woman look like the Prince of Wales in dress?" Napoleoni said suddenly.

"I haven't seen the Prince of Wales," she said blankly.

"I met, but he didn't wear women's clothes. He said he hoped to see me in women's clothes next time?"

Georgiana looked at him puzzled.

"Do you think I look good in women's clothes?" Napoleoni asked with a smile.

She could not imagine Napoleon in a dress.

Although Neville's Boggart turned into Severus in women's clothes, she couldn't imagine Severus in women's clothes.

"My God, don't let me see." She seemed to have eaten the most sour orange, her features were wrinkled into a ball. "That's going to be a nightmare."

Napoleoni suddenly picked her up and walked around in the greenhouse.

They finally looked like normal people should have.

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