Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1390 Reward

If Napoleon would hold the whip in his own hand when traveling on horseback instead of in a carriage, the end of the whip he pulled would lightly pat on his military boots when he walked, making a crisp sound.

His stride is quick, even on rough ground, and his back is perfectly straight.

It's just that his head is out of proportion to his thin body, especially after wearing the three-cornered hat, his head looks even bigger.

This kind of figure is really not suitable for sculpture and painting, because it does not conform to the aesthetics of the human body.

But he actually exercised his body, especially his lower body. His leg muscles are much better than his upper body.

The army is different from the navy, and it moves entirely on its legs, that's how she understands it.

Homer's epic Odyssey once had such a description:

The wise Telemaxes ushered the troubled guests into his splendid mansion, where they took off their robes, laid them on the commodes and broad chairs, and entered the carefully polished bathrooms to be bathed.

After the maids bathed them, carefully anointed them with olive oil, and dressed them in furry robes and clothes, they came out of the bathroom and sat down on commodes. A maid brought the washbasin, filled the silver basin with beautifully crafted gold jugs to wash their hands, and set a smooth dining table in front of them, and the dignified maid brought all kinds of dishes and received the foreign guests hospitablely.

According to their previous bet, if Giorgina won, Napoleoni would be at her disposal. They didn't say whether Georgiana won with the "pirates" or without pirates, Napoleon let her win anyway. Now he was like a fish waiting to be cooked, sprawled on a wide chair covered in green Moroccan leather, and asked Georgiana to rub him with olive oil.

Within his reach was a sleek table with a large basin of dates, a few flatbreads, and a chilled bottle of champagne. The bathroom built by Louis XIV was filled with white mist, and the hot water in the pool drove away the severe cold, making it almost impossible to feel that it was severe winter.


Georgiana rubbed the muscles in his legs hard with a pinching force.

At this moment, she was wearing an Egyptian skirt, which should be worn by a maid. It was very convenient for movement, and it didn't have a long skirt like a floor-length skirt. The only other jewelry on her body was a choker of emeralds, which she wore as a browpiece, to the satisfaction of Caesar, for Cleopatra was said to be very fond of emeralds.

She didn't let unmarried girls into the place, after all they were in 19th century France, not BC Rome. Corsicans don't shy away from exposing their bodies at all. Going naked is the same as wearing clothes. On the contrary, Georgiana who is wearing clothes feels extremely uncomfortable.

"Can you stop humming!" She stopped her hand and said a little angrily.

He stared back at her.

"I feel very comfortable, why can you bark when you feel comfortable, but not me?"

Georgiana wished now that she had a whip in her hand.

He was lying on his side, resting his head on his hands, and beckoning to her.

"come over."

She was so angry now that she wanted to beat him up.

But now he's covered in olive oil and looks like an ancient Greek bodybuilder.

"Don't you English only jump on gold coins impatiently when you see them?" he said impatiently.

"I'm a girl, I can't do this." She said very seriously, "Did your mother teach you to pursue what you want?"

"Do you think there is a problem?"

"Boys are fine."

"Don't worry, it's just you and me here." He held out his hand to her.

"I hope you don't tell anyone about me being 'naughty'. Only you and Severus know about it." She said seriously, "I don't want to be the talk of others."

He put his hands down.

"There is another card in the Tarot, the sun, which reminds me of you." She said softly, "Sometimes you are like a child."

"Are you flattering me?"

"I'm talking about how I feel right now."

"Then you know how I feel right now?"

She waited quietly for him to speak.

"I'm thirsty, pour me a glass of wine."

Georgiana immediately went to pour him the wine, and the golden champagne was poured into a silver cup with a rustling sound of bubbles exploding.

She handed him the glass of wine, but he took the glass and put it aside, then took her wrist, let her pour it into his arms, and he began to kiss her forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose , Say a word of praise every time you kiss a place.

She didn't drink, but she already felt a little drunk.

"Do you want to know how we talked?" he asked, putting his arms around her affectionately.

"What conditions did the Prince of Wales say?"

"It's not the conditions he said, it was the tsar who helped us to negotiate. The British can continue to garrison in Malta for three years until the Maltese knights have the ability to protect themselves." He whispered in her ear, "Duke of Orange's claim It will no longer be counted in the peace treaty, and will be negotiated in Berlin instead."

"Where are the captives?"

"The Prince of Wales said to exchange all the French prisoners for you. I told him that your Prime Minister is still with me. Guess how he answered?"

She shook her head.

"He said, 'I'll send you another dozen, do you want'?"

Georgiana smiled.

"Don't think that William Pitt Jr. is a good man. He is only in the field at present. The British cut military expenditures but did not reduce the number of the navy. The salaries of ordinary soldiers are still in the 17th century. The food is bad and there are no holidays. There was a riot in the Netherlands, but the government was in power at the time, and they were having disputes with the two chambers, so they missed this opportunity for peace.”

"Just like now?" she said with some concern.

"The situation is different now. The UK pays the anti-French coalition all with gold reserves. In addition, the UK pays the shipping costs and insurance for the neutral countries that serve itself. The gold reserves of the Bank of London have been exhausted. "

"The Prince of Wales told you this?"

"He is telling me that Britain is no longer able to fund Royalist activities." Napoleon said calmly, "except for the Duke of Orleans, everyone lives in an apartment in London, and the prisoners live in the docks. Do you think I would be that stupid if they leave?"

"You like the Prince of Wales?"

"If it weren't for the Dauphin, he would be the best comedian in Europe. I saw his troops, mostly recruits. The price of grain has reached an unsustainable level. He doesn't want the revolution that happened in France to happen in England. .”

"The Tsar has gone too?" Georgiana asked.

"No, his younger brother, Grand Duke Constantine, is here. I really wish I could have such a younger brother." Leon said with emotion.

"What are his characteristics?"

"Be obedient and have no ambitions."

"Maybe he played it." Georgiana pointed to Napoleon's ancient Greek nose. "You didn't want to play a serious general before."

"Queen Catherine is a terrible woman, do you know how she treated Turkish captives?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"She ordered all the captives to be killed, and the blood stained the Black Sea red. After comparing with her, I found that the British still have a little conscience."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," she said sadly.

"Growing up around such a woman, I think it's hard not to be like Grand Duke Constantine, but she is a good queen, and the Russian people like her very much." He outlined Georgiana's features with his fingers, "I want a real Belongs to our child, Queen of Scots."

"Are you kidding or is this a condition from the Crown Prince?"

"What do you think?"

"Unless the prince is mad." She took his hand and kissed it. "I am your Cecilia, Sultan."

"I heard that Canova is sculpting for you?"

"I have no idea what he's going to carve me into," she complained exaggeratedly.

"Tell me, Priestess, how can I please the Harvest Goddess?" Napoleoni smiled again.

As Teresa said, he has a very elegant temperament and looks like a god.

"I thought the Harvest Goddess should be holding grapes, but then she would be the priestess of the Dionysus." Georgiana said distressedly, "Polina once played her."

He finally lost his patience and threw her on the ground, but olive oil was all over the leather recliner, and they fell to the floor together.

"During the time you ignored me, I was like a dying person." He looked into her eyes and said, "I lost my train of thought, as if my inspiration had left me."

"I thought your last naval battle was a wild adventure."

"That's because I don't use Greek fire," he said with a smile that looked devilish. "When I sleep alone, I go to bed and read books from thousands of years ago, sometimes by myself, sometimes by someone else. I translated, the book records how one dynasty after another was established on the ruins of the previous one, you didn’t tell me that the Greek fire was because you were protecting Britain?.”

"If you attack with fire, no one can survive a fire like that," Georgiana whispered.

"I know that the fleet of the Arabs docked in the Golden Bay of Constantinople was burned in the same way. I can also use the same method to deal with the Maltese navy. I don't blame you. You also have a flag in your heart. See you Fired up my fighting spirit, can you tell me what would become of the sun if it died?"

"Carbon, but in a star larger than the sun, turns to iron."

His eyes widened in surprise.

"It's a law of the universe, Leon, that each of us is born from the dead remains of a previous star, and the iron in our blood comes from a star larger than the sun."

"You made this up?"

"You can understand it as mysticism, which is only known to very few people."

"Why did you tell me?"

"Here's your reward." She kissed him on the nose, making him smear lipstick to the tip of his nose, which looked like a clown's red nose.

"What about gold? Can it really be made by alchemy?" he asked like a greedy king.

"That requires the power of God."

"Can God of War do it?"

"No, that's the power of Hermes." She stroked his arm. "Like Cupid and Athena, they hold different powers."

"Who created you? Are you Helen or Pandora?"

She stared at him with affectionate eyes.

"You'd better stop talking." He said depressedly, then bowed his head and kissed her, this kiss was not like a child at all.

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