Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1388 crown of thorns

It is reasonable to say that the current situation in the parliament is not suitable for sculpture at this time, but the sculptor named Antonio Canova came from Rome and was brought to the Grand Trianon by Caprara himself. Georgiana was about to see her.

"Don't you like Michelangelo? This is the modern Michelangelo." Caprara introduced to Georgiana jokingly.

Georgiana looked curiously at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was shaved, revealing not very charming but handsome features, and his black hair was combed neatly behind his head.

When Georgiana looked at him, Canova was also looking at her, his eyes seemed to be judging how to carve her.

"Good morning," she said in French, smugly "I heard Napoléoni mention you."

"The First Consul once invited me to come to France to make a statue of him." Canova bowed towards Georgiana. "Of course, you must be added now."

"Sit down." Georgiana found a seat in the painting hall and sat down. "This is finally coming in handy."

"I heard from people in the School of Sculpture that the First Consul wanted to carve a statue of the Harvest Goddess for you," Canova said.

"That's right," Georgiana said awkwardly. "Am I going to hold grapes?"

"I heard that the First Consul wanted the statue of the Madonna in Rome because of your influence," Canova said.

"I just want a copy. It's a masterpiece." Georgiana explained helplessly. "I didn't think about asking for the original."

"Did you actually see the Virgin smiling?" Canova asked.

Georgiana nodded, "Because she has a brave son, she chose to smile when most mothers would cry."

"If it were you, would you smile?" Canova asked.

Georgiana restrained her smile, what the hell kind of question is this?

"The reason why the Virgin smiles is because she knows that her son has accomplished a great deed, and she is proud of it, not just because she thinks the Son is brave." Canova stared at Georgiana, as if not letting her go The slightest expression on the face "I didn't want to come to France, my hometown was occupied by the French."

"You said that in the house of the man who invaded your house?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"The Virgin loves brave sons." Canova said calmly, "I would rather sculpt you than Napoleon."

"I don't know how to pose," she said awkwardly. "This is my first statue."

"Let the artist capture his own inspiration," Caprara said to Georgiana. "Did you hear what happened yesterday?"

"You mean Sies?" Georgiana smiled. "I've heard of it."

"No, on January 9th the First Consul should arrive in Lyon to attend the inauguration ceremony of the highest administrator of the Italian Republic. At that time, 450 Italian representatives were waiting for him, and the garrison returning from Egypt would be inspected at the Place de la Fiore. The result He canceled all these trips." Caprara said, "The representatives waited for him in Lyon for a few days, and yesterday they arranged for an envoy to come to Paris to inquire, and later learned that he was not in Paris, and now they are panicked, thinking that the First Consul has returned. Troops are dispatched."

Georgiana was taken aback.

She thought that Napoleon said that the trip had been arranged several months ago, but he was only talking about the factory owners in Lyon.

"He sent troops?" Caprara asked with a smile.

"He went to the Western Corps to review." Georgiana said dryly, "He will be back in three days at the earliest."

Caprara stared at her.

"I'm telling the truth, Father," she said earnestly.

"The Wealth of Nations you recommend him?" Caprara asked.

"What does a priest ask that for?" Georgiana muttered.

"Have you read it?"

Georgiana nodded.

"Girls should read what girls should read," Caprara said earnestly.

"Or sit in front of artists more and act as a model for them, right!" Georgiana raised her voice unconsciously. "Oh, your beauty is so dazzling no matter the day or night!"

Kanova, who was sketching her, held back a smile and continued to draw.

"So is he going to meet representatives in Paris?" Caprara asked.

Paris was full of praises for his conquest of Italy in the Alps, and she felt that the delegates would feel the same way when they saw those works of art that the people of Constantinople saw the bronze horse on the Basilica of San Marco in Venice.

"I will persuade him to return to Lyon." Georgiana said immediately.

"Can he really come back in three days?" Caprara said coldly

"have no idea."

Caprara said nothing.

"I don't know!" she repeated again.

"Cambaceres, the second ruling power, is currently in power, and the four editors of the Civil Code were all recommended by him." Caprara said, "Sies is the first to disagree with the establishment of a judicial review agency." , Compared with the Senate, the Legislative Yuan and the Tribunal are the most chaotic."

"Why is the Tribunal in chaos?"

"It's mostly Republicans over there, and Henry Gregoire is as much a constitutionalist as Siyes."

Every housewife will do a big cleaning, and Georgiana inexplicably smells the smell of "big cleaning", because guests can only enter the door after the house is cleaned.

She now regrets the two memorial pillars of the tree infinitely.

"They already know that you used the Sacley method to deal with the conflict between Sevres and the British townspeople. Siyes also brought up the hospital's land to lobby. Their territory should restore the hereditary system."

"I can't have a baby again," she muttered.

"The hereditary doesn't have to be your own. You can designate your heir, just like the First Consul can designate your own heir. Are you going to adopt Polina's son Delmid?" Caprara asked.

"His parents are going to a very dangerous place, and we are just helping to look after them."

"It depends on Josephine who is in charge of looking after her. She is Napoleon's wife. What right do you have to see?"

Georgiana turned pale with anger.

"You want me to give Delmid to her?"

"What do you think?" Caprara sighed, "He was so confused because of you that he didn't even go to the inauguration ceremony, and if he left that child with you, I'm afraid he won't survive this year."

Georgiana didn't ask who was the one who wouldn't survive this year, whether it was Delmid or Napoleon who had an heir.

It is very easy to manipulate a 3-year-old child, and Georgiana, the "Queen Regent", is not of noble birth like the Medici and Habsburg family members.

"Now I'm telling you as a guardian, you stay at home safely and don't walk around at will. You said he would come back tomorrow at the earliest, didn't you?"


"Josephine is not as good as you in many things, but she is a bit smarter than you. Do you know what she usually does? Weaving tapestries, playing the harp, or playing chess, watching family dramas, I brought you a sculptor, You have to find some hobbies when you have nothing to do."

"Do I want to go to the Louvre to see paintings?"

"No!" Caprara said decisively, "Canova can teach you if you want to learn how to draw, and I can also find you a musician if you want to learn musical instruments."

Georgiana stood up straight away.

"where did you go?"

"I'm going to the greenhouse!" She said angrily, "Planting some flowers and plants will never disturb anyone!"

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