Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1379 c'est un diable (Part 2)

After the French Revolution, the Agricultural Management Committee originally established in 1787 was disbanded. After Chaputal took over as Minister of the Interior, he wanted to rebuild the local government and various affairs. The Paris Agricultural Association is still a semi-official organization. It is not yet a department. It is housed in the Bois de Boulogne, west of Paris.

Since the 7th century, the Boulogne Forest has been the king's hunting ground. Since Louis XIV, there have been famous and handsome horses, well-dressed gentlemen, and beautiful ladies in the forest from time to time.

This is the place where rich people gather, the security is good, the environment is comfortable, and there are many high society clubs set up here. As the royal family gradually declined, the owners of the Villa Boulogne changed some people, such as military officers who had achieved military exploits, financiers, bankers, celebrities and artists, etc. A member of the Agricultural Association donated his villa as a meeting place, and Georgiana brought Delmid here.

How backward is France's agricultural planting technology?

According to the famous agronomist François Chirel Gilbert in 1787, French agriculture has not made any progress since ancient Rome, and a farming method called "irregular planting" still exists today. A piece of wasteland was reclaimed along the coast, Brittany, Thierache and other areas. After continuous planting of crops, it returned to the state of thatch, and even turned into a forest, just like slash-and-burn farming in the Neolithic Age.

The two-year rotation system in the south of France is a legacy left over from the ancient Mediterranean, and large pieces of arable land came from ancient Roman settlements.

It is impossible for Georgiana to really go to the south. What kind of land will she go to the south in winter?

The French at the beginning of the 19th century called corn Turkish wheat. Corn also requires temperature, and it has been sown in large areas in the south.

Citizen Martin de Chahilon said that the peasants in the west live in poverty and filth all day long because they cannot arrange their work well. They plant too much grain and too little pasture, so that the land is exhausted and must be changed.

He spoke in a commanding tone that seemed condescending, like an aristocrat.

Next, Georgiana explained the "will" of the first ruling, regardless of the promotion of potatoes, and continued to promote potatoes, which was passed quickly.

The 18th century was called "the disgrace of agricultural life". Not all areas used the non-stop farming system, and some places implemented a two-year and three-year rotation system. In principle, no crops were cultivated on the land of these rotations. , but it can be used to grow grass for livestock to prepare for sowing wheat in the coming year.

However, the landforms of leisure in different parts of France are different. In some places, "absolute" and "complete" leisure are implemented, which are completely used to meet the wheat production in the coming year.

Farmers will secretly grow some white peas, gray peas, vetch peas, broad beans, kidney beans, etc. Potatoes and corn were also "stealed" crops in the past, but now the promotion of potato planting is just to make "stealing seeds" more righteous.

To put it simply, it is easier for new crops to gain a foothold, but it is difficult to promote artificial pastures. The production of artificial pastures is 2 to 3 times higher than that of natural grasslands, which can provide important supplementary feed for livestock herds, increase the number of livestock, and provide Farming pumps more fertilizer, but artificial pastures take away "sacred" wheat fields.

It is easy to understand that fertile land, even if it is small in size, can produce more wheat than barren and wide land, but Minister of the Interior Chaputal said that a smart person like First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte Still can't figure it out, it looks like he's one of those farmers who won't grow sugar beets.

In short, artificial pastures are the driving force behind a "necessary" and "powerful" agricultural revolution. Compared with the use of animal power instead of manpower for farming, it is behind, not to mention the increase of large livestock for farming. Insufficient feed is also useless. The fertilizer problem can be solved temporarily with human manure, which is already being used in the suburbs of cities such as Lyon.

Georgiana has been silent, although many people hope that she can express their opinions.

Agricultural reform must be cautious. Quesnay's reform law overthrew the Bourbon dynasty. She also made the same mistake as those theorists, thinking that replacing human power with animal power would produce the same effect as the Industrial Revolution.

Instead of pulling plows, heavy horses should go to mines to pull mines, so that more shovels and farm tools can be produced.

She came to listen with her children and looked like an ordinary housewife. Later, the members of the Agricultural Association assumed that she did not exist and began to discuss other issues.

The livestock industry in the Alps is provided by the Camargue region. The severe winter since the eighth year of the Republic has caused many lambs to freeze to death. Not only the British Grain Law exists to protect the interests of local farmers, but also the French livestock owners. In the boycott of foreign livestock into the French market.

The attempt at horsemeat almost failed, and pigs wanted to rob humans of potatoes, so raising so many cattle became a New Year's goal.

Cattle in the Alps can go to the alpine pastures by themselves in spring, and then return automatically before October. Every early April, they must reconnect with the wild, otherwise the herdsmen's reserves of pasture will not be enough.

In order to speed up the melting of the snow, a few shovels of dirt will be sprinkled on the road, which requires manual snow shoveling. This group of people took a fancy to the engineers and soldiers who built the road in the Alps.

Neither the Seni Mountain Road nor the Singerang Tunnel can be dug in a day or two. It is really important to shovel the snow if the project is delayed for a few days. For Napoleon, this was just an order. It would take time and cost to recruit civilians, not to mention that there were no people in the mountainous area.

Georgiana listened exhaustedly to the discussions of these agronomists, and she realized that she still had a lot to learn, even though she had been farming a piece of land for 30 years.

If there were no magic, potions, and dragon manure, the land of Hogwarts might not be able to support 1,000 people. Things such as flour were also bought from nearby Muggle towns. No wheat is grown.

Livestock products such as milk and beef were also bought from outside. Hagrid knew how to raise chickens, but he couldn't do it with only chicken.

Until now, she didn't know what kind of Eden she lived in before. Hogwarts was full of joy, so the students were so nostalgic that they were willing to protect it with their lives.

Which student would risk his life to protect the school? It's fine to blow up the school without using dynamite.

She took Delmid out of the villa while the other committee members were not paying attention.

The fresh air of the Bois de Boulogne woke her up a bit, and Dermide, who was watching a squirrel, let him go exploring.

There were guards watching. Although they were all male soldiers, she was not worried at all.

As long as it is not life-threatening, it is normal for boys to be injured by falls and bruises, and it will be fine after a while.

She won't let Delmid in her hands be raised to be an obedient "sissy" and "good boy", but he doesn't need to imitate Napoleon in everything.

"Which of you can climb trees?" Georgiana asked the guards.

"I will," said a soldier.

"Please teach him how to climb," said Georgiana, pointing to Delmy who was watching the squirrel under the tree, but did not know how to climb up to catch it.

"I can catch a squirrel," said the guard.

"No, I want you to teach him to climb trees. It doesn't matter if you can't catch a squirrel," Georgiana said firmly.

"Yes, ma'am." The guard replied, and then walked to Dermide's side, squatting down to communicate with him like a father.

"You're going to teach him to be a wild boy?" asked Napoleoni.

"I think it's good for boys to be wild." She replied calmly, "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come to you, you will definitely not come to me, right?" He said patiently.

"I originally planned to ask you to borrow troops. In April, the Alpine Road must be cleared to let the cattle pass."

He glared at her angrily.

"You chose it yourself, and you want to go back to her. How are you doing the test these few days?"

"You want to borrow troops, how can you pay them back?" He asked back.

"They were all doing things for you."

"Sleep with me."

This time it was her who glared at him.

"I miss you very much, do you miss me?"

She looked at the guards around them, they immediately turned back and hid far away.

"I was with you before because you said you were separated, and now you plan to go back, you shouldn't come to me again, it's immoral."

"I won't bother you. It's like suffering from a heat-wasting disease. It may be difficult to diagnose at the beginning of the illness. If you don't take action, as time goes by, it will become easier to diagnose and difficult to treat. Don't worry about the UK. gone?"

"Ireland should be separated." She said angrily.

In fact, if Ireland had seceded from British rule, it might not have suffered a desperate disaster like the famine of 1845.

"Is this the attitude that a consultant should have?" He asked again.

"Who wants to be your advisor?" She said angrily, and turned to leave.

"France under my administration is not so short of money that it needs to sell officials to increase its income." Napoleon said behind her, "Do you want to know what was transported from Holland to Antwerp?"

"Bait." Georgiana looked back at him. "You have long thought that Britain would exchange captives for land?"

"I didn't expect that they would exchange captives for land. Do you remember that you told me a few months ago that I ordered the mine's heavy-drawn horses to plow the land?"

She nods.

"I didn't promise you, I want to use these horses for other things."

"What did you do?"

"Have you ever heard of a gold called 'Fool's Gold'?"

"That's not gold at all, it's pyrite... Is it a rumor you spread?"

"Can you tell me, how do you understand the sentence that the cannon is my personal secret weapon?"

"Trigonometric functions, as well as mechanics, these knowledge are all stored in your mind."

He looked at her and shook his head.


"A cannon is a weapon that allows me to fight back when I am threatened. For other rulers, war is about dividing up a piece of land. For me, it is about survival. I will not make mistakes in matters of life and death. Confused, I am not going to Lyon this time to accompany Josephine. I have already booked it a few months ago. Officials from nearby provinces are waiting for me. I am going to the Western Corps to defend against the landing of your British warships. If you land on land, you are not my opponent, and you are also not opponents within the attack range of the cannon. You can only attack lonely ships at sea, what is there for you to be proud of?"

"You know what the best weapon for a woman is? Love," Georgiana said with a smile. "Do you think you're beaten, Leon?"

"How about we make a bet?" He said provocatively, "See if anyone attacks my 'gold ship'."

"The sea doesn't necessarily freeze over."

"That's because you don't know how cold the sea is now, and you haven't given me my Christmas present yet, so how about we bet on this?"

He said a little arrogantly.

"What if I win?"

"I'll do whatever you want."

"If I tell you to bark like a dog, will you learn?"

"You're so smart, of course you wouldn't waste such a rare opportunity." He said with a smirk, thinking he was humorous.

"what chance?"

"A chance to learn."

She didn't understand, but one of the guards burst out laughing.

"Get out!" she roared, and turned to find Delmid who was learning how to climb a tree.

"Would you like to go to the parade west?" said Bonaparte behind her.

"No!" She said categorically. After the military parade, if the British attacked and he still wanted to fight, who would she help?

"Take the child away." Bonaparte said suddenly just as she was about to receive Delmid from the Guards.

Before she could react to what was going on, the guard took Delmid away.

"Everyone, take 50 steps forward." Bonaparte ordered, and then the guards walked forward together as if being led by an invisible rope.

The elegant-looking wild lion walked towards her, and she subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Do you want to hear a story?" Just as she was about to run, Napoleon said suddenly, "It's about that carpet."

"No." She subconsciously refused.

"I can tell you at the picnic." He suppressed his excitement and stared at her.

"You don't really want a picnic," she said timidly. "I won't be fooled."

"Please," he begged, "please promise me, beautiful and charming lady."

"You have to promise me one condition," she whispered.

"What conditions?"

"You can't be rude to me."

He thought for a moment, then laughed, "Okay."

He put his hands behind his back and said politely, "I promise."

"I don't want to have a picnic, it's snowing outside," she said, pointing to the frozen lake. "I want to skate."

"I won't."

"I can teach you." She said softly, "How about we go back and tell the story of that carpet?"

He fell silent.

"Let's come in spring next time," he said after a moment. "The garden should be all in bloom by then."

"Okay." She reached out to him, "Come on, let's go skating."

"Do you want to call the little guy?" He asked, holding her hand.

"Let's talk about it after I teach you a big guy." She pinched his Greek nose and said, and he hugged her tightly.

"I still wanted to see the Arc de Triomphe in Lyon." He whispered in her ear, "Later I found out that I don't want any Arc de Triomphe, I don't want any ceremony, and I don't care about those meaningless words. I am your lion, what I want It's you."

"My husband will come, are you still afraid to fight him?"

"I have a proxy knight," said the Lion of the Wild, "or a proxy wizard."

"I know you will cheat, but you have to remind the person who represents you that Severus will cheat too." She whispered, "I don't want you to win, and I don't want him to lose."

"You have told me the answer in your heart." He let go of his hand with a happy face, and then kissed her lips.

What started out as a token touch quickly became overwhelming and dizzyingly hot.

"No, stop!" She pressed his hand.

"Why?" He gasped back.

"I want to skate!" she said emphatically, "and I know the reputation of this forest."

He let go, stopping his appeal to another "movement".

She quickly put down the hem of the skirt and smoothed out his creases.

"I don't want to see white anymore, it reminds me of the Bourbon royal family, dye your clothes in other colors." He ordered.

"Including the outer skirt?"

"No, only the ones I saw." He kissed her lips affectionately, then took her hand and ran towards the frozen lake, looking rejuvenated and excited about skating.

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