At the end of the Tang Dynasty, people mined saltpeter when producing gunpowder, and found that saltpeter dissolved in water would absorb a lot of heat, making the water cool down to freezing. Since then, there has been a method of making ice in summer. Get into the ice to lure customers.

The image of the sea water will not freeze, the river water will freeze, and the Seine River will freeze. From the second half of the 16th century, Europe has entered the "Little Ice Age". Louis XIV's wine in the Palace of Versailles It's all frozen.

In coastal waters, due to the depth of the water, when the temperature drops sharply, such as when encountering a strong cold wave, the sea water will freeze quickly. Once sea ice forms, soluble salts will be precipitated by the crystallization process of water, causing the salinity of unfrozen sea water to rise rapidly, the density will become greater, and the freezing point will become lower. At this time, if there are waves stirring, it will appear The phenomenon of "mixing ice and water".

Not only can saltpeter be used to make gunpowder and let cannons fire shells, but it can also be used to achieve the purpose of war. As long as the warships of the British Navy are trapped by the sea, the naval officers who have lost their mobility can only disembark and go to the sea. The French army, coming on horseback over the ice, surrendered.

Natural forces are beyond the control of human beings. Human beings are a part of nature. Humans coexist with various creatures on the land and in the climate. Human activities involve both destruction and construction. Lana was sent to Antwerp to build fortifications. The first thing to do was to build an embankment near the mouth of the Strell River, so that British naval ships with a deeper draft could not enter the inland river.

Generally speaking, the greater the draft of the ship, the greater the loading capacity. Those British warships with strong firepower were blocked in the bay and could not enter the port. The range of smoothbore guns in the 18th century could not be used against the huge and eye-catching "Apollo". How about a bronze statue.

In the eyes of many British navies, the "Contract of Amiens" is simply a verdict of subjugation, and of course it is best to destroy it. France is rich in iron ore resources, but there are not many high-quality minerals. Pyrite is generally not used as a material for ironmaking, but as a raw material for extracting sulfur to make sulfuric acid. These "waste" are now being reused. It looks very much like gold and is often used by scammers.

Napoleon loved to play cards, and he also loved to cheat. Every time he won, he would feel uneasy and return the winning money to others.

This kind of "playing method" is different from his battle against Mamluks in the battle of the Egyptian pyramids. It does not rely on manpower, but more on the power of nature, similar to a child's chemical experiment game.

In the hot desert, it is very pleasant to drink a cold drink. The commander-in-chief has done it in Egypt before. After experiencing initial difficulties, the French expeditionary force gained a foothold in Egypt and moved its headquarters to Giza. At that time, there were no slaves left in the beautiful palace of Muwadbey, and the interior decoration was not at all like Europe. The military officers found it very novel and visited the palace full of exotic customs everywhere.

During their visit they found sofas covered in the finest Lyonnaise silk and inlaid with gold tassels, some European works of art, and gardens full of beautiful trees and vines full of fruitful grapes.

There was a dining-room full of marmalades and sweets, and an abundance of blankets, china, and silver, and the officers held a small dinner party in the light of the blazing fire of three hundred Egyptian ships, and there was a great deal of excitement. The flames illuminated the spiers of all the monasteries in Cairo very clearly, even the outlines of the pyramids.

When the senior officers had finished their enjoyment, they went back to tell the soldiers about the vineyard, and the soldiers broke in in droves, and snatched everything Bey and Kiahiv had left.

The gold-studded rug was not a gift from the Sultan, nor was it a spoil of robbery. Every year, Cairo sends a pilgrimage team to send a carpet to St. Ka'aba. Napoleon ordered the carpet weavers in Cairo's Karau Mosque to make this "gift to the Sultan" more gorgeous than usual, and put it on it. More sayings were embroidered on, and it took more time to weave the blanket, which was not finished until he left Egypt.

Scholars who returned later brought the blanket back to Paris, together with the cultural relics in Egypt, and inexplicably entered Napoleon's private warehouse, and then it was discovered by Georgiana.

She couldn't read Arabic, but there were plenty of translators in Paris who could, and she thought the blanket covered with sayings had been "gifted by the Sultan" to Napoleon.

Then she ordered someone to make a shelf, spread the blanket on it, and hung it in the dining room of the Tuileries Palace as a witness of the "peace and friendship" between the two countries.

The generals laughed heartily, and another party was held in the dining room that day, and they ate marmalade and sweets just like last time at Bey's, only instead of cold drinks, they drank wine.

The murals on the wall have not yet been painted, but they already know that they will depict the French army crossing the Alps, and the chandelier above the head will be replaced with Venetian handmade glass. They have no objection to these arrangements, even the nitpicking civil servants There is no comment on this kind of decoration, and it is much better than the previous roadside cafes.

It was because they felt that the tapestry should be replaced. Napoleon simply gave the gift that should have been a gift to the Turkish envoy and asked him to take it back to Sultan Akaba.

It so happened that he had a resident ambassador in Constantinople, Mr. Bosan, a learned astronomer, who managed to establish relations with the Turkish Foreign Ministry Reis Efendi, who at the time because of The silence of the Luxembourg government hindered Napoleon's diplomatic activities, and he forgot for a moment that there was such a diplomat in Constantinople.

But the constellation map that Georgiana had arranged for someone to draw on the ceiling reminded him of Mr. Beausan, and that was how the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the Ottoman Empire that Thomas Granit was worried about came about.

Napoleon was in such a good mood that he was not offended to discover that Georgiana had an English wool shawl, and even made it into a kilt to see how she looked in this kilt.

He did not go to live in the Tuileries Palace, nor did he live in the suite of the Louvre Museum, but returned to the Grand Trianon Palace with Georgiana, and lived in the greenhouse again.

The heating in the greenhouse made the room extremely warm, and it didn’t feel cold even without a fire. The office area transformed by the King’s Botanic Garden also made the officials who came here to wait feel so comfortable that they were reluctant to go home.

The central heating for the ceramic factory in Sevres is being designed, built and officials have already started booking houses in the town.

And Napoleon also told Georgiana in his spare time in the afternoon that he "didn't understand" the real reason why Chaputal suggested planting grass artificially.

The price of land as a pasture and arable land is different. The price of grassland is about 4 to 8 times the price of grain arable land. If artificial pastures are opened, it is possible to turn the original arable land into pasture in pursuit of higher profits. The speculative business that was sold made France, which already had a serious food crisis, even worse.

The previous governments borrowed an unknown amount of foreign debt for disaster relief, and France's credit rating has been unable to improve. This is why the Netherlands is needed for international trade.

The harm caused by land speculation is currently invisible, but it caused a problem just as serious, so Napoleon had to pretend to be incomprehensible until he thought of a solution to the problem.

Before that, the French people still had to live in fear of food security. Fortunately, the most scarce manure problem has been temporarily solved with the dung mountains accumulated in Paris for centuries. The Netherlands is also irrigated with human manure, and the effect is not bad. It even surpassed the yield per mu in the UK.

The Netherlands, like Belgium, has a lot of swampy wetlands. Windmills are used to pump the water away, turning the swamps into fertile fields suitable for planting.

When he was in Egypt, Napoleon dreamed about how to make that land more fertile.

He will build many windmills and repair the locks, and Alexandria will become a rich city again, and the waters of the Nile that surrounds its banks will fertilize the surrounding suburbs, and the people who live in these lands will be happy and healthy. Health, and most importantly, safety.

Louis IX also visited Alexandria. He was a devout believer. He gave Mass twice a day and read the Holy Mary before going to bed. He donated money to the church generously and became a member of the Franciscan order. .

If Napoleon's army's military operations in 1798 were the same as Louis IX's, in the six months of July, August, September, October, November, and December, they would not have left the suburbs of Alexandria. Manhur and other places build fortifications, and they are covered by artillery and troops. Like Cairo and Giza, they will face tens of thousands of Mamluk cavalry, tens of thousands of Arab cavalry, and 40,000 to 50,000 Turkish soldiers.

St.Louis wouldn't take advantage of his condition, and after spending eight months in prayer, he could have cemented himself in the country.

Members of Napoleon and Luxembourg negotiated peace with Britain, mainly on the issue of the textile industry. After the Industrial Revolution, the competitiveness of British products was too great.

Granit said that Britain could send Napoleon a blanket inlaid with gold thread and let him hang it on the wall of the Tuileries Palace. If Selim III Sultan also sent a blanket, where would it be hung? ?

When he was in Egypt, Napoleon placed the flag of France and the flag of the Ottoman Empire side by side. Fortunately, there is a reception room next to the Mars Hall in St. Luke's Palace, which is also decorated like a coffee shop. Georgiana's new task is to decorate it like a "state guest". The most important thing is to There must be an Ottoman style, just as Bey's palace has a European style.

This sweet and warm life lasted until a north wind suddenly blew and the weather became colder than usual.

This day is also approaching when he reviews the Western Corps.

He didn't take Georgiana or Josephine with him, got into the carriage by himself, and left Paris under the escort of the Guards.

Not long after he left, Georgiana wrote to Caprara, and this time she didn't want to confess, she wanted to pray, although she knew that many people were cursing the Corsican monster's early death.

It would take him three days to go, and it would take a long time to come back. If it was only going for three days, it would be enough to bring a few clothes, but if it took too long, she would have to prepare other clothes for him.

She had also prepared clothes for another man, who was as unfashionable as the little Corsican, always dressed in black, with greasy hair and an unattractive look.

If only she could be smarter and find a better solution than a duel.

She would be sad to lose either one.

She may be the only person in this world who takes daydreams seriously.

She smiled wryly and began to write a letter. This time she didn't plan to use a typewriter, because she felt that a handwritten letter would be more pious.

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