Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1378 c'est un diable (Part 2)

The full name of the Knights of St. John of Malta in the Middle Ages was the Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem, Rhodes Island and St. John of Malta. It was one of the three major knights who were as famous as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights during the Crusades.

This knight order has been an independent and sovereign political entity for nearly a thousand years. In the early days, the knight order only provided medical services for pilgrims. After the second grand master Raymond du Puy took over, the knight order The style changed suddenly. Instead of waiting for the pilgrims to be rescued after being injured, it is better to provide armed escorts from the beginning. Therefore, the doctors who rescued the wounded took up swords and shields, put on armor and rode horses, and turned into warriors.

Rhode Island has changed hands several times in history and was once ruled by the Romans, Byzantines, and Saracens.

At the time of the Crusades, the inner city of Rhode Island became the headquarters of the Hospitaller Knights. However, with new sea routes and great geographical discoveries, the trade center of the Mediterranean began to move westward. Gradually, the strategic significance of Rhode Island was not as important as before. up.

The Ottoman Empire occupied the island in 1523. At that time, the giant Apollo bronze statue that fell into the sea due to an earthquake a thousand years ago has disappeared, and the glory of Rhodes Island is no longer there.

The biggest characteristic of the British is pride, especially the navy. They will never tolerate their warships passing under Napoleon's crotch.

Businessmen are better in this regard, but businessmen are greedy for money. Royal pirates are also known as gentleman pirates. If a pirate is caught, he will definitely be hanged. However, if he has a "private piracy license", the privateer can claim that he is acting on orders and enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war.

There were no distinctions between pirates in the British navy in the early days. Many admirals were originally pirates, and they used pirate behavior to attack Spain on board. After the British Navy was formally established, it had a unified uniform and promotion system, established discipline, and hanged officers who were involved in piracy, and then it became regularized.

Britain paid a lot of money to support the anti-French alliance, and with the loss of its own precious metal reserves, they urgently needed gold and silver.

Napoleon brought back a lot of spoils from his expedition to Italy. At that time, France was under the rule of the Directorate, and there was nothing in the treasury. Imagine a group of hungry and crazy people. How did it come about, but when will these grains enter my stomach.

Conscience and morality can only be found after being full, or people with faith. Some people would rather starve to death than eat human flesh, and these people will be eaten by other people who have no such concerns after starving to death.

Even if someone really fell for the trick this time, the ship might not be sealed by ice, and there must be people who want to take a risk.

Georgiana believes that Napoleon does not have the same prophecy as Cassandra, but he has a good understanding of human nature. That is, after the Duke of Orange made a claim for compensation, Cornwallis proposed that France cede Tobago as a payment for the redemption of French prisoners of war. Tobago is located in South America. It seems that Britain wants to colonize South America.

Guadeloupe was originally a French colony. Later, the royalist party gave the land to the United Kingdom in order to obtain the support of the United Kingdom. Now the United Kingdom has returned it to France, just as it was negotiated before.

France also has a colony in the West Indies, but it is still too weak compared to Britain, which has been in business for many years. Napoleon occupied Egypt originally to let it replace Santo Domingo and the Antilles. The purpose of a military station on the strategic line, otherwise, what is he doing surveying the Suez Canal?

If she wants to know more details, she can ask her directly, but Georgiana just asked the Secretary of State Marley, the ex who once took her to the small house on Victory Street and listened to the noise in the carriage outside. Commander of the Guards. When he was in Egypt, he begged Napoleon to introduce him to a rich widow, and later came back with him during the Brumaire coup.

Napoleon waited for Josephine on Desheng Street for three days, and Marley waited for three days with him. Malmaison was bought by Napoleon after he went to Egypt. Because the houses on Malmaison and Desheng Street were being renovated, she went to Italy to live a two-person world with her lover.

Marley's desire to marry a rich widow instead of a noble lady who never married was also influenced by Napoleon. Napoleon and Josephine had a very sweet and happy time.

In terms of feelings, Napoleon was very simple. After he married Josephine, he brought her portrait with him when he arrived in Italy. Mistress, I underestimated him a little bit. Later, after he put on a three-cornered hat, his whole temperament changed.

Marley told her that because he had never met the rich widow beforehand and had no idea that their marriage was entirely arranged by Napoleon, this was how most of the marriage problems of those close to Napoleon would end in the future.

Lucien married a widow, which was different from what Napoleon expected in advance, and the two brothers quarreled over it. Lucien said to Napoleon: "Although I also married a widow, she is not as annoying as the one you married."

They were arguing very loudly at the time, and it was difficult for Marley, who was standing at the door to move the documents, to pretend not to hear. In addition to Lucien's corruption, Lucien not only lost the post of Minister of the Interior, but also lost his right of inheritance.

Napoleon hates a person, such as Roulande, and he will not be promoted no matter what the people around him say. If he likes someone, no matter what people around him say is bad about her, he will still think about her good points.

Marley did not persuade Napoleon to divorce, because it was useless to persuade him. He would soften his heart after all when women and children cried.

So when Georgiana said that she didn't want to disturb the work of the First Consul, Marley didn't persuade her to go in.

If you compare it carefully, Josephine is like Albus who begged Severus to kill him. No matter how unwilling Severus was, he was relented. It can't be untied until death.

Just like the word "fate" on their wedding rings, if they divorce, Josephine will lose the pillar of life, she can't live alone, even if she has a lot of money, and she owes Napoleon Pay her back.

She is a weak woman, her mind is sometimes blurred, but she is naturally beautiful, and she can flatter others, which just caters to the wishes of General Bonaparte who needs a beautiful woman to increase his "heroic" self-confidence.

Georgiana herself couldn't believe that she could still think about such a complicated matter so calmly, but she was born like this, or she was trained like this. There will be chaos, and what about the Battle of Hogwarts.

"Do you like this painting?" Teresa walked to Georgiana's side with a glass of wine, and looked at a portrait of Napoleon with her.

This portrait is different from the one of Napoleon riding a white horse across Mount San Bernardo that many people watched. The whole world is very special in this room full of mighty paintings.

"He's handsome," Georgiana said with a foolish smile.

"Better handsome than your husband?" Teresa asked.

"Although he is ugly, he is tall."

"I really don't know what type you like." Teresa asked. "Can you tell me?"

"Do you believe in souls?" Georgiana asked.

"You mean, ghosts?" Teresa asked.

Georgiana did not answer Teresa's question.

"After the battle of Toulon, he refused to be transferred to the Vendée because he didn't want to leave the artillery regiment." Teresa said, "At that time he said to the girls, 'The cannon is my personal secret', and those who surrounded him , the girls who listened to him laughed, do you understand what he meant?"

"Then you need to understand what geometry and physics are." Georgiana explained.

"What?" Teresa asked confused.

"Have you ever heard of Isaac Newton?" Georgiana asked.

"Is he a musician?"

"Never mind what I say," said Georgiana morosely.

She can do arithmetic and divination but not calculus, my God, what is that?

And these are the books Napoleon read when he was in school.

"I'm kidding you, he used to be the director of the British Mint, right?" Teresa said jokingly.

"That's right."

"Just imagine, what would the world be like if Newton died young?" Teresa asked again.

"I really can't figure it out."

"He doesn't look like a soldier at all." Teresa said, looking at the portrait of Napoleon. His mother? I hear she's a beauty, too."

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"What's it like to kiss him?" Teresa asked bewitchingly.

"Stop it," Georgiana protested.

"In fact, if he dresses up carefully, he is also very classically beautiful, but he was not my type at the time."

"What do you like?"

"He is rich and powerful, so now General Bonaparte looks very charming to me." Teresa said with a blunt smile.

She didn't feel angry at all, and she didn't feel threatened in any way.

"He's very shy in public. I didn't expect him to kiss you in front of so many people." Theresa withdrew her smile. "He proposed to you?"

Georgiana nodded.

"He proposed to Josephine with the help of Barras, and you made him courageous, Georgiana."

"Don't you think he has become reckless?"

"You want to ask how he is doing?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"It's like this painting." Teresa pointed to the painting in front of her and said, "It's darker. He's not the kind of person who easily negotiates peace with the enemy, but he wants to live a peaceful life. If you don't let him have a better life, he It won't make it easier for others."

"He wants to go back to Josephine's side."

"Josephine... she is the kind of person who is prone to whim."

"She hasn't spent the winter in the south before?"

Teresa didn't speak.

"She didn't spend the winter in the south as the First Consul's Lady." Georgiana sarcastically said, "The distance from Lyon to the Western Military Region is not the route he would have designed at all."

"Didn't they go?"

"Then how disappointed she must be." Georgiana teased, "Josephine lied, right, in order to trick him into going south with her?"

"I really don't know that."

"She is the kind of woman who dares to say she is pregnant in order not to go to the front line." Georgiana sneered, "If she can't go to the south, I will go."

"You think General Bonaparte would agree?"

"I also have a reason, I want to farm!" Georgiana said decisively, "I want to piss her off! Let this woman who wants to do what she wants, but can't get it!"

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