Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1377 c'est un diable (Part 1)

Talleyrand fell.

It is not surprising that the foreign minister is actually not very likable. On Christmas Day, the wives of ministers from various countries refused to attend the ball hosted by him. The news reached Napoleon, and he knew that Tarantle, who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the Orange War, had been bribed by the Portuguese ambassador, Mrs. Foola.

The ambassador's wife used to be Talanlie's lover, and later remarried to the Portuguese ambassador. Although it sounds great to dedicate oneself to the country, this "diplomatic" way is still disgusting.

France received 20 million francs in war reparations, but France received far less benefits from the peace treaty than Spain. The British representative, Cornwallis, was not willing to negotiate a peace treaty with Talleyrand in Amiens. Later, Napoleon sent Joseph Bonaparte goes.

Bonaparte's plan to go to Lyon on January 7 was cancelled. Even though he controlled public opinion and newspapers, Talleyrand's traitorous behavior was still spread in a small area. But he still shielded Talleyrand. He "exiled" Talleyrand to Guadeloupe as the governor, but he did not appoint a new minister. There is a precedent for his kind of exile who changed his mind midway, and Talleyrand will probably use it after the wind has passed. of.

This kind of state affairs has nothing to do with Georgiana. After being picked up from the Chaputal house, she was sent to a suite in the Louvre.

She didn't bring any luggage when she left last time, but this time she can just pack it up.

In fact, she didn't have many things, and she packed them up soon, but Delmid held her clothes and refused to let her go. His mother is now in Santo Domingo on the other side of the world, and Le Quebert has no relatives in Paris. If even Georgiana was gone, the child would be left alone.

He didn't have to worry about becoming a street vagrant. It was his nanny, Livia, who was also from Corsica, who brought him back from Brest. She was arranged by Letizia for her daughter.

Marriage without children is unreal, Josephine said.

Indeed, parents will compromise for the sake of their children, so Georgiana put the suitcase down again.

Immediately afterwards she was busy finding a painter for the dining room of the Tuileries Palace.

She had planned to find Denon, but Denon was still struggling with how to decorate the Place Vendome.

Originally he planned to move Trajan's Column in Rome to the square, but this plan was rejected. This square was built to commemorate Napoleon's achievements in Italy. It is not suitable to move Kleber's column there. As we all know, he died in Egypt, and Desai's column is not suitable in Dijon. Move over.

Georgiana didn't bother Denon anymore. The painter she wanted to live was not the painting itself, which could not be found in the Louvre, so she asked Mrs. Talian, who was the only one she knew in her narrow social circle. Former social star.

Adult salons are not suitable for taking children, she is just looking at the paintings, and she will accompany Delmid after reading the paintings, but there is no zoo in Paris, only the puppet theater can take him to see look.

Georgiana wanted to write to Paulina, asking her to collect some plants and animals in Santo Domingo, but she didn't want those animals to be kept in cages for people to visit, she wanted them to be like in the Forbidden Forest Life.

So she took Delmir to Meudon Forest.

Sure enough, her fellow Englishmen began to convert the military camp into a small town, and Delmid seemed to have no playmates of the same age, so Georgiana let him play with the children of the townspeople.

"I should become a nun." Georgiana whispered, and it would be better to apply for a job in a mission school and continue to babysit other people's children.

"Can I sit down?" Thomas Granit asked.

"Sit down, please," Georgiana said, smiling, though there were other vacant benches around.

"Please take this." Granit handed her a beautifully wrapped package. "I was going to give it to you as a Christmas present."

Only then did Georgiana remember, "I forgot to prepare a present for you."

"Don't worry about it, take it," Granit insisted.

Georgiana took it, and after opening the red and green packaging she found a checked wool shawl inside.

"Thank you," she said with a smile, wrapping the shawl around her body. "It's very warm."

"How about coming here next time if you have nowhere to go?" Granit said in English.

"I don't want to trouble the townspeople," she said quietly.

"We believe that every debt must be repaid. If you take care of us, we will take care of you." Granit looked at Georgiana, "even if you are Scottish."

"I thought Scotland and England were already one country," Georgiana said with a laugh.

Granit laughed, "If the Scots succumbed so easily, Britain wouldn't be the United Kingdom. Did you really bite him?"

"That's right." Georgiana said proudly, "He said that with my strength, I couldn't fight at all."

"But you have other ways to hurt him." Granit withdrew his smile, "The deal is almost done. I need someone with a clear mind. Can you stop causing trouble at this time?"

"I didn't cause trouble. He wants to return to his family. They were supposed to leave for Lyon the day before yesterday."

"Then why didn't he go?"

"How do I know." She said coldly, "I don't care anymore."

"Is it because he intends to stay and establish diplomatic relations with Turkey?" Granit said, "I heard that you are going to hang the carpet given to him by the Sultan in the dining room of the Tuileries Palace."

"Maybe it's just the gold thread in the rug," Georgiana said. "And there's a lot of admonitions written on it, and I think it looks gorgeous."

"We can also send carpets." Granit said hastily, "and I guarantee that every sentence above is excerpted from the Bible."

"Since when have you cared about God?"

"Don't be so naughty, Cecilia."

"What!" She couldn't help raising her voice.

"He said you were a naughty one," Granit said, smiling. "And he asked me if every English woman was that naughty."

"Bastard!" she yelled.

"Lana called him a whore, but he was willing to die for Napoleon," Granit said. "They built a lot of fortifications in Antwerp, like they were going to turn it into a second Rhode Island."

“I read church literature, and Rhodes Island looked like a bitten apple,” recalls Georgiana. “The terrain in Antwerp is not like that.”

"Do you know what's on Rhode Island?"

"Trees, birds, grass, cow dung."

"It is the bronze statue of the sun god, one of the seven wonders of ancient times." Granit interrupted her nonsense, "the Rhode Islanders built a magnificent city wall, and later the Macedonian prince besieged it, and the result was a fierce battle. Years later, the prince still failed to break through the city wall, leaving behind a giant battering ram and a siege tower. The Rhode Islanders sold these siege equipment and built the bronze statue of the sun god. Build a bronze statue of Apollo."

"Oh," said Georgiana foolishly, "that's going to cost a lot of money."

"It's not him who paid for it." Granit coughed. "The Dutch businessmen can hold official positions in Antwerp through taxes, and they paid for the repair of the statue."

"All right," said Georgiana quietly, "so what?"

"The sun god in Rhode Island was shaken into the sea by the earthquake, and we are going to let that statue sink into the sea," Granit said.


Granit stood up, and then stood with his legs apart. "The sun god will be in this shape, and every ship will pass under it."

Georgiana opened her mouth.

"If, that statue of the sun god has the same face as Napoleon." Granit gritted his teeth and smiled.

"You must be kidding me."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Granit asked with a smile.

"The bastard," Georgiana murmured.

"I remember your reminder, be careful of Bing, right, the woman in red?" Granit asked seriously.

Georgiana had nothing to say.

"The navy has lost its mind, and I'm afraid they'll fall for Napoleon's tricks."

"Did you remind them?"

"Do you think the reminder is useful?" Granit said coldly.

"Perhaps the sea is not frozen..."

"Who knows." Granit sighed, "If England loses its navy."

"We must be more than just a little navy." Georgiana said quickly.

"But we're cutting military spending," Granit said wearily. "It just so happens to be this time."

"It's time for you to stop drinking, Diamond Kid." Georgiana stood up. "Please live as long as possible."

"You too, take care of yourself," Granit said softly.

"Dermide," she yelled, and the little fellow immediately left his new friend and ran back to Georgiana.

"See you next time," Georgiana said to Granit.

"See you next time." Granit said calmly.

Then Georgiana took Delmid by the hand and left under the escort of the Guards, just as she had left the Shapthal's house that day.

It can't be blamed that Delmid couldn't tell who the "uncle" who brought him was, because there were so many "uncles", how could a child recognize them all.

the title is french and means he is a devil

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