Liverpool is about 48 kilometers away from Manchester. Liverpool is a port city, while Manchester's pillar industry is cotton spinning. With the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, Manchester's demand for cotton has increased dozens of times, and the local cotton in the UK can no longer meet the demand, so it can only focus on North America.

Cotton ships across the Atlantic from the United States docked at Liverpool to transport the raw materials via nearby canals and overland in horse-drawn wagons. However, the transportation cost of horse-drawn carriages was astonishingly high, and the shipping rights of the canal were monopolized by some companies at high prices.

The citizens of Liverpool are the direct victims of the monopoly of the canal company. Exorbitant freight rates make their profits meager. They actively communicate with the canal company, but the canal company completely ignores their demands. So the construction of the railway and the establishment of the railway company became the citizens of Liverpool and the canal company. way of counterbalancing.

Napoleoni was very satisfied with the wooden track "invented" by Georgiana. Artillery is not only a technical arm but also requires physical strength. With it, it is much easier to carry the cannon. When the matter was brought up during a casual chat between talks, the British delegates quickly remembered Liverpool's railways.

Railways were first used by mines, and the French were also very interested in this. The two parties who had been struggling in the textile industry had room for turning around because of the "railway". The opportunity for "vendetta" has come. When he wanted to build a canal, he wouldn't let him build it, and now he won't let others build a railway if they want to.

Road construction is not only about money, but also manpower. To put it in an ugly way, major repairs and constructions in the country will consume national power. Justinian also built Constantinople.

Engineers are needed to build railways, as well as steam engines. The British "Monopoly Law" also includes a patent law. In 1790, the United States also promulgated the Patent Law. This law is both a domestic law and a foreign law. After applying for a patent, the invention right is owned by the state, and the inventor gets a certain reward, but he cannot deny other people approved by the state to use his invention.

At present, the railway is still in the exploration stage, just like smallpox is in the experimental stage, and Napoleon has spread it in the country.

Someone once said that just sticking Napoleon's gray frock coat and three-cornered hat on a stick can put the whole of Europe into a state of war. This may be an exaggeration, but it did arouse the fighting spirit of the British. Many people think that a man without a beard looks "sissy", and a man should have a beard to be majestic, but Napoleon no longer needs to use foreign objects to emphasize his identity.

In fact, after the signing of the "Campo-Formio Agreement", Napoleon has already won the same honor as those great figures in ancient times. He is the founder of two great republics and enjoys the honor of victor and peacemaker. He can take his laurel wreath and olive branch and live his private life with peace of mind.

But he was only 27 years old at the time, and he was still far from the "happy end of life". Count Cobenz was born in Brussels. He used raised voice and commanding gestures to make himself less weak in front of Bonaparte, but after Bonaparte dropped the teapot given to him by Queen Catherine, he sent the Marquis Gallo to take him in a panic. Go to Paciano with his autograph, saying he accepts the French ultimatum.

Campo-Formio, like Marengo, was a small village, declared neutral by both parties for the purpose of the peace treaty, but in fact there were no representatives from either side, because there was not a suitable house to house them.

Napoleon's simple clothes are only associated with being approachable, not shabby. It wouldn't be weird for him to live in the palace of the Bourbon royal family, but it would make people feel uncomfortable if he lived in the aristocratic quarters.

While listening to Granit's talk, Georgiana was thinking of the young man who chased her in the Grand Trianon Palace. At that time, their feet were black and white grid tiles, which looked like a chessboard. .

"Are you listening to me?" Granit said suddenly.

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"You were also bewitched by his charm?" Granit teased.

"Normal people have flinched after being rejected so many times by me," she said wearily.

"You keep it like this, even the god of war sometimes miscalculates." Granit said in a voice that only two people heard. Fortress Golstadt is included in the necessary conditions, and he and Austria will definitely add the occupation of these two fortresses as an indispensable condition to the extension of the armistice agreement in the future."


"you have heard?"

Georgiana nodded.

"what do you know?"

"I heard that the Austrians dynamite the fortress of Ulm to blow up the contents of the fortress and those who occupy it."

"How do you know?" Granit said calmly.

"He likes to show off in front of women." Georgiana thought for a while and said, "He planned to let me see how he used his interests and Austrian system problems to cause disputes that day, but a businessman under me brought a Vienna legend. news."

"Does he believe it?"

"I didn't ask. I tried not to interfere in his military affairs."

"Where is your husband now?" Granit asked.

"I don't know," she said wearily. "Maybe he's gone back."

"Why did you come to France?"


Granit smiled without saying a word.

"We borrowed troops from him," Georgiana said.

"Borrowing soldiers?" Granit said in surprise.

"Cicero mentioned in On Divinity that man has reason only in the form of man. Last year I predicted that there would be a famine this year, and it would continue next year. We have so many citizens in France, so we Ask him to borrow troops."

She babbled impromptu.

"You think the French will attack the British?"

"Not English, have you read those papers you gave me on the French Revolution?" Georgiana asked.


"The women who attacked the Palace of Versailles were women who were originally mothers, but because they had no food to feed their children, they could only watch them starve to death. They hated the queen more than the king. They robbed a lot of banknotes in the palace. , put them all back, and the only thing they wanted to do was tear Marie Antoinette to pieces, and by then they had completely lost their minds."

"Are you worried that you'll be the second decapitated queen?" Granit asked.

"I didn't think about it that much at the time. To be honest, when we first met, none of us thought that we would develop to where we are today. I only know that violence may not be effective in front of people who lose their reason because of passion. You You can imagine it was a torrent and no one could stay out of it, so I wanted to use troops to stop those rioters from attacking British citizens."

"Let's go see what's going on in the street?" Granit said. "It's rare for you to come out."

"No problem." Georgiana said calmly, "I heard that Mary became cautious in the last two years, but she had already become a prisoner at that time. Sometimes I would go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and the place was so dirty that he didn't want to go there. But the October incident was the women who went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and started to make troubles."

"You want me to go grocery shopping with you?" Granit said with a smile.

"Oh, Diamond Boy, are you afraid of getting dirty too?" Georgiana sneered.

"What did he call you?" Granit asked good-naturedly.

"Sometimes it's a name, sometimes it's Cecilia."

"But none of this is you, is it? What's your real name?"

"You can't find me," she said calmly. "You can call me Mrs. Smith."

"You really don't want to be the Countess of Aberdeen?"

"As far as a joke is concerned, it's almost over."

"Your heart is like granite." Granit smiled. "It's rare even among British women."

"I'm from Scotland." She smiled and shook her head. "It's winter there most of the year."

"But you still think you are British." Granit said, "Instead of borrowing troops, we can also evacuate overseas Chinese."

"The situation shouldn't be that bad, especially when the peace treaty has just been signed and everything is uncertain." She sighed. "I thought there was a huge threat. It would be easy for everyone to let go of their prejudices and work together to overcome the difficulties."

"Apart from divinity, where else have you read Cicero?" Granit asked.

"What do you suggest? I'd like to give it to him as a Christmas present."

"What will you get me for Christmas?" Granit asked cheekily.

"What did you give me?" She also asked confidently.

"Deal." Granit reached out to Georgiana.

She suddenly realized that she didn't seem to be familiar with him enough to escort a gift.

But she shook his hand anyway.

"Deal." She said with a smile, "How do you plan to spend Christmas?"

"How about I accompany you?" Granit said with a smile, "He will definitely be with his family that day."

Georgiana couldn't laugh anymore.

Granit laughed at his "British humor", which was not at all what a prime minister should be.

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