Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1362 The Story of the Square

In the Paris library in the 21st century, Pomona once saw a newspaper bulletin issued during the Paris Commune movement. At that time, it was mentioned that all Freemasons gathered in the fenced courtyard of the Tuileries Palace, and all members crossed their chests. Red or blue belt, a small apron around the waist appeared on the streets of Paris.

She thought that kind of dress was funny, why wear an apron? That's not "cool" at all.

She didn't know until she looked at the 10,000 volumes of documents on the French Revolution in the collection of the Tory Captain Crocker of the British Navy that French women carried aprons as they attacked Versailles.

In the French Bastille Day parade in the 21st century, soldiers will still wear aprons, and people in other countries also think they look funny.

The apron represents "bread and blood", "liberty, equality, fraternity", "Declaration of Human Rights", but has nothing to do with the storming of the Bastille.

They were looking to the king for cheap bread and to stop the man-made famine. It was raining heavily at Versailles at that time, and the women had been standing in the rain waiting for the palace gate to open.

Louis XVI was a very soft-hearted person. He didn't want the soldiers of the Infantry of Flanders to let the soldiers and women do it. What he didn't know was that there were some people with sufficient money who followed these women. The soldiers were given money and promised to serve as officers of the mob.

From Paris to Versailles, three times across the Seine, all of which required crossing bridges, the women encountered no hindrance, nor did the agitators who followed them. It was then known that the National Guard could approach Versailles under the same pretext.

The National Guard from Paris was stationed outside the palace. The National Guard participated in the attack on the Bastille. After the victory of the uprising, Lafayette was appointed commander-in-chief. Inside, because of his participation in the Mars Square demonstration, he was imprisoned in the prison, and Danton rescued him later.

In addition to the National Guard, Paris also had a militia of mutinous soldiers who came to Versailles in the middle of the night.

Before dawn, some thugs sneaked into the palace, intending to kill Marie Antoinette, they broke into the palace through the entrance of the garden, but accidentally broke into a guard's room, which was full of sleeping soldiers, they were frightened Ran. After a busy day, Lafayette had already fallen asleep, but when he was woken up, the National Guard had already taken control of the entire palace. He released the soldiers of the Royal Guard, but could not restore order outside the palace. They yelled under the window sill for several hours, and the condition they put forward was that it was time to go to "Paris" to complete the task.

That day she borrowed Napoleoni's military uniform and rode in Versailles at night, not because she was just looking for nothing in love. Marshal de Brorier, who had repeatedly made military exploits in the Seven Years War, built a barracks near Versailles that could accommodate 25,000 people. It was not demolished. If there was a riot in Paris, the British expatriates living in Paris You can withdraw there.

Long before the resignation of William Pitt Jr. in February, Hawkesbury, the new Foreign Secretary, had proposed peace talks to France, but the negotiations between Hawkesbury and Talleyrand immediately clashed over the Egyptian issue. The suggestion that Costale and Addington wanted to retain most of the British conquests only fueled Bonaparte's determination to agree to an alliance with Russia to destroy Britain.

Although Addington was determined to negotiate, he was counting on a result that would be beneficial to Britain. Peter and Grenwell had been undecided about whether to negotiate peace. The Irish incident gave him an excuse to step down and avoid the peace talks from falling on his own head. However, it is impossible for the government organized by Addington to negotiate with the diplomats sent by the peace talks.

The British had little to do with the Turks. Instead, Napoleon was called the Sultan by the Turks, and he could act as a mediator for the Turks.

After the French failed to occupy Portugal in the Battle of Orange Grove, Napoleon put forward a new proposal. The two sides gave up their occupied territories. The Netherlands would lose Ceylon and the Cape of Good Hope as an international trading port. France would give up Egypt, and Britain would give up Malta, Menorca, Elba Island, Trinidad, and the French Antilles. In fact, the United Kingdom had to give up Egypt and acquire Ceylon, but at that time tobacco had not been nationalized, and the United Kingdom had little interest in Ceylon. In the peace treaty signed on the 10th, the British withdrew part of the garrison in Egypt and included Ceylon in its own pocket instead.

American advisers very much hope to realize the isolationism left by Washington. James Monroe, the former minister to France, wrote a letter to explain Napoleon’s sanctions against the United States, saying that the United States has absolutely no intention of destroying peace in Europe. mean.

Few people in the 21st century have not heard of the Monroe Doctrine: 1. Europe does not colonize the Western Hemisphere, and not only opposes the expansion of Western Europe in Latin America, but also opposes the expansion of Russia on the west coast of North America; 2. Europe does not interfere in the affairs of independent American countries; 3. The United States does not interfere with European affairs, including all European affairs in the American colonies.

The relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States is mutual cooperation and mutual suspicion. London has been trying to contain the expansion of American power. The plan to expand the United States' military strength after trade reduction has been postponed or cancelled.

Before Washington's death, the French navy was looting a large number of American merchant ships. France's trade sanctions are almost the same. What the United States cares about now is the attitude of the United Kingdom.

If a person has a choice, he will not make compromises in order to maintain a relationship that seems to be in harmony with the gods, just like when he has no choice. Even God believes that choice is the ultimate freedom of man.

The vegetable market is also a "free trade" place. In addition to sea fish, pork and beef, the vegetable market also has oysters, octopus, hares, wild vegetables, mushrooms, and birds.

The price of bread is a bit high, but the supply is not cut off. Lafayette once came up with an idea to give 2,000 francs to the bakery every month, so that the shopkeeper would supply less bread, so as to arouse people's dissatisfaction.

People are like this. When they see that there are fewer bakeries open, and the daily supply of bread is also reduced, they will be very flustered. Even if they have bread at home, they will buy more bread and stock up.

Baking bread also needs fuel, and small bakeries can’t produce as much as big bakeries in one batch. By giving them monthly loans, the suppliers of small bakeries have also survived.

The French, gentle and harmless in their peace, are the most savage of peoples when they burst into passion.

In 1784, William Pitt Jr. was also attacked when he granted London self-government rights. Excited people pulled Pitt's car to his home. When Pitt's car passed the Whig club, a group of people Attempts to attack him were later blocked by the crowd.

On April 8, 1791, Louis XVI tried to go to St. Luke for Easter. The king wanted to accept the communion publicly, but the king's family was stopped by the crowd as soon as they arrived at the gate. They were all in the carriage for more than an hour. The car door was knocked on by mobs, and the sound of insulting "the king is a fat pig" was everywhere outside.

Lafayette tried to open a way, but it didn't work, and the king had to return to the palace.

After this incident, the king strengthened his determination to flee. In the middle of the night on June 20, 1791, members of the royal family slipped out of the palace through a secret passage after putting on makeup, but Lafayette and the then mayor of Paris came to talk to Louis XVI, and the delay was two hours.

They passed the pass to go to Frankfurt, but they actually went to Varonas, which was not in the same direction at all, and they were easily recognized by the staff at the post station.

Rather than being forced into such a situation, Georgiana would rather spend more time in the wet market. She is beautiful and easy to be remembered. come out with her.

The Palace of Versailles has been turned into a barracks. As long as Britain and France maintain the current friendly relationship, it is possible for those French soldiers to protect British civilians.

However, British civilians cannot move the soldiers' rations and supplies, nor can they hoard the food of Parisians at this time, causing food prices to continue to rise.

The United Kingdom is now considered an armed neutral country. They have a good relationship with the United States. If they bring in some American corn, they can not only eat it but also make money. Because Portugal lost the war, Britain lost a lot of foreign exchange in Spain, which could just be made up through trade.

Cicero once said in "The Nation" that the Gauls thought it disgraceful to use human power to produce grain, so they armed themselves to plunder other people's fields.

We ourselves (Roman citizens) forbade the peoples beyond the Alps to plant olive trees and grapes, so that our own olive trees and vineyards would become more valuable.

So you can easily see that wisdom and fairness do not coincide.

Lycagus, known for his fine laws and fair trial system, de facto stipulated that the land of the rich must be cultivated by the poor.

Napoleon, who was bold and innovative on other issues, was very cautious about land issues. He may be negligent at times, but he can be regarded as a relatively enlightened monarch.

After "inspecting" the vegetable market and confirming that everything is normal among the people, Georgiana and "Diamond Boy" left.

Although he is not as refined as Mr. Dandy, the prime minister probably won't come to the vegetable market again in the future. Napoleon couldn't stand the stench and the sewage, but what "Diamond Boy" couldn't bear was the woman's croaking, and the food floating in the sewage. nausea.

Georgiana didn't laugh at him, and it was good that he didn't throw up until the end.

"How about a cup of coffee? My treat," said Georgiana generously.

"I don't want to eat or drink anything right now." Granit waved his hands repeatedly.

"We can talk about building a resettlement site. With that site, we can set up a settlement for the British during negotiations, and it will be more convenient to issue a special trade certificate in the future."

Granit's attention was distracted, and he began to really think about it.

"Cicero said that an ideal country would not engage in war unless it was to safeguard its own honor or safety. I think Washington is a great man." Georgiana stared at Brune, "But France does not need a Xiang The leader to whom Americans are loyal."

"You think Napoleon's wars so far are all for honor?" Granit said coldly.

"His government is more like an emergency entity, which is different from the benevolent, dignified, sensible, and tolerant British government." Georgiana said sweetly, "I always think that the British are very good at compromise."

"How else do you want us to compromise, Cecilia?" Granit sneered.


"No!" Granit immediately vetoed it.

"At least tell me why?"

"This is no news. Fox intends to reform the East India Company, but was blocked by the king. I tried to invite him to join the cabinet, but he refused."

"I still don't understand." She asked confusedly.

"My election as Prime Minister was funded by the king. Fox was my opposition party. Later, the opposition party passed a motion of no confidence. In order to refuse to resign, I continued to maintain my relationship with the king." Granit said straightforwardly, "But for the Catholics , Your Majesty has abandoned me."

She still doesn't quite get it.

"I said at the dinner party that day that we are waiting for the king's order. Who do you think is the king who is giving the order now?" Granit reminded her again.

"George III really relapsed?" Georgiana asked suspiciously.

"If the Prince of Wales becomes regent, he will support Fox to reform the East India Company. Have you read the laws I promulgated in India?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Fox will ruin my India, but Addington is worse." Granit sighed. "If it gets bad, I will join forces with Fox."

"You just told me so directly?"

Granit stared at Georgiana, "How do you know that barracks can hold 25,000 people?"

"He told me," Georgiana said, "but it's been abandoned for a few years and needs restoration."

"Needing renovations is better than crying and asking me what to do, that's why I told you my plan." Granit looked at her and shook his head. "It's a shame you're a woman."

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