On the day of Napoleon's birthday on August 15th, the Tuileries Palace also held a birthday celebration. At that time, British tourists in France were personally received by Napoleon. They were surprised and flattered by his approachability and friendliness. British women commented that he looked cautious and thoughtful, with a bit of melancholy and contemplation, and looked a little serious.

In order to express respect for the British distinguished guests, busts of famous British generals were placed on each mantelpiece in the banquet hall. The new government officials around him were very well dressed and looked noble, but Napoleon himself wore Very plain, he looked like an ordinary officer, and in the eyes of the British, he was dressed like a slovenly captain.

This evaluation is already very high. After all, Charles James Fox was also ridiculed as a farmer who looked like Devonshire. They were quickly conquered by Napoleon's charm. They did not expect the French to be so easy to get along with. It is even more impossible to believe that this approachable person is the chief culprit who disrupted the entire European order.

But there are also Frenchmen who don't like the British, Taranlet looks like "a dirty dog ​​in finely decorated clothes", he also attended the signing of the peace treaty, this time he is slightly less dressed Exquisite.

When the novelty is strong, every class in France is desperately catering to the British. The most popular thing in Paris is to have dinner with the British. The dandies who came to France with little William Pitt were good-looking, and they were good-looking.

Georgiana herself also imitated Madame Rémicard's dress. Her dress was different from those French beauties who wore tulle like Greek goddesses, at least it was opaque.

English men liked French women, and so did Severus' pure-blood aristocratic friends. These wealthy young men are obsessed with the dressing style of French upper-class women, and they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money for it. Although there will be cattle passing by in the dilapidated streets of Paris like India, it does not prevent them from purchasing luxury goods. French goldsmiths, jewelers and luxury artisans were working all night, but they couldn't buy the "little gifts" that Miss Georgiana gave to the wives of the negotiators.

They wanted to buy it but couldn't, and they couldn't ask Georgiana to ask for it, so they invited the female relatives in France to come with them.

Hanging out on the banks of the Seine with such a large group of handsome young men, Georgiana received unprecedented attention. The Dandyism style is the commoner among the nobles, and the nobler among the commoners, and is conspicuous no matter what class you are in. It is their characteristic to be free and unrestrained, and they have been from the wealthy class for generations, but they will not always maintain noble etiquette like ordinary people. This is so new in Paris, where everyone is looking for teachers to learn old court etiquette.

The French health department has worked hard, at least the section along the Seine from the Louvre to the Invalides is very clean and tidy, and there are no poor people and beggars in ragged clothes and dirty clothes when walking along the river.

Especially near the Champs-Elysées, Georgiana was really not used to seeing the First Avenue without the Arc de Triomphe but with the city walls.

This area is still an aristocratic residential area at present, and it is not full of luxury stores like it was in the 21st century. Besides, after a few months in France, the British should have finished shopping the famous scenic spots. She really couldn't think of taking these "folks" with her. where to play.

Lunch was arranged in the Champs Elysees Park, where the tents had been set up in advance, and the chefs performed live barbecues. Everything has been arranged, she just needs to accompany the guests.

She looked to Brune the Local, who was chatting with Thomas Granit.

Napoleon actually put a bust portrait of a famous British general on his birthday celebration. It would be even more boring if he was asked to arrange the scene of the peace ball by himself.

He was indeed as dry as a page, as he said, so she didn't expect the upcoming reception schedule to be much fun.

The wealthy young men also looked bored, as if they were here to entertain.

At this time, Georgiana suddenly remembered that "fox hunting" in England is also a privilege of the nobility, and these bourgeoisie are not allowed to enjoy it. It happened that Napoleon was invited by the generals to hunt, why not take this opportunity to play with them?

She felt that this topic should not be discussed in public. Mrs. Wells, the furrier's wife who was chatting with her, noticed her expression, so she whispered in Georgiana's ear, and Georgiana told her, Mrs. Ernes stood up, whispered something in William Pitt Jr., and came back again.

"The congressman said we will talk outside later." Mrs. Wells said in Georgiana's ear after a while.

Georgiana nodded in agreement.

After dessert, Granit and Brune went out for a smoke, and Georgiana followed from the tent.

The park is so big that the "kids" can find some games to play by themselves, and they may be more comfortable without adults watching them.

Granit and Brune were smoking cigars.

Cigar smoking is currently a local hobby in Spain, but Peter has only recently helped Charles IV solve a "little problem", and it is normal to send him some gifts.

According to the British newspapers, the price of gold in London has risen by nine per cent, and the price of silver by seventeen per cent, making gold "bad money."

The official wanted to regulate this price ratio, and wanted to lower the price of silver by buying silver. It happened that Spain had a lot of piastre silver coins in the warehouse in Mexico and no one was taking them away. Ufral concluded the deal.

Both Spain and the United Kingdom are gaining, and France is losing out. Spain will pay less compensation next year, but Spain has helped France solve the imminent food crisis, and the price of bread next year will not rise to 18 sous.

Ask Schaptal to do this and he will definitely not be able to do it, even if he is a very famous chemist, he has absolutely no problem in terms of intelligence.

Speculators don't just earn some shipping fees. "Regent" Lucien heard that Spain has more than 70 million silver coins in Mexico. It would be strange if Ufral didn't take advantage of this opportunity to do something else.

Napoleoni is so partial to Lyon, and of course the bankers in Lyon will support him. As for how the regional bank and the national bank fight, it is not the business of "girls".

Madame Remicard has many suitors, including Lucien Bonaparte. Her "love" method is seemingly affectionate but ruthless, that is, she does not let her suitors despair, nor let them succeed.

Combined with what Napoleoni said to her before, "enjoying a woman is not just enjoying her body, but also the fun she brings", if Georgiana doesn't understand it, she is pretending to be pure.

This is French culture. Madam Maxim also used Hagrid before, and heard about the first task of the Triwizard Tournament.

But that doesn't mean Georgiana has to accept the culture.

This would make it appear that she had been assimilated by the French and had also become a Frenchman.

She is a Scottish woman, savage, rough, hands-on, and doesn't know the art of language. She doesn't like that Napoleon's wedding ring will speak directly instead of holding it in his heart and let him spend his time guessing. There are other issues to think about.

Almost every powerful dynasty was founded by a warrior, and Georgiana was also a warrior. She felt that her second object of study could be the Egyptian princess born in Thebes and named after the full moon.

"Want to play hunting? Diamond Kid." Georgiana said meeting Granit's gaze.

"It depends on the hunt?" Granit said with a smile as he smoked a cigar. The wind from the Seine blew his smoke towards her, and the smell was so strong that it was a bit choking.

His air reminded her of another British prime minister who smoked cigars.

"Whose territory did the First Consul decide to go hunting?" Georgiana asked Bruner.

"You don't even know, how would I know." Bruna smiled slyly.

"Have any of these young men you brought ever hunted?"

Granit smiled and smoked, but did not answer her question.

"What do you usually call Bonaparte in private?" Granit suddenly asked in English.

"Does this have something to do with my question just now?" Georgiana also answered in English.

"I almost got the Order of the Garter, do you know what the Order of the Garter is?" Granit asked.

The Order of the Garter is a gold garter with "shame on those with evil thoughts" printed on it, which is related to the garter knight who saved the beauty.

What Granit meant seemed to be saying that if she wanted to ask for help, she should take advantage of it now?

She glanced at the smiling Bruner, not willing to bet that he couldn't understand English.

"I call him Sultan."

Granit laughed.

"what's so funny?"

"Do you know what the Turks call him?" Granit didn't want to know the answer from her, but continued to say, "They call him Sultan Suleiman."

Sultan Suliman was also the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, but in European literature he is called Suliman the Great. He not only served as a soldier all his life, but also had extraordinary talents in governing the country.

"He made you call him that?"

"No." She said nervously.

"You took the initiative to call him that?"

"Just a game."

"Tell me, I want to know." Granit restrained his smile.

"I mentioned to him Cecilia of Venice, who gave Sultan Selim II a diplomatic advantage in the rivalry between Venice and Genoa."

"Like his usual style." Granit sneered.

She didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, I know you're bored." Granit curled his arms.

"I don't think it's necessary." She moved away from that arm.

"You can treat me as your guardian. I heard that Special Envoy Caprara is going back to the Vatican." Granit said with a smile.

"He won't agree." Georgiana shook her head.

"It's hard to say." Granit lowered his arms and stood with his hands behind his back in a regular manner. "My courier delivered the letter. What's your reply?"

"What reply?"

"Do you want to be the Countess of Aberdeen?"

She looked at Bruna, who seemed to really not understand English.

"Please tell the count that I cannot marry three times!" said Georgiana angrily.

"I thought you were unmarried now, that's why you need a guardian." Granit laughed uncontrollably. "He made it convenient for himself, but also created trouble for himself."

She shook her head, "You don't know who you are messing with?"

"Of course I know who it is." Granit raised two fingers towards Georgiana.

"Do you know the meaning of Sleeping Dragon Do Not Disturb?"

"You can explain to me slowly." Granit told Georgiana to go first. "Let's go, they will be happier if we are not here."

Bruna waved to the two plainclothes men in the distance, and followed them. He followed Georgiana and Granit from a distance, both for protection and surveillance.

Apparently he could understand English.

"You're a bad girl, very bad."

She thought of another person who spoke to her with a Queen's accent. She felt that she had been misunderstood before. She was obviously a good girl who kept herself clean.

Now she knows how correct what he said is that etiquette and etiquette are very important to a person like her. She has to learn it again, otherwise she doesn't know how far she will fall. This dream is really getting worse and worse. Ridiculous.

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