Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 134 Body Guard

After coming out of the headmaster's room door, Pomona didn't go far to meet the head of Slytherin.

He seemed to be waiting for her, hiding in the shadow of the torch around the corner, turning his gaze away when he heard footsteps.

"So fast?" he asked.

"Are you waiting for me?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"I'm hungry."

"Don't you know the password to enter the kitchen?" She was a little angry, and her tone of voice was not very polite.

"I don't want to eat alone, what did the old fool ask you just now?"

"Nothing?" She walked slowly along the stone steps of the castle, and with the sound of another person's footsteps, her heartbeat accelerated for no reason.

"How are you preparing for the Triwizard Tournament next semester?" He didn't dwell on this question, and started talking about other topics.

"I can prepare the venue for the third match after the first match." She couldn't help complaining that "Felevi doesn't care about anything."

"He said he was going to have a song for the Christmas ball, did you forget?"

"Help me, Severus! I can't do it alone!" She shook his arm.

"I also have my business, I will help you when I am free." He said impatiently, but did not refuse.

"Sometimes I really feel like a house-elf." Pomona couldn't help complaining again, even though hard work was Hufflepuff's quality, she couldn't blame everything on her.

"Minerva is in charge of school security. There will be many dark wizards entering the school. Shouldn't it be the same as last year, and find a house elf to seal off the passage to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?"

"Who cares, Harry will definitely come to school anyway, and it's your job to protect him, not mine."

"Neville Longbottom!" he said through gritted teeth, apparently still holding grudges about the Boggart.

"I'll send ten house-elves to work for you for a week." Pomona said, for the safety of Neville's life, she had to sell the rights and interests of the house-elves.

"In addition to this month's newly picked black feather jade, don't think I don't know that you secretly took it out and sold it." The potion professor began to ask for prices.

"No, I don't have one." Pomona smiled in disguise, denying it.

"I really want to see your vault in Gringotts, and see which one is richer, you or Malfoy." He seemed to have decided that Pomona was a rich man. "Why are you so greedy for money?"

"Money is the only power a woman has, of course the more the better." She said greedily, "Don't you make a lot of money selling potions?"

"Oh, yes, thirty-two Galleons per dose of antidote, I actually survived for a semester for free, how much did you earn that time?" The vengeful potions professor laughed angrily.

"That's for the school. The school managers stopped funding the school. Do you know how much it costs to run such a big school?"

"I want to share!"

"It happened twenty years ago and you still bring it up!"

"Then arrange the venue and you do it alone!"

"Stingy!" Pomona screamed angrily.

"There's still Lily's share, don't think that she won't have her share after she dies."

Pomona felt a basin of cold water poured down from her head. He still liked that red-haired Lily, and he wanted to defend her rights even after death.

"I remember James left Harry a lot of money," said Pomona listlessly, "and I don't think he needs money."

"Tell me honestly, did you go to him?" Snape walked down the spiral staircase with her, "Harry Potter was not held accountable after the Muggle woman was turned into a balloon and floated away. Even a magic riot shouldn’t be like that.”

"Who knows, the bodies of Muggles are different from ours, and the magic riot may have different manifestations on them."

"I heard she almost exploded," Severus said. "Glad he got himself under control."

Pomona imagined the scene at that time, the woman named Maggie almost turned into a blood bag, splashing her own blood everywhere, covering the entire restaurant.

Unforeseen accidents may occur every time you wake up, but you can only get the notification from Hogwarts after you wake up. Not everyone is as smooth as Harry.

"I need you to be proficient in the spell of forgetting everything, Pomona. It would be better to forget some memories." Dumbledore looked into her eyes and said, "Do you know who to ask as a practice object?"

"Human." Pomona replied without hesitation.

"Very good." Dumbledore gave her a candy and touched her head. "Take my arm, honey, and I'll take you somewhere."

"I put a billywig in there, but I don't know if that bug stung her." She brushed off her past memories and answered the present question.

"You are so naive." The mature Potions Professor, who is still as knowledgeable as a child, sarcastically said, "What are you doing at his house?"

"I heard that Sirius escaped from prison." Pomona didn't believe those rumors, how could Sirius want to kill Harry, she didn't even believe that he betrayed James.

"That house is protected by a spell, don't worry, he can't find it."

"But he found Severus, right in front of Harry's house." Pomona paused. "He wanted to say hello to Harry, but when I showed up, he thought I was an Auror, so he ran away."

"Are you an Auror?" Professor Snape turned his head and looked her up and down, and couldn't help laughing. "You're so funny."

"But I did work with Aurors, and I know what they do."

Seeing that she spoke seriously, Snape also became serious.

"How could a herbalism professor work with Aurors?"

"Clean up the scene." Pomona walked past him, holding up her skirt, "especially the scene left after the Death Eaters made a fuss."

The former Death Eater tugged at the skirt of his shirt, wrapped his arms around his shoulders like a bat, and watched her back.

"How many secrets do you have, senior sister?"

"There are more than you can imagine." Pomona said without looking back, "Come on, do you still want to eat supper?"

She walked unhurriedly, and soon there were footsteps behind her, which sounded like some kind of pet dog.

The scene in the memory quickly reversed, and when Pomona regained her senses again, she had already arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, and the innkeeper exchanged her Galleons for Muggle notes.

"What's this?" Draco asked, looking at the colorful paper in her hand.

"Money!" Pomona was so wealthy that she made a fan out of banknotes to fan herself. "Today I will take you to Muggle London."

"You call this money?" Draco took a pound from her hand and looked at it in disbelief.

"I think it's more appropriate to call it a voucher. With it, you can go to the bank to exchange for gold." This is what Lily's father explained to her, and Pomona didn't understand it very well. "Muggle banks are similar to Gringotts."

Draco wasn't interested in money at all, and he returned the notes to her.

"Come on, I promise it will be fun." Pomona took Draco's arm and walked towards the exit of the Leaky Cauldron to the Muggle world.

"Let's say it first, I won't go shopping with you." Draco looked bitter. "Why can you go shopping all day long?"

"Why don't you use smoothing agent to take care of your hair?" Pomona looked at the handsome Draco, he was already so much taller than her, and his hair was fluffy, but her memory still stayed in that hair Always smooth Master Malfoy.

"That's what my mother used to do for me."

Pomona gasped.

"You rebelled! Draco!"

"Can you be more childish, Christine?" Draco bared his teeth and said with a sinister grin.

"I'm so glad I'm dressed in French style today, so it doesn't look strange to wear gloves." Pomona looked at her gloves triumphantly, so that she would have armor to protect her body at any time, so she didn't have to worry about keeping up with the last time Was also attacked by Pete.

When they got to the brick wall, there was a wizard coming in from the other side, so the two of them arrived in Muggle London smoothly, a colorful world without magic.

"Sirius, hold out your left paw!" Pomona said cheerfully to the escaped prisoner from Azkaban.

"I'm not a real dog."

When Pomona saw the geraniums in the flower bed, she recalled the scene in the old house that day, her heart felt sore for no reason, and she subconsciously let go of Draco's arm.

"What's the matter, Knox?"

"You should call me godmother, Draco." She kept a distance from her godson, she looked too young, walking arm in arm with Draco on the street like a couple "You can take advantage of today Buy Astonia a present."

"Mom asked me to be your bodyguard today."

"But she didn't tell you not to do anything else. I always thought that Muggle Studies class was stupid."

"I think so too." Draco was laughing at first, but then the smile disappeared when he remembered something.

"Do you want me to erase that memory for you?" Pomona said, looking Draco in the eye. "Even the Dark Lord thinks my erasure is top-notch."

"No, I'm going to keep it." Draco said gloomily. "It's because of her that I understand what kind of people I'm dealing with."

"Do you hate your godfather?"

Draco stared at the void for a long time without speaking.

"Don't think about it, let's go play, what do you want for lunch?" Pomona forced a smile, trying to ease the embarrassment.

"He protected me, but then he was going to kill me and Mom, for you." Draco looked at Pomona and said, "I don't know what made him like this."

"I like the person who can keep his promise, but now this person is taking advantage of the unbreakable oath." Pomona sighed, feeling extremely uncomfortable in her heart. alright."

"You mean he's crazy?"

"How can you say that about your godfather."

"Then what do you say?"

Pomona thought for a long time, but couldn't think of an answer.

"He's recovering." Pomona was still holding Draco's arm, but not as close as before. "When he is well, everything will be fine."

"He's not hurt." Draco said puzzled.

"Some wounds are invisible, Draco, especially wounds to the heart, which take longer to heal than wounds to the body."

"Why does George Weasley hate you so much?"

"Because he blamed me for Fred's death."

"How could he blame you?" Draco asked in surprise.

"He blamed me for not training them well and sending them to the battlefield." Pomona sighed "That's why I want you to be a healer instead of a fighter, not because you are not brave enough, but because I am afraid harm."

Draco didn't reply, and while they were talking, they had already reached the Muggle streets, and the passing pedestrians all stared at a small square in their hands, and no one looked up to notice them.

"What are they looking at?" Draco asked Pomona.

"I don't know, I haven't been to the Muggle world for many years." Pomona shrugged and said, "I don't even know this place."

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