Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 135 Wheel of Fortune


Hiccupping in the middle of a meal was considered bad manners, but Pomona Sprout couldn't help it, which caught the attention of the Potions Master, who was drinking corn chowder across from her.

"Has the medicine worked?" He said with a wicked smile.

"Could you change the flavor of it a little better?" she whined, and then hiccupped again.

The compound decoction also depends on who prepares it. It took a week for Hermione Granger to prepare the compound decoction in the first grade, but the transformation took only ten minutes. Professor Severus Snape, the potion master, The hiccups can last for most of the day, and the hiccups are a sign to remind her to take the medicine.

"It's almost midnight, do you want to drink it to sleep?" Seeing Pomona take out the silver test tube from the velvet pocket, Professor Snape picked up the crystal glass and reminded him after taking a sip of the wine.

Of course she would like to take a sip of that nasty potion, Pomona, not to mention the kitchen is not far from her office, so she put the test tube back.

The curative effect of the potion dissipated quickly, and it was not as painful as when she was deformed. Except for her hair and height, her whole body was changing. The complexion was dull, and the figure was short and fat, but the amiable professor of herbal medicine disappeared. She turned into a fairy who came out of a fairy tale, with delicate and delicate skin, a straight nose and water-blue eyes. Because she drank a little wine before, her cheeks were extremely rosy, and her lips were like roses. The long gray winged hair no longer made her look old, but added a kind of dreaminess, and Severus stared blankly at the whole process.

"About the prophecy you just heard, what do you think?" Pomona looked with satisfaction at the aristocratic table manners of this young man from the slums. Although Voldemort was responsible for this, she was the one who enlightened her. Feel very satisfied.

"What?" He asked as if he hadn't heard what she said.

"Master and servant, who do you think it will be?"

"I don't want to talk about this right now." He bowed his head and continued to drink his soup.

"I know You-Know-Who had Death Eaters serve him as servants, but he wasn't in the Shrieking Shack at the time, so how could there be a master and servant reunited?"

"Minerva gave the Time-Turner to Miss Know-It-All, and she took so many classes that I saw her everywhere." Severus said with a Slytherin smirk. How does it feel to see so many of the same people at the same time?"

"That's what you came up with? That girl is working so hard, I'm really worried that it will affect her lifespan." Pomona shook her head, she didn't really approve of this experiment.

"I found that she has been trying to make herself less conspicuous. She keeps her head down when she walks, and she doesn't raise her hands in class. What's the reason?"

"Minerva told her she couldn't be seen using the Time-Turner."

"But obviously someone could see her, and she's not invisible." Severus pointed his finger at his eyes, then at Pomona.

"It was Minerva who lied to her, keeping her out of the limelight in order not to attract attention."

"So there are no rules for using the Time-Turner?" Severus asked.

"No, there is a rule that must not be touched."

"What is it?"

"Change your own destiny. If you change your own destiny, then your future self will not exist, and you will not be able to go back to the past to change your own destiny. People who use the device will die directly."

"Is that why you didn't give that device directly to Harry Potter? Because if he saved his godfather the dog, he would die too?" Severus smiled admiringly, as if he thought "the godfather the dog" The inelegant word was such a delight that he even celebrated with a toast and a sip of red wine.

"I think it's because even if the device was given to him, he wouldn't be able to activate it." Pomona stretched out her finger and spun around the rim of the wine glass. "It takes a strong desire to activate it, and Granger has a strong thirst for knowledge. Harry didn't have it."

"He's just like his father, lazy and mediocre."

"To be fair, Severus, Harry is not as bad as you say, he learned to call God to protect him very quickly, do you remember how long it took you?" So fast, I didn't expect him to be so slow in learning to call the guardian god. If it wasn't for Lily leading him, he wouldn't be able to summon the patron saint. "Are there so few memories that can make you happy?"

Severus was silent, looking like a kid who has done something wrong.

He's really clumsy when it comes to making himself happy, his name sounds like Serious, and he doesn't understand Gryffindor jokes.

Pomona stood up, walked over and stretched out her hands to give him a hug as in the past, but he refused him.

His movements were gentle, not fierce like the Whomping Willow, but like the breeze blowing the willow, but Pomona was frightened by him.

There is a shift taking place, as if a quantitative change has taken place, a small one that starts to spread so quickly that it gets out of hand.

"It's late, I'm going back first." He stood up in a panic as if making excuses.

"Good night, Severus," Pomona replied dazedly, shaking all over.

Then he left the small preparation room in the kitchen, and it wasn't until the sound of his footsteps grew farther and farther away that she regained her composure.

Betrayal is a sin. Pete Pedilu betrayed James Potter, and Sirius Black stayed in Azkaban for twelve years. You can't betray your friends like him.

"Are you all right, Christine?"

Draco, who was sitting across the table, looked at her with some concern.

Master Malfoy is very handsome even in the Muggle world. From the moment he appeared in this Michelin restaurant, he has attracted the attention of countless women. Pomona who appeared with him is also a beautiful girl, like an elf The dreamy feeling made many men look sideways. The appearance of the two of them was like a landscape, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

There was a waiter standing next to their table, who seemed to be waiting for her to order. That kind of sight made her feel very uncomfortable. She is not a magical animal. Is it necessary to observe and study how she eats?

"Same as him." She said impatiently, and turned her head to look outside the restaurant outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Britain has been very peaceful since World War II, and there is no trace of the big bombing in the city.

At first, she was envious of Furong's ability to show her beauty without any scruples, so she stopped drinking the unpalatable compound soup. Now she regrets playing Christine with her true face. She is used to hiding, but she really feels dangerous and not used to being so conspicuous all of a sudden.

"Draco, Sirius Black is related to you by blood, do you know that?"

"Yes, my mother is from the Black family."

"What do you think of Sirius?" Pomona turned her gaze to Master Malfoy again.

"I don't know him. He entered Azkaban before I was born. I have no impression of him at all except that he had a scene at school in the third grade."

"So you're not sad about his death, are you?" Pomona asked, sure that Draco wouldn't be as sad as Harry.

"Mom cried very sadly, she said that the Black family is dead." Draco said sadly, "The Black family was so prominent."

"I asked your godfather to help me find Regulus. I have a hunch that he might still be alive. Will you help me?" Pomona asked, grabbing his hand.

"How?" Draco asked.

"Be an amazing doctor." Pomona stared into his eyes and said, "I've seen too many killings, but rarely miracles. I don't know who saved Severus, and sometimes I even I felt like I was having a dream, and when he woke up he was still dead, and to me it was like living in hell."

"Oh honey, that's the sweetest confession I've ever heard."

As soon as Pomona finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded behind her, and then she saw the person in question appearing behind them.

Severus was billowing in black robes, looking like some kind of black smoke, the man who was not at all handsome bent down and gave her a kiss, and then used the Death Eater fly spell in full view, "Kang "There was a sound and the glass window was smashed.

All the Muggles panicked and Draco calmed down after the initial panic and Disapparated.

It was as if nothing happened just now, that pair of handsome men and women who were different from them never existed at all, and everything was their illusion.

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