Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 133 The Magical Witch

In a transparent crystal ball, a woman's face appeared. She wore a pair of ridiculous glasses and looked like a frog. She looked straight ahead and her voice was hoarse as if it came from another world.

"He will come back tonight. Tonight, the black-hearted murderer who betrayed his friend will be free again, innocent blood will be shed, and the servant and master will reunite..."

Severus and Minerva took half a step back at the same time, Pomona was also cold, the voice was terrible.

"What is this? Dumbledore." Minerva looked at the gray-haired headmaster, who was currently feeding his pet phoenix.

"This is the crystal ball that Harry used when he went to Professor Trelawney's divination class that night. Granger accidentally kicked it under the steps, and Harry picked it up. How about it, Sev Les, what do you think?" the old headmaster said.

"It's a bit like a prophecy ball." The head of Slytherin frowned as he looked at the crystal ball.

"But there's only one answer." Pomona interjected, "I remember to use the prophecy ball upside down first."

"Sometimes objects record memories. I think it's an ordinary crystal ball, but it records a prophecy. Tell me about the situation in the Shrieking Shack that night, Severus." Dumbledore said, The portraits of other principals in the principal's office also listened intently.

"I followed Lupine to the Shrieking Shack. He shouldn't need to transform there since I gave him the Wolfsbane Potion. When I went in, I found Sirius Black and Lupine hugging." He like As if seeing something ridiculous, the corners of his mouth curled up into a dimple, "Then Ron Weasley asked him, did other teachers in the school know that Lupine was a werewolf? Lupine said yes, they all knew, he worked hard to convince everyone that he was trustworthy, but you saw, principal, he transformed himself in front of the students, and he forgot to take his medicine , I don't think Remus Lupine is qualified to continue teaching at the school."

"You just want them out of your sight, don't you, Severus?" Minerva asked affectionately. "Can't you see how bad Remus is doing right now?"

"It's good to have sympathy, Minerva, but you should also know what it means for him to lose control. If Kingsley hadn't appeared in time, who do you think could control him?"

"Even you, Severus?" asked the old Headmaster.

"I forgot my wand in the shed." Severus Snape said through gritted teeth. "I'm not arrogant enough to use wandless magic against werewolves."

The headmaster's room fell silent, and the tinkling voice sounded very pleasant. After a while, Dumbledore said, "That is to say, except you, Remus, Sirius Black, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Pete There's no one else besides Pediru, right?"

"Yes, principal." He had to answer with certainty.

"Do you have any guesses about the master and servant mentioned in the previous prophecy, Severus?" Dumbledore watched him through the half-moon glasses.

"No," said the head of Slytherin oilily.

"Thank you for coming today, it's late, please go to bed early, Pomona, you stay."

Minerva and Severus glanced at her at the same time, but finally left the principal's office without saying anything.

After they closed the door, Dumbledore summoned the Pensieve.

"There's something I'm going to show you, because of Severus' potion, Lupine remembers more of what happened during the transformation than before."

"What is it?" Pomona leaned over to look at the pensieve, and there was a panic-stricken man in the pensieve, he was protecting three students behind him, and Pomona felt as if something had shot her in the heart.

"Do you think he can be trusted?" Dumbledore said, looking at the image in the basin.

"I don't know." Her face was red and hot, as if she was seriously ill.

"I once asked him if he could risk his life to protect the boy as much as he can, and now it seems that he has done a good job." The old fool turned his head and looked at Pomona with a smile, "He is not too bad." There is no cure, what do you think?"

"Even you want this potent love potion, Professor," said George suddenly beside her, startling her.

Bottles of potions exuding pearly white were placed in the pool filled with white smoke. Pomona was curious about what smell she liked the most.

George laughed and took out a bottle from the pool, "I treat you, take it."

Pomona took it without hesitation. She opened the bottle, and just in time to lift the lid, a hand stretched out from behind and threw the bottle back to George.

"She doesn't need this thing," Draco said defensively.

"After Professor Snape, are you her new lover now?" George shook his head, "She still has such bad eyesight."

Pomona ignored him. Her mind was full of chocolate, soot and peppermint. That kind of soot was not Severus smoking, but the smell of smoke from the burnt phoenix feather in the principal's office. .

"It has nothing to do with you, George Weasley." Malfoy took Christine's hand and turned to leave.

"George, you can make a lot of money this time, why don't you let your dad retire and come to help in the store?" Pomona looked back at the twins who were full of anger, "You saw it too, now The situation is very bad, do you remember when Arthur was bitten by Nagini?"

"Which side are you on?" George asked, frowning.

"I just don't want the conflict to intensify. There are still many wandering dark wizards and dangerous magical creatures. Don't keep your eyes on the former Death Eaters."

"You guys want to live a clean life, right? Why did you go early?" George turned his face away radically.

"You've been well-informed since you were in school, how about doing me a favor? I'll pay for it."

"What's busy?"

"Find someone, Theodore Not." Pomona took out a bag of gold coins from the interspatial bag. "This is a deposit, and I will add more when I find it."

"Why don't you ask your Death Eater friend to find it for you?" George asked instead of accepting the bag of money.

"You need money, don't you? I saw a picture of you on the table. You and Angelina are married and have a baby?"

"Two, the second one is in labor." George didn't deny it.

"Then you should know that it takes a lot of money to support a family. Arthur used to be a supervisor. Have you asked if his salary can support such a large family?"

Pomona threw the bag of gold coins beside George, "I need news, you need money, everyone gets what they need, and no one owes anyone else."

"You are such a cold-blooded witch, professor, how can anyone say you are an optimistic and compassionate person."

"My husband is dead, what will happen to Molly if Arthur dies?" Pomona said deadpan.

"Snape is your husband?" George's face was as disgusted as if he had eaten an edible Dark Mark.

"I'm Draco Malfoy's godmother now, but I'm still a member of the Order of the Phoenix. I won't let Dumbledore's victory at the expense of himself disappear. Do you understand what I mean?"

George looked at Christine for a long time, and suddenly covered his head in a mania, and finally accepted the bag of money.

"George, the tickets for the Quidditch World Cup are not cheap, even for the top stands. Since you are a businessman, you should inquire about it. Arthur is a good father and husband. That's why I stopped them from doing it to him." Those who attack the tough ones, let's go before losing without dignity, he belongs to the family."

After speaking, she took Draco's hand and left the joke workshop with a big bag of toys.

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