When a person stays in the dark for too long, he longs for the sun.

Harry Potter, the lucky boy who survived, hit the wizarding world like a bolt of lightning, bringing about a huge change, and this change did not disappear because of the Battle of Hogwarts, just like throwing a stone into the magic world. The calm pond, the aftermath has not subsided.

Pomona had never understood why Severus was in charge of handing over the Sword of Gryffindor to the trio, and now she understood a little bit why.

The people and things that Severus used to be afraid of in the past are gone. He no longer needs to hide his intentions. He has become as terrifying as a beast, enough to become a new generation of Demon King. He needs to be afraid of something, even if it is A person as powerful as Voldemort was destroyed by the three little mice. As long as a person has courage, he can do anything. Dumbledore wants him to watch and remember this lesson. Pomona only hopes that he is smart enough , realized the painstaking efforts of the white wizard.

The more he didn't have the more he wants to get it. He was born in poverty like Tom Riddle, and was bullied when he was young. What's worse is that he is not as handsome as Tom, and his situation is even worse than Tom.

Before he was full-fledged, he could disguise himself. Now that he is mature, and there is no limit to his power around him, today's wizards can't even cast an Iron Armor Charm. They are becoming more and more "mediocre", as enthusiastic as Muggles Shopping, chatting, gaming, lost the determination to seek knowledge and the pursuit of power, and was no different from ordinary Muggles except that they could see magical creatures that Muggles couldn't see.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the dementors began to roam around again. The dementors are also wise enough to negotiate terms. When the Ministry of Magic asked them to guard Azkaban, they probably also negotiated. The prisoners also have warm and happy memories. , Dementors can feed on this, here they can hunt humans freely without worrying about being driven out or even destroyed, and later they joined the Death Eaters army, lost the qualification to continue to be guards after the defeat, that prison is now overcrowded and sparse When it comes to defense, it's a good time to attack.

Squibs belong between Muggles and wizards. They can see dementors but have no ability to expel them. They are not recognized as wizards, so they cannot live in the wizarding world. The original housekeeper, Pringle, is not a squib. But his long-term laziness and carelessness made Pomona tired of him. It happened that Dumbledore took in the Squibs who fled to Hogwarts to avoid being hunted by wizards. Pomona chose Fair from among these refugees. Chi succeeds Pringle.

Dumbledore consciously cultivated her ability to choose people. She didn't know what it was for, but at this stage, she didn't seem to be doing very well. She chose a little monster and raised it to be her lover. Smashed everything.

She may have had the Imperius Curse cast on her while traveling in Ireland, because she was unsuspecting of him, God knows what he stole from her brain, and at that time he had already obtained the knowledge of tampering with memories from Dumbledore, if If it wasn't for his impulsive outburst in the bunker that day, she would never have known that he had this ability.

He lied to her, although he didn't lie for the sake of cheating like Lucius, but the nature was just as bad, his curiosity was very strong, which was originally a good point, but now it's not so cute, privately opening other people's letters It was immoral, and she almost fell in with him.

Theodore Not, a cowardly rabbit, she wants to find that kid, although he seems to be non-existent in the eyes of most people, what she needs now is an ear that is good at inquiring.

The news of St. Mungo's being attacked did not affect the business in Diagon Alley too much. Weasley's Magic and Tricks Shop was still doing a good business. They are all surprised, she is dressed like a girl now, no one will doubt her age.

Platinum young master Draco Malfoy was known to everyone when he was studying at Hogwarts, but now few people recognize him. He has kept a low profile for more than six years, and his actions have become more stable. He looks back at those people with cold eyes. Anyone looking at him looks like a bad tempered dragon.

"Draco! Come and see!" Christine called him in English with a French accent.

"What's this?"

"Pygmy Puff, do you think it's cute?" Pomona held up a small spherical thing with both hands. It was so docile that anyone could hug it, and occasionally it would make a low hum when touched.

"Only girls like it." Draco said with disgust. "Why do you all like furry things?"

"Who else would? Your mother or Astonia?"

"The high-end pet store is diagonally opposite, Malfoy." Ron Weasley walked down the stairs with an unfriendly expression, "Who let you in?"

"I see the store is open, isn't it open now?" Draco suppressed his anger and kept a polite smile.

"Hi!" Christine smiled enthusiastically and waved to Ron.

"Who is this? Your new girlfriend?"

"This is my relative from France. I will accompany her out to play."

Ron is at a loss for words, he has never been very smart, let alone in front of girls, he can't say more exaggerated words.

"My family is going to hold a party for Halloween this year. I want to buy some fireworks and toys. Can you introduce them to me?"

"There's just been an attack on St. Mungo's, and you're going to have a party?"

"Isn't this the purpose of opening Weasley's Wizard Wheezes? Even if war breaks out, it must bring happiness to people. We are different from those dark wizards who attacked St. Mungo. We are researching ways to treat the sequelae of the Unforgivable Curse , if you don't believe me, you can ask Longbottom."

Draco put his hands in his trouser pockets, his expression was calm and flat, and he looked very handsome.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to do good things too," said Ron dryly.

"It's not about doing good deeds, it's about making up for past mistakes. I heard that you and Granger are married?"

"Yes?" Ron looked at Draco in surprise.

"Congratulations, and please say sorry to her for insulting her bloodline before."

"Christine" tugged on Ladraco's sleeve, signaling that enough was enough, because Ron Weasley's jaw was about to drop.

"Let them come up, Ron." George stuck his head out from the second floor. "Big business is coming."

"Can we go up there?" Draco said to Ron.

Ron Weasley stared at him for a long time, and finally got out of the way, and Draco pulled "Christian" towards George's office.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon, Professor, last time you brought Mrs. Malfoy, this time you brought Master Malfoy, next time you will bring old Malfoy?"

The two entered the office, and George closed the door, but his tone was not friendly at all.

"He's here to discuss business with you, George." Pomona took out her wand, cast a silent spell at the door, and checked the situation from the window by the way. The business in the trick shop was not due to Draco How affected.

"The Ministry of Magic asked you to buy 500 anti-curse hats, and I want to buy you the same amount of gloves." Draco sat with his legs crossed across from George with an arrogant look, "I've seen that ugly hat, come on None of my guests will wear them, but the gloves are acceptable, so make your bid."

"Why do you want to buy it?" George looked back and forth between Draco and Pomona.

"St. Mungo's was just attacked. I want to protect the safety of the guests at the Halloween party. We are not the same as those mental patients." Draco showed Malfoy's disdain. "No one can tell us what not to do."

"Stealth smoke bombs and decoy bombs are also needed!" Pomona said looking out the window. "Also, more fireworks are needed. We want to make a big scene."

George whistled frivolously.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get the product catalogue, dear guests."

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