Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 131 Reserved Hunting Area

Not all the magical items invented by the Weasley brothers are actually that interesting, especially the edible Dark Mark, not only will people who eat it feel sick, but now that mark is branded on everyone Pomona cares about body.

Narcissa's son and husband are both Death Eaters, especially Lucius who participated in the two rises of the Dark Lord. She needs help to return to the social world, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing if no one attends the invitation letter.

It was a great help for the Greenglass family to hold the last party smoothly. Even if others don't look at Malfoy's face, Greengrass still has to give it. This time it is not necessarily the case. In this way, everything that has just started to improve will return to the original point, and the previous efforts will be in vain.

Her favorite Weasley Brothers product is the Whoosh Boom fireworks, George and Fred telepathically throwing those little sparks back and forth at each other, and it's those fireworks that send the wall umm Chili's education order was blown up. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, it was still fun to hear the twins talk about it. But George hates her now because he thinks it's Pomona's fault that they didn't prepare Going to the battlefield under good conditions caused Fred to leave him forever.

Twins once grew up together in the mother's body, and have a different connection with other brothers and sisters of the same parents. Perhaps this is also a life sharing that is different from the mother-child relationship.

In order to save her, Severus used the ring to share his life with her, and maybe she could share her life with him, so that he would not have to worry about the weakness caused by aging, and would not have to think about the question of "forever".

During that period of cheating, what really made her happy was living in the moment, she was living for herself, she could do whatever she wanted, without considering the consequences, she was burning like fireworks, It's just that the momentary beauty is followed by a long silence, like a traveler in the cold night, who has lost the last fire source for warmth.

Long, long ago, when the game of Quidditch first appeared, Seekers chased a Golden Snidget bird, and just catching it could turn defeat into victory.

It is very fast, has a pair of ruby-like eyes, and a round body. Later, because its feathers and eyes are particularly precious, it was once hunted and killed by wizards and became extinct. The Golden Snidget became a protected species, and the Golden Snitch replaced the Golden Snidget. During the Odd Game, Golden Snidget Sanctuary has also been established around the world.

Hogwarts is like a sanctuary, where the children are protected, and the teacher is the one who protects them. Professor Pomona Sprout was supposed to protect Cedric Diggory, But she didn't.

Dumbledore said he would take care of it, so she didn't care about anything, and ran to Ireland to study vampires with a vampire-like man. She thinks that daydreaming self is disgusting because she thinks she has caught the Snitch, nothing is going through her mind, she feels nothing but happiness, like a fool under the Imperius Curse .

It's nice to be depraved, especially in the sanctuary, the social circle outside the school is like a hunting ground, and there are many women who have begun to notice the young Slytherin headmaster, potions master and Prince award winner , It's a pity that all these achievements have become meaningless because of a black devil mark.

Severus Snape is a Death Eater, so he became the murderer accused by the upright master of murdering old Barty Crouch. In order to get rid of the fate of being kissed by a dementor in Azkaban, Snape Barty Crouch falsified the memory of murdering his own father in his mind, and made a not-so-innocent man his scapegoat.

He wants to live, just like Tom Riddle, even at the expense of becoming a vampire.

"Put it in, Pomona."

The old and weak Dumbledore was mostly lying on a chair in the office, and in front of him was a red velvet cushion with two things on it, one was the Snitch, and the other was a black inconspicuous stone.

"Why should I let it go?" Pomona asked him.

"Fate," whispered the old wizard, his eyes fixed on a point in the void "I've been teaching you to do the right thing because it's right, but I've never thought about what is right, What's wrong, even I can't resist the temptation, how can I ask you to be a person who wants nothing. "

"I'm not human, Dumbledore, have you forgotten who I am?"

"But I can see that you want to be human. You are different from Hagrid and Feliway. You care about human beings. Veela will severely punish those who don't keep their promises. I don't think there is anyone more suitable than you to take on the responsibility." That's the responsibility."

"What do you want me for, Dumbledore?"

"Do what you think you want, Pomona, don't care what others say, this stone is Harry's talisman, after his mission is done, you can use it as you want, I will not judge you anymore .”

Criticize what? Is it those actions that have not been thought through?

"I'm sorry, I said you were stupid, Pomona, the real idiot should be me, Lily protected Harry with love, this resurrection stone was also activated by love, besides the lightning that can destroy the tower, there is Another force is irresistible..."

"You want to say it's love?" Pomona laughed, and he really was an old fool.

"Yes, it's love." Dumbledore replied with a smile, "but it's not just the love between a man and a woman. Love includes too many things. It's probably the most difficult puzzle left by God to mankind."

"What are you thinking?" A hug that smelled of soot surrounded her, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

"Are you testing me?" Pomona asked the man behind her, looking out the window. "You can just tell Malfoy your intentions."

"It's not the same." He put his arms around her waist, swaying from side to side as if dancing. "Active and passive effects are different. I discovered it when I locked up those students. Slughorn lured students to serve him , and I was forcing them to work, and the Dark Lord was resurrected to use fear to make us submit to him, which is far worse than Grindelwald."

"How do you know I can guess what you're thinking?"

"Feeling." He sniffed her neck with his big nose. "You smell like lemon cake."

"How do you keep thinking I smell like food." Pomona was horrified by his comparison, like he was going to eat her alive.

"The dead don't need food, the living need it." His body trembled like a flame that was about to get out of control "I was scared, senior sister, I was really scared when Nagini bit me, I didn't know you would Won't come to save me, the Dark Lord is the only one out of my plans, and I'm terrified of him."

"Worse than a werewolf?"

"I cannot be free from fear of death."

He needed reassurance, Pomona could feel it, but he had other things to do.

"You're not working now?"

"I can take a break." Severus coaxed her. "I can see you miss me too."

Pomona wanted to curse, they really couldn't let go of each other like Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown.

"Then hurry up, Draco and his father are done talking and we are leaving."

The sly Death Eater shook his head and gave a weird grin.

"It's worth all the time I spend on you."

Eat death, that is, conquer death, even dragon blood can be used as a material for humans to make potions, all because dragons are conquered by humans.

The food on the table is actually the spoils of human conquest.

"Quickly do whatever you want," she said coldly, as if begging to kill her quickly.

Severus Snape turned his head and looked at the long dark table, and those high-backed chairs seemed to be full of people.

"They laughed at me, in my face," he said in a sinister tone, "like I was the coward I was."

"You're very sick, Severus." Pomona broke free from that embrace, and she hadn't forgotten that Nagini had eaten Hogwarts' Muggle Studies professor here.

Severus, who was about to lose control just now, suddenly regained his composure and self-control, and he even helped Pomona tidy up some messy clothes.

"Remember the dessert we had that night? That's the password, don't forget it when you step out of the fireplace."

After speaking, he took a big step, pulled his robe, and walked vigorously to the study of Malfoy's house.

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