The Civil Code stipulates that a civil deceased person cannot be a notary public, cannot be a witness in a lawsuit, and cannot be a plaintiff or a defendant. Marriages previously contracted by the deceased are deemed extinguished for all civil effects.

It is very profitable to be a notary in France, and the First Consul of France is also a notary. He declared that Georgiana's previous marriage was illegal, which is justified and based on evidence, unless the civil death suddenly appears.

If it's really a dream, why are they still sweating?

She looked at her palms, her hands were covered with sweat like water, he didn't sweat like blood like a bloody BMW.

Even Napoleon, the god of war, is still a mortal, and he also has his own weaknesses.

After the problem of women, children became his next weakness. No matter how masculine he is, as long as he has no children, someone can laugh at him for it.

Even if some women give birth to an empty head, as long as she can give birth to children, then she is more capable than beautiful, intelligent, gentle, and kind women.

When it was really necessary, Georgiana would encourage him to find a woman who could bear children, let her give birth to the child, and then give it to Josephine to raise.

It feels disgusting, boyfriends and toothbrushes cannot be shared, but compared to bloodshed, Georgiana will choose such a compromise method, depending on Josephine's willingness.

She felt that she was degenerating, becoming more and more dishonest, chaste, and kind. How could such a woman pretend to be Maria?

But she was very happy, she wrapped her legs around his waist like vines, he was much smaller than Severus, but it didn't take so much effort.

Just like he is so small but reluctant to ride a big horse, it is actually more suitable to change to a pony.

Now that the International Statute of Secrecy had been passed, France should also have a Ministry of Magic. She remembered that the Lestrange family was very influential in France, and that might be the reason.

Caroline's reminder solved a big problem for the uncrowned King of France. He had a choice. He no longer had to find a noble princess from the Habsburg family to give birth to a bastard.

She deserves a reward, and the reward is the power to rebuild the Ministry of Magic after the Great Revolution. As for how to operate it, it is up to the male members of the Lestrange family. Caroline is a girl, and she does not have the right to inherit the Lestrange family.

It felt unreal to her to hear the other man's breathing, but when she looked into his eyes, they were all her reflection.

"You are so beautiful, princess," he said admiringly, as if the poet's soul within him had been rekindled.

"I want to ask you for something." She said with a wicked smile.

He was not unhappy, but instead lay on his side, put his hands on his big head and said with a smile, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"It's useful for the British to think that I'm talking next to you. Remember what I told you about the sugar for silk?"

Now he looked unhappy.

"I don't agree that this trade is fully legal. Eating too much sugar will cause tooth decay. It is a good thing to be in moderation." She said softly, "You still have to rein in, but not so tightly."

"You want to influence me?"

"I'm telling you how I can help you. You have to make others think that I am useful, not dispensable."

"And like Louis XV's mistress group, do others think that things can't be done without you?" He said angrily.

If it were another person, he would definitely be pissed off by his current attitude, but Georgiana is not angry, this is what she has practiced for many years.

"Leon, I'm not interested in participating in politics, but I want to ask how your cannery is doing now?"

He recalled it quickly and remembered it quickly.

"I know you have a lot of things to do, and you can't be busy alone, so I want to help you share. Canned food can also be used by civilians. We can store the canned food in good years, and when the famine happens again, we can use the canned food to satisfy our hunger. It’s just as busy this time.”

"What do you want for the British?" he said deadpan.

"Think about it yourself, I think it's almost time to tell them that you will make them suffer and others will be so angry with you."

"No problem." He said lazily, got up and sat against the head of the bed, but did not smoke.

This is another of their different habits.

He had a poison bag hanging around his neck, and he still had scars, but not as many as Severus', after all, there were not many opportunities for him to go to battle in person.

"You have been bullied, and so have I. If you can't bear it, you have to bear it..."

"Aren't you jealous?" he asked. "For the idea you just said, you don't mind if I hang out with other women?"

"This is God's punishment for me." She swallowed and said, "I gain some things and lose some. It is impossible for all the benefits to go to me alone."

He started to say something in Italian, judging by his expression at the moment, it might not be a good word.

"I made Corsican mandarins, do you think your mother would like them?" she asked.

"Are you flattering my mother?" he said, staring at her.

"That's right." She admitted bluntly, "This is the first time I've flattered my elders."

"Not even his parents?"

"His parents died very early, and I have never met my own parents."

"My mother doesn't want to see Josephine, she is actually a very good woman." Napoleon said, "She is just too playful."

She couldn't express how she felt at the moment.

"My mother has been trying to ease the relationship between the two of us," he said. "Do you think it is possible?"

She remembered, after Napoleon was imprisoned, as if Pauline had met him.

Although the reputation of the most beautiful woman in Europe was not good, she at least recognized Napoleon as her relative.

"Invite them to the ceremony, sooner or later you will have to face it." She said helplessly.

"They're probably going to dress up again, can you make them restrain themselves?"

"Do you think it's possible?" she said with a wry smile.

"They won't be like you if they become widows." He said calmly, "If it wasn't for me, you would have remained chaste for him for the rest of your life, right?"

"As long as I have a job." She answered honestly.

He stopped talking.

"I think it was the hallucination that he was alive that got me through that time, and I lived in the wilderness for six years and looked like maybe a crazy woman."

"That attack and your miscarriage were also your illusions. You haven't lost the ability to reproduce yet, and we still have a chance." He said softly, "Give me a daughter just like you."

"You don't want a son?"

"As long as you are born, I like it." He grabbed her hand, "In this way, even if you leave one day, I can live on."

"You want to be a widower?"

"No, I don't want to, but I feel like I might lose you at any time." He said in pain, "Sooner or later, you will have to return what you have stolen."

"If you really don't want to part with those artworks, then you won't return them."

He shook off her hand and covered his eyes with his hands.

It looks like a child who was bullied and cried by a bad child.

She held his big head in her arms and patted his back lightly.

"I'm British too," she said in a sweet voice. "Not all British people are so cruel."

"Is it common for nobles and commoners to marry you?" he whispered.

"A lot of people I know."

"Montesquieu said England was a very different country from the rest of Europe."

"I think France is a very different country than the rest of Europe," she laughs.

"Where have you been but Venice?"

"Switzerland, Vienna, Hungary."

"You can come with me next time you visit abroad."

"It should be Josephine who will accompany you."

"She won't go. She thinks taking me to play will spoil everyone's fun. I take her to work and don't have time to accompany her. She will be very boring."

"Oh my God." She laughed. "I'm going to visit abroad!"

He looked at her puzzled.

"You won't understand." She kissed him and got up to get her sewing kit.

She and the maids made this together. It was originally planned to be used on the day of the ceremony, but now it seems to be brought forward.

She put on the new underwear made of handmade white lace in Venice, and her movements were slow and provocative. She deliberately delayed the process of putting on the stockings very slowly, and hooked the lace edge of the stockings with a garter belt. After the whole set was put on, she turned and looked at the First Consul of France lying on the bed.

"How do I look?"

"That's why he called you 'naughty'?" said Bonaparte with a smirk.

"I'm not going to see your mother without my underwear on," she said seriously.

He covered his head, looking both pleased and resigned, before saying, "That's why you want to bring back the franchise?"

"How much do you think lace sales will increase with it?" She smiled slyly. "How much tax can you collect?"

"Money alone cannot cultivate strong soldiers."

"You don't have money, you can't pay the army, those tough soldiers will mutiny, which one do you choose?"

"Come here." He held out his hands to her.

"No, it's time for you to get up, don't forget that we're going to meet your mother." She said pretending to be serious, picking up a very conservative dress and planning to put it on.

Bonaparte rolled over and got out of bed.

The servants standing at the door heard the teasing laughter behind the closed door, and they didn't agree with it, but they didn't say anything.

They are people who have experienced the Great Revolution. Although they fled overseas, it did not affect their hearing of domestic news at all.

There is a devil who lives in this house, and he actually shoots cannons at unarmed civilians. Who else in the world is more terrifying than him?

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