Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1309 Pathfinder

An illegitimate daughter whose father is unknown wants to become the Queen of France?

Almost after Josephine fell down, Georgiana could guess what Napoleon's sisters were thinking, and they would never pull the skirt for her.

Men are not so particular about certain aspects. As long as they can give birth to Napoleon's son, even an illegitimate daughter can shake Josephine's position.

The birthday presents from the British were late, but they still arrived. All of them were British thoroughbreds, and all of them were male. Even a person with a good temper like her would get a headache from anger, let alone being directly humiliated. Napoleon.

Some people like a profitable peace, and some like a profitable war, which angers the "King of France" and makes him unable to resist first, which is a good deal for the hawks.

The British also wanted peace talks, but the French tore up their hypocrisy and prepared for war under the guise of peace talks. She could almost guess what would be written in the newspapers.

When things are going well, there's always someone to give you a break, which is why she's so eager to be alone.

Even if Napoleon was imprisoned on the island in the end, it would still be a resort for her. Of course, the private island can be built as she wants. The sunshine near the equator is good. She can drink ice juice while basking in the sun, but she doesn’t know science. Can the Sika people accept that kind of life.

His talent is really a waste on that isolated island, but if he really can't stay on and go back to restoration, she won't go with him.

This is God's curse on her, she will never get married in her life, although she can get the "love" that many women long for.

The "adventurer" Mr. Mill didn't come this time, maybe he also knew that giving such a gift would increase his disgust and would be detrimental to seducing "Napoleon's woman".

If she fell into the arms of other men again, not only Napoleon, but even she would feel ashamed. It's bad enough for an ordinary woman to have two marriages. She doesn't want to have five or six marriages like a Hollywood actress.

This is another heavy shackle on women. Even if Bonaparte has several women, the society will agree with him. He is a hero.

Women can't, women who try to break through this shackle will end badly, what else can they do except accept their fate?

She was in a bad mood, and cooking food could adjust her mood, so she went to the kitchen.

She had no intention of competing with the cook for a job. He also had a family to support, not to mention that Napoleon's cook was always with him.

What's the point of being so rich if you can't even eat at ease?

The opening of sugar has made sugar less in demand. With sugar, she can make desserts, and she can use it as a meeting gift when she visits Letizia later.

She had no idea what to do.

It's time for the Corsican "pig" again.

A family must have elders, and only by visiting elders can a family look like it. Last time they rode by the Petit Trianon Palace, she felt very uncomfortable.

They didn't look like a married couple, but rather an irresponsible young couple, although she was about Letizia's age.

Except for Albus, she and Severus have no elders, and this new experience makes it difficult for her to adapt, what if Letizia doesn't like her?

Her "female popularity" has always been bad, except that Lily has few female friends, but she and boys are more likely to play together.

This kind of life circle is unhealthy, and most women with few female friends have problems, but Letizia reminds her of Augusta, and she guesses it will be difficult to become friends with Letizia.

In the end she opted for a Corsican dessert, a citrus candied cake with brioche. Fresh oranges are hard to come by in August, and to preserve them they make candied fruit, mixed with vanilla caramel.

She vaguely remembered that Napoleon had something to do with canning, and she didn't know what was going on with the canning factory that supplied the army.

Canned food can't help Napoleon avoid Waterloo, she didn't pay attention to the reasons for Napoleon's defeat at all before, and she, like most Britons, thought that Britain had defeated the French dictator and prevented Europe from falling into his gendarme and police organization's reign of terror.

She pays more attention to the affairs of the wizarding world. For the vast majority of Muggle men in this world, as a witch, she has always had a sense of superiority. Gua dictator, racking his brains to please his mother.

It's like a dream, but it's not like a dream. Who would memorize legal terms in a dream?

In this world of the jungle, there will always be some "losers", and girls like Josephine are.

She wanted Napoleon Bonaparte to continue to protect her like a hero, so she didn't mind her status.

A pure-blooded aristocrat raised a veela not just to use it as a plaything, but she is doing pretty well now.

Scooped a lump of cream with one hand and put it in his mouth.

"Yes, just right," said Caroline Lestrange, smacking her lips.

"Why don't you help me undo the fetters?" she asked angrily.

"If you regain your strength, I will lose my job." Caroline said unconscionably, "Besides, I think you like the way you are now. You want to beat that Muggle intellectually, right?"

She did, and that's why she didn't stay when the Scavengers were lured away that day.

She tried to beat Napoleon, to make that disobedient Corsican bastard know how to obey, only to be defeated herself.

"I used to think Bonaparte was nothing, now he looks very different."

"What's the difference?" Georgiana asked nervously.

"Cool." Caroline said with a smile. "I thought that was a derogatory term."

Georgiana smiled smugly.

But soon she stopped laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" Caroline asked.

"You know how difficult it is for a witch to have children, not to mention that I have been exposed to the dark arts." Georgiana said softly, "I can't have children."

"Would you like to try the potion?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Why don't you try?"

"I'm an illegitimate child..."

"If you mind the issue of title, it's very simple, you can ask Josephine to pretend that she is pregnant, and wait for the child to be delivered to her." Caroline said, "Don't tell me you don't even know this."

Georgiana looked at Coraline.

"He wants your child, even if it's a daughter." Caroline pinched Georgiana's cheek. "Try to get pregnant, dear."

After speaking, Carolan took a piece of snack and left the kitchen.

That's why there are so many servants in the court, they serve the king and queen, and they also watch over them, to make sure that the child born by the queen is definitely the king's.

This life is literally like a stallion.

You are depraved, Georgiana, to be ashamed of yourself for not being able to have children!

Angrily, she handed over the rest of the work to the cook, and went back to the rotunda to find the dwarf.

She was going to urge him to write to the Prince of Wales, as he said just now, has Henry VIII's blood disappeared in the blood of the British royal family?

The rough woman did bear a daughter, but the girl did not inherit the throne after George IV's death.

Anyway, as long as the heir to the throne is confirmed, who will the Prince of Wales marry as his wife is not the same? Of course he could be with his Catholic widow.

Just to piss off the people in the parliament, if the Prince of Wales owes money, the rich French First Consul can lend him money.

For the sake of money, a crown prince lives so aggrievedly, it's really...

"Why didn't I think of it before?" She muttered, could it be that she was really stupid with reading?

What the hell.

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