Montesquieu mentioned dowry and marital interests under different systems in "The Spirit of Laws".

Gaston Martin said that in order to maintain the status of the husband and the existing ostentation, the dowry should be generous under the monarchy system, and luxury should not be commonplace under the republic system, so the dowry does not need to be rich.

At first glance, it sounds like a republic is a good deal for women. Under the monarchy, the dowry is the woman's own, no matter how much it is, the husband cannot manage it. In a republican system, women's personal property will bring luxury, but in an autocratic system, the dowry can only help them survive at best, and has no other use.

French business in the Middle Ages was far less developed than that of the Republic of Venice. Even if a woman had money, she would not be able to spend it.

Even if France has entered the republic, because of Montesquieu's ideas, women's personal property is under the strict supervision of their husbands and guardians, so as to prevent their lives from being as luxurious as the end of the Bourbon royal family.

Not being able to spend money freely is certainly uncomfortable, but that's not the worst part.

If there is no agreement between the husband and wife before marriage, all property belongs to the common property, and women do not have the right to freely control the common property. Without the signature of the husband, no gifts are allowed, and transfers can be made with or without compensation. A wife who runs a business is either not under a joint property system or adopts a separate property system, and cannot sue without the husband's consent.

Even if you want to get a divorce, you can't get a divorce if you don't agree with your relationship. The only advantage of the Marriage Law is the "punishment of the party at fault". If one party is at fault and causes the divorce, all of its property will be confiscated. Therefore, many rich and wealthy in France, the bigger the business, the less they dare to divorce. No matter how rich they are, even after three or four divorces, they will become paupers.

Such a bastard law was of course made by bastard men, and Georgiana was furious, but there was nothing she could do, she was just a bitch, what could she do?

She could only watch as Napoleoni and her guardian Caprara signed the documents to redistribute the property that Mr. Chenner signed for her before.

The right to use the house of the Marquise de Maintenon estate has been transferred to the church, and they cannot engage in anything other than hospital-related business.

The right to use the land was returned to Napoleon by Caprara through transfer, and Napoleon entrusted Caprara to manage it on his behalf.

In short, she became a proletarian, unless Mr. Martin really gave her a share of the Saint-Martin Canal as a dowry.

In order to control the water level, the Canal Saint-Martin needs to build sluices. These sluices are natural tax collection points. In the future, cargo ships can collect taxes when they come.

The current mooring boats do not have oil spills, and there is no pollution, at least much cleaner than the water in the Seine and fountains.

The citizens of Paris are very concerned about the construction of the canal, and they can drink clean water early if they can start the construction early. They don't know how fierce quarrels have occurred between the big shots.

After the matter of the Saint-Martin Canal was resolved through private financing, a new focus of the problem emerged. Napoleon was about to send troops again, and this time the sending of troops was related to a trivial matter.

For bandit soldiers, gold and jewelry are not enviable things.

Among the many trophies brought back from Portugal, there is a silver eagle flag from the ancient Roman era.

The French Republic is a tricolor flag, and now it has been planted in many places in Europe. All Roman admirers have a fascination with the Eagle Banner.

Those who participated in the Orange War held this flag to show off their power, but those who did not participate felt very unbalanced.

After a victory in a battle, Clovis, the tribal leader of the Salic Franks who established the Frankish kingdom, distributed the spoils at the place of Swason. He hoped to get an exquisite vase, but a warrior thought it violated the tribe's custom of distributing spoils and raised objections. Clovis couldn't say anything at the time, but later in an inspection, he excused the soldier's weapons for not being well organized, pulled out a sharp ax and split his skull, and soon Clovis established the Frankish Kingdom.

Bonaparte is still a law-abiding person, but he doesn't follow some rules very much. It is impossible to use a constitutional monarchy to make him submit.

In contrast, he has a lot of ideas about Montesquieu's separation of powers. Georgiana now has a new female companion, Montesquieu's widow, Madame Montesquieu.

Separation of powers is the basic political system of Western capitalist countries. Obviously Napoleon did not want France to be in the feudal small-scale peasant economy system. However, the land ownership system in France is now dominated by small-scale peasant economy. This is one of the messes left by the Directorate.

The peasants’ desire to possess the land ignited their passion. Twenty years before the Great Revolution, the division of inheritance allowed the land that could have fed a family to be distributed to five or six children. born.

Farming methods in the French countryside are very backward, but the Directorate encourages farmers to reclaim wasteland. Even if Georgiana is not French, she thinks they are too thoughtless.

Improve agricultural skills, increase soil fertility, and return some unsuitable land to forestry.

However, this must first let farmers know how to let go. The land gives them a sense of security. The lower class puts all their money into buying land, and they cannot afford the materials produced by other industries.

You have what I don't, and jealousy will arise.

They really need help, but instead of giving them money, they will use it to buy land.

The farmer model mentioned by Leon Kuhl may work in the New World, but it doesn’t work in Europe. Napoleon’s promotion of planting sugar beet can’t go on, not to mention asking them to give up their land to work with farmers. Have you changed from a landlord to a tenant farmer?

Their spiritual world needs to be reclaimed, and the result is unknown. In the 21st century, food safety has replaced sewers and become synonymous with "conscience".

She also does not agree that everyone has power, and she agrees with Napoleon's statement that he does not recommend that courtiers read the theory of monarchy.

An army led by a lion can defeat a lion led by a sheep, but a sheep is still a sheep after all. She has met very good students during her years of teaching, and she sometimes misunderstood. Barty Crouch Jr. is an example.

It was a disgrace to her educational career, Hufflepuff should have a Death Eater, as unacceptable as Gryffindor had a traitor.

"What are you thinking?" Napoleoni asked after Caprara left, holding her hand.

"My failed career," she said listlessly. "Kids these days are hard to teach."

"How about you teach me?" He said with a flattering smile like a good student.

"No." She refused.

"why not?"

"When a teacher needs to establish authority, I will establish authority in front of you, and you will only refute me, so I don't take that kind of anger."

"I don't disobey all authorities, as long as I have the ability." He whispered in her ear, "I've behaved well in front of Mr. Jenner."

"I don't have parents." She said coldly, "Are you looking down on me as an illegitimate daughter?"

"How could I look down on you?" He kissed the back of her hand, "My princess, do you want to be a real princess?"

"No, Leon, I just want you to be safe." She shook her head. "If you die, I will go to a monastery and never marry again."

"You want to be chaste for me?" He said incredulously.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have kept my chastity for him." She said angrily, "Normal people would have given up after being rejected by me so many times."

"I knew that hard work would pay off!" he said excitedly.

She didn't see any joy in it.

"Why are you unhappy?"

"I feel ashamed," she said. "I shouldn't be so happy."

"You still miss him?"

"I doubted him for so long." She cried and said, "I wronged a good man."

"What can I do to make you happy?" asked her little lover.

"Can I borrow your shoulder?"

"Of course!" He opened his arms generously.

She smelled the benzoin on him and felt a little calmer.

"Are you sure he's dead?" she asked.

"Of course," said Bonaparte, "everybody says he's dead."

She still couldn't believe it.

"Could it be a mistake?"

Bonaparte let go of his arms and smiled at her, "No mistake, how could I lie to you?"

"Are you still cheating?"

"What do you want?" He said a little angrily.

She thought about it, but couldn't think of an answer.

"I'm too stupid to figure it out," she said despondently. "Are you angry?"

"No, I'm not angry."

"Your tone is not like that."

"You care about my feelings?" he asked, staring into her eyes.

"I think to accept a person is to listen to him describe his feelings." She whispered, "How do you feel now?"

"Happiness, joy, glory," he exclaimed, taking her back into his arms. "I'm so lucky!"

"Be careful of stepping on shit." She reminded him vulgarly.

"No, nothing can make me feel bad right now," he said triumphantly.

"Don't talk too much." Georgiana reminded him, "Don't say that there is nothing impossible in your dictionary."

He stared at Georgiana with calculating eyes.

Just when she guessed that he was going to have some bad idea again, his valet came over.

"Sir, here comes your birthday present from the Prince of Wales."

"What is it?"

"Some horses," said the valet. "They all seem to be males."

For a moment, Napoleon, who claimed that nothing would make his mood worse, turned extremely gloomy. Georgiana also felt humiliated, but she hadn't lost her mind.

"I thought you were friends with the Prince of Wales."

"It's a pen pal." Napoleon said coldly, turned around and sat down, took a pen and paper and began to write a letter, "This kind of thing doesn't seem to be done by him, but by his princess. Has the blood of Henry VIII disappeared? ?”

She took his hand, which was about to write the letter, and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't kill Josephine," she said in a voice audible to both of them, and the manservant turned and walked away naturally.

"Why do you feel that way?" He said with a sweet smile.

"Your acting skills are not enough, I have seen more superb than you."

"Him?" said the little lover like a jealous husband.

"It's not him." She said wearily, "He will only be expressionless. That student of mine is the real master. You can use your acting skills against your enemies, but you can't against your family."

"No one is my family but you." He dropped his smirk.

"And your mother, Letizia, how about we go to the Petit Trianon?"

"What are you doing there?"

"She is your mother, and I want to explain to her." She said with a strange expression, "Should I call her sister or mother?"

This entertained Bonaparte, who laughed.

"It's not funny!" she growled.

"Let's also leave a vow, how about it?" He smiled and said, "Write it on paper and form a contract."

"I didn't keep my last vow," she said wearily.

"My oath is not that difficult. It is life and death." He said calmly, "I want to ask you, when I have nothing, will you still love me?"

"Of course." She replied immediately, "I can support you."

"Because you know how to catch fish and farm?"

She nods.

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I like you not because you are a big shot, you are a very good helmsman."

“Sounds like a nice compliment”

"You are driving a big ship, and everyone is relying on you. I think it must be very tiring. How about letting others share it with you?"

He didn't speak.

"If you continue with the current routine, your body will not be able to bear it first. I want you to live longer."

"Thanks, Georgiana!" He hugged her suddenly.

"You're welcome, Leon." She said softly, "Those horses are innocent, how about you leave them to me?"

"No problem." He agreed easily.

"Severus was also bullied by a rich man's kid, and he has gone astray since then, making a decision that he regrets for the rest of his life. I hope you can stay sober and don't be provoked by others. Everyone in France It depends on you."

"I know." He said meekly, and then let go of his arms, "You go out, I have to work."

She kissed him on the lips and left.

After she left, Napoleon's face became extremely gloomy, and he swept all the paper and pens on the table to the ground.

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