Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1307 Imperial Government and Compromise (Part 2)

During the Maweipo Rebellion, the emperor of the Tang Empire sacrificed his most beloved woman to let the soldiers vent their anger. They believed that it was Yang Yuhuan who disturbed Li Longji's mind and turned him from a wise king into a foolish one.

As long as she is dead, Li Longji will become as wise as before, and they still love their emperor.

Napoleon Bonaparte once told her that as long as soldiers live for themselves, they will disregard the lives of millions of people. If the situation is really forced to the point of mutiny, then he will probably sacrifice Georgiana in order to protect himself.

She will not resent him for it, from the beginning she chose the truth over happiness, Marie Antoinette chose happiness over the truth, so she didn't wake up until the dream was broken, but at that time It was too late to find remedial measures.

In fact, it is very simple to solve the current problem. The disgust of the parliament and the Senate is that Napoleon did not follow the procedures at all. He only needs to wait a few more months until the national budget is allocated in 1802. He can repair the canal. After all There are so many practical problems out there.

The problem is that he has sent out tens of thousands of marzipan candies, and after putting on such a big display, he couldn't get things done, which made him lose face.

At first she didn't plan to send almond candy, chocolate is also sweet.

Young people are prone to impulsiveness. He was impulsive when he first married Josephine, and later he did some impulsive things. Although his wisdom made up for his lack of experience in front of those wily people, there are still some shortcomings.

He continued to drive the chariot on a rampage, and sooner or later something would happen.

Let him continue to confront the Parliament and the Senate, and even greater conflicts will break out, and it is impossible for him to give up his mind midway.

The only way before her was to raise money, to raise enough money of 30 million francs, and let him continue to build the canal.

There are only a few people around her, and there are only women in Leon Kuhl's house now, who else can she turn to besides Gaston Martin?

If others have done something for her, she will give others benefits. It is almost impossible to be completely fair about the operation rights of Seni Mountain Road. This road was built by engineers and soldiers, and it will be used by civilians in the future. It is up to Napoleoni to decide who to transfer the army to. The final decision.

It will inevitably become a chicken that lays golden eggs. The relationship between France and Germany will not last forever. Once the Strasbourg pass is closed, the cotton in the whole of Italy and the east coast of the Mediterranean will pass through the Senney Mountain Road. The large throughput, and possibly the addition of the Simplon Tunnel, is enough for Lyon's textile machines to run at full speed.

She has a longing for the Silk Road, and she also wants to see if the canal he envisioned on land can really replace sea transportation.

The goal of capitalist production is profit, and it constitutes a force that has nothing to do with Napoleon's continental system, which would be a very different world from the one she lived in, and she wanted to see how that world really worked .

She didn't want to be like Merope again, who lived on the street while pregnant, sold the last relics left by her ancestors, but was deceived by profiteers, and finally died in an orphanage.

Yes, an aging society needs newborns, but what does that have to do with women not being able to find a place to live or to eat? What would you do if you met a criminal like Jack the Ripper on the streets?

There is no hope and future in such a world. A woman is unwilling to marry and bear the burden. She herself is so tired from living, how can she have the mood to take care of her children.

She has taken care of children for 30 years on behalf of others, and her patience has long been honed by these little supermen. This may be a benefit of an old woman.

She's even in the mood to design the herb greenhouse of her dreams.

She really likes the Cathedral of Notre-Dame della Salute, but it's a pity that her drawing skills are poor and she only drew a rough outline. She didn't really like the Herbalism Greenhouse at Hogwarts that much, it just fit Albus's taste.

He's a homosexual who hides his desires, is harsher than a real abbot, and doesn't look like a wizard at all.

Notre Dame of Ankang is like the big crown of the Queen of the Adriatic Sea. The sunlight cast from the baroque roof will make people feel very comfortable. There will be her reception room, and the two wings protruding from the "crown" can be built with steel. The glass house of the structure can be used not only as a place for planting herbs, but also as a place for teaching.

When the Grand Trianon became the "emperor's" office area, it could be used by her.

She thought of the hammock she had bought in Venice, and she had always wanted to be able to sit in the hammock in an Eden-like garden, swaying and lying in the sun.

But the greenhouse in her suitcase can't shine on the sun, only the false sun shines on

"Miss, Mr. Martin is here," Sophie said to her.

She looked at the little old man, who came even faster than she thought.

"The Fuehrer was going to summon me today." Mr. Martin said, "What's the matter, Miss?"

"Sit down," said Georgiana, pointing to a pink chair in the waiting room.

Martin didn't push back, and sat down directly.

"I need your help." She said helplessly, "help me raise 30 million francs."

"May I ask what it's for?" Martin asked.

"For the construction of the Saint-Martin Canal. I heard that the Senate and the Senate were arguing about it."

Martin laughed.

"What's the fun?" Georgiana said sullenly.

"Can't the Führer wait a few more months?" Martin asked.

"He told me about the siege of Jaffa, Egypt. At that time, the artillery had blasted the towers, the engineers had cleared the roads, and the attacking troops had lined up their columns, waiting for his order to attack. , but there was a bullet in his hat, but fortunately he was short and missed his head, and killed the colonel who was five feet ten inches beside him. Pu, the general's adjutant was turned into bloody mud by shells. Dopp screamed and backed away. He would never allow himself to be like Dopp, so he ordered an attack. You can understand that the preparations for building the canal are now ready. He gave the order, and nothing can stop him." Georgiana said in a steady voice, "Only those who assist him will assist him if they know that his will is irresistible. Can you do it about fundraising?"

"To hear such a wonderful story, I think the old man is worth the price of admission." Mr. Martin said with a smile, "What's more, the Saint-Martin Canal is a very popular project, and raising money may not be as important as you think. Difficult, my house will soon be filled with distinguished guests."

Georgiana shook her head, this is what someone said, the monarch does what offends people, and the courtiers do what wins people's hearts, which is completely different from what Machiavelli wrote.

"What did he call you here for today?" She asked out of words.

"The wood-paved road you built by the canal last time, the staff will discuss with us." Mr. Martin said, "A 6-pound cavalry gun needs four gunners to fire, but normally There will be 8 to 20 gunners. Their role is mainly for transportation. A horse can pull about 1,340 kilograms of goods a day for 10 miles on paved roads, but can only carry 860 kilograms on dirt roads, and only 320 kilograms in the wild. Your kind of road can turn fields into paved roads in a very short time, and a horse can carry a gun and 4 gunners..."

"Stop it," she said wearily. "Only you men are interested in war."

"I never thought it would be so easy to win a battle." Martin said with a smile, "The staff members couldn't help but think about the head of state, and the old man also wanted to help."

"What?" she asked inexplicably.

Martin glanced at the paper on the table "What is this?"

"The greenhouse of my dreams." She held the page in her hands. "I want those servants to study there when they are not working. I won't let them leave empty-handed after following me."

"There is a custom in France. In order to maintain the status of the husband and the existing ostentation, the dowry must be generous. I think a dowry of 30 million francs should be called the first ruler." Martin said softly, "Where is your wedding dress prepared?" How about it?"

"I didn't want to use a material that was too lavish, and I didn't want it to look like a wedding dress," she said, shaking her head. "That would be a disservice to veterans who are single and poor."

"How about linen?" said Martin. "Not as luxurious as silk, or are you going to use cotton?"

"You have done me a great favor," she said cheerfully, "Now I can continue to be 'neutral'."

"The last time we asked someone to bring..."

"I said it, but you don't want women to talk about it in the future." She said wearily, "Aren't his three younger sisters enough?"

Martin was about to speak when Napoleon's footsteps came from outside the door.

Now she can actually distinguish him by the sound of footsteps.

Martin stood up immediately, and soon Bonaparte, who was on his feet quickly, entered the waiting room.

"What are you doing here?" said Bonaparte, staring at Martin.

"Discuss the matter of the St. Martin Canal." Gaston Martin said, "I think there will be many chambers of commerce willing to participate in this grand event."

Bonaparte looked at Georgiana.

"You don't have to quarrel with the parliament and the Senate anymore. Mr. Martin will raise the 30 million francs. By the way, you can set up a company and let investors buy stocks to jointly operate it."

"Get out," ordered Bonaparte.

Gaston Martin walked away backwards, closing the door behind him like a king.

"Problems that can be solved with money are not problems." She smiled and said, "You need to restrain your temper."

"You can seduce people?" He walked up to her and said with a smirk, completely without the majestic look just now. "Show me once."

"How can you ask the church for the statue of the Madonna." She changed the subject, "That will intensify the conflict."

"The treaty I signed with the church stipulates that they have to hand over 100 works of art, and I can return them all, as long as the sculpture." He stroked her cheek with his finger. "I only want a masterpiece."

"I'll get a sculptor, but I don't play Maria," she continued.

"It's up to you." He brought his face closer and said coaxingly, "Show me how you seduce people."

"You won't know until the day of the ceremony. You chose it." She pinched his Greek nose. "Go back to work and don't let me be a bad woman who is ruining France."

He put her hand on his smooth face "You think I'm a sissy?"

"Only a fool thinks that." She thought for a moment and said, "Don't steal my stockings, I can't accept a man like you wearing stockings."

He obviously understood, but didn't say it "Do you like to see me in boots?"

"Your legs are straight and look good in boots."

"So you were staring at it last night?"

"Don't wear stockings, it'll ruin everything," she said gravely. "I'd rather you wear a kilt."

"Why did the Kingslayer kill the King?" asked the Kingslayer.

"Because he's running the country the wrong way," Georgiana said, "though he's innocent."

He kissed her on the forehead, "It would be perfect if you could have a baby."

"There will always be shortcomings in life. If you divorce Josephine in order to find a woman who can have children, I will leave you with her." Georgiana said coldly, "I don't care if she is a princess or not."

"Don't say leave," he begged. "I can't hear you say that word right now."

She didn't speak.

"Montesquieu once said that English girls often take advantage of legal loopholes, do not consult their parents, and marry according to their own unrealistic fantasies. That man, he has already died..."

"He's not dead!"

"Why can you accept the whole world saying that he loves Lily, but you can't accept the whole world saying that he is dead?" Bonaparte continued, "You are his widow, and I can take care of you instead of him."

"He's not dead," she trembled.

"It's because you insist on not letting him go that he suffers so much. Let that ghost go."

"You nonsense..." She wanted to say that he was the ghost, but she couldn't say it because she didn't want him to die either.

"We all saw him at the opera that day."

"It's a traitor's trick, to discredit me, and it's because of my loss that some people think they can take advantage of it." He cupped her face in both hands, and let her eyes look directly at him "You understand me mean?"

"He'll come to me," she cried.

"It's been two months. Is there any news from him?" Bonaparte said fiercely, "He doesn't want you anymore."

This time she really cried heartbroken.

"Marry me, we don't need to go to the city hall to register, and we don't need any ceremony, you just need to agree."

She had been waiting for the devil's whisper, but it didn't come.

"If I say yes, you will empathize with someone else." She said after a while, "So I want to reject you, so that you can focus on me."

He breathed a sigh of relief, as if all his strength was gone. "Thank you, God, I love you."

"You can kiss the bride." Caprara's voice came from outside the door.

"He's eavesdropping on..."

The atheist Bonaparte kisses Georgiana without her wedding dress.

"It seems that God is always with France." After the kiss, Bonaparte said in a voice audible to both of them, "Don't tell anyone else."

"I'll forget what you just said," she whispered. "It's my way of keeping a secret."

"Where's your necklace?" he asked.

"I took it off."

"Put it on," he said magnanimously. "I'd like to replace the ring with something else."

"You can wear the same necklace as I do."

"It's poison hanging around my neck, let me think about that." He wiped away the tears from her face.

"I don't want a crown," she said at once.

He stared at her face for a moment, then turned and walked away.

"I'm looking forward to how you will seduce me." Napoleoni said to her as he opened the door to leave, and then the sound of his swift footsteps became farther and farther away.

Not long after, Caprara sat down in the chair Martin had just sat in.

"Enough confession, how about we talk about theology?" Caprara said, "Vellem eam mihi liberatem fata sinerent natura quant contulit, do you know what this sentence means?"

"I wish fate would set me free, as nature has set me free," she whispered.

Caprara sighed and sat back in his chair. "What do you understand about free will?"

"I don't think it's right to have unlimited liberty, such as happened in September 1792, that liberty is the liberty of the devil..."

She said guiltily, but discussing theological issues did make her feel better.

Why is this so? It's really strange.

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