Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1306: Chapter 76: Imperial Government and Compromise (Part 2)

The preparation and determination of the national budget must be carried out in accordance with certain legal procedures.

However, Napoleon used troops abroad many times, and they were basically launched when the treasury had no money. He was as miserable as a stray dog ​​looking for food outside.

Britain also has a budget, but because of the serious war deficit, it has to rely on printing banknotes and collecting income taxes to balance the balance of payments. Addington is the Minister of the Exchequer. He knows which departments need to reduce expenditure. The British Royal Navy has such a high reputation. It is not easy to reduce their expenditure. Militarism and extravagance and corruption will lead to the destruction of a country.

Georgiana had reminded Napoleon in advance that there was an emperor in the east, and the enemy sent spies to ask him to build the Zhengguo Canal, hoping to use up the national power of Qin, but the king of Qin rejected the project and continued to dig. go down.

It is strange to drink such dirty water from the Seine without getting sick. On Christmas Day in 1800, the murderer who assassinated Napoleon used the drinking cart to place the explosives.

In order to rule out whether there were explosives in other drinking water carts, the secret police destroyed some of them, and the crusade by the newspapers was stopped later. The police department cannot ignore the rights and interests of the citizens of the city for the safety of Napoleon Bonaparte alone.

The candy distribution on National Day was not a small incident, and everyone knew what was going on.

Napoleon was at least thinking about the employment of those veterans, which was much better than those Senates who swaggered through the streets of Paris in a carriage and didn't even bother to look at them.

Beggars were also dealt with in the old days, but the way of dealing with them was very ruthless. The mounted police will arrest all beggars going to the country after receiving a letter from the governor. The strong beggars will be escorted to hard labor, and the others will be accommodated by more than 40 beggar shelters, and then the rich will show kindness. Just donate some money.

The government of the old system would only show gentleness, kindness, courtesy and thrift to those who were above the people, and it was cruel to the lower class, especially the peasant class. Napoleon’s road and canal construction was not corvee, nor was it enforced. You don't have to go, you can receive relief from the charity with the farmers, when other comrades in arms are contributing to the country.

It is also very difficult for the UK to come up with 70 million pounds in one go, but the Jacobin-style "bread and blood" movement is spreading. By the time the parliament discusses and approves the use of the national budget, the king has already been overthrown.

After the constitutional monarchy, the Prince of Wales can marry a completely unsatisfactory woman because of his debts, but he cannot let the monarchy disappear in England like France. But the 70 million pounds is not like the compensation after Portugal's defeat. The British business group will use the money to buy things and return home.

Napoleon first used 12 million pounds to buy silk products in Lyon, and the Earl of Aberdeen came to bargain. Instead of real money, he exchanged them with equivalent sugar. This is probably the case.

The dregs of hell used their own assassination to expel the Jacobins from France. Some people in Britain thought they had found the "enemy of the enemy". Now these Jacobins are spreading the ideas of the French Revolution in other countries. That James Stuart Mill, who sent a letter to Georgiana, was favored by Bentham, the founder of utilitarian philosophy, because of a contribution on food issues.

A journal was formed in England called the Anti-Jacobin Review, which is still without an editor. James Mill is different from those aristocrats who have no worries about food and clothing. When he was studying in his early years, because of his poor family, he became the organizer of the charity organization "Helping the Poor but Promising Teenagers". Under her introduction, she became a tutor to a family in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh was the refuge of the Scottish Enlightenment, and Mill taught female students while studying in Edinburgh University while in Edinburgh. The relationship between him and the female student is only a "Platonic" relationship. The female student finally married a young man who was in the same family as her with full admiration for him, but she passed away not long after. .

After completing his undergraduate studies, Mill began to learn to be a pastor. He made a living by tutoring rich men and young ladies. That experience did not make him happy. Later, he became a missionary of the Scottish Presbyterian Church. He rode from parish to parish, but what he wrote was beyond the comprehension of the suburbs, so he went to London to earn a living by writing contributions.

He is 29 years old this year, unmarried, and has other brothers and sisters in his family. He is not afraid that he will be the only one in the family after his death. From a certain perspective, he and the "Kingslayer" Napoleon are natural opponents.

"Wow." Georgiana sighed sincerely after listening to Bishop Caprara's introduction to the background of the imprudent suitor.

"Young man." Caprara shook his head with a smile. "You have to be careful, daughter, they regard you as a target."

Who would go after a 50-year-old woman with a wrinkled face?

"The Earl of Aberdeen is the leader of the delegation?"

"The former prime minister is recuperating in the country now," Caprara said.


"You tell me exactly what he said yesterday," Caprara said.

Georgiana honestly repeated what Mill had said.

"It seems that this 'senator' may be the Earl of Aberdeen." Caprara said, "Now you know why I have amnesia?"

"It's time for you to 'amnesia'!"

"Your Excellency Bonaparte's policy towards the United States is really sloppy. Is he sending troops this time to attack the United States?"

"I don't know that. I'm just asking him about his affairs at Malmaison."

"And what about his affairs at the Grand Trianon?"

"I'm talking to you right now?"

Caprara smiled "Why do you care so much about nuns?"

"Leon is very gentle with girls. You boys can handle disputes by yourself, but some things must be done." Georgiana said, "I have 100,000 beggar soldiers who need someone to take care of them, and the hospital needs someone to manage them. Get some widows to learn nursing from the nuns, so they have the skills to earn a living, and the soldiers are taken care of."

"Aren't you afraid that the widow will end up with the soldier?"

"I don't care." She said deadpan. "I never planned to be the second lady from the beginning. I'm against polygamy, father."

"I think, I understand why Monsieur Bonaparte has to go against all odds and have to build that canal this year," Caprara said. "That would be a wedding for you, wouldn't it?"

"I will not marry two people at the same time, please don't say that, the contradiction between the parliament and him is a constitutional monarchy, they are just making use of it."

"You know why Marie Antoinette ended up being a deficit queen?" Caprara said.

She didn't answer Caprara's question.

"Leon is the kind of person that the more you say no to him, the more he refuses to give up... My God." She said with a headache.

"The Jacobins are a dictatorship, not a monarchy, do you know the difference between the two?" Caprara asked.

"It sort of makes sense," Georgiana said.

"What's the difference?"

For example, Albus Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix he led was a dictatorial organization, but he allowed most people to discuss and discuss, but opposed the use of Severus Snape and gave him trust. The plans were all based on the information provided by Severus.

Albus is the uncrowned king, and Severus became a "Kingslayer" by killing him. She seems to have a new understanding of the type of man she likes.

"Why did the kingslayer kill the king?"

"Then why did he take you to live in the king's suite at St. Luke's Palace, princess?"

Georgiana had a real sense of crisis at this moment.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't have bad intentions, but someone just wanted to push the fault on her.

"Tell me the real reason for his attack this time," Caprara said.

She wanted to say that she was letting those crazy soldiers go out.

But she remembered what Napoleon had said about certain generals ordering soldiers to grow beards.

"How can a sissy without a beard know how to fight, of course it is to let a bearded man be the commander." She had to say wickedly.

"Not America?"

"I'm not sure, I'm just asking about Malmaison." Georgiana spread her hands, "I'm just a bitch."

"Can you keep the nuns safe?"

"With your help." She said with a smile.

"Good morning, Envoy Caprara." Napoleon Bonaparte in uniform appeared in the geometric garden.

"Good morning, the first ruler." Caprara also greeted him friendly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Miss Georgiana has promised the statue," Caprara said. "Would you please spare our Madonna?"

He turned his gaze to Georgiana.

"Is what he said true?"

"That's right." She nodded in agreement.

"Choose a sculptor you like..."

What he said later was stared at by Georgiana.

Caprara suppressed a smile, said nothing, and Georgiana left on her own.

In this case, she is in the mood to be a ghost, and she is not like Mary, who has a knight to save her.

Tang Minghuang was born on August 15th of the lunar calendar. He was forced by soldiers to kill his beloved Concubine Yang Gui when he was in Maweipo.

So if she wants to survive, she must rely on herself, otherwise she will become the second Yang Yuhuan.

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