Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1305 Imperial Government and Compromise (Part 1)

If you ask a girl in the 21st century, do you like boys to shave and grow beards, most of them still think that shaving will make them look fresher. The homeless don't shave.

But a beard can look good if it's well groomed, and at least Georgiana isn't that hard on men with beards.

Severus didn't grow a beard and didn't take care of his hair, all to save time and do things he felt were important.

Peacock Malfoy didn't stay either, but that was because he wanted to maintain a handsome appearance. Although he didn't spend as much time grooming as Narcissa, he definitely spent much more time than ordinary men.

For fun, she shaved Severus once, and it wasn't a good shave, and he didn't shave himself again, and then she was too self-aware to shave him again.

It seemed simple, but it was very difficult to do in practice. She would rather choose the magic razor as a birthday present for Severus.

Now Napoleoni asked her to shave him as a birthday present, and the straight razor in her hand was so sharp that it could easily slit his throat.

But her eyes are like a mirror, reflecting his face that has nothing to do with words such as majestic and mighty. If he appears on the university campus, others will regard him as a student or a teaching assistant, absolutely not. Associate him with the word emperor, which represents a ruler of feudal oppression.

His eyes are like a picture frame, only her shadow inside.

She has always believed that the definition of masculine charm has nothing to do with appearance. The nobles of the Bourbon royal family not only shaved their beards clean, but also had the habit of applying powder.

Bonaparte was the same as them before he gained power, but he was always not good enough, and he was probably ridiculed a lot, and he was simply not enough after the expedition to Italy.

But he still kept his makeup box, which contained his shaving supplies. She had to wash his face with soap first, let the beard soften, and then shave in the direction of beard growth.

The hand strength should not be heavy or light. If it is too heavy, it will scratch his face, and if it is light, it will not shave cleanly. It is said that someone wrote a booklet specifically for shaving, which contains 48 different techniques for the growth of beard.

She only knows one way, and she seems very unfamiliar, what if he goes out with an unshaven face?

"Or I'll help you get the mirror, and you do it yourself." She gave up halfway through shaving.

"No." Napoleon put his arms around her waist and said with a weird smile, "Go on."

"Are you going to spend your day grooming? What about your job?" she threatened. "Do you want to be a pleasure-seeking ruler?"

The ambiguous and tense atmosphere was instantly shattered.

He forced himself to wake up from the mist caused by the hot water, got her up from his lap, and called the manservant in angrily.

"I can help you with the mirror too." She protested softly.

"go out!"

So she left his bedroom triumphantly as if she had succeeded in a prank.

Additional servants meant finding things for them to do, and Marie Antoinette had many servants, and God knows how much time she spent every day grooming.

She couldn't stand a large group of people surrounding her, each holding only one thing in his hand, that made her feel more uncomfortable than losing her freedom.

There is essentially no difference between retired soldiers wandering on the streets and those servants in exile. They both lack social survival skills. The battlefield and the court are very special environments.

It's a wonderful feeling to control other people's life and death at will, but she doesn't want people to think that those who have followed her will end up miserable in the end, and there is no place to go without her and the palace.

She still thinks it's time to build a greenhouse, but instead of growing roses, there are herbs from all over the world.

This is her job, not to mention that it takes a lot of manpower to manage the nursery. Improving the soil is not an easy job, so those agronomists can enter the "harem".

Those who walk out of her are talents that everyone is vying for, just like those servants who once served in the court, they have all become teachers of etiquette.

She is not interested in overly cumbersome etiquette, but she also feels that it is unseemly for people to have no etiquette. Muggles in the 21st century have long been unable to kiss hands. Severus performed a hand kiss and let him The ugly guy brightened up in front of the Japanese girl.

She really didn't know whether it was a coincidence or a fateful arrangement. The plant of Huangyaozi was also known as "Old Man's Beard", and this medicine was an oriental herb.

Napoleon said that he often had a dream full of romance and epic, and she felt that this dream had that kind of feeling.

Her birthday flower is Welsh poppy, and the flower language is the flower of heaven. He gave the opium wine to the soldiers who contracted the Black Death, and they finally died in the illusion of heaven.

There is Marie Antoinette's small living room next to the study of the First Consul. He often stays in it, accompanied by the ghost of the decapitated queen. Death can wake up people who are addicted to hallucinations, but is it true?

Pomona used to despise those nobles who were immersed in pleasure and pleasure, unwilling to wake up from that illusion. Thinking that they are like the people who grew up looking at the shadows on the cave as Plato said, they don't know how exciting the outside world is.

Perhaps this concept needs to be changed. What they see is a colorful world, and they are unwilling to go back to the cave again, reminding those prisoners who are still looking at the shadow.

When she got to the hall of mirrors, she looked at the woman in the mirror.

Once in the Mirror of Erised, she saw herself standing with a man, but now she was suddenly not sure what that man looked like and how tall he was.

We end up loving our own desires, not the person we love.

As long as he can love her, that person can be anyone.

How can you forget that man who was so good to you after gaining more happiness and satisfaction?

She's ashamed of how happy she is at the moment, the youthful beauty a human woman craves isn't what she wants, and she even hides it by drinking Polyjuice Potion.

But without a beautiful exterior, men will not pay attention to the inner beauty of a woman.

Perhaps there was one, his name was Zhuge Liang, and he was also a near-mythical figure in the Eastern world, so he married an ugly wife.

He may be a wizard like Merlin, but unfortunately the monarch he serves is really not good, and there are too few combinations of wise monarchs and wise men.

The "Amiens Peace Treaty" was torn up by the British because of the "unprofitable" peace, but what is the use of her continuing peace in this world?

"Miss, a guest is here." Sophie said.

She turned her head to look at Sophie and the "guest" behind her.

"This is not a guest, Sophie, he is my guardian." Georgiana looked at Bishop Caprara and smiled. "Why are you here so early, father?"

"The First Consul invited me to come, why wouldn't I come?" Caprara said with a smile, "He plans to resume morning prayer?"

"Because I want to confess," said Georgiana. "There's a chapel here. Let's go there and talk."

"Do you want to have a secret wedding to the Sun King Louis XIV like Madame Maintenon?" Caprara asked.

"No, father, that is definitely the most shameful thing in the world." Georgiana shook her head firmly, "Let's go."

"As long as you really want to repent, it doesn't matter where you repent." Caprara passed Sophie and walked to Georgiana's side, "The difference between you and ordinary women is that we come to you instead of you going to church to find us. "

"I can't make the sign of the cross."

"I know," Caprara whispered. "You can consider me your friend."

"I feel both happy and shameful now." She almost broke down and said, "I like my life now, but I can't...I want to fight to protect my husband's honor, I'm not afraid to die in battle, I..."

"You fall in love with two men and want them to live together in peace, like a man with multiple wives wants them to live together for himself." Caprara interrupted her. "Peace, Georgiana, you should Think about peace, not always think about war."

"I hate this!" she said furiously through gritted teeth.

"Don't reject God's call," Caprara said. "Would you like to hear me preach?"

"I'll read that book myself," she said dryly. "When will the nuns come?"

Caprara laughed.

"what's so funny?"

"Why do you think the Virgin Mary smiled at the body of the Son?" Caprara asked.

"Because she felt that she had a brave son and she was proud of him."

"That's why I laugh."

"I haven't done anything to make you proud," she said bitterly.

"This is Europa. Heroes will fight for Helen. I heard that a young man proposed to you yesterday. How do you think about it, daughter?" Caprara asked like a competent guardian.

She was dumbfounded again.

She was like a bad woman, she found an excuse to talk about business and called Napoleon here, and then patronized and fell in love with him, and did not do any of the business that should be done.

"Who are you thinking about right now?" Caprara asked.

"Leon," she said.

"Who's Leon?"

"Napoleone's mother called him that."

"I probably know how important you are to him." Caprara said softly, "Do you want Leon to be the king of Sparta, or the prince of Troy?"

She stubbornly shook her head, "Prince Troy is an incompetent ruler in the eyes of Poseidon, and he defected during the Trojan War."

"Daughter, the church does not believe in Poseidon."

"But Rome has the Trevi Fountain, and the sculpture in the Trevi Fountain is Poseidon."

"Hahaha." Caprara laughed loudly, "You have never been to Rome, how do you know so much?"

"The Wishing Fountain is a famous scenic spot, I've heard of it."

"And the Madonna statue? How did you know she was smiling?"

She couldn't answer this question, and she couldn't say that she saw it from the photos.

"I dreamed it." She said nonsense.

"No wonder he's crazy about you," Caprara sighed. "It's a blessing to sleep in your arms."

"Is it possible to put a replica of the Madonna in Paris?"

"I think now you need to persuade Monsieur Bonaparte not to bring the original to Paris, you know his character."

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You know that a man is willing to get anything and show it to the woman he loves." Caprara said with a smile, "It's strange that I don't feel angry at all, although his request is very Savage and rude."

She wanted to go back and teach him a lesson, so that he would not want to snatch any good things, but she felt that it might be too bold to go back and teach the "emperor".

"Why not let him carve a statue of the Madonna in your image?" Caprara asked.

"Have you ever seen such a rambunctious Madonna like me?" she said angrily.

"You should just let him do that in order to avoid disputes." Caprara urged, "If the kingdom in the sky cannot be realized on earth, find another way. If the first ruler has an idea, he must do it." , He will be unhappy if you let him not complete it."

She felt Caprara had something to say.

"Your Excellency Bonaparte will become Caesar or Antony. It is a good thing to build that canal, but it has been questioned because of your identity." Caprara said, "They said that you British spies sent at the expense of French wealth."

"It's ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous." Caprara said seriously, "30 million francs is not a small amount. A country's war reparations are not so much. It is enough for the Senate and the Senate to quarrel over it."

"Why didn't they make a fuss when they took ten million francs from Venice," said Georgiana contemptuously.

"That's why I advise you to sculpt. The simplest method is often the most effective."

A woman like her is still a saint? She had to be ashamed to agree.

"Think about it." Caprara shook his head. "It's incredible how such a simple thing can be so difficult."

"I feel the same way." She whispered, thinking about the feeling of shaving him just now, she thought she could practice.

Would he mind if she shaved other men? She couldn't wait to see his reaction.

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