Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1311 Napoleon's Water

Although the Sun King Louis XIV expanded the territory of France, he also had setbacks.

Louis XIV's mother was Anna of Austria, and the Austrian princess was regent until his accession.

The relationship between France and Austria is like this. Marriage is at the same time guarding against each other. The fort system built on the border of Flanders during the period of Louis XIV saved Paris during the French Revolution. The engineer Vauban not only built the fortress, but also used Conditions such as forests and terrain cover the sluice gates, expand the flood, and turn the entire area into a river flood zone.

This is a bit similar to artificially building a Yellow River. It only needs to open the sluice to let the flood rush into the mountain pass. 50,000 national self-defense troops are enough, and there is no need to use regular troops. At that time, the cost was 500 million francs. If the construction deadline It is 100 years and needs to cost 4 million francs a year to maintain.

In the war of the first expedition to Italy, Napoleon set out from Savona, crossed the mountain at the link between the Alps and the Apennines where the defense force was weakest, blocked the Austrian and Sardinian armies, and occupied Tanaro. The fortress at the confluence of the river Stura.

The fortress is difficult to attack, but the feedback after it is defeated is also huge. With this foothold, he set up his own warehouse and forced the king of Sardinia to teach the Tortona fortress, which is in the direction of Milan.

The expeditionary force needs supplies, and there are warehouses and hospitals in the fortresses along the long supply line. These fortresses are guarded by newly recovered sick soldiers and recruits, and those who follow him on the forced march are all healthy and strong soldiers.

The Italian army had no resistance at all in front of the French, and his main enemy was the Austrian army.

Trade would provide tax revenue, but closing Strasbourg was an almost hostile act, and decidedly inadvisable given the premise that he was fighting Prussia at the moment.

But Miss Georgiana gave him a new inspiration. The franchise of Marseille soap existed a long time ago. Monopoly is something that people love and hate. It is of course very comfortable that the monopoly is in their own hands. It is very unpleasant if the monopoly power is in the hands of others.

Occupying a region is not just about garrisoning troops, but also continuing the system of the suzerain. There is a franchise for lace in Venice, as well as wool products in Florence. If each city has its own monopoly and does not interfere with other people's manufacturing, then the essence of French autocracy will be understood by these Italians-you can only use so much of the power I have given you, No more than half a point can exceed the rule. When you are enjoying the profits brought by Marseille soap, you can't touch Lace's idea, no matter how hot and profitable the business is.

In order to purchase goods, those caravans did not take the trade route of Strasbourg and changed to Italy. In this way, the purpose of blocking Austria by non-sealing means was achieved.

In 1797, Napoleon saw the Hungarian hussars. If the Hungarian hussars in the era of Queen Maria Teresia were terrible, then the Hungarian hussars Napoleon saw at that time were pitiful. A 12-pound cannon holds the same amount of ammunition as two 6-pounders, but a 12-pounder is big, heavy, and less maneuverable than two 6-pounders. A cavalry divided into vanguard and rearguard can avoid excessively violent fighting, and at the same time can deter the enemy, give the infantry time to form formation, and let the baggage and convoy rush to the place where it should be.

The whole art of the front guard of the hussars is to contain the enemy, not to put oneself in a position to be beaten, and the most important thing is to be flexible.

Austria, like France, has a formidable and huge military force, about 300,000 people, but Austria is divided into many small countries, and the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire can choose a new one from the elector.

If Napoleon could lure Austrian troops into the fortifications of Federland and use the floods to attack the cavalry in these passes, another military myth would be created.

But this kind of imagination is just a thought. The Austrians are not all young people who are impulsive when they see beautiful women in lace underwear. Be careful not to take the risk of aggressively entering the French mainland to fight.

The unification of Italian trade was a "game" of Napoleon, which he used as a joke with his mistress, but he was really tempted, but what he wanted was the tobacco franchise.

Men and tobacco have an inseparable relationship, especially during the war, tobacco can play a great role in comfort, it can create more taxes than lace.

Georgiana knew that during World War II, Roosevelt used tobacco as a strategic material, and the state came forward to monopolize it, and even planting tobacco could defer military service.

When Columbus discovered the New World, the sailors had already discovered that the locals were smoking palm leaves or plantains with tobacco leaves, which were the most primitive cigars.

Smoking cigars is a sign of a successful person. Napoleon smoked because he grew up from the grassroots. Almost all recruits who entered the army would learn to smoke. The way he smoked was a pipe, not a cigar.

In addition to providing cotton, American plantations also grow tobacco. Napoleon imposed such heavy tariffs on the United States, and the United States also retaliated. talk about.

Georgiana didn't know at all whether Napoleoni was serious or just a whim, and she planned to ask him after he calmed down in two days.

This is true for men, they will never lose face in front of women, and they have to save face if they die.

How many people's interests would be involved in what he did, and then she figured out why so many French plantation owners wanted her dead.

If Napoleon really gave such a large part of France to the British, he would not be Caesar, but Antony.

Some people are awake and dreaming, some people are awake and crazy, who came up with the bad idea of ​​giving a stallion?

The feeling of the knife on the neck reappeared, although at this moment Georgiana was carrying a picnic basket, bathed in the gentle sunshine, holding Napoleon's arm, and was walking towards the idyllic Petite Trianon Palace.

No matter how naive Marie Antoinette was, she at least gave birth to Louis XVI. If a woman couldn't have children, it would be so terrible in this era, especially when the man's mother gave birth to 13 children.

They didn't talk along the way, each thinking about their own concerns. She was very used to this kind of silence, and she didn't need to create a topic to communicate.

Then she remembered that she had said in front of many people that she was infertile. She really didn't have this idea at the time, thinking that the Corsican who thought "women who can give birth to children are the best" would feel that it was on her There is no point in wasting time.

But he has managed to turn a woman who supports monogamy into a victim of polygamy, and even came up with the idea of ​​letting him have a child through his belly. What else can he not do?

"What you just said are military secrets?" She asked before arriving at the gate of the farm.

"You can think that's delusional," said Napoleon, holding her arm. "You just have to tell the English about tobacco."

"The French will hate me," she trembled.

"Since you chose to save yourself instead of relying on me, then you can also find a way by yourself this time. Don't let me down, Georgiana."

"Because the desire to survive can stimulate people's potential?"

"That's right." He pursed his lips and smiled, "Do you still want to play?"

She punched the bastard with her fist.

He let her play around with a playful smile.

Not long after, the door of the manor opened by itself, and it was Letizia who opened the door herself.

Seeing her, Georgiana hugged her and cried loudly.

Why are women of the same age so different? Georgiana also wanted this kind of quiet seclusion, not "adventures" with young men.

"What's wrong with you?" Letizia asked.

"Your son bullied me," Georgiana cried.

"What are you doing?" Letizia asked sharply.

"Georgianna made you a snack." Napoleon held up the picnic basket "Corsican taste."

"Come in." Letizia said indifferently, "None of you make me worry."

Tobacco tax vs income tax, which one wins?

It's not easy to finally write here after spoiling for so long.

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