Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1297 The Devil's Whisper

Hathor once said that as soon as Napoleon got into the carriage, he would have a special intimacy.

It had been so before, but lately their being alone in the carriage hadn't been what it used to be.

He would hug her, sometimes read documents, sometimes chat, art, philosophy, mythology, war, etc. On the way to Notre Dame de Paris, they talked about the "road".

Corvée is a heavy burden imposed on the people, especially the peasants. While the rich marvel at the progress of society and the splendor of civilization, the peasants live in discouragement.

At the end of the reign of Louis XIV, when the arteries were left unmaintained, or maintained by their owners, the Director Orry came up with a "genius" idea. These arteries, or as people at the time called the royal The roads were built by the poorest and least traveled peasants. After the Seven Years War, the tax contractors tried to change the corvee into a local tax, and the peasants were still required to pay, but they obviously had no money to travel.

The naval fleet is a little bit better. The warship repair factory that transports timber to the coast will pay a certain amount of wages, but the wages are paid at will and the amount is very low. Even so, it is better than road repairs. The king does not pay a cent, and the peasant Give him nothing.

This is so cost-effective, it saves a lot of expenses, so the nobles extended it, even barracks and all public works use corvee. In the past, there were not many regular troops, and the corvee for building barracks was relatively light. Later, the army changed defense, In order to expand, each army carries heavy luggage, and the corvee service of relocating the army becomes very heavy.

The aristocrats drove luxury carriages to enjoy the joy of galloping on these sweaty roads. The prosperity of commerce had nothing to do with these poor people. Instead, they were burdened by the serious wear and tear of the roads. The benevolent Louis XVI announced that this kind of road corvee would be cancelled, but this Instead of making the peasants appreciate him, they rioted.

The lords call the peasants who create wealth for them as humble peasants. The wealth they grab in the territory is taken to places like Paris to spend. The peasants and the countryside are like useless pulp after the juice has been squeezed dry in a juicer. , was discarded to one side.

The roads are not repaired, and the caravans will not come. What are they doing in the countryside all day long?

After the Reformation, people's thinking also began to change. French literature was very developed, and writers in the three-level parliament were also a force that should not be underestimated.

Not only urban people will read their works, but also rural people. When the poor and the rich have almost no common interests, common grievances, and common affairs, they have already split. The French aristocrats used their privileges and official positions to obtain tax exemptions. This was a very dignified thing at the beginning, but the more they were exempted, and they valued civil affairs more than military, and their relationship with the army was also bad. The situation of people's ability has become the target of people's venting anger.

After these aristocrats went to Paris to escape, the church was responsible for the territorial affairs, which involved the complicated issue of religious reform, and Leon took it over without elaborating. The American War of Independence did not affect the French Revolution as much as French ideas did.

The War of Independence surprised other European countries, but it was no stranger to the French, because they had already experienced it in the book. Those peasants lived in the utopia built by the writers, and the political education was completely carried out by the writers. A very terrible thing.

That great revolution destroyed all good things and bad things, and he wanted to rebuild a brand new country from the ruins. This year because of the famine, he wants to exempt 10 million francs from the land tax. This tax reduction is for Zhang Ben in the future. When farmers have money, they will buy wine, meat and flour. He can collect taxes on these.

But then he would lose his money, and Miss Georgiana would find a way to help him earn it back.

"Have you ever wondered why the old man who visited you yesterday said about tax exemption?" said the great Napoleon in a glib manner.


As soon as she finished speaking, her forehead was slapped.

"The thing you are better than Joseph is that you are not blindly merciful. The Italian you told me last time killed anyone in the enemy's family. I released some prisoners in Italy. They were very scared at first. I was overjoyed to let them go, and I thought the courage of the ancients had died from these Italians, can you tell me who the Italian killed?"

"Austrian woman."

Leon smiled with satisfaction, "It seems that because of me, the courage of the Italians has been resurrected. The Seni Mountain Road is in the west of Italy, and the export is in Turin, while the cotton is in the eastern Mediterranean. The caravan can go instead of Seni Mountain. Strasbourg, Lyon would not be a gateway for the import of cotton."

Georgiana's eyes widened.

"The old man still told you to be 'fair'. If I really exempted Germany from the raw silk tax, it would be unfair to Lyon and Turin, and would benefit the Viennese. Do you know what his intentions are?"

She shook her head blankly.

"After Britain buys grain from us, the surplus grain from Russia and Poland does not need to be shipped to them. The land transportation needs to pass through Germany. The recovery of Lyon's weaving industry is not in his consideration. The transportation industry also needs A lot of manpower, do you understand me when I say that?"

"I'm being used?" she wailed.

A 50-year-old is not as smart as a 30-year-old, as if those years lived elsewhere.

Leon smiled, "He is teaching you not to just listen to what others say. Every consultant has his own interests. If you don't know how to see through him, you will make an unwise choice. I can see that he is very interested in Seymour." He is very interested in Nishan Road, and he may want to contract it to someone. He will use this road, and he will have to pay for road maintenance. This is very unfair to other transportation companies that also want the right to operate this mountain road. Then treat you with all your heart and soul, are you cruel enough to let him share the benefits with others?"

"My mind is spinning," she said blankly.

"You are still too young for these wily people, mother," Napoleon said deliberately loudly.

If she could pass out on the spot, she would definitely do it.

Her reaction entertained the Corsican, who laughed so loudly.

He touches her like a hooligan because her confidence is shattered and she lets him do as he pleases.

After a lingering kiss, he looked at her like a work of art.

"But he didn't expect you to be able to engage in engineering. I think this is where you British are so good. You try your best to reduce manpower. It seems that I have other matters to discuss with Austria."

"With different track spacings, the troop carriers cannot communicate with each other," she said.

"You still understand this point. You just said that you want me to support you, so tell me how to support you now? Is it to close the Strasbourg pass, continue to levy taxes on raw silk for export, or let the silk weavers in Lyon be ignored? Are they going to do transportation?"

"I have to think about it." She said blankly.

"The supply of the army needs a lot of manpower. This old man is thinking about us. Prussia is very closed. The Junker nobles enjoy as many privileges as our old nobles. They also gave me a scornful name of 'Pony', Don't you think these people need to be taught a lesson?"

"Aren't you because you want to see the beautiful queen of Prussia?"

"Little idiot." He said affectionately, "Why don't you prepare your wedding dress?"

"I understand." She nodded with a smile. "Girls decide where to buy their wedding dresses. No matter how expensive it is, they will be willing to spend money. Do you want me to buy silk from Lyon for wedding dresses?"

"In this way, I can be tax-free and protect the silk industry in Lyon." He explained kindly, "Whatever a woman decides to do, she must do it."

"You are a man, if you make up your mind to do something, it is not the same as achieving your goal."

"Leaving St. Luke's Palace that day, I kissed you in front of Fouché and Dubois. I didn't mean to show you to them." He said with a gentle smile.

She blinked her eyes, recalling the scene at that time.

When he took her out of the king's suite and boarded the carriage to the Grand Trianon, he played the same trick on her as before, and she gave him a slap in the face.

"I remember you sleeping in a camp bed the night before."

"Princess, you still told me that you are not an ordinary woman, you are Medea, if I empathize with you, you will kill my heir and my new love, I have never seen such a terrifying and ruthless woman , but...why don't you wear tights when you get up in the morning? I had an idea in my mind at the time, you didn't wear anything under your clothes, I thought even if you really wanted to kill me and my heir, I would try it, You are as tempting as the forbidden fruit."

"Stop talking..." she whispered.

"You don't hate me, even though you hit me." He smiled and said, "No other woman in France dares to do that. I corresponded with the Prince of Wales. Are all British women the same as you? He asked me to ask you, you Dare to hit him?"

"If you take off my fetters..."

"I know you didn't mean to be coquettish, it's just your nature, your father hid you in Scotland, but Severus couldn't help but want to bring you out to the world, just like those rich men who couldn't help showing off wealth, he must regret losing you, but who told him to make an unwise choice."

"he is very smart……"

"Don't overestimate men, Georgiana, we are all the same, even if he is a wizard." Napoleon smiled wryly, "I won't be as stupid as him, you stay at home after the opening ceremony of the canal, and you don't go to social occasions. "

"I didn't go there much, but what should I do if I need to meet people for my business?"

"Do you think you can take care of the business I gave you? Didn't your mind spin just now?" Napoleon asked.

"Then what are you going to do!" She was so angry that she was about to scream.

"My mind is also idling." He said blankly, "I want to hide you and show you off."

"What do you men think?" she asked inexplicably.

"When I was in Upper Egypt, there was a pair of enemies. A Greek slave girl made the two enemies give in. They joined forces to deal with me. You told me that day that the Americans kidnapped the Pope's envoy. I really did that. Done it, I'm afraid now that the United States will become myself and defeat the two combined enemies." Napoleon whispered, "When I was a general, I was thinking, if I have the French and Italian armies, Is there anything I can't do? I think I'm too confident."

"Don't say that." She hugged him.

"Don't let the courtiers read Theory of the Monarch, you shouldn't recommend it to that kid today." Napoleon said.

"I know I was wrong."

"Do you think everyone should have the power to change their destiny?"

"No, if the power falls into the wrong hands, it can have dire consequences."

He kissed her forehead "Take that book as your underwear, don't let others see it, I'm afraid of losing you like Severus."

She looked into his eyes.

"I'm happy with common people, but we live with powerful people. You are brave, but you can't be reckless. People in the church are not as easy to fool as common people. You can't do it later Hit me like you did just now."

"You're scared?"

"The royal family can never see things clearly. They have been living in an illusion. Restoration cannot be achieved by writing a few letters and adding Louis' signature. You said yesterday that you want to see the Crown of Thorns, so I will show you, but Why do you ask me if I want to be emperor?"

"I don't want you to be emperor, queen, or queen regent." She stroked his hair. "If I said I want the golden fleece, would you find a way to get it for me?"

"I thought that what I fell in love with the most was power, which I got through so much hard work, how many sleepless nights, and how much planning I got. Now I find that what I really want to do is to make France strong and find a little bit of power in my family. Fun, I'm tyrannical because it works fast, not because I like to hear that title..."

"We're not going to see the Crown of Thorns." She took his hand, and he was shaking.

"No, we're going. Your new guardian is waiting for us." He sighed. "We can't escape, and maybe he will secretly perform religious ceremonies for us."

"You wrote to the Prince of Wales to discuss this?" she asked in disbelief.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" said Napoleon. "He's in love with a Catholic woman, and I'm in love with a Protestant woman."

She still finds it incredible.

"I have had your Latin translated in your manuscript, 'I wish fate would set me free, as nature has set me', that's what Erasmus said, but who of us is perfectly free without any bound?"

"You peeked at my manuscript?" she said incredulously.

"I have a romantic and epic dream imprinted in my mind. I used to work hard every day, I was so exhausted, and I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed, otherwise I would think that I was alone and alone. Now every morning I see you Around me, I feel very unreal, I need something to prove that you exist."

She couldn't answer his question, because she also doubted whether she was a mixed Veela.

A woman without beauty, no matter how smart she is, is not qualified for love.

"You know how I feel now?" he asked. "I need a wedding that everyone will see me marrying you. He can't give you that, can he?"

"That's right." She said with tears in pain, "People all over the world know that he loves Lily, and I have always lived in her reputation."

"Stay with me, I beg you," begged Bonaparte.

'agreed. '

She heard a whisper.

But she remembered Hathor's warning that many women had already been conquered by him.

"Can you let me go?" she said, "My husband has been humiliated by you enough."

"I will set you free."

"Who told me to stay at home just now?"

"They're right, the Veela race can really drive people crazy." He smiled and said, "It would be great if there were two women like you."

"Can I hit you now, sir?" she said coldly.

He moved his face closer, but she pushed him away.

"During the government affairs meeting, I will let everyone discuss freely. I am good at debating. They are not as good as me. I let them attack because I know how to protect myself, but I am defenseless in front of you." He put her hand over his heart "Can you feel it?"

She just wanted to say no, but she felt a beating feeling, as if it was a hallucination.

How can a dead heart beat?

"God doesn't intend to do everything, so that we don't take away our free will and our glory." He said softly and intoxicated. "Let's create the future together, Georgiana."

"You are really good at deceiving people, Bonaparte."

"It was you who bewitched me first, don't go back to Scotland, you will be buried with me." He held her face in his hands, "I will keep you well, put you in a safe place, and keep them carefully, so that you won't be surprised, you won't suffer, and you won't be scared." wandering down, lest you have no branches to rely on, that man is right here, right in front of you."

That was their first dance, the poem Hathor read to him.

They were dancing the waltz.

"I understand why Cobain committed suicide." He smiled contemptuously, "I want to die now too."

"Why are you all giving up your life so lightly?" she said angrily.

"It's easier to die, I can't stand the torture you have given me." Bonaparte said wearily, "Even if I was stabbed dozens of times like Caesar, I wouldn't suffer as much as I do now."

"Don't say you're dead!"

"Okay." He said coldly, then bowed his head and kissed her.

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