Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1298 The Song of Tenderness

Shopping was a joyous thing, but Felix Young couldn't be happy at all.

The owner of the costume shop who also sells things can't smile because there is a man smoking a cigarette by the window.

The substantial darkness that enveloped him swallowed up the colorful colors of Venice, and he seemed to be unable to be happy anymore.

"Is that your father?" the clerk asked.

"No." Felix Young sighed. "I just live with him."

"Good luck, boy," said the clerk sympathetically, as if he had seen his tragic fate.

Felix came to Severus's side with big bags and small bags.

"I'm ready," Felix said.

No one paid any attention to him, as if Felix was talking to the air just now.

"Don't worry, my mother will take care of her." Felix said again, "Where do we go next?"

"Take my arm," Severus said.

"I thought we were going to be Muggles."

"There's no steamboat going where we're going," Severus said, but Felix grabbed his arm, and the two Disapparated together.

==================================================== ================

Giving Georgiana another chance, she would never wear that bodysuit that could be used as a murder tool.

The advantage of going out in a carriage is that you don't have to step on the dirty streets of Paris, and you will be on a clean and solid road surface when you get off the carriage, so you don't need to wear high heels and clogs.

It was another murder tool that she refused to wear. Some high-heeled shoes in the 21st century have a metal heel, which can really be used as a murder weapon.

Leon didn't wear a glamorous parade uniform today, but a very ordinary literati dress. He only needs to restrain himself a little, and he is not much different from ordinary Parisians. There will be no welcome or staring salute.

It was nothing like the day they left St. Luke's Palace.

In fact, when he appeared in St. Luke's Palace, people did not salute him as solemnly as that day. Now Georgiana thought of him leaving the king's suite, and she suddenly understood what was going on.

All those who saluted him wanted him to be enthroned.

It was such a terrible occasion, and he was still thinking about her not wearing underwear, and he was mad at her.

Because it was agreed in advance not to hit him, she could only hold back this tone in her heart. Notre Dame Cathedral is still under reconstruction, of course no couple will hold a wedding here, even if they want to hold a wedding at Notre Dame Cathedral, it depends Does the newcomer have that identity?

Historically, after Notre Dame de Paris was repaired, the French emperor held religious ceremonies with Josephine while being crowned here.

Now she wants to go to the Pope's envoy as a guardian with a man who has already slept together.

Insanity can't even describe this situation. She followed him step by step all the way, concealing her sense of existence very low-key.

When they entered the church, the choir was practicing singing, and there was a monk in a white robe standing in the middle of the aisle at the door.

He obviously knew Napoleon, and after a brief meeting, he led them to the back of the church.

She was more concerned about what kind of person Caprara was than being burned to death as a witch by the holy light of the holy object.

If the anti-American alliance is really established, then this will be a world war. Many historians regard the Seven Years War as the first world war. If Napoleon loses this world war, his system and the continental system will collapse. , the dream of power that he had painstakingly cultivated was about to disappear.

With his current reputation in France, no country would dare to kill him, and it would be nice to have a woman to accompany him in captivity.

If it wasn't for Severus, she might have said yes, since she didn't have any big dreams to pursue anyway.

And this is the crux of the matter.

She thought that with enough love, she could withstand the pressure of that kind of fame, but she seemed to be living in an illusory dream like the Bourbon royal family, so that she couldn't see the truth clearly.

Lily's body is dead, but her soul is still alive. In Napoleon's words, the soul is "delicious and juicy", and the body is just the residue left after the coffee is extracted.

She couldn't compete with Lily, and it seemed like it was time to give up.

Even if she becomes another sad woman trapped here by Pluto in the end, no one will pay homage to her.

She has nothing to lose, so why should she be timid?

So she took Leon's arm, he was taken aback for a moment, and the gloomy expression on his face disappeared immediately.

"I remember there was a franchise for soap from Marseilles, is there still one?"

"Of course."

"Isn't that something from the old regime?"

"Marseille soap has a secret recipe, and it is not a consumer product for the general public. The soap that the old man brought last time was only produced in Marseille."

"I think I can help you with a little problem," she said with a smile, "but you're giving the Venice franchise."

He looked at her in bewilderment.

"I have a secret weapon." She nodded his Greek nose.

He took her both hands, and said with some emotion, "Don't leave me, Georgiana."

"If you empathize with someone else, I won't kill your heir and new love as I said before. I want to find a monastery where I can live quietly. All I want now is tranquility." She said softly, "You Don't be afraid."

"I have you, so what else do I need?" He said indifferently, "I haven't been so tired fighting you for ten years."

She thought it was a bit exaggerated, and soon they entered the church. Before she could take a closer look at the famous rose window, she was attracted by a person standing at the door.

"Good morning, Monsieur Bonaparte." The old priest wearing a small hat greeted Napoleon very kindly.

Napoleon, with his usual haughtiness, introduced them both "This Bishop of Caprara, your future guardian, and this is Georgiana, your future ward."

Caprara looked at Georgiana, and she looked at Caprara. The wizard met the priest, another magical meeting.

"I want to see the crown, are you ready?" asked Napoleon.

She looked back at the arrogant kid, but remembering the previous agreement, she didn't correct his attitude at the moment.

"This way please." Caprara led the two as the church choir began to sing hymns.

She thought a boy in the choir with black hair parted in the middle looked familiar.

But there was a red-haired girl standing next to him, so she quickly averted her gaze.

"Did he answer the request you conveyed to the Pope last time?" Napoleon said to Caprara.

"I don't think the Holy Father will agree to your request, First Consul." Caprara said flatly, "He will continue to delay the time, which is exactly what you don't want."

Napoleon smiled. "You feel hopeless."

"General Kleber's funeral ceremony was simple, mainly because your punishment of the assassins in Cairo was too bloody." Caprara drew a cross on his chest, "May God bless his soul."

"Assassins are not Christians."

Georgiana had heard that the assassin who assassinated General Kleber died in such a miserable state that it was hard to believe that it was done by civilized people.

"Whether he is a Christian or not, he should be qualified to rest in peace." Caprara stared at Napoleon and said, "I like General Kleber very much, but I don't think any priest will preside over the ceremony for him. You'll be more satisfied with a definitive answer rather than a perfunctory answer."

"You'll like him." Leon smiled at Georgiana. "She's not the kind of person who likes to be perfunctory."

She made eye contact with her guardian again.

"Ask the Pope if the marriage ceremonies of Protestants and Catholics should follow the Prince of Wales." Napoleon said, "Anyway, I agree."

"Don't embarrass him," said Georgiana. "It is enough for me to accompany you to the groundbreaking ceremony."

"You can really be content."

"I'm already satisfied with Leon. Time and money should be used where it's needed more. I don't want to do the same stupid things as the Bourbon royal family."

He kissed Georgiana on the face in Caprara's presence, and said to the old priest.

"I know the church does not allow polygamy, but I will not divorce Josephine."

"I heard your story." Caprara stared at Georgiana "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm tired." She said exhaustedly, "That's it."

"I envy him that he is free," said Napoleon.

"No, I don't think so," Caprara said. "That gentleman is a desperado who has lost everything, Your Excellency the First Consul."

"I don't care if he comes to kill me, take me to see the crown." Napoleon said indifferently.

"You don't want to say something?"

She shook her head, the pearl earrings were shaking, and she pulled out the black swan necklace.

She's been lying to herself for too long, and it's time to "wake up."

==================================================== ==========


The black swan collar on Pomona's neck broke off and landed on the pillowcase.

The red-haired Lily won, and most people should be satisfied now.

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