Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1296 Donkey General

Hufflepuff Rule 48: Follow orders, if you're not the leader.

She is used to following orders, whether it is Albus or Napoleon, she will follow the orders of the leader.

He actually tested her and doubted her intentions.

This matter was more serious than that she could not bear children herself, and the Corsican dwarf said that it is best for a woman who can bear children.

Usually she cooks food to relieve her mood, but now she doesn't want to go into the kitchen, she wants to do some "muscular" work.

The vast majority of little wizards have to take the Hogwarts Express to go to the school of magic and magic. They just patronize and play around on the train, and don't want to think about how this railway came about.

Scotland has a lot of mountains, just like the Alps. She wants to build a road in the mountains that is similar to the railway, but the railway tracks are replaced by wood.

It sounds easy, but in practice it turns out to be quite difficult. The rugged mountain road is not convenient for horses to gallop, so donkeys are used as animals to pull goods. Of course, donkeys are not as fast as horses.

To repair the mountain road to be suitable for horses to run requires design, and the wheelbase of the carriage must also be uniform. The wheelbase that can run ordinary trucks cannot run the cannon cart, and the carriage cannot be put on the cannon cart.

The passenger car can be transformed into a troop carrier, she thinks of everything for him, but he doubts her so much, she is almost pissed off.

Workers are readily available, and no one will die if the roof of the house is left open for a day, but there is not enough solid foundation in the palace.

The land near Versailles is soft soil. Many people died in the palace of Louis XIV.

The Alps are granite, and the foundation is stable enough, but it is difficult to dig through. If engineers and soldiers are allowed to do it in order to meet the needs of the design, it will also cause casualties.

She had to compromise and give in to some requirements. The speed of freight does not need to be as fast as a forced march, but when a forced march is required, the track will be in the way.

Sleepers minus the spacing suitable for donkeys are not suitable for horses, and donkeys suitable for horses are not suitable. It was not appropriate to adjust and adjust, she was so angry that she kicked those damn logs with her feet.

She chose to build this "toy" by the waterway outside the Agricultural Palace. The gondola she was riding on when she was planning to escape last time was still floating on the water. At that time, it was a Corsican who was so angry that he kicked the ground.

She said she wanted to go, but he didn't allow her to leave Paris.

A selfish, willful bastard, a bastard who abused his power, the French people should overthrow this dictator, not worship him.

"What are you doing?"

The dictator and his soldiers stood beside a repaired track, looking particularly happy.

She picked up a stick and was about to beat him.

Without him doing it himself, the soldiers around him disarmed the "weapon" in her hand.

"What are you doing here!"

"I live in this place." He said with a natural look.

She was so angry that she lost the ability to think, so that she couldn't find any words to refute.

"Unshackle me!" she roared.

This time he shook his head.

"It's so fierce without magic power, it's okay if you untie it."

She glared at the male soldiers. These were not guards, and she didn't know which department they were from.

They didn't dare to look her in the eyes, they looked at the sky, the ground and the water, as if they were fascinated by the scenery of the farm palace.

"Bad thing!" She cursed angrily. She regretted it so much, she should have learned a few more French swear words.

Bonaparte closed his eyes with enjoyment, and said triumphantly, "Continue to scold."

"are you mad at me!"

"What did I do to make you angry?"

She looked at the people behind him, they had no intention of avoiding suspicion at all.

So she stomped away on her own.

Bonaparte followed behind her, looking unhurried, not as anxious as Louis was when coaxing Stephanie.

When she got to the place where those people couldn't hear them, she stopped and turned to glared at him. He stood a few steps away, but didn't coax him.

She recalled that she was old enough to be the mother of this young man, and she seemed not qualified to enjoy the power of being coaxed by young girls.

"I think I'm the same type of person as your soldier. I will do whatever you ask me to do, but you can't doubt me." She said after calming down, "People's hearts can't stand experiments."

"I've met many people who love money, fame, and power, but I haven't met anyone like you."

"You can treat me like Prince Eugen, and I can realize my own value with you." She said with some pain, "I don't want you to tolerate him for the benefit of France, that would not be you."

"So you want me to kill him." Bonaparte nodded understandingly, "What about your oath? Either die together or live together? Do you want to die together after he dies?"

"I don't want you to kill him either."

"I really don't understand what you women want." He said patiently, "What do you want?"

"The teapot," she said suddenly.

"What?" he asked inexplicably.

"Once an uninvited guest came to my house, and I didn't have any china to serve her." Georgiana said blankly, "There was someone there at the time, and he told me to find a way to deal with it and buy a teapot later. .”

"Another man?" cried Bonaparte in surprise.

"Can you listen to me?" she said angrily.

"Say it." He said gracefully.

"But Severus said to the guest, we didn't invite you, what are you doing here? This is what I want, it's your support, I have supported you, do you support me?"

He looked at her scrutinizingly.

"I've been to Venice, the locals don't like you because you took a lot of their art, but the Italians in Milan and the Papal States like you very much, they ask me for fairness, you can't always protect the French You said that the only ones who listen to you are your sons, do you want to treat the elder son differently from the younger son?"

"What fairness do they want?"

"If you want to collect taxes, you should collect taxes. If you don't collect taxes, you don't collect taxes. Are you disregarding people in other places for the sake of Lyon?"

"Tell me the truth, how many benefits have you received from others?"

"I confiscated it. I just thought it was right to do so. I know that your expedition to Italy was not for the happiness of the Italians. You need to stand up and ensure that your position as the first ruling is stable, but you have done a lot of things unintentionally. I think there is hope in following you, I've had enough of profitable wars." She shouted excitedly, but Napoleon just looked at her calmly.

"We had a scholar there, he said there is no good war, and there is no bad peace. I think he was wrong. It's only been a few years, and the atmosphere has started to deteriorate again. I can't see boys being bullied to the point where they can't fight back, and then become I have to blame everyone, and I no longer believe in women and love. Do you think I felt better when I was there? If I didn’t go to church at that time, I was afraid that I would have nightmares at night. I dreamed that it was me who was held down by someone. Actually, I don’t have to go through this, I There's a good one for me..."

"He has other women in his heart." Napoleon interrupted her, "I know how you feel, and I am also experiencing it now. If you advise me not to endure it for France, then I also advise you not to continue to endure it for some oath or morality. He What did you do to deserve you to do this to him?"

"He saved my life! He exchanged his own life!" She shouted excitedly, revealing the back of her neck, where there was a red spot, which Sophie found when she combed her hair.

It reminded her of St. Mungo's time in the hospital, when he used the forbidden spell, which Voldemort had taught him.

The Corsican laughed.

"How can you laugh!"

"You like me so much that you betrayed your man, can I be unhappy?" He smiled comfortably and said, "I'm not the only one who is fascinated, can you not think anymore?"

She covered her face and cried.

"From the moment I saw you, I knew you were my Goddess of Luck." Bonaparte said angrily, "Do you know the characteristics of a Goddess of Luck? When she wishes to accomplish great things, she The chosen one will have great courage and great power, but she does not want her power to be hoodwinked when it is blocked. People who have not experienced adversity will not recognize her. Blame the person who is lazy, then he will not be favored by luck. You think about him, but I don’t let you think about it, I keep you so busy that you have no time to think about other than me and work.”

"Why are you such an asshole?" she whimpered.

"Only those who assist me know that my decision cannot be changed. They will assist me. Since you don't want a title, then I will give you something else. I said that you will be the queen regent. Are you still willing?"

"No! I want to play!"

"You woman...how can you be so irresponsible!" Bonaparte was so angry that he seemed to strangle her to death.

"Why aren't you men ashamed when women call you irresponsible?"

At first he was so angry that he wanted to argue with her, but then he was defeated, looking helpless against her.

"Leon, do you want to become emperor?" Georgiana asked, "Only if you become emperor, I can be the queen regent."

He calmed down and looked at her quietly.

"Would you like to see the Crown of Thorns?"

She nods.

"Then let's go." He took her hand and walked back.

Soldiers and workers in the distance booed together, as if they didn't regard him as the First Consul of France.

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