Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1280: The Measure of Everything (Part 2)

For wizards who are good at apparating, France and England are not far away.

Severus apparated all the way from Fontainebleau, France, to London, where he kept watch near Black's old house, where the Order of the Phoenix headquarters used to be.

It was daytime, and Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley left the house on a flying motorcycle with a bucket, like ordinary Muggle vehicles.

James Potter's son looked handsome and stylish in a leather jacket, not at all as if he was going to fight, but to show off.

"It's exactly the same as his godfather." Lucius Malfoy looked at the backs of the two who had gone away and said, "Why did you come back alone?"

Severus ignored Lucius, staring at the red-haired woman standing by the door.

She had Weasley features, a strong jaw, and brown eyes, not Lily Potter's lake green.

"Are you listening to me?" Lucius asked.

Severus stared at the platinum nobleman, who looked at him inexplicably.

"Let me ask you, Lucius, do you have any other women besides Naxisha?"

"No!" Lucius replied immediately, "I haven't even gotten her forgiveness for the previous one, how could there be anything else?"

"Are women cheating differently than men?" Severus asked.

Lucius opened his gray eyes wide "What did you just say?"

Severus looked remorseful, and raised his wand as if to cast Lucius an Oblivion Charm.

"You guys just finished your honeymoon, it's too soon!" Lucius immediately complained for Severus, "Who is the other party?"

"You won't believe it." Severus had a constipated look on his face.

"Who?" Lucius asked curiously.

Severus chose silence.

"Do you want me to ask Master to teach him a lesson?" Lucius said enthusiastically.

"Then the whole world will know what happened!" Severus roared.

"Let's go, let's have a drink and chat slowly." Lucius took Severus' arm, "I really can't see that little guy is so bold."

"It's not her fault, it's that Corsican short!" Severus growled subduedly. "He put a potion on her."

"The Corsican dwarf...Napoleon Bonaparte?" Platinum Malfoy had an unbelievable look on his face, "Hasn't he been dead for hundreds of years?"

"His ghost didn't go away." Severus gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know of something that has a similar effect to the Mirror of Erised."

"I don't know what's bothering you." Platinum Malfoy shook his head. "What can a ghost do to her?"

Severus stared at the head of the same color as Draco, as if he wanted to use some kind of instrument to lift his skull and see what was inside.

"Her body isn't cheating, is it?" Malfoy said. "Then it's all right, you can just pretend that she is thinking wildly."

"Sometimes I think you have a damn easy life," the Slytherin head hissed as he cursed.

"How do you know?" Malfoy asked. "Did you see it?"

"The whole Paris is going crazy!"

"I do not know how!"

Severus calmed down, Lucius patted him on the shoulder "Even if Pomona cheated, as long as she is willing to come back, I think she is better than Lily Potter, that woman didn't treat you as It's the same thing, I broke up with you before getting married, it's not bad for a Mudblood to live like her, and it's just the Potter family..."

"Don't say that about her," Severus insisted.

"Have you ever wondered why this happened to you?" Lucius said pretendingly, "She has always had a knot in her heart. The whole wizarding world knows that you love Lily. Now it's your turn, and the whole Paris is going crazy Now, how do you feel?"

Severus was expressionless.

"I have never liked Harry Potter. If it weren't for his luck, how could he have achieved what he is today." Lucius said contemptuously, "And the Weasley family, he also changed his luck, you are the most unlucky The one who was a hero for a while, almost lost his life, and ruined his career and reputation."

"I shouldn't have listened to the White Wizard," Severus said regretfully.

"I just said that old lunatic was abnormal, and I wanted to kick him out of the school, but the school board members also kicked me out." Lucius said, "I heard Bella say that you also said that he is a great wizard."

Severus said nothing.

"Do you still think he's great?"

"He's an old fool," Severus said after a long while.

"He himself is suffering, and it is also painful for the two of you. You only had your first child when you were in your 30s."

"Enough." Severus cut Lucius coldly.

"After having a child, everything will be better." Lucius said with a little pride, "Sissy and I have also changed a lot because of Draco. I am not a very good father, but at least I let them live comfortably. Not like the Weasleys."

"Lend me some money," Severus said.

"What did you borrow from me?" Lucius handed him a signed blank checkbook. "Your patent fee, no one has mentioned it now, how about giving it to my son?"

"No problem." Severus put away the checkbook.

"How's the situation in France?"

"There will be chaos soon." Severus said coldly, "Maybe there will be chaos all over Europe."

Lucius' eyes widened, "What's the matter, so big?"

"It's about my wife," Severus said darkly. "We saw the future in Nicolas' crystal ball."

"Then what business do I do to make money?" Lucius asked.

"How would I know?" Severus said grimly, and Disapparated.

==================================================== ===========

When you are in a certain circle, some news will spread like wildfire.

The British business group came to France this time not only to negotiate the purchase of grain, but also to lift the ban on sugar, large bags of cotton, and wine.

Napoleon wanted to engage in the sugar industry at home, so that even foreign refined sugar and molasses were restricted, and it became extremely difficult to eat sugar at home.

British newspapers were indifferent to wars and politics on the mainland, and paid little attention to Napoleon's economic policies. They were more concerned with the price of sugar and bread.

It is common sense in the 21st century that the Suez Canal cannot be repaired because of the water levels of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but she was obviously deceived by "common sense".

Napoleon didn't build the Suez Canal because of lack of money, foreign wars, and heavy construction. The treasury didn't have much money, so it's no wonder that he was forced to come up with the idea of ​​using "fertilizer" to suck blood.

In order to collect the 1 million quintals of food, Napoleon used the criminal minister. If the criminal minister did his job well, he would be a troublesome person in the future. This kind of capable but immoral person is difficult to control.

But Mr. Shaputal, who is capable and virtuous, can't do this kind of thing. He is a scholar-type doer, and he doesn't know the tricks of grain speculation market.

It is difficult to get rid of the baskets made by wise people. Bonaparte solved the urgent need for a while, and there will be plenty of troubles in the future.

In Rambouillet, he was not only interested in having sex with women. Most of the people attending the garden concert were wealthy courtiers and their families. Josephine was impeccable in hospitality, but this live concert was not listened to at all. Everyone was chatting, and even "Miss Georgiana" was thinking wildly to herself.

It stands to reason that there should be a lot of people fawning on the "Favorite Concubine". The strange thing is that no one dares to come forward here. Mr. Chaputal is a more unreliable guardian than Leon Kuhl. He has to be busy with work. In this social situation, he He didn't come at all, so why should he be a guardian?

Sometimes there is a difference between smart people and smart people. Leon Kuhl is better than Shaputar in this respect, so he became an agricultural investigator again as a remnant of the former dynasty. Napoleon even released some power to him.

She looked at Alice and Mrs. Leoncourt who were socializing not far away, and they didn't dare to come to her, so she instantly understood what happened.

This invisible wall surrounding her was built by Napoleon, and it seemed that she was left alone before she "admitted her mistake".

Accustomed to being surrounded by warmth, this cold feeling is really uncomfortable.

But she doesn't intend to take the initiative to socialize to relieve herself.

Isn't this going to a concert? She just listened to music and pissed him off, to see who could exhaust the other.

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