Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1281 I don't know how to advance or retreat

The officials who came to Rambouillet to work after nightfall all returned to their residences near the castle in their carriages.

Georgiana thought the night was over, but she was about to wash up when there was a knock at the door.

She opened the door, and at the door stood Napoleon's valet.

"Tell him I won't go to his place when Josephine is here," she said to the manservant without shame.

"Master has business to tell you," said the manservant.

"What's up?"

"Please come with me."

She did not continue to ask.

This scene of the maid being taken to the lord's bedroom in the middle of the night often appeared in TV dramas, and she herself never thought that such a day would happen.

However, she was not taken to Napoleon's suite, but to the parliamentary suite on the second floor of the castle.

His Excellency Napoleon Bonaparte sat waiting for her on the rococo-style sofa in the library. Behind him was a tapestry with the theme of hunting wild boars. He looked calm and haggard, not at all like a 30-year-old.

"You won." He pointed to the small table near her right. "Look, this is the draft of the peace talks."

She froze for a moment.

The Agreement of Amiens was signed in 1802, but it is not known when it was drafted.

It seems that the business group that came this time seems to have a big mission, not just sending white swans and buying food.

"Why don't you go see it?" he said softly.

"Women don't participate in politics."

"Then why are you here?"

"...peace." She said guiltily.

With a sneer, he stood up and poured himself a glass of water with a calculating smile on his lips.

"Georgianna, what do you think the conditions for keeping the peace are?"

"A heart yearning for peace." She said nonsense that she didn't even believe.

"For some people in this world, there are only profitable wars and unprofitable peace. If peace cannot bring benefits, then they will not continue to maintain it, and then tear up the contract. This is what you want peace?"

Only then did she remember the mainland blockade.

"You like Venice, and I like it too. I plan to retire in a few years. How about you go to govern Venice with me?"

"You are joking."

"I'm not kidding. Working in the First Consul has taken away my freedom and joy. I want to stay at home with my wife and children. I'm tired." He stared at her and whispered, "Or do you want Do I work until I die?"

On the surface, Napoleon was quite free, he could choose to move from one palace to another at will, but for the soldiers who had been to the barren desert and the icy Siberia, this kind of "freedom" was nothing more than the hereditary monarch's choice of luxury. The power of the cage.

"Then I should leave you, you should be with Josephine..."

"Then you are no different from those ordinary women who approach me. They all have schemes, so why not be generous, Cecilia." He interrupted her, "For your motherland to gain diplomatic advantages in France, Make unprofitable peace profitable, so that you desire peace longer."

She looked at the "sultan".

He seems serious.

"I can't," she whispered. "I'm not great enough to die for my country."

"Then you're like a woman in Paris, doing whatever you want!" he said angrily. "Are you playing games with me or are you serious?"

She didn't think about it.

"I can give up the blockade of the UK, as long as you promise me."

She felt like a pig being hunted at the moment, and Napoleon was the hunter.

'Don't forget your original purpose'.

She seemed to hear Hathor's voice.

She wants peace talks, and now that the peace talks have really started, it seems that she has no need to stay any longer.

It's time to go.

"Your decision concerns two countries and the lives of tens of millions of people. You have to think about it carefully." Bonaparte said fiercely, and then he turned his back, as if he didn't want to see her anymore.

"Severus used to say I was stupid," she whispered "I feel like I'm really stupid."

"I'm sorry for that man. If he wants to kill me, I won't hide. That's actually easier." He said with a smile, "I can't stand you being so stupid."

"You want me out of your life?"

"No, I want you to stay, go to Venice, and complete the Italian trade unification with me."

"You have many enemies."

"I know, your husband is one of them." Napoleon touched his face. "I don't want to continue talking about this topic. Let's talk about other things."

He sat down on the sofa again, then patted his thigh, "Come here."

She shook her head directly.

"The Irish want me to support their rebellion," said Napoleon dryly. "If you want to see something like that..."

"How do you threaten people!" She interrupted him again.

"Because that's all I have left!" he cried angrily. "Come and sit down!"

She obeyed immediately and sat down on the lion's lap.

He glared at her angrily.

This scene is not beautiful and romantic at all, let alone affectionate.

"The Irish really want to riot?" she asked humbly.

"At this time, I hope you are an ordinary woman and can talk about normal topics. Are you usually eloquent?"

"That's when I happened to know what you were thinking, and now I don't know what you're thinking at all?"

"I'm a jealous husband now. I can't believe I lost to a guy who can't even coax a girl. It's all luck that he can get you."

"You actually don't know how to coax." She smiled weirdly, thinking of his crappy but sincere love poems.

"Aren't you happy today?" He said a little disappointed.

"I'm very happy, but I hope you can put these swans in the pool of the Tuileries Palace for the public to enjoy together. I don't like privilege."

"There are some beauties I can share, such as the collection in the Louvre, but there are some beauties I want to own." He gently stroked her cheek "My dear Cecilia, tell me something sweet .”

She wanted to say that she was not Cecilia Balfour, the illegitimate daughter of a Venetian nobleman.

But she is indeed an illegitimate daughter of unknown parents, and she doesn't want to be as eager to pursue her own history as Credence, and then be used by Grindelwald.

She looked at the "tyrant" in front of her, and found that he was like a desert traveler who was about to die of thirst. A kind person would give him a bowl of water to drink.

"I want the girl with the pearl earring, but not the original, I want to copy." She said proudly, "I want to hang it on the wall of the Louvre."

"May I ask why?" said the Lion obediently.

"Some of the paintings you collected are not good enough." She pouted and said, "Return them to their original owners, so as to make room for masterpieces."

"Not good-looking enough?" He laughed strangely. "What do you know about art?"

"Have you ever read Titian's Eros in Heaven and Eros on Earth? Do you know what allusion it comes from?"

He put his hand on her waist "I'm listening."

"You're not listening at all." She poked his head with her finger. "This painting not only needs to look at its picture, but also connects with philosophy. The title of this painting is what Plato said in the Symposium... ..."

He let her chatter while he listened quietly.

When she felt that she had indeed proved to him that she "knew" art, she took a sip of water from his glass.

"You like Venice because of Titian?"

"He's speaking out for women." She rested her head on the other man's shoulder "You can understand me, but it was Severus who took me to Venice, even though he intended to go there because it was sinking gone."

"I won't amend the law." He said coldly, "Mura also told me that the divorce clause in the code should be abolished, and I told him that even if Naples returned to Italy, I would never agree."

"How do you know I want you to change the law?"

"You have been protesting since the first meeting. This nation is like a pan of loose sand, which needs a solid foundation like granite..."

She shut him up with a kiss.

"Sultan," she whispered, "do you want to see Cecilia dance?"

"You know how to belly dance... ouch." He covered his beaten face, his face full of bewilderment.

"You're in Egypt... stinky man," she said through gritted teeth.

Socializing outside is definitely unavoidable, and this will happen during socializing, she will never go to belly dance.

"Then what dance do you want to show me?" He asked, pinching her hand indecently.

She thought of the Sith bell, and wondered if it could drive the devil away.

"I promise, I will be gentle with England on the premise of safeguarding the interests of France." He said softly, "It all depends on how you treat me."

"History isn't like that," she said in a teary voice.

"Fuck his history, it's a dream." He began to unbutton his clothes.

"Josephine is here, you follow me outside," she said immediately.

"She brought that man into my house!" said Napoleon grimly. "I gave her respect, why didn't she give me respect?"

"I think it was because she was dazzled by love at the time, so she didn't think carefully, just like you are now." She said calmly, "And I'm not the kind of maid who crawls on the lord's bed..."

"You haven't done anything wrong?" He said coldly, "The people who are sober are the most ridiculous."

"I'm not a tool for you to take revenge on her." She stood up, but was grabbed by her hand.

"Jealous?" he said with a smile.

"Let go of me!" She tried to break free.

He was intoxicated as if he was enjoying it.

"I will not leave, my child must be born in my bed at home."

Cecilia was not born in the main family, she will always be an illegitimate daughter.

But the father of the world's first female college student, Battista Cornaro, had all his children born in the royal palace of Venice, even though he was not married to his humble wife at the time.

The distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children is not actually a legal marriage procedure.

"I've discovered that besides being brilliant, I also like men who are responsible," she said sadly, "and then make them do irresponsible things."

"You are very self-aware." He said with a smile, "From tomorrow onwards, you will not sleep in the servant's quarters. You will sleep on the second floor."

"I chose that side because it's closer to the kitchen..."

"We have all served the public as servants, and now I want to enjoy life." He stood up, and walked to the next bedroom with his arms around her.

It was a rococo bedroom, painted white, with cupids on the mirror and windows, and four animals in the corners of the room.

"This used to belong to the Countess of Toulouse, do you like it?"

But she was staring at the zodiac signs on the door lintel in a daze.

"My Countess, what are you thinking?" He whispered in her ear affectionately.

"Do you remember the bell tower in Venice? It also has the sign of the Zodiac on it." She said stupidly. "I thought the Zodiac turned backwards at first."

"Why do you think that?" He asked inexplicably, and it seemed that there were problems that the "genius" couldn't figure out.

"Renaissance, time goes back." She said shyly, "Glass was actually made very pure in the Greek era. Later, the craft was lost and only colored glass could be made. The Venetians continued to improve in order to reproduce that transparent glass. Then Galileo could make a telescope out of clear glass."

He let out a long sigh of relief, facing her, and kissed her forehead very tenderly.

"I see why he wants you so desperately." He said softly. "I really want to be like him."

"You are not the same person as him." Georgiana said, "He can separate the world from love. You can't do it. You need balance."

"I don't need the world now." He pulled her into the room and closed the door.

==================================================== ===

"What we are visiting now is Madame Toulouse's bedroom. The four animals decorated in the four corners of the room represent the four continents discovered at that time..."

Gonçeil de Leroy absentmindedly listens to the tour guide with the other tourists.

He stared at the mirror on the wall, as if he wanted to find a different side, and then find the entrance to another world.

The parliamentary suites were extravagant, and when the Count of Toulouse died the castle passed to his only son, who devoted much of his time to beautifying it.

"You already have so many, why do you even snatch what others have?" Gong Saiyi said with indignation, and then followed the others to move to the next room.

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