Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1279: The Measure of Everything (Part 2)

In Great Britain, the measure of length is feet and inches.

In France, the measure of length is the meter.

"How far is it?" Georgiana, whose eyes were covered, asked impatiently.

"Just 50 meters ahead." Her French lover said cheerfully.

"What exactly do you want me to see?"

"Be patient! Save the surprise until the end."

She was a little uneasy because she couldn't see, but she could see a little bit of the scenery through the gap between his fingers, as if they had reached the edge of the pond.

Behind her was the sound of another person's breathing. General Bonaparte wasn't totally lacking in motor nerves. He was just not as tall and strong as other professional soldiers. His feet were still flexible, and he didn't stumble because of Georgiana's skirt. .

An old "old woman" who is still playing a young man's game with a young man is both guilty and exhilarated because no one has played this game with her yet.

When she was studying, she walked alone, and her name would only appear when the exam was announced, and she would stay in school after graduation. Which student had the courage to cover the teacher's eyes.

The only peer his age was Severus, a laboratory geek who would rather spend his time studying black magic and potions than come out to get more sunlight.

It's strange that Sirius and James didn't play this kind of joke with her.

After walking about ten meters away, Bonaparte moved her hand away. Her eyes adjusted, and then she found a few white objects floating in the pond, which looked like foam.

It wasn't until her sight became clear again that she realized that they were actually several snow-white swans.

"A gift from the King of England, do you like it?" Leon said with a triumphant smile.

She was as if petrified, motionless.

I thought of a deer just now, and now it's a swan, what's going on today?

"You don't like it?" he asked suspiciously.

"I don't think I'm the kind of person who jumps and screams excitedly when I'm happy." She grabbed his sleeve, tears streaming down her face. "How do you know?"

"what do you know?"

"My Patronus," she cried, "My Patronus is a swan."

"I saw you had a swan necklace on your neck, and thought you liked swans." He stood still and let her cry. "Are these tears of joy?"

Her mood was too complicated to describe in words.

But she nodded anyway.

"I thought you'd be happy to see something from home."

"Aren't there swans in France?"

"It was sent by the King of England." He emphasized again, "Doesn't your British law stipulate that all swans in public waters belong to the king?"

"Why did he send you a swan?" She asked strangely.

"Guess." He said with an arrogant and posturing expression.

If Napoleon had changed his clothes into a Quidditch player's uniform, he would be the same as those boys who finished playing, won the game, and showed off in front of their girlfriends.

"What did you do?"

"We succeeded!" He said with a sense of surprise, "I have raised the funds to build the St. Martin Canal. The British bought our wheat for 70 million pounds, and our Rome can start construction."

She froze for a moment.

She just casually compared the Canal Saint-Martin to Rome's water supply system, but Napoleon seemed to mean it.

"What are you thinking?" He put his big head against her forehead.

"I was wondering what other buildings there are in Rome." She said blankly, "Don't even think about the Pantheon and the Colosseum."

"Public bathrooms can be repaired, and the Senate..."

"I think it would be better for the Senate to remain in St. Luke's Palace, and the library can be repaired."

"The library is like a temple to you?"

"I prefer to compare it to heaven... Rome was not built in a day. Justinian was too impatient and wanted to build Constantinople into Rome in his lifetime. You can't..."

"I want to fix the Arc de Triomphe." He interrupted her. "Are you trying to persuade me not to waste money on unnecessary things?"

"Are you kidding?" She took a half step back. "The French like to triumph, but you have to win a battle first, wow, put me down..."

Napoleon continued to hold her in circles.

He looked gentle but still had some strength, it was enough for Fang Zheng to hold her in circles.

After the quarrel, she calmed down again, looking at the swans in the pond with inexplicable sadness.

"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" said the Corsican, "every time you think about him it's that unhappy face."

She didn't know how to explain it to the young man.

"If he makes you unhappy, why don't you leave him?"

"He didn't make me unhappy..."

"Then what did he do to make you happy?" He asked eagerly.

She didn't know how to answer.

Severus wasn't the type to make girls happy, she'd always played and sang on the harp, and she could have fun by herself.

"He's a serious person." She patted Leon's arm. "The character is gloomy and weird, not as sunny as yours."

Leon showed the original expression.


"He's taking advantage of your sympathy." Leon smiled contemptuously. "What a vulgar trick."

"He doesn't need sympathy from others." Georgiana immediately accused him. "It is even an insult to him to sympathize with him."

He turned his head to the side in resistance, as if he didn't want to hear it at all.

"Who will sign this contract?" She asked as if she had nothing to say.

"If you want to ask me something, you have to make me happy, that's what everyone else does."

She wanted to slap this guy again, to wake him up and stop being intoxicated by other people's praises.

But she thought about it again. In fact, she didn't care so much about who signed the contract as a representative. That person was just a representative.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

"How old are you? Are you an adult?"

He got even angrier as a result.

"When are you going to build the Suez Canal?" She started another topic.

"Your spy husband didn't tell you?" he said jealously.

It was the first time in her life that she had met a jealous lover, and it was all the more strange when she thought that this man was the Napoleon who shook up the whole of Europe.

It's like a wild dream, it's time to wake up.

"The construction of the Suez Canal is not just about building the river." He said unhappy, "Alexander will become the capital of Egypt in the future. Even if it sacrifices the interests of Sharkiya, more water should flow into other countries." Hoyla, the restoration of the canal from Rachmania to Alexandria, plus permanent fortifications, hospitals, warehouses and factories, is a huge project, and the money alone is not enough."

"I heard that the Suez Canal could not be repaired because of the great gap between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea." She said in surprise.

"Who told you that?"

"Newspaper...don't worry about it." She rubbed her forehead.

"The technician in charge of the survey said it could be repaired. What we lack is funds. Your government can really manipulate public opinion." Napoleon said with a sneer, "That's what an oligarchic country without an army can do."

"We have an army!" Georgiana yelled at the French dictator.

"Hahaha." As a result, she made him laugh by doing so.

She really hoped that Napoleon could see the future, how the French army was ridiculed by "Britain without an army", his expression must be very exciting.

Then she took off her shoes again, pulled up the hem of her skirt, and went into the pond to touch the swans.

Swans are afraid of people, but she is not a human being, so she let her touch these beautiful little animals.

"Leon, come and touch me too!" She yelled at the people on the shore, and he shook his head silently.

Then she noticed that the feathers on the swans' wings had been clipped, perhaps to prevent them from escaping.

Poor little things, they lost their freedom, although they looked beautiful floating on the water.

But what's the point of losing the beauty of freedom?

"He took me to many countries." Georgiana said to Bonaparte. "Venice, Padua, Vienna..."

"One day I will take you to these places again, he is not good to you at all." Leon interrupted her again, and said in a commanding tone, "In the future, when you talk about Venice, don't mention his name again .”

She can't communicate with this warlord!

She stopped touching the swan, went directly to the shore, put down her skirt, and left with her shoes on her bare feet.

This time he didn't catch up, and she didn't bother to go back, because she was also angry.

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