Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1274 The Shepherd of the Moon God

In the long Middle Ages, Normandy war horses were the first choice of British knights.

But by the 14th century, after the Plantagenets lost all of France's lands, Britain had to import French and Low Country horses at high prices.

Unlike Britain, France in the Middle Ages was rich in fine horses, and Percheron horses allowed French cavalry to dominate Europe. It is one of the few heavy horses with solid speed and stamina, and it is a real luxury for someone to use this horse to pull his own cart.

When choosing between getting into the carriage and being carried into the carriage, Georgiana wisely chose the former.

The First Consul himself took a carriage, and she took another one. Unlike that carriage, the carriage she sat in was very low-key, no different from ordinary aristocratic carriages.

She was brought back to the Grand Trianon without a sound. Fortunately, she was not sent to the bedroom of the Tuileries Palace like those opera stars, although there was no difference in essence.

While he didn't come back, she went to take a bath in Louis XIV's luxurious bathtub by herself. While taking a bath, she closed her eyes and meditated while thinking about what Leon Cour said.

The French horse administration weakened with the continuous expansion of cultivated land, and even in order not to cause additional load, the French army did not bring tents, because extra horses and carriages were needed to pull tents.

Although France has a lot of arable land, the yield is not high, and it is only planted once a year. After the Great Revolution, France distributed the land to the farmers. It sounds like a good thing, and the farmers also have their own land.

Although the British enclosure movement was bloody, it realized the readjustment of land resources. The adjusted land was re-planned, and the rotation system was implemented. Two of the four lands were planted, and two were developed for animal husbandry. manpower, but also to restore fertility to the poor soil of England.

France is different. The family only has one piece of land in total, and they don't have to cultivate it at all, let alone plant it twice a year.

The low-efficiency production method needs to be improved, but the farmer model that Leon Cour said belongs to the New World and may not be suitable for France. She does not want to become a talker herself.

Napoleon Bonaparte was sent by Jacobin, and he was also pioneering after he took over. He cut down trees that he could use to build warships, and told him to stop pioneering and protect water and soil. God knows if he can accept it.

The land reform must be cautious, and one who is not careful will become the second Bourbon royal family, but what Leon Cour said does have some truth.

It is unstoppable for the old aristocratic forces to come back to serve in the court. Those conservatives who support the restoration of slavery cannot be allowed to dominate. Wealth does not necessarily need to be obtained by squeezing and enslaving...

Hearing the sound of rushing water, she opened her eyes, and the naked First Consul was sitting next to her. He looked very natural, as if it wasn't the first time a woman had bathed with him.

"Am I not good enough for you?" he said angrily.

"You said you slept in another room before I understood 'honor'." She shook her head helplessly, "You made the rules yourself, and you broke them first."

"Have you thought about it?" he continued angrily.

"You're a bastard." Georgiana said coldly, "A girl from Baolin walked out of the desert by herself and was admired by many soldiers, but you bullied her husband, your soldier, where is your honor?"

He sighed, stopped talking nonsense, and directly hit her.

She didn't refuse either, anyway, she would have to face it sooner or later, and besides, she was not a girl who needed to marry chastely.

After she finished, she slapped him. He seemed to be used to it, and his skin was so thick.

He was lying lazily in the bathtub, looking very relaxed, as if he was easy to talk, usually this should be a suitable time to blow the pillow breeze.

"You didn't go to Josephine?"

"Are you jealous?" He lay on his back with his eyes closed, and his tone didn't seem to care at all.

"You said you wanted her to be happy."

"She had a good time at Rambouillet. Can you play poker?" he asked.

"I don't play cards. I'd rather read a book when I have that time."

He looked at her strangely.

"Reading is entertainment for me." She frowned. "You don't think reading is fun?"

"Reading can give me strength and arm my brain. I think playing cards is a little more normal." He put his big head in her arms and "washed my hair."

She thought it looked a lot like a mother bathing her son, but she did it anyway, the hot water pouring over her dark chestnut hair to make it look black.

"What did Leon Kuhl tell you?" he said lazily.

"He is an agronomist and wants to enter the court." She said simply, "The reform method he said is suitable for the New World. Whether it can be implemented in France needs to be investigated."

"Don't choose a wife from a woman who is good at flirting, and don't choose a minister from a scientist or a wise man." He said in a low voice, "Do you want to change the guardian?"

"My guardian is just a cover. Who can stop you in France?"

"There is one. He is still an Englishman. If Mr. Jenner comes to France again, he will still be my distinguished guest."

"I think it may be difficult for him to go abroad in the future." She scooped up a handful of water and rubbed his hair. "Technology has no borders, but scientists have nationality."

"What do you want if you don't ask me?"

"Let me think... have you found the cook I asked you to find?"

He stroked her belly, "Is there really no hope at all?"

She didn't want to hit him.

"If you doubt your ability in this area, you can try with another woman. Josephine and I may have no hope."

He looked at her strangely again.

"You are smart, capable and talented, and you are handsome. I think you are very attractive." She stared into his eyes and said, "I hope you can be more confident."

"A legion of 40,000 people needs 480 vehicles, which can transport 9,120 quintals of food." He turned his gaze to the side again, "50,000 quintals are only enough for 200,000 people for 20 days."

"Is there no food at all?"

"If the weather is still so bad next year, then you should save more. Your fellow Englishman wants to ask me to buy food, and I haven't refused him yet."


"I need gold," he said bluntly. "It's hard to decide."

"You want me to persuade you?"

"Every time you slap me, it's like I'm the one who's at fault, and you're not at all wrong. Why are you so beautiful?"

She laughed.

"I'm not flattering you. The more chaste a woman is, the more I want to see her courting me. It's like Baolin can walk through the desert after the first snow is dyed black, but she only insisted on half an hour in front of me before agreeing." Now, I didn't force her at all." He whispered in her ear, "I've always felt that those who force women are scum, but I hate the way those actresses look down on me, I beat so many Victory, protection of the country, what did they do? I only need one order to destroy all their pride, I hate them, humiliate them, they hate me, I don't have that bed in the Tuileries Any happy memories, only you..."

"Don't use honorifics, Leon," she interrupted. "You're a great man."

"Every time you hit me, the pain let me know that this is not a dream. I originally thought that wives were created for husbands. Husbands were created for the country and fame. Please forgive my ignorance. What are you doing for? approach me?"

"You still think I'm a spy?"

"Otherwise? Do you like me?"

"That's right, I may not be able to forgive you for your war crimes, and only God can forgive you, but you are still a good person at present, you have to steer well, captain, the people of France depend on you."

"You think I did something wrong?"

"It's too much for you to exchange 'fertilizer' for local gold coins. You should at least send an agronomist to guide them how to improve the soil."

"Okay, you let Leon Kuhl come to see me tomorrow." He was about to kiss her again.

"Don't choose a wife from a woman who is good at flirting, and don't choose a minister from scientists and smart people. Do you think I am good at flirting?" She avoided his bad mouth.

"You don't think you're flirting with me?" he asked interestingly.

"Since when did I flirt with you?" she asked even more confused.

"So what's it like when you're flirting?"

She didn't speak.

"Have you ever flirted with a man other than him?"

She still didn't answer.

"Try it with me." He smiled like a smooth-talking liar.

She knows one move in total, and she doesn't intend to use it on any man other than Severus.

"Shall I teach you how to flirt in France?"

"How many people have you transferred with?"

He looked bored, as if out of the mood.

"Like this?" She stroked his arm lightly.

He stared at her hands.

"Is my arm wood to you?"

She pinched him hard.

"You're a terrible mistress, how about being my wife?"

"If I reject you, will you feel that you have hurt your self-esteem?"

"No, I will attack your heart again and again like a cavalry until you agree to me." He said firmly, "It's like the waves washing the reef into fine sand."

"A cavalry attack is like a wave?"

"I can show you." He kissed her lips, just four lips touching. "That's how the French flirt."

"Someone ever did this to you?"

"I don't have to experience it myself. I have eyes to see." He leaned over her. "My eyes are the tightest and I see the brightest. They only see tasteless things during the day, and when I fall asleep, the dream But staring at you..."


"No, it's Shakespeare, you know." He laughed. "My eyes, how lucky you will be to see such beauty."

Her hands gripped his arms tightly, and they were not at all strong, not at all manly.

But this time he didn't only care about himself like before, and more importantly, he learned to be slow, no longer like before, although he won a dazzling victory, the process was too short.

"You are beautiful," he said admiringly, "My Lady English."

She felt it was a humiliating title.

She wanted to slap him, but this time he stopped her.

"I surrendered, and you won." He said in a calm tone, "I used to think about war even when I was sleeping, but now my mind is full of you, can't you show mercy?"

This time she didn't resist.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the tide rushing against her body.

How can this kind of happiness compare to the joy of a banquet?

But if you look at his previous performance, it's true that banquets and socializing are more fun.

She opened her eyes and looked at Rambouillet's master. He had a delicate and charming face, but possessed a demon-like charm.

Can a guy like this really walk 200 miles across the desert? She always thought it was a lie.

But at the moment, he only has her shadow in his eyes, like the frame of an oil painting, framing her.

"I'm sorry for him," he said in strange French. "How does your husband live without you?"

"Then you let me go?"

"This is a good question. How can I live without you?" He said with a wry smile, "Why are there more women like you?"

"I'm not human, I'm a monster."

"Then let there be more of these beautiful monsters." He knelt on the ground and hugged her tightly.

"Who is stronger, me or your husband?" He asked as if his IQ was regressing.

She really has nothing to say.

What's more, she didn't have the brain to think.

Why didn't she find the Emperor of France so sexy before?

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