Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1275 legion of honor

For most men, it is a duty to dedicate their lives to their country.

But few people will contribute their wives to the country.

Daughters can be regarded as political marriages. Napoleon Bonaparte seems to have imagined a story of his own. Severus made Georgiana close to the first ruler of France for the sake of Britain.

He did need gold, and the tolls from local blood sucking were running out quickly, but the 30 million franc budget for the Canal Saint-Martin was nowhere to be seen.

In addition to food, people need clean water to live. The current situation in the UK is very bad. Because of the "Bread and Blood" movement, the price of food in the UK has become the highest in Europe. I am afraid that this number one is not honored by any normal thinking person.

Britain has a poor tax, which was originally an advantage over the French system, so that the poor will not starve to death even if they don’t have enough money to buy bread. Now it has become a loophole, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Addington, cannot print endlessly. Paper money, cutting the Royal Navy's military spending can be used to feed the starving people at home.

Isn't the French navy gone? Using the natural obstacle of the English Channel can block the French army. Moreover, the imminent domestic turmoil needs to be quelled more than Napoleon who is "far away".

The civilians took the banknotes and thought it was money, and they were "dazzled" by it. It was impossible to fool Napoleon with banknotes. Britain needed gold reserves to buy food in France.

The French navy is still unable to break through the blockade of British warships, let alone a few bankers. Money can open the way in most cases, but it does not work for soldiers who have a sense of national responsibility, mission and honor.

The trump card of the UK is the development of capitalism, which ensures that the industry has an invincible advantage, but it has not yet developed to the extent of abandoning its own agriculture. Imported food only accounts for one-sixth of its domestic food consumption. The lack of food is not enough to starve to death. Without the Baltic Sea, there would be the United States and Canada.

What really affected the threat of British food imports was the price. The Corn Law issued in 1815 stipulated that domestic grains could only be imported when the "average price" reached or exceeded a certain level.

Corn stands for corn in English. Corn is very high-yield. A large amount of grain input will cause the price of grain to fall. When the price of grain is lower than 80 shillings per quart, the import is absolutely prohibited.

Napoleon released the news that French bankers were to buy grains that "arrived" in Britain and the Netherlands, which made the market even more "hot".

The famine is coming, everyone rush to grab food.

Even people who are not short of food will hoard at home, and the market is even more short of food, and the price of food continues to rise. In the UK, there are two parties that represent the interests of the financial, business and landlord classes. A struggle between factions of the party, the Whigs represented "the militant Scotch Presbyterians".

The infighting is very enjoyable, who of them will care about the life and death of civilians.

Although Georgiana does not know who came up with the idea of ​​using gold to buy food in France, Napoleon really wanted to agree, he just wanted to shift the responsibility to Georgiana.

She is an English woman. Both Caesar and Antony were dazzled by Cleopatra. When they did something that harmed the interests of Rome, it was not surprising that his little Napoleon did something absurd.

This person is bad because after he shirked his responsibilities, he even told her about the matter to let her know that there is no shortage of food in Britain, or that it is not as short of food as it appears on the market. The South China Sea incident reflects that the British are not calm about the market, just like the French are not calm about politics. Same as civilians.

Riots can use cannonballs to show those who think they are safe what to be afraid of and get out of the game.

In the chaos in the UK, only time and good news can calm the panic slowly.

Under a democratic system, the people are slaves to public opinion. Napoleon did not read French newspapers. In his words, "Everything published in our newspapers is written according to my will."

But he knew English and could read British newspapers. During his stay in Egypt, because of the blockade, he still knew from British newspapers what the Directory government had done during his absence.

He reads the newspapers every morning when he cuts his hair and shaves his beard. Although he forbids French newspapers to write indiscriminately, his power has not yet extended to Britain and Germany, and he has no control over what newspapers in other countries write.

How Georgiana wished that British newspapers could write the words "kleptocrat" and "corsican monster" in their articles.

She was originally a decent person, and she could be a teacher with a decent face, teaching children how to be an upright and virtuous person.

Now let alone lead by example, what she is doing now is fully in line with the standard of a "slut".

She took the minced meat in front of her as someone's meat, and chopped it fiercely with a knife.

Maybe it was because she was so murderous that other people in the kitchen stayed away. The French are very confident in their food and cooking skills. There is no comparison between British food and French food.

However, now Rambouillet's kitchen is in charge of "Mrs. English", and all the chefs recruited from major restaurants in Paris must listen to her. They are asked to use herbs, woods, nuts, fungi that can be found from forests and swamps, these foods can be taken from anywhere, to make a table of gorgeous food.

Of course, the price of meat has also risen, and at a certain point, civilians will not be able to afford meat, but the rich and powerful don't have to worry about this, they are going to starve like civilians, unless it is a place like a battlefield.

They mainly want to show that they also eat the same ingredients as ordinary people. As for the poor cooking of ordinary people, it is their own craftsmanship. Your own strength is not enough.

Georgiana understands that the same meat with or without spices has two tastes, but these chefs can't take her for a fool and buy all expensive spices.

She was small and looked very young, so she was despised.

A small bottle of top-quality safflower from Iran is worth the same amount of gold, and they want to squander it and even plan to steal it. She was trying to get things done in a friendly and happy way, making good food and creating dishes is a joyful process, but they did, and she had to manage some expensive spices.

She thought that doing so would make the proud French chef go away, but they chose to stay, but the kitchen did not have the joyful atmosphere at the beginning, but more of a military-like silence.

Cooking at home is different from cooking in a restaurant. Every chef has his own team, and everyone has a clear division of labor. Rambouillet does not require all the chefs invited to stay, and there is also competition among these cooperating chefs.

The chef is like a "general", giving orders to his assistants with a serious and majestic expression. In fact, the experimentation of dishes has already begun before they came to Rambouillet. The restaurant is also a well-informed place, and many dignitaries will go to the restaurant to eat , will become friends with a chef or two.

Leaving aside the issue of leaving a name in history, if you can win the favor of the first ruler or win the first place in the banquet, you will attract many customers when you return to your own restaurant in the future, and you can even open your own shop.

Of course they are serious about working for themselves, it is their own interests, and they will supervise their own team without Georgiana urging them.

The accumulation of daily consumption of spices is not a small number, but she chooses to let it go. Creators will experience failure, and failure will cause losses. She will not restrain them in this regard and ask them to save, even expensive spices. She doesn't control some people strictly, she just needs to keep an eye on those cheating cooks.

She will not fire them because they stole something, she will make them work hard, and of course they cannot be creative when they are in a bad mood, making delicious and innovative food, and cooking food also needs inspiration.

They have basically been eliminated, unless they really want to make a difference, the feeling of watching others succeed is worse than not being able to see it, especially when they were originally a starting line and lost because of their own problems.

When others are haloed and enjoy the glory in the thunderous applause, I am regretting my mistakes. Seeing the face of the "loser", other law-abiding people will be more law-abiding, after all, they don't want to end up like those people.

She wasn't proud of her means, and she was beginning to understand why the house-elves at Hogwarts liked Severus more than she was kind to them.

Grindelwald said that Albus was a hypocrite, and Severus also said that she was falsely kind. A truly chaste woman would not fall into the arms of other men like her. She was just like Albus, who was dogmatically given It's all about restricting your words and deeds.

Albus locked Grindelwald in the tower, and he also locked himself in the tower, disguising himself, careful not to let others know that he was gay.

As for herself, she has no resistance to talented men, and she is also an unruly woman in her bones, but she has not met people who are good at painting and poetry like Da Vinci or Shakespeare.

If she doesn't want to be notorious, it's best to stay away from temptation. She wants to imitate Letizia and live in seclusion in a place far away from the world.

This time, no man can enter her house.

Girls should help each other, instead of being jealous of each other and oppressing each other because of love, she will help Josephine so that the Corsican dwarf can't easily divorce her.

No matter how hard you try in saline-alkali land, you still can't grow crops. At this time, giving up and finding another job is the right choice.

But that doesn't mean going to the princess of the Habsburg family. Isn't it the same for him to give up hereditary inheritance and designate an heir like Caesar?

When his weak "King of Rome" grows up, he might as well find a successor among adults, which of course means infighting, and there are many uncertainties... Oh, hell!

"Miss Georgiana."

She was chopping meat vigorously when Napoleon's valet came to see her.

"The master asked you to go up."

She glanced at the busy chefs, who were busy with their own affairs, as if they didn't notice her movement at all.

She used her toes to think about what the "hustle" in the kitchen would be like when she left. If she could get so close to the "scandal", if the newspaper was not controlled by Napoleon now, they would definitely sell the "insider" to tabloid reporters .

The French soldiers who surrendered, the unruly British women, Caesar and Cleopatra, who were obviously Justinian and Theodora, all of them have already lost their reputations, what more do they need? Care about what other people think.

She boldly inserted the knife into the wooden chopping board, took off her apron, and quietly followed the servant out of the kitchen.

Nor did she threaten to force the cooks to work harder in her absence.

They're artists, so don't let them be too constrained, but inspiration is sometimes like lemonade, you need to squeeze it hard.

This kitchen is actually hers just like the greenhouse, but this time she doesn't have to abide by the education law, don't have to endure those "little superheroes", and be her true self.

I just don’t know how long this kind of freedom can last, because her French lover who loved freedom lost her freedom in the end, and changed from a lion in the wilderness to a lion on a deserted island.

She wasn't sure if she would follow him to the desert island as a prisoner, she didn't mind the desert, she had lived in the desert before.

She just felt that Severus had suffered so much that he couldn't let the culprit live too comfortably.

Even now she wanted to protect his honor, even if it was futile.

That day by the river, he helped her untie her ankles. Although his behavior was provocative, it was still in the flirtatious category, and then he suddenly lost control.

That's what happens when you don't think about it, he screwed up and it was all his fault.

After leaving the kitchen of Rambouillet, she heard gunshots.

There is also a hunting ground in the territory of Rambouillet, and it seems that he is hunting in the woods with his guests.

Looks like a real king.

She didn't want to participate in the hunt, but she didn't know what he asked her to do, because with Josephine around, he didn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary in the castle, and leaving the castle was not guaranteed.

Fortunately, the manservant took her upstairs, not to the bedroom, but to the tower where the study was located.

When the footman opened the door, the light outside the window was so dazzling that her eyes dazzled for a moment, and then she realized that Bonaparte was standing by the window, drinking wine and admiring the scenery.

In addition to his height, he is indeed an elegant and charming person. There is no crowded and noisy Paris, nor dirty streets, only clean blue sky, forests, lakes, and vast farmland.

This territory originally belonged to Louis XVI, and François I died here. The owners of the castle dug rivers and ponds and built gardens, and later Marie Antoinette also lived here, but she didn't like Gothic, so Louis XVI converted that garden into an English style garden .

Now Napoleon was looking at the garden, where Josephine was arranging the venue, but when he sensed someone coming, he turned his attention to her.

She felt jealous for a moment, but she quickly remembered the Malfoy manor, when Severus and Draco were setting up the maze, and when he noticed her appearing on the balcony on the second floor, his black eyes kept looking at him. looking at her.

She should cherish such a good man and stay at home obediently instead of fooling around in this vanity fair.

It seems that Albus' desire for power has also affected her, and Napoleon is her Grindelwald.

"Come here," he said to her, walking to the desk.

The valet closed the door and went out. She went to the table and found a dozen small boxes on the table.

"Jewelry?" she said incredulously, even a little offended.

"Open it and have a look." He smiled mysteriously, smelling the aroma of wine in the crystal glass.

Georgiana opened one of the boxes suspiciously.

Instead of jewelry, it was a bronze medal with a red ribbon.

"Choose a style you like, and it will become the French Legion of Honor in the future." Napoleon put down the crystal cup and opened another box, which contained gorgeous medals and diamonds, which looked like jewelry.

"I don't think it's up to me to choose." She put the box down. "You or Josephine should choose."

"Have you ever wondered what honor is?" He put down the box in his hand and looked at her with an almost arrogant attitude.

"Something you can't easily take away," she said calmly.

"Do you love me or hate me? You seem to think I'm your enemy."

"I am English……"

"I can smell French cheese on you," he interrupted. "Soldiers are very sensitive to the smell of women."

She raised her hand and slapped him.

He was not angry at all, but smiled ambiguously, "There is a farm in the territory, how about we go and taste the cheese there?"

"If you're craving cheese, the kitchen has..."

"I want to eat another kind of cheese." He interrupted her, took her hand in both his, and left a kiss on the back of her hand, his eyes fixed on her.

"Who do you think I am?" She withdrew her hand. "A village girl in your territory? Lord Lord?"

He got closer, "Come with me, I'll show you around."

He flicked the buttons on her clothes with his fingertips, as if he wanted to untie them at any time.

She was dressed exactly like a milkmaid with a wide open collar for work in the kitchen, and she vowed to make it airtight in the future, covering everything from the neck down, even though it would be hot .

"I don't want to play this kind of game with you." She said with some disgust, "You made me the kind of woman I used to hate most who destroys other families."

"Me too, you made me a 'little prodigal son'." He smiled and said, "Your husband has become a poor man like me, do you think he will divorce you?"

"I don't know." She said helplessly, "I can totally understand him divorcing me."

"I hope he can choose this way too. A woman like you is not worth it." He whispered in her ear contemptuously.

"Why don't you hit me anymore?" he asked after a while.

"You're right, why should I hit you." She grabbed his hand and motioned him to follow her.

He turned away.

"Choose one." He pointed to the medal on the table and said.

"I'm not eligible."

"You have to choose, me or him, I won't let a woman like you live alone in the monastery." He took a sip of wine, "That's called waste."

"Are you talking about medals or..."

"Both." He said arrogantly, just like the first time we met in the Tuileries Palace. "Don't even think about being a deserter, Georgiana, do you think you don't have to choose because you don't deserve it?"

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"Victor, the proud son of heaven, the darling, whatever you want to call it." Bonaparte said a little excitedly, "Even if I conquer the world and fail to win, he is still a loser. Even if he has nothing, he is still a winner if he has you. What the hell, How did he succeed in proposing!"

"You can't divorce Josephine while she's alive. You can't marry another woman without a divorce. That's bigamy, General. Don't tell me you're going to enforce polygamy in Christendom." She said with a smile, "If this is the case, it's easy, and I don't have to choose from the two of you. Can you accept sharing a woman with other men?"

Bonaparte was so angry that he seemed to strangle her.

She twisted the Corsican's Greek nose and took him by the hand as she left the study.

Rolling in the pasture like a country girl is not so difficult to accept compared to choosing the style of the medal.

Although there are many comfortable houses in the castle, this is her bottom line. She will never fool around with her husband in the house where Josephine lives. Same.

This was the most respect she could give Josephine.

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