There were other dignitaries who came to the National Library with the First Consul. In order to prepare for them, the library was closed to the public for a day.

The "big shot" was accompanied by the curator, and she hid far behind the crowd, pretending not to know her as much as possible.

Everyone knows who she is, but no one points out, what to do, what to do, except for two young painters who can't wait to paint her portraits, everyone is an ordinary colleague relationship, of course, behind the scenes Discussion is indispensable for sure.

The frizzy young man just now is very charismatic at the moment. If there are still photographers taking pictures of him in the 21st century. Because it was too far away, she couldn't hear what the curator and Bonaparte were talking about, but she learned from the conversations of the followers that Bonaparte was going to expand the library.

The "King's Library" has undergone several expansions. Several heavyweight architects designed the atrium, garden, reading room, etc. Therefore, the new designer should integrate the essence of architects of each period as much as possible. In the case of interference with the whole, the complex space of Nuoda was restored as a whole. In addition, the new museum also has to store cultural relics, books, and manuscripts brought back from Egypt.

After more than a year of hard work, those Egyptian expeditionary forces are finally coming back.

In addition to the enemy of the same period, Napoleon also had an "old enemy" General Sidney Smith. He was originally a businessman. When he heard the outbreak of the French Revolution, he immediately jumped on a small boat and returned home. German fleet.

When Toulon was about to be captured by Napoleon's artillery, he volunteered to lead a small boat and burned about half of the unattended French warships in the harbor.

After returning to China, he became the captain of the frigate No. 5 "Diamond", and later became a prisoner of war. When Britain wanted to exchange prisoners with France, he was rejected by the French side with "arson in Toulon".

Two years later, the French royalist party rescued him in disguise under the pretext of transferring prisons, and returned to England on a fishing boat. In 1798, he participated in the naval battle of Aboukir. After the French Eastern Fleet was wiped out, he was sent to Istanbul to coordinate with Turkey to eliminate the Egyptian French army.

He often acts alone in the eastern Mediterranean waters, has semi-independent command power and extensive authorization, and often violates the authority of Horatio Nelson, the commander of Egyptian waters. In 1800, he signed the "El Arish Agreement" with the French army without authorization. The treaty allowing the French troops in Egypt to return after their surrender was immediately rejected by London, who sent another general to Egypt to fight, but the result was the same.

Not long ago, General Smith was recalled to the UK and forced to retire, granting him a pension of 1,000 pounds.

That's right, the French surrendered, and they were to be taken back to France by the British navy as captives. The terms of the surrender of the French are fully in accordance with the "El Arish Agreement" signed with Britain, and this withdrawing expeditionary force can bring its own banner, arms and fifty cannons, many horses, a lot of baggage and all the treasures , the French Army and Mamluks from Cairo to Abukir escorted them.

The expeditionary force needs to be quarantined in Marseilles for a period of time when they return home, and those scholars and cultural relics will also stay there, waiting for the expansion of the museums and libraries in Paris before departing.

As long as the honor and sense of honor are lost, the French have done a very good deal, but not every French soldier accepts this proposal. The word got out, and Napoleon immediately had the gendarmes arrest him.

Bel Yar, who had saved Napoleon's life in Italy, was a staunch advocate for the protection of Egypt, and he was an enemy of the "El Ali Agreement." It's just that he is indecisive by nature and cannot preside over some important military operations. He cannot surrender without the commander-in-chief's order.

Georgiana remembered the Corsican saying that not every soldier is smart enough to survive in a world full of treacherous people.

The Egyptian expedition was a failure. It was originally used by Napoleon Bonaparte to gain political capital for himself. Now that he has become the first ruler, the French navy cannot break through the British blockade fleet and cannot send local supplies to Egypt. Egypt The colonization was terminated by the rebellion of the local people, and it was meaningless for the expeditionary force to continue to waste in Egypt. Everyone always has some regrets in their lives.

And he paid more attention to domestic affairs than overseas. After sucking a big mouthful of local blood, Bonaparte, like all Roman emperors, built roads, but he did not build roads leading to Paris from the provinces, but It is to build a road from the Alps to the west of the Rhine, to extend the embankment of Cherbourg Port, and to build some defense projects on the border.

The appearance of the city of Paris needs to be beautified, the streets have been expanded, some bridges have been built, and the Notre Dame Cathedral has also begun to be repaired.

Compared with the situation in England, everything is improving in France, so that he has time to deal with cultural matters.

Bonaparte is not good at powdering his own face, but he is very good at how to whitewash his failures. The book about the praise of Egyptian culture His Excellency Bonaparte himself sponsored the money to scholars who were also invited to participate in Rambouillet It seems that not everyone is so appreciative of the feast.

Who let him control the freedom of speech? The scholars who come to accompany the big shots are only one-third of the library staff, and the vast majority refuse to accompany them on the grounds of work or family matters.

"my daughter."

Just when Georgiana was left alone, her guardian Mr. Leon Kuhl appeared.

"What's the matter? Father?" she smirked.

"Is it comfortable to live in the library?" asked Leon Kuhl.

"Hahaha." She smiled dryly, trying to fool her.

Whose guardian is Leon Kuhl?

"How about going back to live?" He really said.

"It's too far from the Grand Trianon to the center of Paris, and I don't want to waste too much time on the road."

"Have you had a fight?"


"Then why do you..."

"How's Lance's work going?" She forced the subject to change.

"He's working in the staff now," said Leoncourt. "Your Excellency is setting up the supply battalion."

This is undoubtedly a "fat position", no wonder Leon Kull sold her.

If she is a girl who doesn't like soldiers, and is persecuted by these "warlords", I'm afraid she will die.

Self-love was part of order, and she felt that an "old woman" her age had better not play around with boys like young girls.

"Why don't you come to our house today." Leon Kur said suddenly.

"If he wants to go too, I won't go." She said calmly, "You should also pay attention to your reputation, father."

Leon Kur showed a very strange expression.

"You still miss your ex-husband?" he said dryly after a moment.

"No." She also said embarrassingly, "I just hope to have a little image in front of the public."

She had heard some legends about "Miss Georgiana". She was described as a peerless temptress, and had nothing to do with this thin girl.

She didn't want to be dignified and elegant, and she didn't have any psychological burden to put on the mud-covered witch's robe again.

"I respect your wishes," said Leoncourt. "My daughter, you should know that your father was an agronomist besides being a good man."

"Are you a Physiocrat too?" she said with a smile.

"Since the Great Revolution, reclamation has become a fashion, and everyone is reclamating, pulling up the trees on the land and turning it into farmland, but if those farmers are wise, they should know that some land is not suitable for cultivation. Hard work is hard to pay off, everyone wants to be an owner, pursues independent happiness, and is unwilling to get a stable job from a farmer, but suffers from poverty, I think this is the reason why their thinking has not changed."

"You want to implement agricultural reforms?"

"I prefer the 'Agricultural Revolution,'" said Leoncourt. "How about just starting with Rambouillet?"

"That's his territory, what about your own?"

"I thought you understood what an 'intermediary of power' is." Leoncourt said in a low voice, "What's more, do you think it's good for France's soil and water to continue to cultivate wasteland blindly?"

She fell silent.

"Tell me well that he will listen to you. You'd better forget about that man."

She was a little angry, but she didn't attack. After all, Leon Kuhl was just a lobbyist.

The problematic one is the usurping First Consulate.

With his cleverness, he would definitely find excuses to take other people's property by force, but he would also make many enemies.

After provoking so many enemies, he is not afraid that other people will be unlucky with him.

There are many people who add clothes and colors in the glory, but there are few people who give charcoal in the face of downturn. I don't know if he understands this truth.

Next, Mr. Leon Kuhl was talking to her about agriculture. She cared more about sugar beets and sugar factories. The school-run bandage shop she opened in the manor was also on the right track. A manager is taking care of it.

That was the advantage of being in the company of a rich and powerful man, and it was no wonder that so many women were now asking him to dance at balls, following Georgiana's lead.

There are many people with good nature who have fallen like this.

She hoped he wasn't lost in the splendor before him.

Otherwise, it would be a pity that he is full of talent.

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