Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1272 Inglorious Bastard

Who pays for shit? No one should, or even pay someone to do the work of cleaning up the filth.

But what about buying fertilizer?

Georgiana still underestimated the benefits of centralization, because the famine land rent tax could not be collected, but the toll tax could still be paid relatively normally, and the toll tax would stay in the place after it was collected. has been mentioned in.

This kind of tax is different from the indirect tax. It is not collected according to the rate of consumption, but is collected according to the quantity and weight of goods on roads, bridges, canals, and sluices for the maintenance of these infrastructures.

Although it is paid by the traffickers, in fact the traffickers are only temporarily paying in advance, and the final result has to be passed on to the consumers. How much is the shipping fee, customs duty, and toll tax for a vase shipped from Malay? Usually, it’s not that those who are engaged in transportation don’t know. The merchant quotes a total price to see if the customer can accept it. If he can accept it, he pays. If he can’t accept it, he replaces the merchant.

The toll tax has come up, and it doesn’t have to be used for maintenance. The lords can also use it to support their own private soldiers, making the roads bumpy and conducive to defense. Since King John II of France, no king has not Try to reduce the types of tolls, abolish domestic customs, or at least simplify customs duties.

Agriculture needs fertilization. Before the outbreak of the Great Revolution, because of the volcanic eruption, the pasture was gone, and farmers and herdsmen had to slaughter their livestock. Without the fertilizer made from their manure to reduce food production, no one thought of using the dung mountains outside Paris to make fertilizer. of.

Oh~ Food grown with human feces is disgusting.

People are going to starve to death and still think about this?

Napoleon said that the dung hill outside the city was a "gold mine" because he forced the local government to pay taxes to buy fertilizer. The local area is mainly agricultural. With these people's manure, the fertilizer produced by cattle and sheep will not need so much. Farmers and herdsmen You can slaughter a little more, plus imported cattle, sheep, and horses. As long as there is no large-scale plague, the problem of famine will not be so serious.

It is not enough if the place is not bought. Whoever dares not to buy, his army and military police will be dispatched, and he will be obedient if he is hanged five or six times.

Such a "blood-sucking" method will weaken the place and make Paris more prosperous, and the country people will be even more reluctant to leave after they come.

Georgiana believed in Rousseau's idea that the population of Paris could not be made more crowded. However, a large population creates more feces, which is convenient for centralized management. Everyone was as excited as if they had been given a shot in the arm.

Sometimes the mistakes made by smart people are ten times more difficult to deal with than those made by idiots. After the state machine is activated, no one can stop it. She said how could His Excellency Bonaparte take away the page she wrote, as In return he gave her a page, girls' ultimate dream should be to find a rich and handsome husband or boyfriend, give her a black credit card, and let her buy whatever she wants.

Napoleon was short and good-looking. He gave her the authority of the Royal Bank, which was equivalent to giving her a black card for her to swipe. He also encouraged the purchase of luxury goods, because there was not enough currency in the market due to deflation. Spending money for him is doing him a great favor.

The biggest difference between a 30-year-old ruler and a 60-year-old ruler is this. They dare to think and act, and are full of drive, which is not as soft as the old man.

Shakespeare's poem once wrote:

Tender love restores your strength, let it not be said that your blade is not so quick as appetite.

The appetite is only satisfied after a full meal today, and it will be gluttonous again tomorrow.

Although I have seen the tired and crooked blinking today, I have to watch it tomorrow, don't let the long-term paralysis suffocate the spirit of love.

The same goes for love and appetite. Even if you are full today, you will be "hungry" again after a while.

That day, the First Consul of France, who was in the same room as a classmate with Georgiana, was only a temporary "sage". After a few days, he became a "lion of the wilderness" again.

It was he who said he would sleep in another room until she figured out what "honor" was, but one night he turned the handle of the door to her room and it was locked so he didn't open it.

The reason she knew it was him was when he asked her at breakfast the next day if she had locked the door. She felt it was not safe to stay in the Grand Trianon, so she ran to the King's Library.

She convened some painters, botanists and publishers to prepare a handbook of edible plants. Bonaparte was very strict about publishing management, but for ordinary people. His brother Lucien recently published a book "On Caesar, C A Contrast between Renwell and Bonaparte was written by Fonta, who had written the eulogy for Washington's death and had prospered since then, and Georgiana felt that when the pamphlet came out he could actually write one for himself. eulogy.

The matter of Napoleon proclaiming the emperor has become more and more imminent. Rodrey, who proposed a vote in the Legislative Yuan to allow Napoleon to designate his heir, is a staunch supporter of the monarchy, and Talleyrand also supports him. The benefits of the monarchy are Obviously, the British Parliament is still arguing over whether to negotiate peace with France.

Addington wants to reduce the navy's military expenditure and use the money for domestic famine. How could the Royal Navy agree? Without the Royal Navy, who will stop the French Navy?

Napoleon was building a ship, but she didn't know where it was, but France didn't have a single warship, and the land belonged to the French. During the Portuguese war, everyone's attention was focused on Spain and the French army in the north, so that they ignored it. Lisbon in the south.

Napoleon didn't know how to fight at sea, but he would seize the opportunity. He thought that the main force of the British and Portuguese armies were attracted by Spain, but Saint-Cyr met the main force. Lucien and Godoy waited for people from the French mainland, and finally couldn't wait any longer, so they launched an attack. As a result, they did not encounter any resistance, and they made great achievements all the way.

If Saint-Cyr wins and returns to the court, Lucien, a kid who dares to say anything, will not return home. The Bonaparte family is a bunch of weirdos. Joseph, who plotted for Napoleon's inheritance, tried his best when negotiating with the church. Louis was a literary youth, but he worked in the army. The three women in their family spent so much money that it was outrageous.

It may be like Felicia, if luck comes too easily, it will make people crazy and arrogant. The Bonaparte family is a bit like a political upstart, and all this is because of Napoleon's military exploits. Generals and soldiers generally think that Bonaparte Napal won because of fluke and luck, and he could be so lucky.

Napoleon was doing simple things, but others might not. Anyway, Georgiana did not expect that her vision was limited to Paris, disaster relief and employment issues. Those local tax dollars would be used in places like workhouses, without those tax support , what should the old and weak women and children living in it do?

The church should undertake part of the charitable work, but they are currently unable to protect themselves, and it costs money to do good deeds. The secular king not only canceled the tithe tax, but also planned to rob them of their farmland and monastery.

That's how the gentle-looking First Consul looked vicious, perhaps because he was driven into flames by these bandits, and the Pope's Secretary of State proposed to resume the parade of worship.

Napoleon liked to ride in an open carriage, escorted by the Guards and Mamluk cavalry, and patrolled Paris in a red review uniform. He looked handsome and majestic. This is what young people often do. Those Guards and Mamluks It's his guard of honor.

There is also a guard of honor in the worship parade. Before the Great Revolution, monks often held golden crosses, incense burners, and frankincense boxes in the streets of France, and marched slowly in line with the bells of the Holy See.

The bells of Notre Dame de Paris have been melted, and of course the common people cannot be expected to watch the mass peacefully.

Agreeing to the condition of the church will inevitably lead to conflicts. In the current atmosphere, one carelessness will cause even greater chaos.

Being young has its benefits, but her heart can't withstand the impact of such a young passion, and she hopes to have a more stable life.

When she has spare time in editing books, she will go to the branch library where the books looted from the Venice library are stored. Those narrow bookshelves remind her of the maze-like lanes of Venice.

She has a great relationship with Cecilia. She has lived or lived with so many women in Venice, but she has known her. The Sudan's favorite concubine should be very lucky in the eyes of many people, but Pomona just thinks that Cecilia Leah is not happy.

In order to make her happy, Sultan bought a lot of goods from Venice to ease her homesickness. In fact, if a woman is happy in her new home, she will not be homesick, as Georgiana is now, she does not miss England so much.

She spoke French more and more fluently, and the scholars treated her with French courtesy, and she was almost a Parisian woman.

She took out a piece of mint from the small sachet she carried with her. This is a common item for women in this era. Others use it for spices, and she uses it for medicinal materials.

She still remembered a boy with a big nose who put a piece of peppermint found in the Forbidden Forest in her palm, and how he was kicked unconscious by a unicorn and lying in the grass.

It would be nice if time could stop there.

A hand hugged her tenderly from behind.

Judging from the height, it should be the person she missed just now.

"Do you miss me?" Leon whispered into her ear.

"Of course." She said nonsense, anyway, he definitely doesn't want to hear the truth now.

He smelled her with his Greek nose, the way he smells food before eating.

"Where do you live at night?" he asked.

"I have my own office."

"Is there a bed there?"

She sighed. "Only one recliner."

"How about showing me around?"

"Aren't you here to inspect?"

"I want to see you," he begged.

"I want to make a name for myself here," she said softly. "How about I visit you tonight?"

"No, right now." He said willfully like a young master.

"I'll make it up to you." She said as if negotiating, "Now you have to be a good leader."

"You give me a kiss first."

She promised that if he didn't leave, other people in the library would find the guards guarding the door, and he would ruin the reputation she had built up so hard.

So she kissed the future Emperor His Majesty in this bookshelf full of old papers.

He was dressing like a prince now, and she hoped he would stay that way forever.

But he didn't taste it lightly. Instead, it was like oil being ignited by a fire. She slapped him before he lost control.

A high-ranking and powerful man was not angry at all when he was beaten by a woman. Instead, he trapped her by the bookshelf like a prodigal son.

"My eyes act as a painter, drawing your portrait on my heart, and my body is the mirror frame inlaid with your delicate face. Is it because of this poem that you dress yourself as a portrait?" He said affectionately explain.

"You read Shakespeare too? Aren't you French?"

He sighed helplessly, "British woman, let's see if I conquer you first or you conquer me first."

She pinched his Greek nose, "I like to watch you read, soldier, how about we watch how the Venetian runs business when you're done?"

"Didn't you watch it yourself?"

"I'm waiting for you to read it together." She smiled and shook her head, and left the row of bookshelves. "Except for tax collectors, who would be interested in taxes."

He suddenly lifted the skirt behind her, which startled her.

"What are you doing?" she said a little annoyed.

"It's nothing." He touched his nose and smiled strangely.

"Like an adult, Leon, how old do you think you are!" She accused, "It's a child's job to lift a girl's skirt."

He didn't know what he thought of, and his smile became even weirder and ambiguous.

She felt itchy and wanted to hit him again, but finally held back.

She wanted to leave the library before no one came, and she couldn't even defile the library by him.

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