Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1271 Favor Fee

Of course, Georgiana would not be so stupid as to really think that Napoleon didn't have a single franc in the treasury. Even if he didn't, he could still print coupons to pay the army. What he was worried about was taxation.

Before the Great Revolution, Louis XVI formed a group of tax contractors. They built a city wall in Paris, which was undefended after Louis XIV, so that people who entered the city had to pay taxes.

The Bourbon royal family had lost the battle, and there were still so many taxes, and they had to spend money to make the tax-collecting offices more comfortable and build some so-called "city gates". The anger of the common people was ignited at once.

They tore down the "city gate", but left the city wall as the difference between the urban area and the suburbs.

Some historians believe that in addition to Waterloo, Britain defeated France with an invention called "income tax". However, France's credit record is extremely poor, and it cannot obtain enough income from traditional taxes, so it has to carry out military plunder by enslaving the people of the occupying country.

Bonaparte imposed a "special tax" when he occupied Italy, and the other generals followed suit, and they suddenly became extremely rich.

After the signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty", many British people traveled to France. The citizens and public opinion in London unanimously demanded the abolition of income tax. Later, with Britain declaring war on France again, income tax collection began again.

People hate income tax even more than they hate Napoleon and France. After Waterloo, income tax stopped. It is said that there was a historical unsolved case. A copy, which was not destroyed, came in handy later.

Georgiana has no doubts that Napoleon will never use income tax to increase his resources, but his practical problem is there, unless the indirect tax is restored, but then the citizens and ministers will hold him and the Bourbons again. For comparison.

If you continue to print finger coupons, Your Excellency Bonaparte will be manipulated by financiers like the Directorate. He looks up to her, thinking that her brain can come up with some clever tax sources. If she is really so capable, how can she still I have been a teacher in a school for decades, but I was so angry by those "little supermen".

When it comes to taxation, the church’s tithe cannot be avoided. That should also be the key issue of this special educational agreement, as well as the church’s land.

Although the Secretary of State was kidnapped, he didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all. It seemed that he was ready to "martyr". When encountering such literati, even a bandit-like French soldier can’t help it. The Inquisition has abolished burning, and of course the secular courts must also be abolished. Napoleon worked more than ten hours a day. Apart from these things, there is also the matter of royalists. Coupled with the overseas colonies, the army, and the navy, this busy man is really busy. Just like this, he still set aside one day to accompany her, no, two days, and the day he went to Paris with Mr. Jenner to see the "Street View" was also counted. What did he do all this for? Isn't it just to let her work for herself?

Although she will not be as miserable as those bankers who are going to England and the Netherlands to buy grain, and need to break through the blockade of the British navy and robbers on land, she also has to face certain dangers. She is bound to offend some people and harm their interests, so she will no longer be as popular as before.

Justinian I was a very talented emperor. He wanted to rebuild a Rome in Constantinople in the Eastern Roman Empire, and built a lot of construction in the city, all of which needed to be paid by taxes.

In addition, there is also the army that he is about to embark on the road to unification, which also needs taxes to pay. Various taxes have imposed a heavy burden on the people, coupled with some political factors, which eventually led to the Nika riots.

Don't you think you are virtuous? Think for your French lover!

She was holding a quill dipped in ink, and her mind was in a mess. Was she helping France against England?

In the past, she could think wildly, thinking that she was a hybrid born of the French Lestrange family and Veela, but now she dare not say that.

The combination of a French woman and a British spy is treason, and that is to be guillotined.

Although the mutiny was suppressed in its infancy, the grievances accumulated in the army were also very scary. The best way is to let them go out to fight, but in this way, some people will suffer because of it.

She put down her pen to look at the map, looking for where the Saint-Dogo where the 28th Legion was sent. His Excellency Bonaparte said that there was no return to that place, as if it was the end of the world, but she found it was at Haiti is a French colony.

Considering the proposal of Josephine and her "friends" to restore slavery in the colony, it is estimated that this place rioted because of the issue of slavery, which requires the Legion to suppress it.

Severus also used this trick to eradicate dissidents by the hand of the enemy, and she didn't think there was any major problem.

Napoleon felt that this was a more serious matter than a war crime, and it was unforgivable.

She probably understood that Napoleon would not allow soldiers to make unnecessary sacrifices, but continuing to keep that legion in France would cause even greater troubles. He made another choice similar to suppressing the Portuguese riots, aiming cannons at civilians, where Shooting where there are too many people is more ruthless than the free fire she thought before.

The problem is that he has a compassionate heart, and this contradiction between his inner character and his outer destiny gives him a powerful charm, which a little girl who just looks at whether she is handsome or not can't appreciate it.

He guessed that she didn't run away at that time, and he probably came up with it recently. Your Excellency Bonaparte was confused by the "information" left by Severus, and it wasn't just love that could stop Bonaparte's brain from thinking.

Venice is a beautiful place, he should have left a lot of good memories there, but this does not mean that Bonaparte did not learn about the local history, especially Marino's head is still covered with a black cloth, he is so many governors One of the most special.

Instead of building a car behind closed doors, it is better to learn from history.

Georgiana suddenly had an inspiration, and she wanted to see how the Venetians collected taxes in the past.

It happened that the robber robbed someone else's library, but where would she find books at this time?

Just as she was deep in thought, the door of the vaulted hall opened, and the First Consul appeared in a bathrobe.

She hates this man now, she picks up things on the table and smashes them. He doesn't dodge or dodge standing where he is, like a target for shooting.

He stood there for a while, probably thinking that Georgiana had nothing to hit him, picked up the stationery again and put it on the table.

She didn't continue to throw it, and it would be childish to throw it again, not to mention that she was old enough to be his mother.

An "old woman" should look like an elder in front of young men, so she quickly controlled her emotions about to explode and began to think about the problems in Venice before.

She had an extramarital affair only two months after her honeymoon, so fast, I'm afraid she also set a record.

When I left Venice, the city government was negotiating to collect a city entry tax for "one-day tour" tourists. This fee is very incomprehensible to people in the 21st century. I am here for tourism and consumption, so why do I have to pay taxes?

The income tax, which is very normal for people in the 21st century, is also difficult to understand in the 19th century. Compared with setting up tax items, clear explanation is the key.

If you don't understand, you will not cooperate, and if you don't cooperate and then use coercive means, it will become a "tyranny". He is annoying enough, there is no need to add more enemies.

She was thinking, when she suddenly realized that there was an extra person beside her, and the First Consul handed her a piece of paper.

She took it angrily and found it was a list.

"If you want to collect the fee, you can find the people on this list."

"who are they?"

"You can understand it as a staff member of the 'Royal Bank'." Bonaparte thought he was humorous.

She soon understood that the bank was similar to Lestrange's family vault at Gringotts, where Bella once kept the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

"Isn't Josephine in charge of this?"

He didn't say anything and went to attend to his business at another table.

With an empty treasury and a fat and oily Bonaparte family, if Napoleon falls, this "royal family" will be the first to suffer.

Too much money is a disadvantage.

"You really think it's a good idea to have a feast at this time?"

"I need the celebration to dilute the horrible atmosphere. The French have a poor memory. Soon they will only remember and talk about that banquet and forget about other things." Bonaparte said without raising his head.

She remembered what Hathor once said, that the failure of the expedition to Egypt was covered up by the books compiled by scholars. Bonaparte used the most luxurious cover and materials to package a magnificent and splendid Egypt, so that the upper class people Going to discuss, the middle and lower classes began to follow suit, and then there was an upsurge of British and French travel to Egypt.

There is a "tourist tax" if there are tourists, so will the trend caused by this banquet bring tax revenue, or will it bring negative comments from ordinary citizens, thinking that Napoleon created a deficit like the Bourbon dynasty?

She felt that it was necessary to explain clearly the origin of the dishes on the table to the citizens. First, it could clear up misunderstandings, and second, it could make those wild vegetables edible and popular, so that citizens could pick wild vegetables and eat them, which relieved the pressure on food and reduced the consumption of citizens. In order to accumulate military rations faster, the premise is that there are no corrupt criminals among the quartermasters.

That's a man's problem. To popularize which wild vegetables are edible, you need to make a brochure. This kind of brochure should have pictures and texts. She needs a painter.

She noticed a gaze and found that Leon was actually looking at her.

This made her feel uncomfortable and scratched her forehead in embarrassment.

"Can you move somewhere else?" he whispered. "I can't concentrate."

"No problem." She stood up straight away, and habitually pushed the chair back under the table.

She found the feeling when she was reading again.

When she was in the study with Lucius Malfoy, she only felt pressure, and the First Consul of France was considered a big shot, so she didn't feel domineering.

As soon as she thought that, Napoleon grimaced and threw the page on the ground like it was a piece of waste paper.

Professor of Muggle Studies Caredy once believed that wizards should share knowledge with Muggles, but she didn't think so.

"Severus has also been traumatized." Georgiana said, "One of our colleagues died in front of him, and she asked him for help, but he was a spy at the time and could not reveal his position and identity, so he chose to remain silent, you can understand Is that the feeling?"

Bonaparte put down his pen and began to think.

"He was very scared, but he endured everything until it was over. He is just the opposite of you. He is the kind of person who clearly separates the world from personal emotions. Maybe you should also learn this skill."

"I need balance," said Bonaparte, "so that I can lean now to one side and now to the other."

"Up to you." She said nonchalantly.

"Satisfying the people is more important than satisfying the army at this stage, because the people are more powerful than the soldiers." Before she left, the First Consul said, "Let them have enough to eat, Georgiana, only then will they not be killed by ambition because of hunger." People take advantage of it and make stupid choices."

"Yes, Your Majesty," she said sarcastically, opening the door and going out.

But she didn't rush away, but stood by the door.

After a while, he might go back to Malmaison for "balance". If she didn't want to be that kind of woman waiting for him to come, she needed to find something for herself to do.

"You are pathetic, Georgiana," she murmured to herself, and left the rotunda.

She locked the door when she got back to her own room, he must have the key, but like he said himself, he will sleep in another room until she understands "honor", even if he doesn't sleep in the king suite, he has his own suite.

Having a big house is a plus.

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