Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1270 Heart Hunter

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It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperately desires of our hearts.

Even knowing that the illusion in the mirror is false, people still waste time in front of it. People are obsessed and even driven crazy by what they see because they don't know if everything in the mirror is real and possible.

Dumbledore used to set the level of the Sorcerer's Stone, and he hid the magic in the mirror as the last level to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. Only people who are determined to find the stone, want it, but don't use it, can get the Philosopher's Stone.

"What did she tell us about the mirror?" Gonseil asked Severus, confused.

Now "Sleeping Beauty" is lying on his sofa.

"That world isn't real," Severus said. "It's made of people's desires."


"You can understand it as the world in the mirror of Eris, and that mirror can be the entrance."

"I still don't understand," said Conseil.

"Human desires make something invisible, like the material world."

"You intend to go back to England?" asked Conseil.

"Children's desires are not as complicated as those of adults. There's a reason that mirror is kept in school." Severus rubbed his eyes. "Napoleon is so robbing, maybe he just snatched a Mirror of Erised."

"Is there more than one mirror?"

"Many people think that there is only one Pensieve." Severus motioned to Conseil to look at the Pensieve he had just taken from the Louvre.

In fact, he took more than one thing, and the Paris police were dispatched, but he acted very calmly, as if he was used to this kind of scene.

"Where do you think that mirror is hidden?" asked Conseil.

"I don't know," Severus said slowly. "He has as much stuff as there is in the Room of Requirement, not to mention the stuff he's hiding on purpose."

"Then you should be easy to find, I'm off to work..."

"Work for me," Severus said to Gonseil. "I'll give you double your current wages."

"I think I might not survive working for you when I enjoy the time you pay me."

"what do you want?"

"Hybrid Veela, you promised!"

Severus laughed "Don't you see me now?"

Conseil did not answer at once.

"To be honest, I'm a little envious of you." Gong Saiyi looked down at the desk, "I also want this kind of feeling that I can go all out for love."

"You can also find a human." Severus said calmly, "Pomona has no parents. I think you know the scandals of pure-blood nobles."

"I am not one of those people," said Conseil.

"I don't want to hurt you, brother." Severus said calmly, "They really can drive people crazy."

"That's crazy." Conseil said excitedly, "I also want to know how crazy I can go."

Severus watched as Goncey shook his head, then he turned his gaze to Sleeping Beauty.

Conseil tactfully left.

"I know you are fighting." Severus said calmly, "Few people can resist Napoleon, especially you are a sympathetic person. Do you think it is pitiful that he looks helpless? Just like we used to In school, everyone in the school thinks that I am an annoying teacher, but you are still willing to be friends with me. I don’t care what other people think of me, and it’s the same now. This is the second time I’ve put you in danger because of my carelessness. There won't be a next time. I don't care if France starts rioting again, and I don't care if the European Union is torn apart by this riot. The UK broke the continental blockade last time, and it will be the same next time. I hate it haha Lipott, his great-grandfather was a man, if necessary I would protect England in my own way, I wouldn't be afraid if wizards join the war and bring curses, I don't have children anyway, let alone the cursed royal family, I can do it Anything I want to do, I think this is beyond the enjoyment of the great Bonaparte. I have nothing to lose, but he has so much. I will take him to the end and let the world have one less person like me, He can't want anything, just take it from others. As for you, after we both die, you have to take care of yourself. You are a big girl. If I can get back by luck, I still want to live with you, After all, I would rather love you than hate you, and I don't want to be someone like Voldemort, extreme and full of delusions."

He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Bonaparte is actually the same person as him. Don't be like Bella, okay? I know you are a lovely woman."

As he spoke, he sat and fell asleep on the sofa next to her. ==================================================== =======================

If you are a senior French officer, you have the right to bring your family or mistress to the battlefield. If you are unfortunately not, then after a day of fighting, you can only carry the gun by yourself, or rely on the comfort of your comrades to spend the long night.

Although junior officers and senior officers are officers, they are not the same people.

Napoleon was very generous to the senior officers, and the rewards were never short, but these rewards were given to the senior officers, and he didn't know whether the senior officers had paid them down.

He only found out after the accident that some legions had stopped paying their troops.

In this famine age, soldiers miss their lucrative life of adventure during the war. Those military officers who called themselves republics were not really civic spirits, they just saw an "opportunity" like their superiors and took advantage of it.

Look, Napoleon himself almost vomited, there are countless beauties in mansions, and the others don't even have military pay.

Civilian officials are much smarter than Wufu, and they don’t keep “evidence” such as pamphlets, but many people have been implicated, and many people have fled France after receiving tip-offs and took refuge in countries like Switzerland went.

On the surface, it seems that nothing is wrong. The French like to go abroad for vacation in summer, but whether these people can return to the country after their "vacation" depends on Napoleon's mood.

While enjoying the benefits brought by great power, one must bear the same amount of pressure.

After carrying Georgiana back to the bedroom, the guard left, leaving the First Consul alone with her. He didn't touch her, but sat on a chair and looked at her, like looking at a world-famous painting.

Georgiana looked at him too, and this time she didn't try to find something to distract her, but just kept staring at him like a girl with a pearl earring.

This is the interesting thing about painting portraits, what the artist paints and what the model thinks may be very different things.

She undressed in front of him, revealing her body.

She was just one of the many naked women on the walls of the Louvre.

"Did anyone say you were naughty?" Leon said in a deep voice.

"Severus always said that." She smiled smugly. "He also gave me a ring with the word 'naughty' engraved on it."

This time he didn't lose control as he had in the carriage.

He sat slumped in the armchair in an ugly posture, with one arm thrown over the back of the chair, looking very relaxed.

"Remember when I ate cat meat?"

"The cat is so cute, don't eat it next time."

"We were crossing 200 kilometers of desert and we were starving. After leaving Gaza, we turned left and walked along a plain of six miles. On the left side of the plain were sand dunes, on the edge of the dunes was the coast, and on the right were the mountains of Palestine. , after walking about seven leagues, we camped at Eustud, and there was a rapid ahead of us, which ran from the court of Jerusalem, to Ascaro, my history teacher, you know that Ascaro is Where is it?"

"I'm a professor of herbal medicine."

"Ascaro was besieged during the Crusades and held many battles. When we found it, it was in ruins and there was a shallow port. I spent three hours observing the ancient battlefield. Later, someone found supplies in the ruins." Napoleon took out his pipe, "At that time, there were a few veterans who had received education in seminaries in the team, singing "Lamentations of Jeremiah" loudly, which was only composed in European churches. I can only hear it during the worship, I think it is amazing, we brought those supplies back to the camp of Ersdut, in the hymn of Tasso, he said that there are scorpions in the place of Ersdut, I ordered people to put them in my camp The Bible was recited in the tent. Later we marched to Lamuer, a famous city near Jerusalem. The exhausted soldiers suddenly became energetic. They wanted to see Solomon’s Column in front of the Temple of the Lord. I ordered them to right change……"

"You're wicked," Georgiana interrupted him.

He laughed, "My soldiers are not crusaders. I don't need religious fanaticism to boost morale, and the occupation of Jaffa is the primary goal. During the siege, General Berthier once sent a messenger to the defenders of Jaffa to deliver orders. Said 'The Lord is magnanimous and merciful, Commander-in-Chief Bonaparte has appointed me to tell you that Derezar Pasha launched a war against Egypt, God upholds justice, justice is given to the French army, it is because of this military action, Bonaparte had just entered Palestine, and wanted to expel Derezal Pasha's army. Not long after the messenger entered the city, his head was chopped off, picked up by the defenders with long spears, and stuck in the largest lookout. Upstairs, the soldiers were furious. They wanted to avenge that soldier. I ordered the artillery to fire. The shells pierced a tower. The gap was enough to charge. The engineer battalion commander took the soldiers to clear the trenches and clear the gap In the passage ahead, the 22nd Light Infantry Regiment has already lined up, waiting for my signal. Colonel Lieren and I climbed up an earth embankment. Just as I was about to wave my hand, a bullet knocked out my arm. hat, I was five feet two inches, and Colonel Lieren was five feet ten inches, and the bullet flew three inches from my head and killed Colonel Lieren, and I was reminded of the battle at Toulon Commander Dopp, and his lieutenant who was bombarded with blood, I didn't want to cry out like him to retreat, so I ordered General Lane to replace the colonel in command of the 22nd regiment, and the other regiments lined up behind this regiment to attack , it was about one o'clock in the afternoon, and it was five o'clock when I entered the city. I let the soldiers loot the city, and the amnesty was not issued until midnight. Some residents hid in the mosques, but many did not, and the amnesty was issued. The looting continued after the order, and the order did not begin to restore until dawn. In 1797, we surrounded Rome, and the archbishop sent by the Pope to negotiate endlessly..."

"But you hold back," Georgiana said before he got angry. "Go on, my lion."

"I asked the Holy See to abolish the Inquisition, but the Pope's representatives have repeatedly said that the Inquisition is not what it used to be, it is not so much a court dealing with religious affairs, it is better to say that it is a police court, and the burning has been abolished, we this time Making a special treaty with the Holy See also involves judiciary. The kidnapped Pope Secretary of State is not a timid person. On the contrary, my uncle Fish was completely controlled by him. He negotiated with us one by one. I think I There is a reason why my uncle can't be a cardinal. Even if I support him behind the scenes, I can't let the pope reign above the world again, and I can't let Louis XVIII return to the land of the French, but I won't let them When I come back, the others will focus their hatred on me. I can only rely on the soldiers, and now the soldiers are against me. This time the booty from Portugal has made them very jealous. My battle plan is to make Lucien and Godot Yi pretended to attack and asked Saint-Cyr to land in Lisbon from the sea with soldiers from the port of Naples, Italy, but the British had received news in advance to stop him. The Portuguese royal family picked up..."

"You suspect that I have revealed your battle plan?" Georgiana interrupted him again.

"Your husband is a super spy." Napoleon said with a wry smile, "every time he stabs me where it hurts the most."

"Then do you regret offending him?"

Leon admired Georgiana's body and shook his head firmly.


"Because I'm not Dorpe, I will only shout to retreat when my life is threatened. The alliance between France and Sardinia is like a giant embracing a dwarf. If the giant hugs the dwarf to death, it is not the former's original intention, but the physical difference between the two sides is too great. Well, your charms drove me out of my mind, and I did some rude things..."

"Just being rude?" she cut him off again, excitedly.

"Now that I think about it carefully, the reason why you were invited to the river that day was because of my letters." Napoleon continued, "You feel my sincerity. I didn't use olive branches as a disguise to lure you. I just made a mistake." It's a mistake any young man makes."

"You want to apologize to me?"

"No, I won't apologize for what I did that day." He shook his head firmly.

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"You are a wise woman, come and tell me, what have you heard?"

"You flattering liar." She covered herself again with the cloth.

"You slap me when I'm rude to you, and you seduce me when I'm polite. I don't understand what you, or you women, are thinking?" Napoleon stood up.

"Where are you going so late?"

"Go take a shower, are you coming?"

She would never bathe with Louis XIV in the bath where he lay with his mistress.

"Georgianna, do you think I'm dirty?" Leon said weakly.

She thought of the Prussian queen who despised him for being dirty, and the purgatory on earth that he didn't describe carefully, and she was caught in a dilemma.

He turned and left.

"I didn't look down on you!" She jumped off the bed and explained hastily.

He looked back at her.

"What you said is a war crime." She said painfully, "That is unforgivable."

"What your husband committed was also a war crime. Have you ever thought how many people would starve to death if he destroyed the granary?" Napoleon said indifferently, "not to mention the riots caused by it. The pain that our country has suffered in the past ten years may even repeat itself. , why he can be forgiven, but I can't?"

She is confused.

"I gave peace and they killed my messenger and dishonored his body. If I don't do something, it will affect the honor and morale of my army. It will be a stain on my uniform. Tell me, Georgiana, How am I going to tell that soldier's mother how her son died?"

She didn't know how to answer this question.

"You once said it was an honor to let my soldiers lift the levers of the sleds that were stuck in the snow, but you don't seem to understand what an honor is, and I'll be sleeping in another room from tonight until you figure it out Let's talk again, we are very congenial with each other, but if you can't fully accept me, then let's stop here, my heart can't go through another pain."

He rubbed his nose, gritted his teeth, and said, "Women in Paris think they can do whatever they like, do London women do the same?"

"I'm not willful." She said aggrievedly.

"I know, this is the sad thing about me and him, you are very good to us, this kind of fairness has become an extremely disgraceful thing, only a thick-skinned person will endure it, if what I just said touched Your bottom line, then you also touched my bottom line, I can't share a woman with another man."

"It's you...it's all you..." She was so angry that she wanted to tear him apart.

He was so unmoved that she let her pull.

"I once said at Rousseau's tomb that neither he nor I should be born for the sake of the peace of France. Are you also wishing for me to die now?"

She is quiet.

The so-called tough guy does not necessarily have to be the male star with muscular body or strong facial lines in the movie. This short guy with a Greek nose and deep-set eyes can also be tough.

"You think I hate you?" she quivered.

"No, I think you love me. Why didn't you leave that day at the Opera House? Waiting for those mercenaries to come back and put irons on you?"


"We all did things we didn't think about carefully, which led to the current situation. Machiavelli wrote in the book that Louis XI abolished the infantry system and hired Swiss, so that they thought that if there were no Swiss, it would be impossible. Can't win battles, and every one of my soldiers thinks they can win battles on their own, do you think I should forgive those rebels?"

"I don't know...will you commit war crimes in the future?" she said through tears.

Bonaparte did not answer her question this time.

He threw his arms around her and let her cry in his arms.

"I know that you are a woman who can tolerate dirt. You can even turn the dung mountains outside the city into gold mines. Do you think I am not as good as those dung?"

Georgiana was crying all the time, as if she was dying.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into hell, Angel," he said softly, "but you chose truth over happiness, and I hope you're as happy as Josephine."

She thought of Hogwarts, the Black Lake, the mountains, the Whooping Willows, and the castle by the lake, which was as beautiful as a painting.

Once there was a girl who ran carefree in the corridors of the castle, where did she go?

By the way, she was hijacked by Hades driving a chariot. He took her to the underworld and made her fall in love with him.

The poor girl was jealous of the maid who attracted Hades' attention, and turned the maid into mint.

"How about going to Rambouillet to-morrow?" said Leon softly. "It's very clean. I think you'll like it."

"No," she answered at once, "don't try to be a deserter, Bonaparte."

He sighed and said with gloom all over his body, "Can't I take a breath?"

"If you want to rest, you have to pay the military salary. I won't take such a big hidden danger with me."

"The tax can't be collected, how can it be paid!" He yelled angrily.

"I'll talk to you after you take a shower." She pushed the Corsican out of the bedroom and slammed the door in his face.

"Look at you, what kind of eyes do you have?" She said with a smile.

But as long as she thought that this war criminal had many admirers and had a high reputation in Europe, she would feel at ease.

"If I knew it, I would have daydreamed about a Muggle movie star."

She turned her face and cursed, while fastening the clothes on her body.

What kind of blindness is that Polish woman to be so devoted to this scum of hell?

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she began to push down the things in the room. After venting, she felt much more comfortable.

This is the result of not thinking about things with your brain. The wine bottle has been opened, and even the bitter wine must be drunk.

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