Compared with the heavily guarded Grand Trianon Palace, the Petit Trianon Palace has only two old women and a few guards who are some distance away from the palace. It seems that it is easy to succeed.

However, it was very close to the great barracks at Versailles after all, so Severus didn't make too much noise.

Like a ray of tangible ghost, he floated into the balcony on the second floor where Antoinette used to stay, and then broke into the queen's room so easily.

Napoleon's mother, Letizia, did not know where to go. He went to the first floor again and saw a maid in the dining room.

He raised his wand to the maid, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a small medicine bottle on a cupboard.

The potion master immediately reached out and took it over, put it under the hooked nose and smelled it, and then immediately showed a look of sudden realization.

"You shouldn't be involved in Muggle wars, wizard." The maid said with her back to Severus. "It's against the International Statute of Secrecy."

Severus sneered, he regained his usual self-confidence at this moment, and said slowly, "Who are you?"

The maid turned her head, revealing Camula's face.

"I won't go without taking her. You guys are so low that you used this thing on her." Severus pinched the vial.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Camula said with some horror.

"Where is your mistress?"

"I won't tell you."

Severus laughed. "I can find her after I kill you. You're useless to Napoleon."

"I'm like his other mother. If you want to do something, take me away."

The smile on Severus' face disappeared.

"You already have so much, why do you want to take away what others have?"

"Do you want money?"

"Do I look like a robber?"

"Tell me what you want? I might be able to help you."

Severus was silent for a while. "Who the hell are you, and how do you know about the International Statute of Secrecy?"

Camilla didn't answer.

Severus raised his wand up.

Camilla covered her head with her hands in horror.

"She doesn't know anything." The voice just now said, "Come out, I'll tell you."

Severus glanced at Camura in surprise, turned and left the house full of French countryside.

"Where are you?" Severus said loudly.

A silver-white gazelle patron appeared by the creek.

Severus followed the gazelle into the forest. There was a gorgeous baroque gazebo by the clear pool, and a woman in a black cloak was standing in front of the gazebo.

"Who are you?"

The woman took off her hood, revealing a beautiful face.

"You can call me Ms. Cassandra."

"Cassandra? What, Cassandra?"

"That's right, that prophet Cassandra." She said with a smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Stop you from doing stupid things."

"You know what I want to do?"

"You want to trade Napoleon's mother for your love, don't you?" Cassandra said. Get out of this world."

"This world was created by Napoleon Bonaparte?" Severus asked. "And how did you get in?"

"I can get prophecies from dreams."

"If you want to continue talking nonsense, I don't have time." He took the phial in his hand. "First the Imperius Curse, then the Love Potion, the French way of getting love is really noble."

After speaking, he threw the bottle of medicine into the small pond.

"Do you know what this is?" Ms. Cassandra said.

Severus turned and left.

"This is the Temple of Love. You can also think of it as the court of the God of Love. Please answer honestly. Is the reason why you are so angry because your opponent is a Muggle?"

"You are a prophet, why do you meddle in Cupid's business?"

"Don't forget how you lost your first love, Half-Blood Prince, you look down on Muggles in your bones, don't you?"

"That's right." Severus smiled. "What Bonaparte did makes me look down even more."

"I have already warned you that arrogance and hatred will make you lose your rational judgment. The French pure-blood nobles have already designed a trap for you. If you go now, you will only fall into the trap."

"I'm running out of time!" Severus yelled excitedly. "She's going to be stuck in this place forever like everyone else!"

"Then shouldn't you find a way to retain the passage into this world?" Cassandra said, "Where is the person who brought you to this world?"

Severus' eyes widened.

"That elf." He said nervously.

"Ten minutes is not too difficult for it to wait, it just needs to wait until the sunrise, and then it can go back to be a house elf." Cassandra said, "Don't forget the house elf of the Black family, how does it keep Master killed him."

"How do I leave?"

Cassandra pointed to a pool of water behind Severus.

"How many times can this passage be used?" Severus asked.

No one answered him, he turned his head to look at where Cassandra was standing just now, and she had disappeared.

He can choose to jump directly into that pond and leave this world.

Head Slytherin, however, walked towards the Grand Trianon.

His steps were firm and steady, and he looked like a fighter heading to a duel.

==================================================== ==============

The human nervous system is very interesting. When your attention is not on hunger, you will often not feel hungry. You will not be able to concentrate until your stomach is empty, your intestines start to wriggle and make a grunting sound. Those who work are noticing hunger.

However, when you only notice hunger, you feel really hungry, so hungry that no matter how much you eat, you won't be full.

Or it is pain, the more you pay attention to the pain, the more tense the muscles are, the more painful it is, and it seems that the pain is not so painful after you distract your attention.

People who are chronically hungry simply don't know that they can't eat too much at one time, and they will be stuffed to death if they eat too much.

If they are not given food, they feel pain and even cry because of it.

If at this time the benevolent woman's benevolence gives them food, it will harm them.

So harden your heart and ignore the entreaties of those people.

At this time, misunderstandings are easy to arise. People who are not satisfied think that the benefactor is a bad person, and once the prejudice is formed, it is very difficult to explain it. In this way, the purpose of winning people's hearts by giving will not be achieved, but will arouse a lot of resentment.

Even so, selfishness comes first, and then you will consider other people's feelings.

The more desperate a person is, the more ruthless and malicious they tend to be.

She knew that Napoleon was by no means a public-minded person as he had just told his mother. If he was really a public servant, he wouldn't have so many luxurious houses.

For a soldier in his prime, he has everything else, and only one thing remains.

He was like a famished man who knew no temperance, and Georgiana could not refuse him. Rejecting him will inevitably cause misunderstandings, and God knows what associations he will have.

Yes, she was Georgiana now, not Pomona, the schoolmistress associated with the wizarding world and the chaste wizarding school, so she would feel better about herself.

The water that washes dirty things will become dirty by itself, and she is a very dirty woman.

"Georgiana, I love you," she heard someone whisper in her ear.

Perhaps it was not she who he loved at all, but a phantom in his mind, like those soldiers who thought they were following a prince who was martial, arrogant, cruel, and greedy.

Force means strength, but being close to the people requires gentleness and humility.

Machiavelli said that emperors who tried to control soldiers and people always perished.

Napoleon, a greedy ghost, not only wanted to control the soldiers and the people, but also wanted fame. He wanted everything, as if it was not enough, but he didn't know how many people's rights he had violated in the process of asking.

It was a common fault of people who went from rags to riches, and Severus managed it fairly well, perhaps because Albus held the reins for him.

what's on your mind? That person is dead, and all you've seen all this time is a haunted ghost.

She will mourn for him all her life, but she seems to be beginning a new life.

The sudden explosion outside the window woke her up. Not far away, a fireball rose into the sky, which looked like a large incendiary bomb.

Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon emerged from the fireball, a burning basilisk to be precise, and it was crawling towards the Grand Tria Palace.

"Get off my shackles!" she said anxiously.

"This is a man's business, you don't need to worry about it." General Bonaparte put on his nightgown naked, and took his sword.

"These things are useless to him!"

Napoleon in the firelight looked back at her, "It's it, not him, you used the wrong word."

"Please don't hurt him."

Napoleon acted as if he hadn't heard, and went out with his command knife.

Not long after, a woman with long black curly hair walked in, dressed in the clothes of the new aristocrats, curtseying gracefully to Georgiana.

"Good night, ma'am, I am Caroline Lestrange, and I will keep you safe from this day forward," said the woman.

"You can unshackle me."

"That's not what His Majesty said."

"He's not a king."

"For us wizards, the new era is actually the same as the old era, and the only thing we need to worry about is the scavengers." Caroline stared into her eyes and said, "Do you think I'm right? Queen."

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