Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1264 badass

If a person is hungry for too long, he will be so hungry that he wants to eat and can eat anything.

The Corsican came to his mother's house for dinner, and the way he ate was horrible, as if he had been starved in the army.

When eating at his mother's house, no one will gossip about how rich he eats, and his mother will not prepare a table of delicious food when he comes home.

Georgiana had no appetite for the home-cooked Corsican dish of beef balls in front of her.

It's not that the appearance of the dish is horrible, or that the taste is strange, but the current atmosphere.

It's not uncommon for her to see parents, but that's when she sees the children's parents as a teacher, not by the parents like now.

She had heard of the reputation of Napoleon's mother. She still maintained the demeanor before Napoleon's fortune and lived the traditional life of the Corsicans. Letizia has only one maid, and she is also Napoleon's nanny, Camula Hilari, a boatman's wife, she is as good to Napoleon as her own flesh and blood, holding the face of the First Consul of France, Kissing passionately, Napoleon spoke to her in Corsican, which Georgiana could not understand, while eating.

Letizia's house doesn't look like a woman's either. There is a gun hanging on the wall. According to Napoleon, she joined the guerrillas when she was young. At that time, she was holding Joseph and Napoleon in the mountains and jungles of Corsica. fight.

Perhaps only such a brave mother can give birth to a son like Napoleon, but Letizia is a very beautiful woman, and Napoleon's Greek nose is inherited from her.

From the moment Georgiana saw Letizia, she thought of Neville Longbottom's grandmother, Augusta, a staid, conservative and traditional pure-blood aristocratic woman. In other words, this kind of woman is very difficult to get along with. When Letizia looked at Georgiana, the latter did not dare to say a word or a word. In this tense atmosphere, she can eat dinner. Weird thing.

Letizia was 15 years old when she got married and 19 years old when she gave birth to Napoleon, which means she is 49 years old this year, and she is the same age as Pomona.

If Letizia knew that her son was with this female monster who appeared to be about 20 years old but could actually be his mother, she would not know how she would feel.

This is why Georgiana hates Veela blood. The "preservation" period is too long and can deceive young guys. If she has wrinkles on her face like Letizia, no matter how beautiful they are, they will not follow her. Seeing the honey, ants swarmed here.

No matter what age men like young and beautiful women, if they can't find beautiful ones, young ones are acceptable.

Yes, the old professor realized at this time that Napoleon could be her son, and she was actually with a young man who could be her son...

"Miss Georgiana, where are your parents?" Letizia asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I haven't seen them since I was born," Georgiana answered immediately.

"So you're an illegitimate child," Letizia asked.

"That's right." Georgiana answered simply.

"I don't mind her origin." Napoleon said proudly aside, "I like her very much."

"So are you going to divorce that French woman?" Letizia asked.


"Then why did you bring her to see me!" Letizia said fiercely, "If you don't divorce that woman, you can never marry another woman."

"I have the opposite opinion with you. I don't support him divorcing Josephine." Georgiana said calmly, "Your son is a good man, and a good man shouldn't do such a thing like abandoning his wife who was good to him after he became great. "

Everyone in the room looked at her.

"I value a person's inner qualities, Madame Bonaparte, and I can't accept a man who, like Henry VIII, keeps killing his wife in order to have a son, and I have no fertility. Suitable to be the wife of His Excellency Bonaparte who needs an heir, in fact, I don't even know why I came here..."

"Shut up!" threatened Napoleon, in a way so frightening that Georgiana immediately shut up.

"I brought her here for you to meet. It doesn't matter whether you accept me or not." Napoleon said.

"You've said this before, and you said the same thing to the last woman. What happened?" Letizia said angrily, "This one is even worse. I've heard it all here."

"I want to find a woman who obeys the rules." Napoleon said. "She is so loyal to her ex-husband, she will treat me just as well. You said you loved me."

"When?" said Georgiana, transfixed.

"Just now in the carriage."

Georgiana angrily wanted to slap him.

"We'll have a secret wedding, and you'll treat her as my second wife."

"Great Lord Bonaparte, are you going to start polygamy?" Letizia said, patting the table.

"I will not divorce Josephine," Napoleon repeated. "But I also want to be with Georgiana. Nothing will stop me, not even a hundred thousand troops."

"What about you?" Leticia asked Georgiana.

She didn't know what to say.

"Are you still thinking about him?" Napoleon said blankly, "What did he give you?"

"You are dressed in black, and you are a widow?" Camilla asked.

"He died in the field," Napoleon answered for Georgiana.

"Who was that guy at the ball?" Camilla asked.

"A ghost," said Napoleon.

Georgiana once again marveled at His Excellency Napoleon's ability to turn black and white, and he himself was the dead man.

"I've heard, ma'am, that some ghosts haunt the living." Camilla looked at Letizia and said, "We've all gone to hell."

"No! He's still alive!" Georgiana stood up and said to the people who seemed to be skeptical.

Letizia's eyes were full of sympathy.

"I understand, sometimes I think that Charles is still there." Letizia said, clutching her chest, "The life of raising children alone is more tiring than fighting. Do you have children?"

"There was one who lost her child and fertility because of dystocia." Napoleon replied for her again, "The heir is involved in political issues, don't worry about it."

"Can't you find a woman of good birth who can bear you children?" cried Georgiana.

"I have thought about it," said Napoleon seriously, "but what if the child she bears is as useless as Louis XVI?"

In the dead silence, he turned his gaze to Letizia, "What if that woman is like Marie Antoinette? Mom."

"You think she's different from Antoinette?" Letizia looked at Georgiana.

"She likes me, even though she knows she has betrayed her husband." Napoleon smiled confidently. "She would rather die than betray him."

Georgiana slapped Bonaparte and stood up to leave, but he forced her to sit down.

"Even if the truth is ugly, she will choose the truth instead of false happiness. Do you think this quality is smart or stupid?"

"Why do you like my son so much?" Letizia asked Georgiana, "Is it because he is the first ruler? Or is it because he is rich?"

"We have common ideals," said Napoleon. "Obviously, her husband is not such an idealist."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with focusing on the practical."

"I know what sacrifices you have made for the future of me and Joseph, mother, this is the reason why I treat you well, not just because you are my mother, people can't patronize bread when they live, and I didn't join the army to get a job It is an errand to make ends meet, if a person just sleeps and shouts, he will not get bread, I am a lion awake, I want to find a companion of the same kind."

"Isn't that French woman your kind?" Letizia asked again, and Napoleon was speechless.

"I see." Georgiana smiled sweetly, "Josephine makes you unable to analyze and think, right?"

"And you too." Napoleon rubbed his eyes, "If France doesn't become a strong and friendly government, then France may have to relive the pain it has suffered in the past. Josephine doesn't want to relive it. Although she Not like you, but she has experienced those sufferings, and she understands some truths."

Pomona instantly understood what Napoleon's criteria for choosing a mate were.

All for France.

"I hope to leave a reputation to future generations, so that my successor can be used as a good example, or as a derogatory term. The great disaster of a country lies in the weak executive power. I have only one purpose in governing, that is, the prosperity of France. There is no other purpose. Since God sent me two barren women, I will no longer force my own flesh and blood. I don’t know how much effort it took to subdue this woman. Hortense always helped me, sometimes even against her mother, who wanted Georgiana to stay in the family, what do you think?"

"Go back after dinner, I don't welcome you here." Letizia stood up and left the restaurant.

"I'm full, how about you?" Napoleon asked Georgiana.

"My husband is a superpower," whispered Georgiana.

"I know." Napoleon smiled triumphantly, "Let's go."

She looked at her second husband and thought he might not have understood the pun she had just said.

"He's not dead," Pomona said. "He's alive. He'll do anything if you make him angry."

Napoleon looked at her sympathetically, held her head and kissed her, then took her hand and left the Petit Trianon Palace.

Camula glanced at the food that Georgiana had barely touched, shook her head helplessly, and began to clear the table.

After leaving the cabin, they first saw a vast fertile land and the guards standing guard at the door. When they saw Napoleon appearing, they immediately got on their horses and were ready to go at any time.

"How about we run back?" asked Napoleon.

"Unshackle me," said Georgiana.

"There is no chain between the shackles. If you win the race, I will untie it for you."

After speaking, the Corsican dwarf ran away as if cheating.

"Stop!" She yelled angrily, and started to run wildly with her skirts in hand. The two of them looked like uneducated country folks, not like the First Consul of France and a lady.

The guards followed carefully, and the war horse took dancing steps, which looked more elegant than the two "savages" on the contrary.

On the way back, she was so happy that she almost forgot that Napoleon could be her son, and frolicked all the way back to the Grand Trianon like a real young man.

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